Releases: SignalK/freeboard-sk
Fix: Issue where config loaded from server not correctly displayed in Settings screen.
Fix: Apply resource selections after config loaded from server.
This pre-release preloads map tiles to zoom level 15.
Added: Display ResourceSet data from user-defined resoource paths.
Added: Upload data to user-defined resoource paths.
Update: Consolidate resource layer display under one toolbar button.
Update: Moved Load GeoJSON and Tracks display out from under experiments.
Update: Move chart re-ordering to within the chart list (closes #88).
Added: Display of path line between
and destination (nextPoint
). -
Added: Additional vessel trail settings to select the length of trail retrieved from the server.
Added: Setting to enable / disable close button on map popovers.
Added: Setting to enable / disable double click to zoom the map.
Fix: Issue where default world map was not displayed if server returned no charts.
Fix: Remove map rotate interactions to ensure map orientation remains correct.
Fix: Delta message handling to cater for meta deltas (server v1.37).
Added: Configuration setting to hide vessel wind vectors.
Added: Configuration setting to select position display format.
Added: Storing user Settings on the server.
Settings are stored on the server automatically when user is logged in.
Settings from the server are applied:
- During Freeboard startup (if user is already authenticated on the server)
- After Log In or Changing User via the Freeboard UI.
Update: Re-order route points by drag and drop within route Points screen.
Update: Version 1.7 of signalk-client-angular which adds support for
API in node-server v1.27.0.