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  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with docker_ddc
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The Docker Data Center (DDC) module helps with setting up a Univeral Control plane (UCP) and Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) clusters.

Module Description

This module provides 2 classes, docker_ddc and docker_ddc::dtr, which uses the official docker/ucp or docker/dtr containers to bootstrap a UCP/DTR controller, or join a node to at existing UCP/DTR.


The module assumes Docker is already installed on the host. If you would like to do that with Puppet look at the Docker module.

You can install the module using the Puppet module tool like so:

puppet module install puppetlabs/docker_ddc


The included class has two modes of operation:

Installing a Controller

class { 'docker_ddc':
  controller => true,

This will install a UCP controller using Docker, with the default admin/orca username and password. Remember to login and change the password once UCP is up and running.

The class takes a number of parameters, depending on your specific setup. Consult the UCP documentation for details of this options.

class { 'docker_ddc':
  controller                => true,
  host_address              => ::ipaddress_eth1,
  version                   => '1.0.0',
  usage                     => false,
  tracking                  => false,
  subject_alternative_names => ::ipaddress_eth1,
  external_ca               => false,
  swarm_scheduler           => 'binpack',
  swarm_port                => 19001,
  controller_port           => 19002,
  preserve_certs            => true,
  docker_socket_path        => '/var/run/docker.sock',
  license_file              => '/etc/docker/subscription.lic',

Note that license_file option will only work with versions of UCP later than 0.8.0.

Joining a Node to UCP

Version =< 1

You can use the same class on another node to join it to an existing UCP.

class { 'docker_ddc':
  ucp_url     => '',
  fingerprint => 'the-ucp-fingerprint-for-your-install',

The default username and password are used, so it's likely that you'll need to provide those in parameters. The class also takes a number of other parameters useful for joininng. Again these should map to the options in the official UCP documetation.

class { 'docker_ddc':
  ucp_url                   => '',
  fingerprint               => 'the-ucp-fingerprint-for-your-install',
  username                  => 'admin',
  password                  => 'orca',
  host_address              => ::ipaddress_eth1,
  subject_alternative_names => ::ipaddress_eth1,
  replica                   => true,
  version                   => '0.8.0',
  usage                     => false,
  tracking                  => false,

Version 2 and above

In UCP version 2 Docker has changed the underlying cluster scheduler from Swarm legacy to Swarm mode, because of that change the join flags have also changed. To join to a v2 manager (formally a controller in v1) please use the following:

class { 'docker_ddc':
  version => '2.1.0',
  token => 'Your join token here',
  listen_address => '',
  advertise_address => '',
  ucp_manager => '',

Installing a Docker Trusted Registry

To install a Docker trusted registry (DTR) on to your UCP cluster, please see the following example.

docker_ddc::dtr {'Dtr install':
  install => true,
  dtr_version => 'latest',
  dtr_external_url => '',
  ucp_node => 'ucp-04',
  ucp_username => 'admin',
  ucp_password => 'orca4307',
  ucp_insecure_tls => true,
  dtr_ucp_url => '',
  require => Class['docker_ucp'] 

In this example we are setting the install => true this tells Puppet we want to configure a new registry. We set the dtr_version, this can be any version of the registry that is compatible with your UCP cluster. The dtr_external_url is the URL you will use to hit the registry, ucp_node is the node in the cluster that the registry will run on, user name and password are self explanatory. ucp_insecure_tls => true allows the use of self signed SSL certs, this should be set to false in a production environment. dtr_ucp_url is the URL that the registry will use to contact the UCP cluster.

Joining a replica to your Docker Trusted Registry Cluster

To join a replica to your DTR cluster please see the following example.

docker_ddc::dtr {'Dtr install':
  join => true,
  dtr_version => 'latest',
  ucp_node => 'ucp-03',
  ucp_username => 'admin',
  ucp_password => 'orca4307',
  ucp_insecure_tls => true,
  dtr_ucp_url => '',
  require => [ Class['docker_ucp'] 

In this example we set mostly the same flags as installing the initial install. The main difference is that we have used the join flag not the install flag. Please note you can not use install and join in the same block of Puppet code.

To remove your Docker Trusted Registry.

To remove the DTR from your UCP cluster you need to pass some flags, the flags are the same as the install flags, except we are setting ensure => 'absent'

docker_ddc::dtr {'Dtr install':
    ensure => 'absent',
    dtr_version => 'latest',
    dtr_external_url => '',
    ucp_node => 'ucp-04',
    ucp_username => 'admin',
    ucp_password => 'orca4307',
    ucp_insecure_tls => true,
    dtr_ucp_url => '',


This module only supports UCP version 1.9 and above. UCP only supports RHEL 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 and CentOS 7.1


This module is maintained by:

The cloud and containers team.