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API definition to working together with smart_inventory

Pages framework

Register page

To get own page in smart_inventory the next register method should be used

                name             = string,
                icon             = string,
                label            = string,
                tooltip          = string,
                smartfs_callback = function,
                sequence         = number,
                on_button_click  = function,
                is_visible_func  = function,
  • name - unique short name, used for identification
  • icon - Image displayed on page button. Optional
  • label - Label displayed on page button. Optional
  • tooltip - Text displayed at mouseover on the page button. Optional
  • smartfs_callback(state) - smartfs callback function See smartfs documentation and existing pages implementations for reference.
  • sequence - The buttons are sorted by this number (crafting=10, creative=15, player=20)
  • on_button_click(state) - function called each page button click
  • is_visible_func(state) - function for dynamic page enabelling. Should return bool value.

Get the definition for registered smart_inventory page


Get smartfs state for players inventory

smart_inventory.get_player_state(playername) Get the root smartfs state for players inventory. Note: In workbench mode the function return nil if the player does not have the form open

Get smartfs state for a registered page in players inventory

smart_inventory.get_page_state(pagename, playername)

Filter framework

Smart_inventory uses a filter-framework for dynamic grouping in creative and crafting page. The filter framework allow to register additional classify filters for beter dynamic grouping results. Maybe the framework will be moved to own mod in the feature if needed. Please note the smart_inventory caches all results at init time so static groups only allowed. The groups will not be re-checked at runtime.

Register new filter

                name             = string,
                check_item_by_def      = function,
                get_description   = function,
                get_keyword       = function,
                is_valid     = function,
  • name - unique filter name
  • check_item_by_def(fltobj, itemdef) - function to check the item classify by item definition. Item definition is the reference to minetest.registered_items[item] entry next return values allowed:
    • true -> direct (belongs to) assignment to the classify group named by filtername
    • string -> dimension, steps splitted by ":" (a:b:c:d results in filtername, filtername:a, filtername:a:b, filtername:a:b:c, filtername:a:b:c:d)
    • key/value table -> multiple groups assignment. Values could be dimensions as above ({a,b} results in filtername, filtername:a, filtername:b)
    • nil -> no group assingment by this filter
  • get_description(fltobj, group) - optional - get human readable description for the dimension string (filtername:a:b:c)
  • get_keyword(fltobj, group) - get string that should be used for searches or nil if the group should not used in for searches
  • is_valid(fltobj, groupname) - Check if the groupname is valid. By default all groups are valid

Filter Object methods

smart_inventory.filter.get(name) get filter object by registered name. Returns filter object fltobj

  • fltobj:check_item_by_name(itemname) classify by itemname (wrapper for check_item_by_def)
  • fltobj:check_item_by_def(def) classify by item definition
  • fltobj:get_description(group) get group description
  • fltobj:get_keyword(group) get string that should be used for searches

Cache framework

cache.register_on_cache_filled(function, parameter) - hook to call additional initializations after the cache is filled

Crecipes framework

The should be used trough cache.register_on_cache_filled to be sure all items are already known crecipes.add_recipes_from_list(recipeslist) - Add Custom-Type Recipes to the smart inventory database

Example usage for cache and crecipe

if minetest.global_exists("smart_inventory") then
	-- add grinder recipes to smart inventory database
	local crecipes = smart_inventory.crecipes
	local cache = smart_inventory.cache
	local function fill_citem_recipes()
		local recipelist = {}
		for _, e in ipairs(crushingfurnace_receipes) do
			table.insert(recipelist, {
					output = e[2],
					items = {e[1]},
					type = "grinding"