- Getting started with HDL program using Icarus Simulator
- Understand basic Verilog language primitives (e.g. module, datatypes, identifiers, vectors, registers, keywords etc. )
- To understand the various types of modeling
- a Hardware Description Language (HDL)
- Didgital designer uses it to describe designs at a higher level of abstractions - architectural, behavioral and lower levels - gate and switch levels and simulate them b4 commiting to fabrication
- at a point of time, multiple modules could be running, we are simulating hardware
- components are designed inside module
- structural and behavioral statements
- module name is optional in syntax for primitives (and/or/not), but for user-defined modules, it is necessary
- timescale is a directive used to define unit and precision of time measurement
- like 15cm scale me 1cm = unit, 1mm = precision
- Gate level modeling
- close to actual circuit
- define things in terms of gates
- Data Flow
- acc to how data flows between registers and how a design processes data rather than instantiation of gates
- expressions and operators
- Behavioral
- highest level of abstraction
- algo type
- testing the design
- in gen, input becomes reg, and output becomes wire