layout title date page_sections blocks Lyrics template block navigation logo navigation-header header-1 link link_text / Home link link_text /projects Projects /uploads/2020/10/19/logo-silas-niewierra.png template block background_image image headline content cta hero-banner-w-image hero-2 /uploads/2018/06/21/hero-2-bg.png image alt_text /uploads/2020/10/17/hero-lyrics.png Lyrics Hero Banner <strong>Lyrics<br></strong>analyze your favorite songs enabled url button_text false template block headline content slug 1-column-text one-column-1 About Lyrics Have you ever wondered how creative your favorite artists really are? Lyrics is the answer, kind of. It allows users to search an artist, select one or more songs and get a visual representation, a word cloud, of the most common words among these songs.<br><br>Check out Lyrics: <a href="" title=""></a> template block image_1 image_2 2-column-media-element media-2 image caption /uploads/2020/10/19/detail-lyrics-landing.PNG image caption /uploads/2020/10/19/detail-lyrics-analysis.PNG template block headline content slug 1-column-text one-column-1 TechStack Vue.js ● Vuetify ● Node.js ● REST ● Heroku ● Detect Language API ● Musixmatch API ● Illustrator ● Photoshop template block content simple-footer footer-1 Made with ❤︎ in Germany