It is fairly easy to modify the plastic part of the clip by trimming / shaving small amounts of plastic away using a craft knife or other sharp blade
This picture is intended to be a helpful reference to show what is required.
- The green is highlighting where the spring contacts are, for contrast.
- Be aware that depending on your pin configuration, it may be a bad idea to let the opposing contacts touch each other when no PCB is mounted! So take care when you are trimming plastic not to take too much off in one go.
- The plastic in the cyan box is the main area which needs to be trimmed.
- Depending on the moulding of your clip, you may also need to trim plastic in the magenta box.
- The claws which locate the clip in the PCB holes are in the orange box. Normally they would not be amended but a flex cable may require removing one pin from an opposing pair, to allow the clip to press its contacts down on the pads adequately.