From 2e65efccc54700c661430dad740aca216c26b5c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rtm516 Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 06:01:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Fix support for newer TS versions and update depends (#4) * Update package.json for new TS versions * Update package.json URLs * Update depends * Export schema * Mark scene and controls as accessible but read only * Update wintersky * Update package.json for consistent capitalization --------- Co-authored-by: Liam Hanrahan <> --- dist/Animations/Animation.d.ts | 4 +- dist/main.d.ts | 6 +- dist/ | 1714 +++++++++++++------------------- dist/model-viewer.umd.js | 2 +- lib/Animations/Animation.ts | 6 +- lib/main.ts | 7 +- package-lock.json | 954 ++++++++++-------- package.json | 26 +- 8 files changed, 1251 insertions(+), 1468 deletions(-) diff --git a/dist/Animations/Animation.d.ts b/dist/Animations/Animation.d.ts index 5ef99af..532d522 100644 --- a/dist/Animations/Animation.d.ts +++ b/dist/Animations/Animation.d.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { MoLang } from 'molang'; +import { Molang } from 'molang'; import { ISingleAnimation, TBoneModifier } from '../Schema/Animation'; import { SoundEffect } from './SoundEffect'; import { ParticleEffect } from './ParticleEffect'; @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export declare class Animation { 'query.delta_time': () => number; 'query.life_time': () => number; }; - protected molang: MoLang; + protected molang: Molang; protected soundEffects: SoundEffect; protected particleEffects: ParticleEffect; constructor(animator: Animator, animationData: ISingleAnimation); diff --git a/dist/main.d.ts b/dist/main.d.ts index 1efd9f7..43a8f4f 100644 --- a/dist/main.d.ts +++ b/dist/main.d.ts @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls'; import { Model } from './Model'; import { IGeoSchema } from './Schema/Model'; export { Model } from './Model'; +export * from './Schema/Model'; +export * from './Schema/Animation'; export interface IOptions { antialias?: boolean; width?: number; @@ -14,10 +16,10 @@ export declare class StandaloneModelViewer { protected options: IOptions; protected renderer: WebGLRenderer; protected model: Model; - protected scene: Scene; + readonly scene: Scene; protected camera: PerspectiveCamera; protected renderingRequested: boolean; - protected controls: OrbitControls; + readonly controls: OrbitControls; readonly loadedModel: Promise; constructor(canvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement, modelData: IGeoSchema, texturePath: string, options: IOptions); protected loadModel(): Promise; diff --git a/dist/ b/dist/ index 6e14cf5..6844197 100644 --- a/dist/ +++ b/dist/ @@ -1,178 +1,33 @@ -var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; -var __defProps = Object.defineProperties; -var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; -var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; -var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; -var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; -var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; -var __spreadValues = (a, b) => { - for (var prop in b || (b = {})) - if (, prop)) - __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); - if (__getOwnPropSymbols) - for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { - if (, prop)) - __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); - } - return a; -}; -var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b)); -import { EventDispatcher, Vector3, MOUSE, TOUCH, Quaternion, Spherical, Vector2, MathUtils, BufferGeometry, Group, BufferAttribute, Mesh, NearestFilter, MeshLambertMaterial, DoubleSide, LineBasicMaterial, BoxGeometry, EdgesGeometry, LineSegments, TextureLoader, WebGLRenderer, PerspectiveCamera, Scene, AmbientLight, Color, AxesHelper, GridHelper, BoxHelper, Box3, Sphere } from "three"; -import { MoLang } from "molang"; -import Wintersky from "wintersky"; -const _changeEvent = { type: "change" }; -const _startEvent = { type: "start" }; -const _endEvent = { type: "end" }; -class OrbitControls extends EventDispatcher { - constructor(object, domElement) { - super(); - if (domElement === void 0) - console.warn('THREE.OrbitControls: The second parameter "domElement" is now mandatory.'); - if (domElement === document) - console.error('THREE.OrbitControls: "document" should not be used as the target "domElement". Please use "renderer.domElement" instead.'); - this.object = object; - this.domElement = domElement; - = "none"; - this.enabled = true; - = new Vector3(); - this.minDistance = 0; - this.maxDistance = Infinity; - this.minZoom = 0; - this.maxZoom = Infinity; - this.minPolarAngle = 0; - this.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI; - this.minAzimuthAngle = -Infinity; - this.maxAzimuthAngle = Infinity; - this.enableDamping = false; - this.dampingFactor = 0.05; - this.enableZoom = true; - this.zoomSpeed = 1; - this.enableRotate = true; - this.rotateSpeed = 1; - this.enablePan = true; - this.panSpeed = 1; - this.screenSpacePanning = true; - this.keyPanSpeed = 7; - this.autoRotate = false; - this.autoRotateSpeed = 2; - this.keys = { LEFT: "ArrowLeft", UP: "ArrowUp", RIGHT: "ArrowRight", BOTTOM: "ArrowDown" }; - this.mouseButtons = { LEFT: MOUSE.ROTATE, MIDDLE: MOUSE.DOLLY, RIGHT: MOUSE.PAN }; - this.touches = { ONE: TOUCH.ROTATE, TWO: TOUCH.DOLLY_PAN }; - this.target0 =; - this.position0 = this.object.position.clone(); - this.zoom0 = this.object.zoom; - this._domElementKeyEvents = null; - this.getPolarAngle = function() { - return spherical.phi; - }; - this.getAzimuthalAngle = function() { - return spherical.theta; - }; - this.getDistance = function() { +import { EventDispatcher as Fe, Vector3 as I, MOUSE as F, TOUCH as D, Quaternion as fe, Spherical as ge, Vector2 as O, MathUtils as _, BufferGeometry as Te, Group as H, BufferAttribute as G, Mesh as Ae, NearestFilter as ye, MeshLambertMaterial as De, DoubleSide as we, LineBasicMaterial as He, BoxGeometry as Ge, EdgesGeometry as Xe, LineSegments as Be, TextureLoader as Ze, WebGLRenderer as Ke, PerspectiveCamera as Ve, Scene as qe, AmbientLight as Ce, Color as We, AxesHelper as $e, GridHelper as Qe, BoxHelper as Je, Box3 as et, Sphere as tt } from "three"; +import { Molang as ot } from "molang"; +import it from "wintersky"; +const be = { type: "change" }, $ = { type: "start" }, Ee = { type: "end" }; +class nt extends Fe { + constructor(o, i) { + super(), this.object = o, this.domElement = i, = "none", this.enabled = !0, = new I(), this.minDistance = 0, this.maxDistance = 1 / 0, this.minZoom = 0, this.maxZoom = 1 / 0, this.minPolarAngle = 0, this.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI, this.minAzimuthAngle = -1 / 0, this.maxAzimuthAngle = 1 / 0, this.enableDamping = !1, this.dampingFactor = 0.05, this.enableZoom = !0, this.zoomSpeed = 1, this.enableRotate = !0, this.rotateSpeed = 1, this.enablePan = !0, this.panSpeed = 1, this.screenSpacePanning = !0, this.keyPanSpeed = 7, this.autoRotate = !1, this.autoRotateSpeed = 2, this.keys = { LEFT: "ArrowLeft", UP: "ArrowUp", RIGHT: "ArrowRight", BOTTOM: "ArrowDown" }, this.mouseButtons = { LEFT: F.ROTATE, MIDDLE: F.DOLLY, RIGHT: F.PAN }, this.touches = { ONE: D.ROTATE, TWO: D.DOLLY_PAN }, this.target0 =, this.position0 = this.object.position.clone(), this.zoom0 = this.object.zoom, this._domElementKeyEvents = null, this.getPolarAngle = function() { + return r.phi; + }, this.getAzimuthalAngle = function() { + return r.theta; + }, this.getDistance = function() { return this.object.position.distanceTo(; - }; - this.listenToKeyEvents = function(domElement2) { - domElement2.addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown); - this._domElementKeyEvents = domElement2; - }; - this.saveState = function() { - scope.target0.copy(; - scope.position0.copy(scope.object.position); - scope.zoom0 = scope.object.zoom; - }; - this.reset = function() { -; - scope.object.position.copy(scope.position0); - scope.object.zoom = scope.zoom0; - scope.object.updateProjectionMatrix(); - scope.dispatchEvent(_changeEvent); - scope.update(); - state = STATE.NONE; - }; - this.update = function() { - const offset = new Vector3(); - const quat = new Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors(object.up, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); - const quatInverse = quat.clone().invert(); - const lastPosition = new Vector3(); - const lastQuaternion = new Quaternion(); - const twoPI = 2 * Math.PI; - return function update() { - const position = scope.object.position; - offset.copy(position).sub(; - offset.applyQuaternion(quat); - spherical.setFromVector3(offset); - if (scope.autoRotate && state === STATE.NONE) { - rotateLeft(getAutoRotationAngle()); - } - if (scope.enableDamping) { - spherical.theta += sphericalDelta.theta * scope.dampingFactor; - spherical.phi += sphericalDelta.phi * scope.dampingFactor; - } else { - spherical.theta += sphericalDelta.theta; - spherical.phi += sphericalDelta.phi; - } - let min = scope.minAzimuthAngle; - let max = scope.maxAzimuthAngle; - if (isFinite(min) && isFinite(max)) { - if (min < -Math.PI) - min += twoPI; - else if (min > Math.PI) - min -= twoPI; - if (max < -Math.PI) - max += twoPI; - else if (max > Math.PI) - max -= twoPI; - if (min <= max) { - spherical.theta = Math.max(min, Math.min(max, spherical.theta)); - } else { - spherical.theta = spherical.theta > (min + max) / 2 ? Math.max(min, spherical.theta) : Math.min(max, spherical.theta); - } - } - spherical.phi = Math.max(scope.minPolarAngle, Math.min(scope.maxPolarAngle, spherical.phi)); - spherical.makeSafe(); - spherical.radius *= scale; - spherical.radius = Math.max(scope.minDistance, Math.min(scope.maxDistance, spherical.radius)); - if (scope.enableDamping === true) { -, scope.dampingFactor); - } else { -; - } - offset.setFromSpherical(spherical); - offset.applyQuaternion(quatInverse); - position.copy(; - scope.object.lookAt(; - if (scope.enableDamping === true) { - sphericalDelta.theta *= 1 - scope.dampingFactor; - sphericalDelta.phi *= 1 - scope.dampingFactor; - panOffset.multiplyScalar(1 - scope.dampingFactor); - } else { - sphericalDelta.set(0, 0, 0); - panOffset.set(0, 0, 0); - } - scale = 1; - if (zoomChanged || lastPosition.distanceToSquared(scope.object.position) > EPS || 8 * (1 - > EPS) { - scope.dispatchEvent(_changeEvent); - lastPosition.copy(scope.object.position); - lastQuaternion.copy(scope.object.quaternion); - zoomChanged = false; - return true; - } - return false; + }, this.listenToKeyEvents = function(t) { + t.addEventListener("keydown", he), this._domElementKeyEvents = t; + }, this.saveState = function() { + e.target0.copy(, e.position0.copy(e.object.position), e.zoom0 = e.object.zoom; + }, this.reset = function() { +, e.object.position.copy(e.position0), e.object.zoom = e.zoom0, e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(), e.dispatchEvent(be), e.update(), s = n.NONE; + }, this.update = function() { + const t = new I(), a = new fe().setFromUnitVectors(o.up, new I(0, 1, 0)), E = a.clone().invert(), T = new I(), v = new fe(), U = 2 * Math.PI; + return function() { + const me = e.object.position; + t.copy(me).sub(, t.applyQuaternion(a), r.setFromVector3(t), e.autoRotate && s === n.NONE && M(j()), e.enableDamping ? (r.theta += h.theta * e.dampingFactor, r.phi += h.phi * e.dampingFactor) : (r.theta += h.theta, r.phi += h.phi); + let L = e.minAzimuthAngle, N = e.maxAzimuthAngle; + return isFinite(L) && isFinite(N) && (L < -Math.PI ? L += U : L > Math.PI && (L -= U), N < -Math.PI ? N += U : N > Math.PI && (N -= U), L <= N ? r.theta = Math.max(L, Math.min(N, r.theta)) : r.theta = r.theta > (L + N) / 2 ? Math.max(L, r.theta) : Math.min(N, r.theta)), r.phi = Math.max(e.minPolarAngle, Math.min(e.maxPolarAngle, r.phi)), r.makeSafe(), r.radius *= l, r.radius = Math.max(e.minDistance, Math.min(e.maxDistance, r.radius)), e.enableDamping === !0 ?, e.dampingFactor) :, t.setFromSpherical(r), t.applyQuaternion(E), me.copy(, e.object.lookAt(, e.enableDamping === !0 ? (h.theta *= 1 - e.dampingFactor, h.phi *= 1 - e.dampingFactor, g.multiplyScalar(1 - e.dampingFactor)) : (h.set(0, 0, 0), g.set(0, 0, 0)), l = 1, c || T.distanceToSquared(e.object.position) > f || 8 * (1 - > f ? (e.dispatchEvent(be), T.copy(e.object.position), v.copy(e.object.quaternion), c = !1, !0) : !1; }; - }(); - this.dispose = function() { - scope.domElement.removeEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu); - scope.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown); - scope.domElement.removeEventListener("pointercancel", onPointerCancel); - scope.domElement.removeEventListener("wheel", onMouseWheel); - scope.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove); - scope.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); - if (scope._domElementKeyEvents !== null) { - scope._domElementKeyEvents.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown); - } + }(), this.dispose = function() { + e.domElement.removeEventListener("contextmenu", ue), e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerdown", ae), e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointercancel", ce), e.domElement.removeEventListener("wheel", le), e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove", q), e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerup", C), e._domElementKeyEvents !== null && e._domElementKeyEvents.removeEventListener("keydown", he); }; - const scope = this; - const STATE = { + const e = this, n = { NONE: -1, ROTATE: 0, DOLLY: 1, @@ -182,681 +37,498 @@ class OrbitControls extends EventDispatcher { TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN: 5, TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE: 6 }; - let state = STATE.NONE; - const EPS = 1e-6; - const spherical = new Spherical(); - const sphericalDelta = new Spherical(); - let scale = 1; - const panOffset = new Vector3(); - let zoomChanged = false; - const rotateStart = new Vector2(); - const rotateEnd = new Vector2(); - const rotateDelta = new Vector2(); - const panStart = new Vector2(); - const panEnd = new Vector2(); - const panDelta = new Vector2(); - const dollyStart = new Vector2(); - const dollyEnd = new Vector2(); - const dollyDelta = new Vector2(); - const pointers = []; - const pointerPositions = {}; - function getAutoRotationAngle() { - return 2 * Math.PI / 60 / 60 * scope.autoRotateSpeed; + let s = n.NONE; + const f = 1e-6, r = new ge(), h = new ge(); + let l = 1; + const g = new I(); + let c = !1; + const p = new O(), y = new O(), b = new O(), A = new O(), d = new O(), w = new O(), m = new O(), P = new O(), R = new O(), u = [], Y = {}; + function j() { + return 2 * Math.PI / 60 / 60 * e.autoRotateSpeed; } - function getZoomScale() { - return Math.pow(0.95, scope.zoomSpeed); + function x() { + return Math.pow(0.95, e.zoomSpeed); } - function rotateLeft(angle) { - sphericalDelta.theta -= angle; + function M(t) { + h.theta -= t; } - function rotateUp(angle) { - sphericalDelta.phi -= angle; + function z(t) { + h.phi -= t; } - const panLeft = function() { - const v = new Vector3(); - return function panLeft2(distance, objectMatrix) { - v.setFromMatrixColumn(objectMatrix, 0); - v.multiplyScalar(-distance); - panOffset.add(v); + const X = function() { + const t = new I(); + return function(E, T) { + t.setFromMatrixColumn(T, 0), t.multiplyScalar(-E), g.add(t); }; - }(); - const panUp = function() { - const v = new Vector3(); - return function panUp2(distance, objectMatrix) { - if (scope.screenSpacePanning === true) { - v.setFromMatrixColumn(objectMatrix, 1); - } else { - v.setFromMatrixColumn(objectMatrix, 0); - v.crossVectors(scope.object.up, v); - } - v.multiplyScalar(distance); - panOffset.add(v); + }(), B = function() { + const t = new I(); + return function(E, T) { + e.screenSpacePanning === !0 ? t.setFromMatrixColumn(T, 1) : (t.setFromMatrixColumn(T, 0), t.crossVectors(e.object.up, t)), t.multiplyScalar(E), g.add(t); }; - }(); - const pan = function() { - const offset = new Vector3(); - return function pan2(deltaX, deltaY) { - const element = scope.domElement; - if (scope.object.isPerspectiveCamera) { - const position = scope.object.position; - offset.copy(position).sub(; - let targetDistance = offset.length(); - targetDistance *= Math.tan(scope.object.fov / 2 * Math.PI / 180); - panLeft(2 * deltaX * targetDistance / element.clientHeight, scope.object.matrix); - panUp(2 * deltaY * targetDistance / element.clientHeight, scope.object.matrix); - } else if (scope.object.isOrthographicCamera) { - panLeft(deltaX * (scope.object.right - scope.object.left) / scope.object.zoom / element.clientWidth, scope.object.matrix); - panUp(deltaY * ( - scope.object.bottom) / scope.object.zoom / element.clientHeight, scope.object.matrix); - } else { - console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - pan disabled."); - scope.enablePan = false; - } + }(), k = function() { + const t = new I(); + return function(E, T) { + const v = e.domElement; + if (e.object.isPerspectiveCamera) { + const U = e.object.position; + t.copy(U).sub(; + let Z = t.length(); + Z *= Math.tan(e.object.fov / 2 * Math.PI / 180), X(2 * E * Z / v.clientHeight, e.object.matrix), B(2 * T * Z / v.clientHeight, e.object.matrix); + } else + e.object.isOrthographicCamera ? (X(E * (e.object.right - e.object.left) / e.object.zoom / v.clientWidth, e.object.matrix), B(T * ( - e.object.bottom) / e.object.zoom / v.clientHeight, e.object.matrix)) : (console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - pan disabled."), e.enablePan = !1); }; }(); - function dollyOut(dollyScale) { - if (scope.object.isPerspectiveCamera) { - scale /= dollyScale; - } else if (scope.object.isOrthographicCamera) { - scope.object.zoom = Math.max(scope.minZoom, Math.min(scope.maxZoom, scope.object.zoom * dollyScale)); - scope.object.updateProjectionMatrix(); - zoomChanged = true; - } else { - console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled."); - scope.enableZoom = false; - } + function V(t) { + e.object.isPerspectiveCamera ? l /= t : e.object.isOrthographicCamera ? (e.object.zoom = Math.max(e.minZoom, Math.min(e.maxZoom, e.object.zoom * t)), e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(), c = !0) : (console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled."), e.enableZoom = !1); } - function dollyIn(dollyScale) { - if (scope.object.isPerspectiveCamera) { - scale *= dollyScale; - } else if (scope.object.isOrthographicCamera) { - scope.object.zoom = Math.max(scope.minZoom, Math.min(scope.maxZoom, scope.object.zoom / dollyScale)); - scope.object.updateProjectionMatrix(); - zoomChanged = true; - } else { - console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled."); - scope.enableZoom = false; - } + function Q(t) { + e.object.isPerspectiveCamera ? l *= t : e.object.isOrthographicCamera ? (e.object.zoom = Math.max(e.minZoom, Math.min(e.maxZoom, e.object.zoom / t)), e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(), c = !0) : (console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled."), e.enableZoom = !1); } - function handleMouseDownRotate(event) { - rotateStart.set(event.clientX, event.clientY); + function J(t) { + p.set(t.clientX, t.clientY); } - function handleMouseDownDolly(event) { - dollyStart.set(event.clientX, event.clientY); + function Pe(t) { + m.set(t.clientX, t.clientY); } - function handleMouseDownPan(event) { - panStart.set(event.clientX, event.clientY); + function ee(t) { + A.set(t.clientX, t.clientY); } - function handleMouseMoveRotate(event) { - rotateEnd.set(event.clientX, event.clientY); - rotateDelta.subVectors(rotateEnd, rotateStart).multiplyScalar(scope.rotateSpeed); - const element = scope.domElement; - rotateLeft(2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.x / element.clientHeight); - rotateUp(2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight); - rotateStart.copy(rotateEnd); - scope.update(); + function xe(t) { + y.set(t.clientX, t.clientY), b.subVectors(y, p).multiplyScalar(e.rotateSpeed); + const a = e.domElement; + M(2 * Math.PI * b.x / a.clientHeight), z(2 * Math.PI * b.y / a.clientHeight), p.copy(y), e.update(); } - function handleMouseMoveDolly(event) { - dollyEnd.set(event.clientX, event.clientY); - dollyDelta.subVectors(dollyEnd, dollyStart); - if (dollyDelta.y > 0) { - dollyOut(getZoomScale()); - } else if (dollyDelta.y < 0) { - dollyIn(getZoomScale()); - } - dollyStart.copy(dollyEnd); - scope.update(); + function ke(t) { + P.set(t.clientX, t.clientY), R.subVectors(P, m), R.y > 0 ? V(x()) : R.y < 0 && Q(x()), m.copy(P), e.update(); } - function handleMouseMovePan(event) { - panEnd.set(event.clientX, event.clientY); - panDelta.subVectors(panEnd, panStart).multiplyScalar(scope.panSpeed); - pan(panDelta.x, panDelta.y); - panStart.copy(panEnd); - scope.update(); + function ve(t) { + d.set(t.clientX, t.clientY), w.subVectors(d, A).multiplyScalar(e.panSpeed), k(w.x, w.y), A.copy(d), e.update(); } - function handleMouseWheel(event) { - if (event.deltaY < 0) { - dollyIn(getZoomScale()); - } else if (event.deltaY > 0) { - dollyOut(getZoomScale()); - } - scope.update(); + function Re(t) { + t.deltaY < 0 ? Q(x()) : t.deltaY > 0 && V(x()), e.update(); } - function handleKeyDown(event) { - let needsUpdate = false; - switch (event.code) { - case scope.keys.UP: - pan(0, scope.keyPanSpeed); - needsUpdate = true; + function Oe(t) { + let a = !1; + switch (t.code) { + case e.keys.UP: + t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || t.shiftKey ? z(2 * Math.PI * e.rotateSpeed / e.domElement.clientHeight) : k(0, e.keyPanSpeed), a = !0; break; - case scope.keys.BOTTOM: - pan(0, -scope.keyPanSpeed); - needsUpdate = true; + case e.keys.BOTTOM: + t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || t.shiftKey ? z(-2 * Math.PI * e.rotateSpeed / e.domElement.clientHeight) : k(0, -e.keyPanSpeed), a = !0; break; - case scope.keys.LEFT: - pan(scope.keyPanSpeed, 0); - needsUpdate = true; + case e.keys.LEFT: + t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || t.shiftKey ? M(2 * Math.PI * e.rotateSpeed / e.domElement.clientHeight) : k(e.keyPanSpeed, 0), a = !0; break; - case scope.keys.RIGHT: - pan(-scope.keyPanSpeed, 0); - needsUpdate = true; + case e.keys.RIGHT: + t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || t.shiftKey ? M(-2 * Math.PI * e.rotateSpeed / e.domElement.clientHeight) : k(-e.keyPanSpeed, 0), a = !0; break; } - if (needsUpdate) { - event.preventDefault(); - scope.update(); - } + a && (t.preventDefault(), e.update()); } - function handleTouchStartRotate() { - if (pointers.length === 1) { - rotateStart.set(pointers[0].pageX, pointers[0].pageY); - } else { - const x = 0.5 * (pointers[0].pageX + pointers[1].pageX); - const y = 0.5 * (pointers[0].pageY + pointers[1].pageY); - rotateStart.set(x, y); + function te() { + if (u.length === 1) + p.set(u[0].pageX, u[0].pageY); + else { + const t = 0.5 * (u[0].pageX + u[1].pageX), a = 0.5 * (u[0].pageY + u[1].pageY); + p.set(t, a); } } - function handleTouchStartPan() { - if (pointers.length === 1) { - panStart.set(pointers[0].pageX, pointers[0].pageY); - } else { - const x = 0.5 * (pointers[0].pageX + pointers[1].pageX); - const y = 0.5 * (pointers[0].pageY + pointers[1].pageY); - panStart.set(x, y); + function oe() { + if (u.length === 1) + A.set(u[0].pageX, u[0].pageY); + else { + const t = 0.5 * (u[0].pageX + u[1].pageX), a = 0.5 * (u[0].pageY + u[1].pageY); + A.set(t, a); } } - function handleTouchStartDolly() { - const dx = pointers[0].pageX - pointers[1].pageX; - const dy = pointers[0].pageY - pointers[1].pageY; - const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); - dollyStart.set(0, distance); + function ie() { + const t = u[0].pageX - u[1].pageX, a = u[0].pageY - u[1].pageY, E = Math.sqrt(t * t + a * a); + m.set(0, E); } - function handleTouchStartDollyPan() { - if (scope.enableZoom) - handleTouchStartDolly(); - if (scope.enablePan) - handleTouchStartPan(); + function Se() { + e.enableZoom && ie(), e.enablePan && oe(); } - function handleTouchStartDollyRotate() { - if (scope.enableZoom) - handleTouchStartDolly(); - if (scope.enableRotate) - handleTouchStartRotate(); + function Le() { + e.enableZoom && ie(), e.enableRotate && te(); } - function handleTouchMoveRotate(event) { - if (pointers.length == 1) { - rotateEnd.set(event.pageX, event.pageY); - } else { - const position = getSecondPointerPosition(event); - const x = 0.5 * (event.pageX + position.x); - const y = 0.5 * (event.pageY + position.y); - rotateEnd.set(x, y); + function ne(t) { + if (u.length == 1) + y.set(t.pageX, t.pageY); + else { + const E = W(t), T = 0.5 * (t.pageX + E.x), v = 0.5 * (t.pageY + E.y); + y.set(T, v); } - rotateDelta.subVectors(rotateEnd, rotateStart).multiplyScalar(scope.rotateSpeed); - const element = scope.domElement; - rotateLeft(2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.x / element.clientHeight); - rotateUp(2 * Math.PI * rotateDelta.y / element.clientHeight); - rotateStart.copy(rotateEnd); + b.subVectors(y, p).multiplyScalar(e.rotateSpeed); + const a = e.domElement; + M(2 * Math.PI * b.x / a.clientHeight), z(2 * Math.PI * b.y / a.clientHeight), p.copy(y); } - function handleTouchMovePan(event) { - if (pointers.length === 1) { - panEnd.set(event.pageX, event.pageY); - } else { - const position = getSecondPointerPosition(event); - const x = 0.5 * (event.pageX + position.x); - const y = 0.5 * (event.pageY + position.y); - panEnd.set(x, y); + function se(t) { + if (u.length === 1) + d.set(t.pageX, t.pageY); + else { + const a = W(t), E = 0.5 * (t.pageX + a.x), T = 0.5 * (t.pageY + a.y); + d.set(E, T); } - panDelta.subVectors(panEnd, panStart).multiplyScalar(scope.panSpeed); - pan(panDelta.x, panDelta.y); - panStart.copy(panEnd); + w.subVectors(d, A).multiplyScalar(e.panSpeed), k(w.x, w.y), A.copy(d); } - function handleTouchMoveDolly(event) { - const position = getSecondPointerPosition(event); - const dx = event.pageX - position.x; - const dy = event.pageY - position.y; - const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); - dollyEnd.set(0, distance); - dollyDelta.set(0, Math.pow(dollyEnd.y / dollyStart.y, scope.zoomSpeed)); - dollyOut(dollyDelta.y); - dollyStart.copy(dollyEnd); + function re(t) { + const a = W(t), E = t.pageX - a.x, T = t.pageY - a.y, v = Math.sqrt(E * E + T * T); + P.set(0, v), R.set(0, Math.pow(P.y / m.y, e.zoomSpeed)), V(R.y), m.copy(P); } - function handleTouchMoveDollyPan(event) { - if (scope.enableZoom) - handleTouchMoveDolly(event); - if (scope.enablePan) - handleTouchMovePan(event); + function Ne(t) { + e.enableZoom && re(t), e.enablePan && se(t); } - function handleTouchMoveDollyRotate(event) { - if (scope.enableZoom) - handleTouchMoveDolly(event); - if (scope.enableRotate) - handleTouchMoveRotate(event); + function je(t) { + e.enableZoom && re(t), e.enableRotate && ne(t); } - function onPointerDown(event) { - if (scope.enabled === false) - return; - if (pointers.length === 0) { - scope.domElement.setPointerCapture(event.pointerId); - scope.domElement.addEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove); - scope.domElement.addEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); - } - addPointer(event); - if (event.pointerType === "touch") { - onTouchStart(event); - } else { - onMouseDown(event); - } + function ae(t) { + e.enabled !== !1 && (u.length === 0 && (e.domElement.setPointerCapture(t.pointerId), e.domElement.addEventListener("pointermove", q), e.domElement.addEventListener("pointerup", C)), Ue(t), t.pointerType === "touch" ? Ye(t) : Ie(t)); } - function onPointerMove(event) { - if (scope.enabled === false) - return; - if (event.pointerType === "touch") { - onTouchMove(event); - } else { - onMouseMove(event); - } + function q(t) { + e.enabled !== !1 && (t.pointerType === "touch" ? ze(t) : _e(t)); } - function onPointerUp(event) { - removePointer(event); - if (pointers.length === 0) { - scope.domElement.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId); - scope.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove); - scope.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); - } - scope.dispatchEvent(_endEvent); - state = STATE.NONE; + function C(t) { + de(t), u.length === 0 && (e.domElement.releasePointerCapture(t.pointerId), e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove", q), e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerup", C)), e.dispatchEvent(Ee), s = n.NONE; } - function onPointerCancel(event) { - removePointer(event); + function ce(t) { + de(t); } - function onMouseDown(event) { - let mouseAction; - switch (event.button) { + function Ie(t) { + let a; + switch (t.button) { case 0: - mouseAction = scope.mouseButtons.LEFT; + a = e.mouseButtons.LEFT; break; case 1: - mouseAction = scope.mouseButtons.MIDDLE; + a = e.mouseButtons.MIDDLE; break; case 2: - mouseAction = scope.mouseButtons.RIGHT; + a = e.mouseButtons.RIGHT; break; default: - mouseAction = -1; + a = -1; } - switch (mouseAction) { - case MOUSE.DOLLY: - if (scope.enableZoom === false) + switch (a) { + case F.DOLLY: + if (e.enableZoom === !1) return; - handleMouseDownDolly(event); - state = STATE.DOLLY; + Pe(t), s = n.DOLLY; break; - case MOUSE.ROTATE: - if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) { - if (scope.enablePan === false) + case F.ROTATE: + if (t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || t.shiftKey) { + if (e.enablePan === !1) return; - handleMouseDownPan(event); - state = STATE.PAN; + ee(t), s = n.PAN; } else { - if (scope.enableRotate === false) + if (e.enableRotate === !1) return; - handleMouseDownRotate(event); - state = STATE.ROTATE; + J(t), s = n.ROTATE; } break; - case MOUSE.PAN: - if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) { - if (scope.enableRotate === false) + case F.PAN: + if (t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || t.shiftKey) { + if (e.enableRotate === !1) return; - handleMouseDownRotate(event); - state = STATE.ROTATE; + J(t), s = n.ROTATE; } else { - if (scope.enablePan === false) + if (e.enablePan === !1) return; - handleMouseDownPan(event); - state = STATE.PAN; + ee(t), s = n.PAN; } break; default: - state = STATE.NONE; - } - if (state !== STATE.NONE) { - scope.dispatchEvent(_startEvent); + s = n.NONE; } + s !== n.NONE && e.dispatchEvent($); } - function onMouseMove(event) { - if (scope.enabled === false) - return; - switch (state) { - case STATE.ROTATE: - if (scope.enableRotate === false) + function _e(t) { + switch (s) { + case n.ROTATE: + if (e.enableRotate === !1) return; - handleMouseMoveRotate(event); + xe(t); break; - case STATE.DOLLY: - if (scope.enableZoom === false) + case n.DOLLY: + if (e.enableZoom === !1) return; - handleMouseMoveDolly(event); + ke(t); break; - case STATE.PAN: - if (scope.enablePan === false) + case n.PAN: + if (e.enablePan === !1) return; - handleMouseMovePan(event); + ve(t); break; } } - function onMouseWheel(event) { - if (scope.enabled === false || scope.enableZoom === false || state !== STATE.NONE) - return; - event.preventDefault(); - scope.dispatchEvent(_startEvent); - handleMouseWheel(event); - scope.dispatchEvent(_endEvent); + function le(t) { + e.enabled === !1 || e.enableZoom === !1 || s !== n.NONE || (t.preventDefault(), e.dispatchEvent($), Re(t), e.dispatchEvent(Ee)); } - function onKeyDown(event) { - if (scope.enabled === false || scope.enablePan === false) - return; - handleKeyDown(event); + function he(t) { + e.enabled === !1 || e.enablePan === !1 || Oe(t); } - function onTouchStart(event) { - trackPointer(event); - switch (pointers.length) { + function Ye(t) { + switch (pe(t), u.length) { case 1: - switch (scope.touches.ONE) { - case TOUCH.ROTATE: - if (scope.enableRotate === false) + switch (e.touches.ONE) { + case D.ROTATE: + if (e.enableRotate === !1) return; - handleTouchStartRotate(); - state = STATE.TOUCH_ROTATE; + te(), s = n.TOUCH_ROTATE; break; - case TOUCH.PAN: - if (scope.enablePan === false) + case D.PAN: + if (e.enablePan === !1) return; - handleTouchStartPan(); - state = STATE.TOUCH_PAN; + oe(), s = n.TOUCH_PAN; break; default: - state = STATE.NONE; + s = n.NONE; } break; case 2: - switch (scope.touches.TWO) { - case TOUCH.DOLLY_PAN: - if (scope.enableZoom === false && scope.enablePan === false) + switch (e.touches.TWO) { + case D.DOLLY_PAN: + if (e.enableZoom === !1 && e.enablePan === !1) return; - handleTouchStartDollyPan(); - state = STATE.TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN; + Se(), s = n.TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN; break; - case TOUCH.DOLLY_ROTATE: - if (scope.enableZoom === false && scope.enableRotate === false) + case D.DOLLY_ROTATE: + if (e.enableZoom === !1 && e.enableRotate === !1) return; - handleTouchStartDollyRotate(); - state = STATE.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE; + Le(), s = n.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE; break; default: - state = STATE.NONE; + s = n.NONE; } break; default: - state = STATE.NONE; - } - if (state !== STATE.NONE) { - scope.dispatchEvent(_startEvent); + s = n.NONE; } + s !== n.NONE && e.dispatchEvent($); } - function onTouchMove(event) { - trackPointer(event); - switch (state) { - case STATE.TOUCH_ROTATE: - if (scope.enableRotate === false) + function ze(t) { + switch (pe(t), s) { + case n.TOUCH_ROTATE: + if (e.enableRotate === !1) return; - handleTouchMoveRotate(event); - scope.update(); + ne(t), e.update(); break; - case STATE.TOUCH_PAN: - if (scope.enablePan === false) + case n.TOUCH_PAN: + if (e.enablePan === !1) return; - handleTouchMovePan(event); - scope.update(); + se(t), e.update(); break; - case STATE.TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN: - if (scope.enableZoom === false && scope.enablePan === false) + case n.TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN: + if (e.enableZoom === !1 && e.enablePan === !1) return; - handleTouchMoveDollyPan(event); - scope.update(); + Ne(t), e.update(); break; - case STATE.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE: - if (scope.enableZoom === false && scope.enableRotate === false) + case n.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE: + if (e.enableZoom === !1 && e.enableRotate === !1) return; - handleTouchMoveDollyRotate(event); - scope.update(); + je(t), e.update(); break; default: - state = STATE.NONE; + s = n.NONE; } } - function onContextMenu(event) { - if (scope.enabled === false) - return; - event.preventDefault(); + function ue(t) { + e.enabled !== !1 && t.preventDefault(); } - function addPointer(event) { - pointers.push(event); + function Ue(t) { + u.push(t); } - function removePointer(event) { - delete pointerPositions[event.pointerId]; - for (let i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) { - if (pointers[i].pointerId == event.pointerId) { - pointers.splice(i, 1); + function de(t) { + delete Y[t.pointerId]; + for (let a = 0; a < u.length; a++) + if (u[a].pointerId == t.pointerId) { + u.splice(a, 1); return; } - } } - function trackPointer(event) { - let position = pointerPositions[event.pointerId]; - if (position === void 0) { - position = new Vector2(); - pointerPositions[event.pointerId] = position; - } - position.set(event.pageX, event.pageY); + function pe(t) { + let a = Y[t.pointerId]; + a === void 0 && (a = new O(), Y[t.pointerId] = a), a.set(t.pageX, t.pageY); } - function getSecondPointerPosition(event) { - const pointer = event.pointerId === pointers[0].pointerId ? pointers[1] : pointers[0]; - return pointerPositions[pointer.pointerId]; + function W(t) { + const a = t.pointerId === u[0].pointerId ? u[1] : u[0]; + return Y[a.pointerId]; } - scope.domElement.addEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu); - scope.domElement.addEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown); - scope.domElement.addEventListener("pointercancel", onPointerCancel); - scope.domElement.addEventListener("wheel", onMouseWheel, { passive: false }); - this.update(); + e.domElement.addEventListener("contextmenu", ue), e.domElement.addEventListener("pointerdown", ae), e.domElement.addEventListener("pointercancel", ce), e.domElement.addEventListener("wheel", le, { passive: !1 }), this.update(); } } -class AnimationEffect { - constructor(animation, timestampObj) { - this.animation = animation; - this.currentEffectIndex = 0; - this.tickingEffects = []; - this.effects = Object.entries(timestampObj).map(([time, timestampEntry]) => [ - Number(time), - Array.isArray(timestampEntry) ? timestampEntry : [timestampEntry] - ]).sort(([a], [b]) => a - b); +class Me { + constructor(o, i) { + this.animation = o, this.currentEffectIndex = 0, this.tickingEffects = [], this.effects = Object.entries(i).map( + ([e, n]) => [ + Number(e), + Array.isArray(n) ? n : [n] + ] + ).sort(([e], [n]) => e - n); } getCurrentEffects() { if (this.currentEffectIndex >= this.effects.length) return; - const currentEffect = this.effects[this.currentEffectIndex]; - if (currentEffect[0] > this.animation.roundedCurrentTime) - return; - this.currentEffectIndex++; - return currentEffect[1]; + const o = this.effects[this.currentEffectIndex]; + if (!(o[0] > this.animation.roundedCurrentTime)) + return this.currentEffectIndex++, o[1]; } reset() { this.currentEffectIndex = 0; } } -class SoundEffect extends AnimationEffect { +class st extends Me { tick() { - var _a; - const timestampEntry = (_a = super.getCurrentEffects()) != null ? _a : []; - if (timestampEntry.length > 0) - console.log(`Playing sound effects: "${ => entry.effect).join(", ")}"`); + const o = super.getCurrentEffects() ?? []; + o.length > 0 && console.log( + `Playing sound effects: "${ => i.effect).join(", ")}"` + ); } } -class ParticleEffect extends AnimationEffect { +class rt extends Me { constructor() { - super(...arguments); - this.disposables = []; + super(...arguments), this.disposables = []; } tick() { - var _a; - this.tickingEffects.forEach((effect) => effect.tick()); - const currentEffects = (_a = super.getCurrentEffects()) != null ? _a : []; - for (const { locator, effect, pre_effect_script } of currentEffects) { - if (!effect) + this.tickingEffects.forEach((i) => i.tick()); + const o = super.getCurrentEffects() ?? []; + for (const { locator: i, effect: e, pre_effect_script: n } of o) { + if (!e) return; - const animator = this.animation.getAnimator(); - const model = animator.getModel(); - const emitterConfig = animator.getEmitter(effect); - if (!emitterConfig || !animator.winterskyScene) + const s = this.animation.getAnimator(), f = s.getModel(), r = s.getEmitter(e); + if (!r || !s.winterskyScene) return; - const locatorGroup = locator ? model.getLocator(locator) : void 0; - const emitter = new Wintersky.Emitter(animator.winterskyScene, emitterConfig, { - parent_mode: locatorGroup ? "locator" : "entity", - loop_mode: "once" - }); - if (locatorGroup) { - locatorGroup.add(emitter.local_space); - emitter.local_space.parent = locatorGroup; - } - const tickable = { + const h = i ? f.getLocator(i) : void 0, l = new it.Emitter( + s.winterskyScene, + r, + { + parent_mode: h ? "locator" : "entity", + loop_mode: "once" + } + ); + h && (h.add(l.local_space), l.local_space.parent = h); + const g = { tick: () => { - emitter.tick(); - if (!emitter.enabled) { - emitter.delete(); - this.tickingEffects = this.tickingEffects.filter((current) => current !== tickable); - } + l.tick(), l.enabled || (l.delete(), this.tickingEffects = this.tickingEffects.filter( + (c) => c !== g + )); } }; - this.tickingEffects.push(tickable); - this.disposables.push({ + this.tickingEffects.push(g), this.disposables.push({ dispose: () => { - emitter.delete(); - this.tickingEffects = this.tickingEffects.filter((current) => current !== tickable); + l.delete(), this.tickingEffects = this.tickingEffects.filter( + (c) => c !== g + ); } - }); - emitter.start(); - emitter.tick(); + }), l.start(), l.tick(); } } dispose() { - this.disposables.forEach((disposable) => disposable.dispose()); - this.disposables = []; + this.disposables.forEach((o) => o.dispose()), this.disposables = []; } } -class Animation { - constructor(animator, animationData) { - var _a, _b; - this.animator = animator; - this.animationData = animationData; - this.startTimestamp = 0; - this.lastFrameTimestamp = 0; - this.isRunning = false; - this.env = { +class at { + constructor(o, i) { + this.animator = o, this.animationData = i, this.startTimestamp = 0, this.lastFrameTimestamp = 0, this.isRunning = !1, this.env = { "query.anim_time": () => this.currentTime, "query.delta_time": () => this.startTimestamp - this.lastFrameTimestamp, "query.life_time": () => this.currentTime - }; - this.molang = new MoLang(this.env, { - convertUndefined: true - }); - this.soundEffects = new SoundEffect(this, (_a = this.animationData.sound_effects) != null ? _a : {}); - this.particleEffects = new ParticleEffect(this, (_b = this.animationData.particle_effects) != null ? _b : {}); + }, this.molang = new ot(this.env, { + convertUndefined: !0 + }), this.soundEffects = new st( + this, + this.animationData.sound_effects ?? {} + ), this.particleEffects = new rt( + this, + this.animationData.particle_effects ?? {} + ); } getAnimator() { return this.animator; } - execute(expr) { - return this.molang.executeAndCatch(expr); - } - parseBoneModifier(transform) { - if (typeof transform === "number") { - return [transform, transform, transform]; - } else if (typeof transform === "string") { - const res = typeof transform === "string" ? this.execute(transform) : transform; - return [res, res, res]; - } else if (Array.isArray(transform)) { - return => typeof t === "string" ? this.execute(t) : t); - } else if (transform !== void 0) { - const timestamps = Object.entries(transform).map(([time, transform2]) => [Number(time), transform2]).sort(([a], [b]) => a - b); - for (let i = timestamps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - let [time, transform2] = timestamps[i]; - if (time > this.currentTime) { - continue; - } else if (time === this.currentTime) { - if (Array.isArray(transform2)) { - return => typeof t === "string" ? this.execute(t) : t); - } else { - throw new Error("Format not supported yet"); - } - } else { - let [nextTime, nextTransform] = timestamps[MathUtils.euclideanModulo(i + 1, timestamps.length)]; - let timeDelta = nextTime - time; - if (Array.isArray(transform2) && Array.isArray(nextTransform)) { - transform2 = => typeof t === "string" ? this.execute(t) : t); - nextTransform = => typeof t === "string" ? this.execute(t) : t); - return, i2) => n + (nextTransform[i2] - n) / timeDelta * (this.currentTime - time)); - } else { - throw new Error("Format not supported yet"); - } + execute(o) { + return this.molang.executeAndCatch(o); + } + parseBoneModifier(o) { + if (typeof o == "number") + return [o, o, o]; + if (typeof o == "string") { + const i = typeof o == "string" ? this.execute(o) : o; + return [i, i, i]; + } else { + if (Array.isArray(o)) + return + (i) => typeof i == "string" ? this.execute(i) : i + ); + if (o !== void 0) { + const i = Object.entries(o).map( + ([e, n]) => [Number(e), n] + ).sort(([e], [n]) => e - n); + for (let e = i.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) { + let [n, s] = i[e]; + if (!(n > this.currentTime)) + if (n === this.currentTime) { + if (Array.isArray(s)) + return + (f) => typeof f == "string" ? this.execute(f) : f + ); + throw new Error("Format not supported yet"); + } else { + let [f, r] = i[_.euclideanModulo(e + 1, i.length)], h = f - n; + if (Array.isArray(s) && Array.isArray(r)) + return s = + (l) => typeof l == "string" ? this.execute(l) : l + ), r = + (l) => typeof l == "string" ? this.execute(l) : l + ), + (l, g) => l + (r[g] - l) / h * (this.currentTime - n) + ); + throw new Error("Format not supported yet"); + } } + return [0, 0, 0]; } - return [0, 0, 0]; } } tick() { - this.soundEffects.tick(); - this.particleEffects.tick(); - const boneMap = this.animator.getModel().getBoneMap(); - for (let boneName in this.animationData.bones) { - const bone = boneMap.get(boneName); - if (!bone) + this.soundEffects.tick(), this.particleEffects.tick(); + const o = this.animator.getModel().getBoneMap(); + for (let i in this.animationData.bones) { + const e = o.get(i); + if (!e) continue; - const { position, rotation, scale } = this.animationData.bones[boneName]; - const [positionMod, rotationMod, scaleMod] = [ - position, - rotation, - scale - ].map((mod) => this.parseBoneModifier(mod)); - if (positionMod) { - const currentPosition = bone.position.toArray(); - bone.position.set(, i) => (i === 0 ? -1 : 1) * val + currentPosition[i])); + const { position: n, rotation: s, scale: f } = this.animationData.bones[i], [r, h, l] = [ + n, + s, + f + ].map((g) => this.parseBoneModifier(g)); + if (r) { + const g = e.position.toArray(); + e.position.set( + + (c, p) => (p === 0 ? -1 : 1) * c + g[p] + ) + ); } - if (rotationMod) { - const currentRotation = bone.rotation.toArray(); - bone.rotation.set( => MathUtils.degToRad(n)).map((val, i) => currentRotation[i] + (i === 2 ? val : -val))); + if (h) { + const g = e.rotation.toArray(); + e.rotation.set( + => _.degToRad(c)).map( + (c, p) => g[p] + (p === 2 ? c : -c) + ) + ); } - if (scaleMod) - bone.scale.set(...scaleMod); + l && e.scale.set(...l); } - if (this.currentTime > this.animationData.animation_length) { - if (this.animationData.loop) - this.loop(); - else - this.pause(); - } - this.lastFrameTimestamp =; + this.currentTime > this.animationData.animation_length && (this.animationData.loop ? this.loop() : this.pause()), this.lastFrameTimestamp =; } play() { - this.isRunning = true; - this.startTimestamp =; + this.isRunning = !0, this.startTimestamp =; } pause() { - this.isRunning = false; + this.isRunning = !1; } loop() { - this.startTimestamp =; - this.soundEffects.reset(); - this.particleEffects.reset(); + this.startTimestamp =, this.soundEffects.reset(), this.particleEffects.reset(); } dispose() { this.particleEffects.dispose(); @@ -871,73 +543,88 @@ class Animation { return this.isRunning; } } -class Animator { - constructor(model) { - this.model = model; - this.animations = new Map(); - this.particleEmitters = new Map(); +class ct { + constructor(o) { + this.model = o, this.animations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.particleEmitters = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } setupDefaultBonePoses() { - for (let bone of this.model.getBoneMap().values()) { - bone.userData.defaultRotation = bone.rotation.toArray(); - bone.userData.defaultPosition = bone.position.toArray(); - } + for (let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values()) + o.userData.defaultRotation = o.rotation.toArray(), o.userData.defaultPosition = o.position.toArray(); } dispose() { this.disposeAnimations(); - for (let bone of this.model.getBoneMap().values()) { - delete bone.userData.defaultRotation; - delete bone.userData.defaultPosition; - } + for (let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values()) + delete o.userData.defaultRotation, delete o.userData.defaultPosition; } disposeAnimations() { - this.animations.forEach((anim) => anim.dispose()); + this.animations.forEach((o) => o.dispose()); } - setupWintersky(winterskyScene) { - this.winterskyScene = winterskyScene; + setupWintersky(o) { + this.winterskyScene = o; } - addAnimation(id, animationData) { - this.animations.set(id, new Animation(this, animationData)); + addAnimation(o, i) { + this.animations.set(o, new at(this, i)); } - addEmitter(shortName, emitterConfig) { - this.particleEmitters.set(shortName, emitterConfig); + addEmitter(o, i) { + this.particleEmitters.set(o, i); } - getEmitter(shortName) { - return this.particleEmitters.get(shortName); + getEmitter(o) { + return this.particleEmitters.get(o); } - play(id) { - const animation = this.animations.get(id); - if (!animation) - throw new Error(`Unknown animation: "${id}"`); -; + play(o) { + const i = this.animations.get(o); + if (!i) + throw new Error(`Unknown animation: "${o}"`); +; } - pause(id) { - const animation = this.animations.get(id); - if (!animation) - throw new Error(`Unknown animation: "${id}"`); - animation.pause(); + pause(o) { + const i = this.animations.get(o); + if (!i) + throw new Error(`Unknown animation: "${o}"`); + i.pause(); } pauseAll() { - for (const animation of this.animations.values()) { - animation.pause(); - } + for (const o of this.animations.values()) + o.pause(); } tick() { - for (let bone of this.model.getBoneMap().values()) { - bone.rotation.set(...bone.userData.defaultRotation); - bone.position.set(...bone.userData.defaultPosition); - } - this.animations.forEach((animation) => animation.shouldTick && animation.tick()); + for (let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values()) + o.rotation.set( + ...o.userData.defaultRotation + ), o.position.set( + ...o.userData.defaultPosition + ); + this.animations.forEach( + (o) => o.shouldTick && o.tick() + ); } get shouldTick() { - return [...this.animations.values()].some((animation) => animation.shouldTick); + return [...this.animations.values()].some( + (o) => o.shouldTick + ); } getModel() { return this.model; } } -const CubeFaces = [ +const lt = [ + // Right { + /** + * Position of the texture for this specific cube + * + * baseUV[0] <-> X | baseUV[1] <-> Y + * + * How baseUV maps to a Minecraft cube texture: + * @example + * | X | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | + * ----------------------- + * Y | | | | | | + * ----------------------- + * 0 | | | X | X | | + * ----------------------- + * 1 | | X | X | X | X | + */ name: "west", baseUV: [2, 1], dir: [-1, 0, 0], @@ -948,6 +635,7 @@ const CubeFaces = [ { pos: [-0.5, 0, 1], uv: [1, 0] } ] }, + // Left { name: "east", baseUV: [0, 1], @@ -959,6 +647,7 @@ const CubeFaces = [ { pos: [0.5, 0, 0], uv: [1, 0] } ] }, + // Bottom { name: "down", baseUV: [2, 0], @@ -970,6 +659,7 @@ const CubeFaces = [ { pos: [-0.5, 0, 0], uv: [1, 0] } ] }, + // Top { name: "up", baseUV: [1, 0], @@ -981,6 +671,7 @@ const CubeFaces = [ { pos: [0.5, 1, 0], uv: [0, 0] } ] }, + //Front { name: "north", baseUV: [1, 1], @@ -992,6 +683,7 @@ const CubeFaces = [ { pos: [0.5, 1, 0], uv: [0, 1] } ] }, + //Back { name: "south", baseUV: [3, 1], @@ -1003,266 +695,239 @@ const CubeFaces = [ { pos: [0.5, 1, 1], uv: [1, 1] } ] } -]; -const ReduceUvConst = 0.03; -class Cube { - constructor(cubeConfig) { - var _a, _b, _c; - this.positions = []; - this.indices = []; - this.normals = []; - this.uvs = []; - this.geometry = new BufferGeometry(); - = new Group(); +], K = 0.03; +class ht { + constructor(o) { + var d, w; + this.positions = [], this.indices = [], this.normals = [], this.uvs = [], this.geometry = new Te(), = new H(); const { - textureSize: [tW, tH], + textureSize: [i, e], textureDiscrepancyFactor: [ - textureDiscrepancyW, - textureDiscrepancyH + n, + s ], - mirror, - width, - height, - depth - } = cubeConfig; - const [realTextureW, realTextureH] = [ - tW * textureDiscrepancyW, - tH * textureDiscrepancyH - ]; - const startUV = (_a = cubeConfig.startUV) != null ? _a : [0, 0]; - const usesUVObj = !Array.isArray(startUV); - let uvX = 0, uvY = 0; - if (!usesUVObj) - [uvX, uvY] = startUV; + mirror: f, + width: r, + height: h, + depth: l + } = o, [g, c] = [ + i * n, + e * s + ], p = o.startUV ?? [0, 0], y = !Array.isArray(p); + let b = 0, A = 0; + y || ([b, A] = p); for (let { - name, - dir, - corners, - baseUV: [baseUVX, baseUVY] - } of CubeFaces) { - const ndx = this.positions.length / 3; - let uvSizeX, uvSizeY; - if (usesUVObj) { - if (startUV[name] === void 0) + name: m, + dir: P, + corners: R, + baseUV: [u, Y] + } of lt) { + const j = this.positions.length / 3; + let x, M; + if (y) { + if (p[m] === void 0) continue; - [uvX, uvY] = ((_b = startUV[name]) == null ? void 0 : _b.uv) || []; - [uvSizeX, uvSizeY] = ((_c = startUV[name]) == null ? void 0 : _c.uv_size) || []; - uvSizeX *= textureDiscrepancyW; - uvSizeY *= textureDiscrepancyH; - uvX *= textureDiscrepancyW; - uvY *= textureDiscrepancyH; - baseUVX = 0; - baseUVY = 0; + [b, A] = ((d = p[m]) == null ? void 0 : d.uv) || [], [x, M] = ((w = p[m]) == null ? void 0 : w.uv_size) || [], x *= n, M *= s, b *= n, A *= s, u = 0, Y = 0; } for (const { - pos: [oX, oY, oZ], - uv - } of corners) { - this.positions.push((mirror ? -oX : oX) * width, oY * height, oZ * depth); - this.normals.push(...dir); - this.uvs.push((uvX + (Number(baseUVX > 0) + Number(baseUVX > 2)) * Math.floor(uvSizeX != null ? uvSizeX : depth) + Number(baseUVX > 1) * Math.floor(uvSizeX != null ? uvSizeX : width) + uv[0] * (name === "west" || name === "east" ? Math.floor(uvSizeX != null ? uvSizeX : depth) : Math.floor(uvSizeX != null ? uvSizeX : width)) + (uv[0] === 0 ? ReduceUvConst : -ReduceUvConst)) / (realTextureW / (!usesUVObj ? textureDiscrepancyW : 1)), 1 - (uvY + baseUVY * Math.floor(uvSizeY != null ? uvSizeY : depth) + (name === "up" || name === "down" ? Math.floor(uvSizeY != null ? uvSizeY : depth) : Math.floor(uvSizeY != null ? uvSizeY : height)) - uv[1] * (name === "up" || name === "down" ? Math.floor(uvSizeY != null ? uvSizeY : depth) : Math.floor(uvSizeY != null ? uvSizeY : height)) + (uv[1] === 0 ? -ReduceUvConst : ReduceUvConst)) / (realTextureH / (!usesUVObj ? textureDiscrepancyH : 1))); - } - this.indices.push(ndx, ndx + 1, ndx + 2, ndx + 2, ndx + 1, ndx + 3); + pos: [z, X, B], + uv: k + } of R) + this.positions.push( + (f ? -z : z) * r, + X * h, + B * l + ), this.normals.push(...P), this.uvs.push( + //Base offset of the current cube + (b + //Horizontal offset for the current face + (+(u > 0) + +(u > 2)) * Math.floor(x ?? l) + +(u > 1) * Math.floor(x ?? r) + //Face corner specific offsets + k[0] * Math.floor(m === "west" || m === "east" ? x ?? l : x ?? r) + (k[0] === 0 ? K : -K)) / (g / (y ? 1 : n)), + //Align uv to top left corner + 1 - //Base offset of the current cube + (A + //Vertical offset for the current face + Y * Math.floor(M ?? l) + Math.floor(m === "up" || m === "down" ? M ?? l : M ?? h) - //Face corner specific offsets + k[1] * Math.floor(m === "up" || m === "down" ? M ?? l : M ?? h) + (k[1] === 0 ? -K : K)) / (c / (y ? 1 : s)) + ); + this.indices.push(j, j + 1, j + 2, j + 2, j + 1, j + 3); } - this.createGeometry(); - this.createMesh(cubeConfig); + this.createGeometry(), this.createMesh(o); } createGeometry() { - this.geometry.setAttribute("position", new BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.positions), 3)); - this.geometry.setAttribute("normal", new BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.normals), 3)); - this.geometry.setAttribute("uv", new BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.uvs), 2)); - this.geometry.setIndex(this.indices); + this.geometry.setAttribute( + "position", + new G(new Float32Array(this.positions), 3) + ), this.geometry.setAttribute( + "normal", + new G(new Float32Array(this.normals), 3) + ), this.geometry.setAttribute( + "uv", + new G(new Float32Array(this.uvs), 2) + ), this.geometry.setIndex(this.indices); } createMesh({ - material, - width, - height, - depth, - pivot, - rotation, - origin, - inflate = 0 + material: o, + width: i, + height: e, + depth: n, + pivot: s, + rotation: f, + origin: r, + inflate: h = 0 }) { - const calculatedWidth = inflate * 2 + width; - const mesh = new Mesh(this.geometry, material); - = "ZYX"; - if (pivot === void 0) - pivot = [calculatedWidth / 2, height / 2, depth / 2]; -; - if (rotation) { -[0], pivot[1], pivot[2]); - mesh.position.set(-origin[0] - calculatedWidth / 2 + pivot[0] + inflate, origin[1] - pivot[1] - inflate, origin[2] - pivot[2] - inflate); - const [rX, rY, rZ] = rotation; -, MathUtils.degToRad(-rY), MathUtils.degToRad(rZ)); - } else { -[0] - calculatedWidth / 2 + inflate, origin[1] - inflate, origin[2] - inflate); - } - if (inflate) - !== 0 ? 1 + inflate / (width / 2) : 1, height !== 0 ? 1 + inflate / (height / 2) : 1, depth !== 0 ? 1 + inflate / (depth / 2) : 1); + const l = h * 2 + i, g = new Ae(this.geometry, o); + if ( = "ZYX", s === void 0 && (s = [l / 2, e / 2, n / 2]),, f) { +[0], s[1], s[2]), g.position.set( + -r[0] - l / 2 + s[0] + h, + r[1] - s[1] - h, + r[2] - s[2] - h + ); + const [c, p, y] = f; + + _.degToRad(-c), + _.degToRad(-p), + _.degToRad(y) + ); + } else + + -r[0] - l / 2 + h, + r[1] - h, + r[2] - h + ); + h && + i !== 0 ? 1 + h / (i / 2) : 1, + e !== 0 ? 1 + h / (e / 2) : 1, + n !== 0 ? 1 + h / (n / 2) : 1 + ); } getGroup() { return; } } -class PolyMesh { - constructor(polyMeshConfig) { - var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; - this.positions = []; - this.indices = []; - this.normals = []; - this.uvs = []; - this.geometry = new BufferGeometry(); - = new Group(); - if (!Array.isArray(polyMeshConfig.polys)) +class ut { + constructor(o) { + var e, n, s, f; + if (this.positions = [], this.indices = [], this.normals = [], this.uvs = [], this.geometry = new Te(), = new H(), !Array.isArray(o.polys)) throw new Error("Format not supported yet!"); - if (!polyMeshConfig.normalized_uvs) - polyMeshConfig.uvs = (_a = polyMeshConfig == null ? void 0 : polyMeshConfig.uvs) == null ? void 0 :[uvX, uvY]) => [ - uvX / polyMeshConfig.textureSize[0], - uvY / polyMeshConfig.textureSize[1] - ]); + o.normalized_uvs || (o.uvs = (e = o == null ? void 0 : o.uvs) == null ? void 0 :[r, h]) => [ + r / o.textureSize[0], + h / o.textureSize[1] + ])); let i = 0; - for (const face of polyMeshConfig.polys) { - for (const [vertexIndex, normalIndex, uvIndex] of face) { - this.positions.push(...(_c = (_b = polyMeshConfig == null ? void 0 : polyMeshConfig.positions) == null ? void 0 : _b[vertexIndex]) != null ? _c : []); - this.normals.push(...(_e = (_d = polyMeshConfig == null ? void 0 : polyMeshConfig.normals) == null ? void 0 : _d[normalIndex]) != null ? _e : []); - this.uvs.push(...(_g = (_f = polyMeshConfig == null ? void 0 : polyMeshConfig.uvs) == null ? void 0 : _f[uvIndex]) != null ? _g : []); - } - if (face.length === 3) { - this.indices.push(i, i + 1, i + 2); - } else { - this.indices.push(i + 2, i + 1, i, i + 2, i, i + 3); - } - i += face.length; + for (const r of o.polys) { + for (const [h, l, g] of r) + this.positions.push( + ...((n = o == null ? void 0 : o.positions) == null ? void 0 : n[h]) ?? [] + ), this.normals.push( + ...((s = o == null ? void 0 : o.normals) == null ? void 0 : s[l]) ?? [] + ), this.uvs.push(...((f = o == null ? void 0 : o.uvs) == null ? void 0 : f[g]) ?? []); + r.length === 3 ? this.indices.push(i, i + 1, i + 2) : this.indices.push(i + 2, i + 1, i, i + 2, i, i + 3), i += r.length; } - this.createGeometry(); - this.createMesh(polyMeshConfig); + this.createGeometry(), this.createMesh(o); } createGeometry() { - this.geometry.setAttribute("position", new BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.positions), 3)); - this.geometry.setAttribute("normal", new BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.normals), 3)); - this.geometry.setAttribute("uv", new BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.uvs), 2)); - this.geometry.setIndex(this.indices); - } - createMesh({ material }) { - const mesh = new Mesh(this.geometry, material); -; + this.geometry.setAttribute( + "position", + new G(new Float32Array(this.positions), 3) + ), this.geometry.setAttribute( + "normal", + new G(new Float32Array(this.normals), 3) + ), this.geometry.setAttribute( + "uv", + new G(new Float32Array(this.uvs), 2) + ), this.geometry.setIndex(this.indices); + } + createMesh({ material: o }) { + const i = new Ae(this.geometry, o); +; } getGroup() { return; } } -class Model { - constructor(modelData, texturePath) { - var _a, _b; - this.modelData = modelData; - this.texturePath = texturePath; - this.boneMap = new Map(); - this.locators = new Map(); - this.animator = new Animator(this); - const id = (_b = (_a = modelData == null ? void 0 : modelData.description) == null ? void 0 : _a.identifier) != null ? _b : "geometry.unknown"; - this.model = new Group(); - = id; +class dt { + constructor(o, i) { + var n; + this.modelData = o, this.texturePath = i, this.boneMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.locators = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.animator = new ct(this); + const e = ((n = o == null ? void 0 : o.description) == null ? void 0 : n.identifier) ?? "geometry.unknown"; + this.model = new H(), = e; } async create() { - var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; - const modelData = this.modelData; - const texture = await this.loadTexture(this.texturePath); - const textureSize = [ - (_b = (_a = modelData == null ? void 0 : modelData.description) == null ? void 0 : _a.texture_width) != null ? _b : texture.image.width, - (_d = (_c = modelData == null ? void 0 : modelData.description) == null ? void 0 : _c.texture_height) != null ? _d : texture.image.height - ]; - const textureDiscrepancyFactor = [ - texture.image.width / textureSize[0], - texture.image.height / textureSize[1] - ]; - const boneParentMap = new Map(); - texture.magFilter = NearestFilter; - texture.minFilter = NearestFilter; - const modelMaterial = new MeshLambertMaterial({ - side: DoubleSide, + var r, h, l, g; + const o = this.modelData, i = await this.loadTexture(this.texturePath), e = [ + ((r = o == null ? void 0 : o.description) == null ? void 0 : r.texture_width) ?? i.image.width, + ((h = o == null ? void 0 : o.description) == null ? void 0 : h.texture_height) ?? i.image.height + ], n = [ + i.image.width / e[0], + i.image.height / e[1] + ], s = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + i.magFilter = ye, i.minFilter = ye; + const f = new De({ + side: we, alphaTest: 0.2, - transparent: true, - map: texture + transparent: !0, + map: i }); - (_e = modelData == null ? void 0 : modelData.bones) == null ? void 0 : _e.forEach((boneData) => { - var _a2, _b2, _c2, _d2, _e2, _f2; - const currBone = new Group(); - = (_a2 = != null ? _a2 : "unknown"; - if (boneData.poly_mesh) { - const polyMeshGroup = new PolyMesh(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, boneData.poly_mesh), { - textureSize, - material: modelMaterial, - mirror: (_b2 = boneData.mirror) != null ? _b2 : false, + (l = o == null ? void 0 : o.bones) == null || l.forEach((c) => { + var A; + const p = new H(); + if ( = ?? "unknown", c.poly_mesh) { + const d = new ut({ + ...c.poly_mesh, + textureSize: e, + material: f, + mirror: c.mirror ?? !1, origin: [0, 0, 0], - inflate: boneData.inflate, + inflate: c.inflate, rotation: [0, 0, 0], - pivot: boneData.pivot - })).getGroup(); - = `#bone.${}#polyMesh`; - currBone.add(polyMeshGroup); + pivot: c.pivot + }).getGroup(); + = `#bone.${}#polyMesh`, p.add(d); } - (_c2 = boneData.cubes) == null ? void 0 : _c2.forEach((cubeData, i) => { - var _a3, _b3, _c3, _d3, _e3, _f3, _g, _h, _i, _j, _k; - const group = new Cube({ - width: (_b3 = (_a3 = cubeData.size) == null ? void 0 : _a3[0]) != null ? _b3 : 0, - height: (_d3 = (_c3 = cubeData.size) == null ? void 0 : _c3[1]) != null ? _d3 : 0, - depth: (_f3 = (_e3 = cubeData.size) == null ? void 0 : _e3[2]) != null ? _f3 : 0, - startUV: cubeData.uv, - textureSize, - textureDiscrepancyFactor, - material: modelMaterial, - mirror: cubeData.mirror === void 0 && cubeData.rotation === void 0 ? (_g = boneData.mirror) != null ? _g : false : (_h = cubeData.mirror) != null ? _h : false, - origin: (_i = cubeData.origin) != null ? _i : [0, 0, 0], - inflate: (_j = cubeData.inflate) != null ? _j : boneData.inflate, - rotation: cubeData.rotation, - pivot: (_k = cubeData.pivot) != null ? _k : boneData.pivot + (A = c.cubes) == null || A.forEach((d, w) => { + var P, R, u; + const m = new ht({ + width: ((P = d.size) == null ? void 0 : P[0]) ?? 0, + height: ((R = d.size) == null ? void 0 : R[1]) ?? 0, + depth: ((u = d.size) == null ? void 0 : u[2]) ?? 0, + startUV: d.uv, + textureSize: e, + textureDiscrepancyFactor: n, + material: f, + mirror: d.mirror === void 0 && d.rotation === void 0 ? c.mirror ?? !1 : d.mirror ?? !1, + origin: d.origin ?? [0, 0, 0], + inflate: d.inflate ?? c.inflate, + rotation: d.rotation, + pivot: d.pivot ?? c.pivot }).getGroup(); - = `#bone.${}#cube.${i}`; - currBone.add(group); + = `#bone.${}#cube.${w}`, p.add(m); }); - const pivotGroup = new Group(); - pivotGroup.rotation.order = "ZYX"; - if (boneData.pivot) { - const [pX, pY, pZ] = boneData.pivot; - pivotGroup.position.set(-pX, pY, pZ); - currBone.position.set(pX, -pY, -pZ); - } else { - pivotGroup.position.set(0, 0, 0); + const y = new H(); + if (y.rotation.order = "ZYX", c.pivot) { + const [d, w, m] = c.pivot; + y.position.set(-d, w, m), p.position.set(d, -w, -m); + } else + y.position.set(0, 0, 0); + if (y.add(p), = `#pivot.${}`, c.rotation) { + const [d, w, m] = c.rotation; + y.rotation.set( + _.degToRad(-d), + _.degToRad(-w), + _.degToRad(m) + ); } - pivotGroup.add(currBone); - = `#pivot.${}`; - if (boneData.rotation) { - const [rX, rY, rZ] = boneData.rotation; - pivotGroup.rotation.set(MathUtils.degToRad(-rX), MathUtils.degToRad(-rY), MathUtils.degToRad(rZ)); - } - const locators = (_d2 = boneData.locators) != null ? _d2 : {}; - for (const locatorName in locators) { - const locator = new Group(); - = `locator#${locatorName}`; - const locData = locators[locatorName]; - if (Array.isArray(locData)) { - locator.position.set(...locData); - } else if (typeof locData === "object") { - locator.position.set(...(_e2 = locData.offset) != null ? _e2 : [0, 0, 0]); - locator.rotation.set(...(_f2 = locData.rotation) != null ? _f2 : [0, 0, 0]); - } - this.locators.set(locatorName, locator); - pivotGroup.add(locator); - } - if (!boneData.parent) - this.model.add(pivotGroup); - if ( { - boneParentMap.set(, [boneData.parent, pivotGroup]); - this.boneMap.set(, pivotGroup); + const b = c.locators ?? {}; + for (const d in b) { + const w = new H(); + = `locator#${d}`; + const m = b[d]; + Array.isArray(m) ? w.position.set(...m) : typeof m == "object" && (w.position.set(...m.offset ?? [0, 0, 0]), w.rotation.set(...m.rotation ?? [0, 0, 0])), this.locators.set(d, w), y.add(w); } + c.parent || this.model.add(y), && (s.set(, [c.parent, y]), this.boneMap.set(, y)); }); - for (let [_, [parent, bone]] of boneParentMap) - if (parent) { - const parentGroup = (_f = boneParentMap.get(parent)) == null ? void 0 : _f[1]; - if (parentGroup &&"#pivot.")) - parentGroup.children[0].add(bone); - else if (parentGroup) - parentGroup.add(bone); + for (let [c, [p, y]] of s) + if (p) { + const b = (g = s.get(p)) == null ? void 0 : g[1]; + b &&"#pivot.") ? b.children[0].add(y) : b && b.add(y); } this.animator.setupDefaultBonePoses(); } @@ -1272,8 +937,8 @@ class Model { getBoneMap() { return this.boneMap; } - getLocator(name) { - return this.locators.get(name); + getLocator(o) { + return this.locators.get(o); } tick() { this.animator.tick(); @@ -1281,33 +946,25 @@ class Model { get shouldTick() { return this.animator.shouldTick; } - createOutlineBox(color, position, size) { - const outlineMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial({ - side: DoubleSide, - color, + createOutlineBox(o, i, e) { + const n = new He({ + side: we, + color: o, linewidth: 20 - }); - const cube = new BoxGeometry(size.x, size.y, size.z); - const edges = new EdgesGeometry(cube); - const mesh = new LineSegments(edges, outlineMaterial); - mesh.position.set(position.x, position.y + size.y / 2, position.z); - = "helperBox"; - this.model.add(mesh); - return { + }), s = new Ge(e.x, e.y, e.z), f = new Xe(s), r = new Be(f, n); + return r.position.set(i.x, i.y + e.y / 2, i.z), = "helperBox", this.model.add(r), { dispose: () => { - this.model.remove(mesh); + this.model.remove(r); } }; } - hideBone(name) { - const bone = this.boneMap.get(name); - if (bone) - bone.visible = false; + hideBone(o) { + const i = this.boneMap.get(o); + i && (i.visible = !1); } - showBone(name) { - const bone = this.boneMap.get(name); - if (bone) - bone.visible = true; + showBone(o) { + const i = this.boneMap.get(o); + i && (i.visible = !0); } get bones() { return [...this.boneMap.keys()]; @@ -1315,104 +972,67 @@ class Model { dispose() { this.animator.dispose(); } - loadTexture(url) { - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - const loader = new TextureLoader(); - loader.load(url, (texture) => { - resolve(texture); + loadTexture(o) { + return new Promise((i, e) => { + new Ze().load(o, (s) => { + i(s); }); }); } } -class StandaloneModelViewer { - constructor(canvasElement, modelData, texturePath, options) { - var _a; - this.canvasElement = canvasElement; - this.texturePath = texturePath; - this.options = options; - this.renderingRequested = false; - this.renderer = new WebGLRenderer({ - canvas: canvasElement, - antialias: (_a = options.antialias) != null ? _a : false - }); - this.renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio); - = new PerspectiveCamera(70, 2, 0.1, 1e3); - = -20; - = 20; - = -20; -; - this.controls = new OrbitControls(, canvasElement); - this.scene = new Scene(); - this.scene.add(new AmbientLight(16777215)); - this.scene.background = new Color(13299960); - this.model = new Model(modelData, texturePath); - this.scene.add(this.model.getGroup()); - window.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize.bind(this)); - this.controls.addEventListener("change", () => this.requestRendering()); - this.onResize(); - this.loadedModel = this.loadModel().then(() => this.requestRendering()); +class gt { + constructor(o, i, e, n) { + this.canvasElement = o, this.texturePath = e, this.options = n, this.renderingRequested = !1, this.renderer = new Ke({ + canvas: o, + antialias: n.antialias ?? !1 + }), this.renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio), = new Ve(70, 2, 0.1, 1e3), = -20, = 20, = -20,, this.controls = new nt(, o), this.scene = new qe(), this.scene.add(new Ce(16777215)), this.scene.background = new We(13299960), this.model = new dt(i, e), this.scene.add(this.model.getGroup()), window.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize.bind(this)), this.controls.addEventListener("change", () => this.requestRendering()), this.onResize(), this.loadedModel = this.loadModel().then(() => this.requestRendering()); } async loadModel() { await this.model.create(); } get width() { - var _a; - return (_a = this.options.width) != null ? _a : window.innerWidth; + return this.options.width ?? window.innerWidth; } get height() { - var _a; - return (_a = this.options.height) != null ? _a : window.innerHeight; - } - render(checkShouldTick = true) { - var _a; - this.controls.update(); - this.renderer.render(this.scene,; - this.renderingRequested = false; - if (checkShouldTick && this.model.shouldTick) { - this.model.tick(); - (_a = this.model.animator.winterskyScene) == null ? void 0 : _a.updateFacingRotation(; - this.requestRendering(); - } + return this.options.height ?? window.innerHeight; } - requestRendering(immediate = false) { - if (immediate) - return this.render(false); - if (this.renderingRequested) - return; - this.renderingRequested = true; - requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render()); + render(o = !0) { + var i; + this.controls.update(), this.renderer.render(this.scene,, this.renderingRequested = !1, o && this.model.shouldTick && (this.model.tick(), (i = this.model.animator.winterskyScene) == null || i.updateFacingRotation( + + ), this.requestRendering()); + } + requestRendering(o = !1) { + if (o) + return this.render(!1); + this.renderingRequested || (this.renderingRequested = !0, requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render())); } onResize() { - this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height, true); - = this.width / this.height; - this.positionCamera(); - this.requestRendering(); + this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height, !0), = this.width / this.height, this.positionCamera(), this.requestRendering(); } dispose() { - window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onResize); - this.controls.removeEventListener("change", this.requestRendering); + window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onResize), this.controls.removeEventListener("change", this.requestRendering); } addHelpers() { - this.scene.add(new AxesHelper(50)); - this.scene.add(new GridHelper(20, 20)); - this.scene.add(new BoxHelper(this.model.getGroup(), 16776960)); - this.requestRendering(); + this.scene.add(new $e(50)), this.scene.add(new Qe(20, 20)), this.scene.add(new Je(this.model.getGroup(), 16776960)), this.requestRendering(); } getModel() { return this.model; } - positionCamera(scale = 1.5, rotate = true) { - if (rotate) - this.model.getGroup().rotation.set(0, Math.PI, 0); - const boundingSphere = new Box3().setFromObject(this.model.getGroup()).getBoundingSphere(new Sphere()); - const objectAngularSize = * Math.PI / 180 * scale; - const distanceToCamera = boundingSphere.radius / Math.tan(objectAngularSize / 2); - const len = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distanceToCamera, 2) + Math.pow(distanceToCamera, 2)); -, len, len); - this.controls.update(); -; -,,; -; + // From: + positionCamera(o = 1.5, i = !0) { + i && this.model.getGroup().rotation.set(0, Math.PI, 0); + const e = new et().setFromObject(this.model.getGroup()).getBoundingSphere(new tt()), n = * Math.PI / 180 * o, s = e.radius / Math.tan(n / 2), f = Math.sqrt( + Math.pow(s, 2) + Math.pow(s, 2) + ); +, f, f), this.controls.update(),, +, +, + + ),; } } -export { Model, StandaloneModelViewer }; +export { + dt as Model, + gt as StandaloneModelViewer +}; diff --git a/dist/model-viewer.umd.js b/dist/model-viewer.umd.js index f38b813..4c0bf5c 100644 --- a/dist/model-viewer.umd.js +++ b/dist/model-viewer.umd.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -var ze=Object.defineProperty,Ce=Object.defineProperties;var Xe=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;var we=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;var We=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Ke=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;var ye=(M,n,v)=>n in M?ze(M,n,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:v}):M[n]=v,Ee=(M,n)=>{for(var v in n||(n={})),v)&&ye(M,v,n[v]);if(we)for(var v of we(n)),v)&&ye(M,v,n[v]);return M},Te=(M,n)=>Ce(M,Xe(n));(function(M,n){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module!="undefined"?n(exports,require("three"),require("molang"),require("wintersky")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","three","molang","wintersky"],n):(M=typeof globalThis!="undefined"?globalThis:M||self,n(M.ModelViewer={},M.three,M.molang,M.Wintersky))})(this,function(M,n,v,Me){"use strict";function Ae(R){return R&&typeof R=="object"&&"default"in R?R:{default:R}}var Pe=Ae(Me);const ee={type:"change"},K={type:"start"},te={type:"end"};class xe extends n.EventDispatcher{constructor(o,i){super();i===void 0&&console.warn('THREE.OrbitControls: The second parameter "domElement" is now mandatory.'),i===document&&console.error('THREE.OrbitControls: "document" should not be used as the target "domElement". Please use "renderer.domElement" instead.'),this.object=o,this.domElement=i,"none",this.enabled=!0, n.Vector3,this.minDistance=0,this.maxDistance=1/0,this.minZoom=0,this.maxZoom=1/0,this.minPolarAngle=0,this.maxPolarAngle=Math.PI,this.minAzimuthAngle=-1/0,this.maxAzimuthAngle=1/0,this.enableDamping=!1,this.dampingFactor=.05,this.enableZoom=!0,this.zoomSpeed=1,this.enableRotate=!0,this.rotateSpeed=1,this.enablePan=!0,this.panSpeed=1,this.screenSpacePanning=!0,this.keyPanSpeed=7,this.autoRotate=!1,this.autoRotateSpeed=2,this.keys={LEFT:"ArrowLeft",UP:"ArrowUp",RIGHT:"ArrowRight",BOTTOM:"ArrowDown"},this.mouseButtons={LEFT:n.MOUSE.ROTATE,MIDDLE:n.MOUSE.DOLLY,RIGHT:n.MOUSE.PAN},this.touches={ONE:n.TOUCH.ROTATE,TWO:n.TOUCH.DOLLY_PAN},,this.position0=this.object.position.clone(),this.zoom0=this.object.zoom,this._domElementKeyEvents=null,this.getPolarAngle=function(){return r.phi},this.getAzimuthalAngle=function(){return r.theta},this.getDistance=function(){return this.object.position.distanceTo(},this.listenToKeyEvents=function(t){t.addEventListener("keydown",pe),this._domElementKeyEvents=t},this.saveState=function(){e.target0.copy(,e.position0.copy(e.object.position),e.zoom0=e.object.zoom},this.reset=function(){,e.object.position.copy(e.position0),e.object.zoom=e.zoom0,e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(),e.dispatchEvent(ee),e.update(),a=s.NONE},this.update=function(){const t=new n.Vector3,c=new n.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors(o.up,new n.Vector3(0,1,0)),O=c.clone().invert(),k=new n.Vector3,_=new n.Quaternion,G=2*Math.PI;return function(){const be=e.object.position;t.copy(be).sub(,t.applyQuaternion(c),r.setFromVector3(t),e.autoRotate&&a===s.NONE&&f(b()),e.enableDamping?(r.theta+=d.theta*e.dampingFactor,r.phi+=d.phi*e.dampingFactor):(r.theta+=d.theta,r.phi+=d.phi);let V=e.minAzimuthAngle,D=e.maxAzimuthAngle;return isFinite(V)&&isFinite(D)&&(V<-Math.PI?V+=G:V>Math.PI&&(V-=G),D<-Math.PI?D+=G:D>Math.PI&&(D-=G),V<=D?r.theta=Math.max(V,Math.min(D,r.theta)):r.theta=r.theta>(V+D)/2?Math.max(V,r.theta):Math.min(D,r.theta)),r.phi=Math.max(e.minPolarAngle,Math.min(e.maxPolarAngle,r.phi)),r.makeSafe(),r.radius*=u,r.radius=Math.max(e.minDistance,Math.min(e.maxDistance,r.radius)),e.enableDamping===!0?,e.dampingFactor),t.setFromSpherical(r),t.applyQuaternion(O),be.copy(,e.object.lookAt(,e.enableDamping===!0?(d.theta*=1-e.dampingFactor,d.phi*=1-e.dampingFactor,h.multiplyScalar(1-e.dampingFactor)):(d.set(0,0,0),h.set(0,0,0)),u=1,w||k.distanceToSquared(e.object.position)>m||8*(>m?(e.dispatchEvent(ee),k.copy(e.object.position),_.copy(e.object.quaternion),w=!1,!0):!1}}(),this.dispose=function(){e.domElement.removeEventListener("contextmenu",me),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerdown",ue),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointercancel",de),e.domElement.removeEventListener("wheel",he),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove",$),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerup",Q),e._domElementKeyEvents!==null&&e._domElementKeyEvents.removeEventListener("keydown",pe)};const e=this,s={NONE:-1,ROTATE:0,DOLLY:1,PAN:2,TOUCH_ROTATE:3,TOUCH_PAN:4,TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN:5,TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE:6};let a=s.NONE;const m=1e-6,r=new n.Spherical,d=new n.Spherical;let u=1;const h=new n.Vector3;let w=!1;const g=new n.Vector2,l=new n.Vector2,A=new n.Vector2,y=new n.Vector2,P=new n.Vector2,L=new n.Vector2,N=new n.Vector2,x=new n.Vector2,I=new n.Vector2,p=[],U={};function b(){return 2*Math.PI/60/60*e.autoRotateSpeed}function E(){return Math.pow(.95,e.zoomSpeed)}function f(t){d.theta-=t}function T(t){d.phi-=t}const F=function(){const t=new n.Vector3;return function(O,k){t.setFromMatrixColumn(k,0),t.multiplyScalar(-O),h.add(t)}}(),H=function(){const t=new n.Vector3;return function(O,k){e.screenSpacePanning===!0?t.setFromMatrixColumn(k,1):(t.setFromMatrixColumn(k,0),t.crossVectors(e.object.up,t)),t.multiplyScalar(O),h.add(t)}}(),j=function(){const t=new n.Vector3;return function(O,k){const _=e.domElement;if(e.object.isPerspectiveCamera){const G=e.object.position;t.copy(G).sub(;let W=t.length();W*=Math.tan(e.object.fov/2*Math.PI/180),F(2*O*W/_.clientHeight,e.object.matrix),H(2*k*W/_.clientHeight,e.object.matrix)}else e.object.isOrthographicCamera?(F(O*(e.object.right-e.object.left)/e.object.zoom/_.clientWidth,e.object.matrix),H(k*(,e.object.matrix)):(console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - pan disabled."),e.enablePan=!1)}}();function S(t){e.object.isPerspectiveCamera?u/=t:e.object.isOrthographicCamera?(e.object.zoom=Math.max(e.minZoom,Math.min(e.maxZoom,e.object.zoom*t)),e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(),w=!0):(console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled."),e.enableZoom=!1)}function Y(t){e.object.isPerspectiveCamera?u*=t:e.object.isOrthographicCamera?(e.object.zoom=Math.max(e.minZoom,Math.min(e.maxZoom,e.object.zoom/t)),e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(),w=!0):(console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled."),e.enableZoom=!1)}function B(t){g.set(t.clientX,t.clientY)}function z(t){N.set(t.clientX,t.clientY)}function Z(t){y.set(t.clientX,t.clientY)}function C(t){l.set(t.clientX,t.clientY),A.subVectors(l,g).multiplyScalar(e.rotateSpeed);const c=e.domElement;f(2*Math.PI*A.x/c.clientHeight),T(2*Math.PI*A.y/c.clientHeight),g.copy(l),e.update()}function X(t){x.set(t.clientX,t.clientY),I.subVectors(x,N),I.y>0?S(E()):I.y<0&&Y(E()),N.copy(x),e.update()}function Se(t){P.set(t.clientX,t.clientY),L.subVectors(P,y).multiplyScalar(e.panSpeed),j(L.x,L.y),y.copy(P),e.update()}function _e(t){t.deltaY<0?Y(E()):t.deltaY>0&&S(E()),e.update()}function Ie(t){let c=!1;switch(t.code){case e.keys.UP:j(0,e.keyPanSpeed),c=!0;break;case e.keys.BOTTOM:j(0,-e.keyPanSpeed),c=!0;break;case e.keys.LEFT:j(e.keyPanSpeed,0),c=!0;break;case e.keys.RIGHT:j(-e.keyPanSpeed,0),c=!0;break}c&&(t.preventDefault(),e.update())}function ie(){if(p.length===1)g.set(p[0].pageX,p[0].pageY);else{const t=.5*(p[0].pageX+p[1].pageX),c=.5*(p[0].pageY+p[1].pageY);g.set(t,c)}}function se(){if(p.length===1)y.set(p[0].pageX,p[0].pageY);else{const t=.5*(p[0].pageX+p[1].pageX),c=.5*(p[0].pageY+p[1].pageY);y.set(t,c)}}function ae(){const t=p[0].pageX-p[1].pageX,c=p[0].pageY-p[1].pageY,O=Math.sqrt(t*t+c*c);N.set(0,O)}function Ve(){e.enableZoom&&ae(),e.enablePan&&se()}function De(){e.enableZoom&&ae(),e.enableRotate&&ie()}function re(t){if(p.length==1)l.set(t.pageX,t.pageY);else{const O=J(t),k=.5*(t.pageX+O.x),_=.5*(t.pageY+O.y);l.set(k,_)}A.subVectors(l,g).multiplyScalar(e.rotateSpeed);const c=e.domElement;f(2*Math.PI*A.x/c.clientHeight),T(2*Math.PI*A.y/c.clientHeight),g.copy(l)}function ce(t){if(p.length===1)P.set(t.pageX,t.pageY);else{const c=J(t),O=.5*(t.pageX+c.x),k=.5*(t.pageY+c.y);P.set(O,k)}L.subVectors(P,y).multiplyScalar(e.panSpeed),j(L.x,L.y),y.copy(P)}function le(t){const c=J(t),O=t.pageX-c.x,k=t.pageY-c.y,_=Math.sqrt(O*O+k*k);x.set(0,_),I.set(0,Math.pow(x.y/N.y,e.zoomSpeed)),S(I.y),N.copy(x)}function Fe(t){e.enableZoom&&le(t),e.enablePan&&ce(t)}function He(t){e.enableZoom&&le(t),e.enableRotate&&re(t)}function ue(t){e.enabled!==!1&&(p.length===0&&(e.domElement.setPointerCapture(t.pointerId),e.domElement.addEventListener("pointermove",$),e.domElement.addEventListener("pointerup",Q)),qe(t),t.pointerType==="touch"?Be(t):Ge(t))}function $(t){e.enabled!==!1&&(t.pointerType==="touch"?Ze(t):Ye(t))}function Q(t){fe(t),p.length===0&&(e.domElement.releasePointerCapture(t.pointerId),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove",$),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerup",Q)),e.dispatchEvent(te),a=s.NONE}function de(t){fe(t)}function Ge(t){let c;switch(t.button){case 0:c=e.mouseButtons.LEFT;break;case 1:c=e.mouseButtons.MIDDLE;break;case 2:c=e.mouseButtons.RIGHT;break;default:c=-1}switch(c){case n.MOUSE.DOLLY:if(e.enableZoom===!1)return;z(t),a=s.DOLLY;break;case n.MOUSE.ROTATE:if(t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey){if(e.enablePan===!1)return;Z(t),a=s.PAN}else{if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;B(t),a=s.ROTATE}break;case n.MOUSE.PAN:if(t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey){if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;B(t),a=s.ROTATE}else{if(e.enablePan===!1)return;Z(t),a=s.PAN}break;default:a=s.NONE}a!==s.NONE&&e.dispatchEvent(K)}function Ye(t){if(e.enabled!==!1)switch(a){case s.ROTATE:if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;C(t);break;case s.DOLLY:if(e.enableZoom===!1)return;X(t);break;case s.PAN:if(e.enablePan===!1)return;Se(t);break}}function he(t){e.enabled===!1||e.enableZoom===!1||a!==s.NONE||(t.preventDefault(),e.dispatchEvent(K),_e(t),e.dispatchEvent(te))}function pe(t){e.enabled===!1||e.enablePan===!1||Ie(t)}function Be(t){switch(ge(t),p.length){case 1:switch(e.touches.ONE){case n.TOUCH.ROTATE:if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;ie(),a=s.TOUCH_ROTATE;break;case n.TOUCH.PAN:if(e.enablePan===!1)return;se(),a=s.TOUCH_PAN;break;default:a=s.NONE}break;case 2:switch(e.touches.TWO){case n.TOUCH.DOLLY_PAN:if(e.enableZoom===!1&&e.enablePan===!1)return;Ve(),a=s.TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN;break;case n.TOUCH.DOLLY_ROTATE:if(e.enableZoom===!1&&e.enableRotate===!1)return;De(),a=s.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE;break;default:a=s.NONE}break;default:a=s.NONE}a!==s.NONE&&e.dispatchEvent(K)}function Ze(t){switch(ge(t),a){case s.TOUCH_ROTATE:if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;re(t),e.update();break;case s.TOUCH_PAN:if(e.enablePan===!1)return;ce(t),e.update();break;case s.TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN:if(e.enableZoom===!1&&e.enablePan===!1)return;Fe(t),e.update();break;case s.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE:if(e.enableZoom===!1&&e.enableRotate===!1)return;He(t),e.update();break;default:a=s.NONE}}function me(t){e.enabled!==!1&&t.preventDefault()}function qe(t){p.push(t)}function fe(t){delete U[t.pointerId];for(let c=0;c[Number(e),Array.isArray(s)?s:[s]]).sort(([e],[s])=>e-s)}getCurrentEffects(){if(this.currentEffectIndex>=this.effects.length)return;const o=this.effects[this.currentEffectIndex];if(!(o[0]>this.animation.roundedCurrentTime))return this.currentEffectIndex++,o[1]}reset(){this.currentEffectIndex=0}}class Oe extends oe{tick(){var i;const o=(i=super.getCurrentEffects())!=null?i:[];o.length>0&&console.log(`Playing sound effects: "${>e.effect).join(", ")}"`)}}class ke extends oe{constructor(){super(...arguments);this.disposables=[]}tick(){var i;this.tickingEffects.forEach(e=>e.tick());const o=(i=super.getCurrentEffects())!=null?i:[];for(const{locator:e,effect:s,pre_effect_script:a}of o){if(!s)return;const m=this.animation.getAnimator(),r=m.getModel(),d=m.getEmitter(s);if(!d||!m.winterskyScene)return;const u=e?r.getLocator(e):void 0,h=new Pe.default.Emitter(m.winterskyScene,d,{parent_mode:u?"locator":"entity",loop_mode:"once"});u&&(u.add(h.local_space),h.local_space.parent=u);const w={tick:()=>{h.tick(),h.enabled||(h.delete(),this.tickingEffects=this.tickingEffects.filter(g=>g!==w))}};this.tickingEffects.push(w),this.disposables.push({dispose:()=>{h.delete(),this.tickingEffects=this.tickingEffects.filter(g=>g!==w)}}),h.start(),h.tick()}}dispose(){this.disposables.forEach(o=>o.dispose()),this.disposables=[]}}class Re{constructor(o,i){var e,s;this.animator=o,this.animationData=i,this.startTimestamp=0,this.lastFrameTimestamp=0,this.isRunning=!1,this.env={"query.anim_time":()=>this.currentTime,"query.delta_time":()=>this.startTimestamp-this.lastFrameTimestamp,"query.life_time":()=>this.currentTime},this.molang=new v.MoLang(this.env,{convertUndefined:!0}),this.soundEffects=new Oe(this,(e=this.animationData.sound_effects)!=null?e:{}),this.particleEffects=new ke(this,(s=this.animationData.particle_effects)!=null?s:{})}getAnimator(){return this.animator}execute(o){return this.molang.executeAndCatch(o)}parseBoneModifier(o){if(typeof o=="number")return[o,o,o];if(typeof o=="string"){const i=typeof o=="string"?this.execute(o):o;return[i,i,i]}else{if(Array.isArray(o))return>typeof i=="string"?this.execute(i):i);if(o!==void 0){const i=Object.entries(o).map(([e,s])=>[Number(e),s]).sort(([e],[s])=>e-s);for(let e=i.length-1;e>=0;e--){let[s,a]=i[e];if(!(s>this.currentTime))if(s===this.currentTime){if(Array.isArray(a))return>typeof m=="string"?this.execute(m):m);throw new Error("Format not supported yet")}else{let[m,r]=i[n.MathUtils.euclideanModulo(e+1,i.length)],d=m-s;if(Array.isArray(a)&&Array.isArray(r))return>typeof u=="string"?this.execute(u):u),>typeof u=="string"?this.execute(u):u),,h)=>u+(r[h]-u)/d*(this.currentTime-s));throw new Error("Format not supported yet")}}return[0,0,0]}}}tick(){this.soundEffects.tick(),this.particleEffects.tick();const o=this.animator.getModel().getBoneMap();for(let i in this.animationData.bones){const e=o.get(i);if(!e)continue;const{position:s,rotation:a,scale:m}=this.animationData.bones[i],[r,d,u]=[s,a,m].map(h=>this.parseBoneModifier(h));if(r){const h=e.position.toArray();e.position.set(,g)=>(g===0?-1:1)*w+h[g]))}if(d){const h=e.rotation.toArray();e.rotation.set(>n.MathUtils.degToRad(w)).map((w,g)=>h[g]+(g===2?w:-w)))}u&&e.scale.set(...u)}this.currentTime>this.animationData.animation_length&&(this.animationData.loop?this.loop():this.pause()),}play(){this.isRunning=!0,}pause(){this.isRunning=!1}loop(){,this.soundEffects.reset(),this.particleEffects.reset()}dispose(){this.particleEffects.dispose()}get currentTime(){return(}get roundedCurrentTime(){return Math.round((}get shouldTick(){return this.isRunning}}class ve{constructor(o){this.model=o,this.animations=new Map,this.particleEmitters=new Map}setupDefaultBonePoses(){for(let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values())o.userData.defaultRotation=o.rotation.toArray(),o.userData.defaultPosition=o.position.toArray()}dispose(){this.disposeAnimations();for(let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values())delete o.userData.defaultRotation,delete o.userData.defaultPosition}disposeAnimations(){this.animations.forEach(o=>o.dispose())}setupWintersky(o){this.winterskyScene=o}addAnimation(o,i){this.animations.set(o,new Re(this,i))}addEmitter(o,i){this.particleEmitters.set(o,i)}getEmitter(o){return this.particleEmitters.get(o)}play(o){const i=this.animations.get(o);if(!i)throw new Error(`Unknown animation: "${o}"`);}pause(o){const i=this.animations.get(o);if(!i)throw new Error(`Unknown animation: "${o}"`);i.pause()}pauseAll(){for(const o of this.animations.values())o.pause()}tick(){for(let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values())o.rotation.set(...o.userData.defaultRotation),o.position.set(...o.userData.defaultPosition);this.animations.forEach(o=>o.shouldTick&&o.tick())}get shouldTick(){return[...this.animations.values()].some(o=>o.shouldTick)}getModel(){return this.model}}const Le=[{name:"west",baseUV:[2,1],dir:[-1,0,0],corners:[{pos:[-.5,1,0],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[-.5,0,0],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[-.5,1,1],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[-.5,0,1],uv:[1,0]}]},{name:"east",baseUV:[0,1],dir:[1,0,0],corners:[{pos:[.5,1,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[.5,0,1],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[.5,1,0],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[.5,0,0],uv:[1,0]}]},{name:"down",baseUV:[2,0],dir:[0,-1,0],corners:[{pos:[.5,0,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[-.5,0,1],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[.5,0,0],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[-.5,0,0],uv:[1,0]}]},{name:"up",baseUV:[1,0],dir:[0,1,0],corners:[{pos:[-.5,1,1],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[.5,1,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[-.5,1,0],uv:[1,0]},{pos:[.5,1,0],uv:[0,0]}]},{name:"north",baseUV:[1,1],dir:[0,0,-1],corners:[{pos:[-.5,0,0],uv:[1,0]},{pos:[.5,0,0],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[-.5,1,0],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[.5,1,0],uv:[0,1]}]},{name:"south",baseUV:[3,1],dir:[0,0,1],corners:[{pos:[-.5,0,1],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[.5,0,1],uv:[1,0]},{pos:[-.5,1,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[.5,1,1],uv:[1,1]}]}],q=.03;class Ne{constructor(o){var P,L,N;this.positions=[],this.indices=[],this.normals=[],this.uvs=[],this.geometry=new n.BufferGeometry, n.Group;const{textureSize:[i,e],textureDiscrepancyFactor:[s,a],mirror:m,width:r,height:d,depth:u}=o,[h,w]=[i*s,e*a],g=(P=o.startUV)!=null?P:[0,0],l=!Array.isArray(g);let A=0,y=0;l||([A,y]=g);for(let{name:x,dir:I,corners:p,baseUV:[U,b]}of Le){const E=this.positions.length/3;let f,T;if(l){if(g[x]===void 0)continue;[A,y]=((L=g[x])==null?void 0:L.uv)||[],[f,T]=((N=g[x])==null?void 0:N.uv_size)||[],f*=s,T*=a,A*=s,y*=a,U=0,b=0}for(const{pos:[F,H,j],uv:S}of p)this.positions.push((m?-F:F)*r,H*d,j*u),this.normals.push(...I),this.uvs.push((A+(Number(U>0)+Number(U>2))*Math.floor(f!=null?f:u)+Number(U>1)*Math.floor(f!=null?f:r)+S[0]*Math.floor(x==="west"||x==="east"?f!=null?f:u:f!=null?f:r)+(S[0]===0?q:-q))/(h/(l?1:s)),1-(y+b*Math.floor(T!=null?T:u)+Math.floor(x==="up"||x==="down"?T!=null?T:u:T!=null?T:d)-S[1]*Math.floor(x==="up"||x==="down"?T!=null?T:u:T!=null?T:d)+(S[1]===0?-q:q))/(w/(l?1:a)));this.indices.push(E,E+1,E+2,E+2,E+1,E+3)}this.createGeometry(),this.createMesh(o)}createGeometry(){this.geometry.setAttribute("position",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.positions),3)),this.geometry.setAttribute("normal",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.normals),3)),this.geometry.setAttribute("uv",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.uvs),2)),this.geometry.setIndex(this.indices)}createMesh({material:o,width:i,height:e,depth:s,pivot:a,rotation:m,origin:r,inflate:d=0}){const u=d*2+i,h=new n.Mesh(this.geometry,o);if("ZYX",a===void 0&&(a=[u/2,e/2,s/2]),,m){[0],a[1],a[2]),h.position.set(-r[0]-u/2+a[0]+d,r[1]-a[1]-d,r[2]-a[2]-d);const[w,g,l]=m;,n.MathUtils.degToRad(-g),n.MathUtils.degToRad(l))}else[0]-u/2+d,r[1]-d,r[2]-d);d&&!==0?1+d/(i/2):1,e!==0?1+d/(e/2):1,s!==0?1+d/(s/2):1)}getGroup(){return}}class Ue{constructor(o){var e,s,a,m,r,d,u;if(this.positions=[],this.indices=[],this.normals=[],this.uvs=[],this.geometry=new n.BufferGeometry, n.Group,!Array.isArray(o.polys))throw new Error("Format not supported yet!");o.normalized_uvs||(o.uvs=(e=o==null?void 0:o.uvs)==null?void[h,w])=>[h/o.textureSize[0],w/o.textureSize[1]]));let i=0;for(const h of o.polys){for(const[w,g,l]of h)this.positions.push(...(a=(s=o==null?void 0:o.positions)==null?void 0:s[w])!=null?a:[]),this.normals.push(...(r=(m=o==null?void 0:o.normals)==null?void 0:m[g])!=null?r:[]),this.uvs.push(...(u=(d=o==null?void 0:o.uvs)==null?void 0:d[l])!=null?u:[]);h.length===3?this.indices.push(i,i+1,i+2):this.indices.push(i+2,i+1,i,i+2,i,i+3),i+=h.length}this.createGeometry(),this.createMesh(o)}createGeometry(){this.geometry.setAttribute("position",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.positions),3)),this.geometry.setAttribute("normal",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.normals),3)),this.geometry.setAttribute("uv",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.uvs),2)),this.geometry.setIndex(this.indices)}createMesh({material:o}){const i=new n.Mesh(this.geometry,o);}getGroup(){return}}class ne{constructor(o,i){var s,a;this.modelData=o,this.texturePath=i,this.boneMap=new Map,this.locators=new Map,this.animator=new ve(this);const e=(a=(s=o==null?void 0:o.description)==null?void 0:s.identifier)!=null?a:"geometry.unknown";this.model=new n.Group,}async create(){var r,d,u,h,w,g;const o=this.modelData,i=await this.loadTexture(this.texturePath),e=[(d=(r=o==null?void 0:o.description)==null?void 0:r.texture_width)!=null?d:i.image.width,(h=(u=o==null?void 0:o.description)==null?void 0:u.texture_height)!=null?h:i.image.height],s=[i.image.width/e[0],i.image.height/e[1]],a=new Map;i.magFilter=n.NearestFilter,i.minFilter=n.NearestFilter;const m=new n.MeshLambertMaterial({side:n.DoubleSide,alphaTest:.2,transparent:!0,map:i});(w=o==null?void 0:o.bones)==null||w.forEach(l=>{var L,N,x,I,p,U;const A=new n.Group;if(!=null?L:"unknown",l.poly_mesh){const b=new Ue(Te(Ee({},l.poly_mesh),{textureSize:e,material:m,mirror:(N=l.mirror)!=null?N:!1,origin:[0,0,0],inflate:l.inflate,rotation:[0,0,0],pivot:l.pivot})).getGroup();`#bone.${}#polyMesh`,A.add(b)}(x=l.cubes)==null||x.forEach((b,E)=>{var T,F,H,j,S,Y,B,z,Z,C,X;const f=new Ne({width:(F=(T=b.size)==null?void 0:T[0])!=null?F:0,height:(j=(H=b.size)==null?void 0:H[1])!=null?j:0,depth:(Y=(S=b.size)==null?void 0:S[2])!=null?Y:0,startUV:b.uv,textureSize:e,textureDiscrepancyFactor:s,material:m,mirror:b.mirror===void 0&&b.rotation===void 0?(B=l.mirror)!=null?B:!1:(z=b.mirror)!=null?z:!1,origin:(Z=b.origin)!=null?Z:[0,0,0],inflate:(C=b.inflate)!=null?C:l.inflate,rotation:b.rotation,pivot:(X=b.pivot)!=null?X:l.pivot}).getGroup();`#bone.${}#cube.${E}`,A.add(f)});const y=new n.Group;if(y.rotation.order="ZYX",l.pivot){const[b,E,f]=l.pivot;y.position.set(-b,E,f),A.position.set(b,-E,-f)}else y.position.set(0,0,0);if(y.add(A),`#pivot.${}`,l.rotation){const[b,E,f]=l.rotation;y.rotation.set(n.MathUtils.degToRad(-b),n.MathUtils.degToRad(-E),n.MathUtils.degToRad(f))}const P=(I=l.locators)!=null?I:{};for(const b in P){const E=new n.Group;`locator#${b}`;const f=P[b];Array.isArray(f)?E.position.set(...f):typeof f=="object"&&(E.position.set(...(p=f.offset)!=null?p:[0,0,0]),E.rotation.set(...(U=f.rotation)!=null?U:[0,0,0])),this.locators.set(b,E),y.add(E)}l.parent||this.model.add(y),,[l.parent,y]),this.boneMap.set(,y))});for(let[l,[A,y]]of a)if(A){const P=(g=a.get(A))==null?void 0:g[1];P&&"#pivot.")?P.children[0].add(y):P&&P.add(y)}this.animator.setupDefaultBonePoses()}getGroup(){return this.model}getBoneMap(){return this.boneMap}getLocator(o){return this.locators.get(o)}tick(){this.animator.tick()}get shouldTick(){return this.animator.shouldTick}createOutlineBox(o,i,e){const s=new n.LineBasicMaterial({side:n.DoubleSide,color:o,linewidth:20}),a=new n.BoxGeometry(e.x,e.y,e.z),m=new n.EdgesGeometry(a),r=new n.LineSegments(m,s);return r.position.set(i.x,i.y+e.y/2,i.z),"helperBox",this.model.add(r),{dispose:()=>{this.model.remove(r)}}}hideBone(o){const i=this.boneMap.get(o);i&&(i.visible=!1)}showBone(o){const i=this.boneMap.get(o);i&&(i.visible=!0)}get bones(){return[...this.boneMap.keys()]}dispose(){this.animator.dispose()}loadTexture(o){return new Promise((i,e)=>{new n.TextureLoader().load(o,a=>{i(a)})})}}class je{constructor(o,i,e,s){var a;this.canvasElement=o,this.texturePath=e,this.options=s,this.renderingRequested=!1,this.renderer=new n.WebGLRenderer({canvas:o,antialias:(a=s.antialias)!=null?a:!1}),this.renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio), n.PerspectiveCamera(70,2,.1,1e3),,,,,this.controls=new xe(,o),this.scene=new n.Scene,this.scene.add(new n.AmbientLight(16777215)),this.scene.background=new n.Color(13299960),this.model=new ne(i,e),this.scene.add(this.model.getGroup()),window.addEventListener("resize",this.onResize.bind(this)),this.controls.addEventListener("change",()=>this.requestRendering()),this.onResize(),this.loadedModel=this.loadModel().then(()=>this.requestRendering())}async loadModel(){await this.model.create()}get width(){var o;return(o=this.options.width)!=null?o:window.innerWidth}get height(){var o;return(o=this.options.height)!=null?o:window.innerHeight}render(o=!0){var i;this.controls.update(),this.renderer.render(this.scene,,this.renderingRequested=!1,o&&this.model.shouldTick&&(this.model.tick(),(i=this.model.animator.winterskyScene)==null||i.updateFacingRotation(,this.requestRendering())}requestRendering(o=!1){if(o)return this.render(!1);this.renderingRequested||(this.renderingRequested=!0,requestAnimationFrame(()=>this.render()))}onResize(){this.renderer.setSize(this.width,this.height,!0),,this.positionCamera(),this.requestRendering()}dispose(){window.removeEventListener("resize",this.onResize),this.controls.removeEventListener("change",this.requestRendering)}addHelpers(){this.scene.add(new n.AxesHelper(50)),this.scene.add(new n.GridHelper(20,20)),this.scene.add(new n.BoxHelper(this.model.getGroup(),16776960)),this.requestRendering()}getModel(){return this.model}positionCamera(o=1.5,i=!0){i&&this.model.getGroup().rotation.set(0,Math.PI,0);const e=new n.Box3().setFromObject(this.model.getGroup()).getBoundingSphere(new n.Sphere),*Math.PI/180*o,a=e.radius/Math.tan(s/2),m=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(a,2));,m,m),this.controls.update(),,,,,}}M.Model=ne,M.StandaloneModelViewer=je,Object.defineProperty(M,"__esModule",{value:!0}),M[Symbol.toStringTag]="Module"}); +(function(R,n){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?n(exports,require("three"),require("molang"),require("wintersky")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","three","molang","wintersky"],n):(R=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:R||self,n(R.ModelViewer={},R.three,R.molang,R.Wintersky))})(this,function(R,n,me,fe){"use strict";const q={type:"change"},D={type:"start"},K={type:"end"};class ge extends n.EventDispatcher{constructor(o,i){super(),this.object=o,this.domElement=i,"none",this.enabled=!0, n.Vector3,this.minDistance=0,this.maxDistance=1/0,this.minZoom=0,this.maxZoom=1/0,this.minPolarAngle=0,this.maxPolarAngle=Math.PI,this.minAzimuthAngle=-1/0,this.maxAzimuthAngle=1/0,this.enableDamping=!1,this.dampingFactor=.05,this.enableZoom=!0,this.zoomSpeed=1,this.enableRotate=!0,this.rotateSpeed=1,this.enablePan=!0,this.panSpeed=1,this.screenSpacePanning=!0,this.keyPanSpeed=7,this.autoRotate=!1,this.autoRotateSpeed=2,this.keys={LEFT:"ArrowLeft",UP:"ArrowUp",RIGHT:"ArrowRight",BOTTOM:"ArrowDown"},this.mouseButtons={LEFT:n.MOUSE.ROTATE,MIDDLE:n.MOUSE.DOLLY,RIGHT:n.MOUSE.PAN},this.touches={ONE:n.TOUCH.ROTATE,TWO:n.TOUCH.DOLLY_PAN},,this.position0=this.object.position.clone(),this.zoom0=this.object.zoom,this._domElementKeyEvents=null,this.getPolarAngle=function(){return r.phi},this.getAzimuthalAngle=function(){return r.theta},this.getDistance=function(){return this.object.position.distanceTo(},this.listenToKeyEvents=function(t){t.addEventListener("keydown",le),this._domElementKeyEvents=t},this.saveState=function(){e.target0.copy(,e.position0.copy(e.object.position),e.zoom0=e.object.zoom},this.reset=function(){,e.object.position.copy(e.position0),e.object.zoom=e.zoom0,e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(),e.dispatchEvent(q),e.update(),a=s.NONE},this.update=function(){const t=new n.Vector3,c=new n.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors(o.up,new n.Vector3(0,1,0)),T=c.clone().invert(),M=new n.Vector3,v=new n.Quaternion,Y=2*Math.PI;return function(){const pe=e.object.position;t.copy(pe).sub(,t.applyQuaternion(c),r.setFromVector3(t),e.autoRotate&&a===s.NONE&&P(j()),e.enableDamping?(r.theta+=h.theta*e.dampingFactor,r.phi+=h.phi*e.dampingFactor):(r.theta+=h.theta,r.phi+=h.phi);let N=e.minAzimuthAngle,U=e.maxAzimuthAngle;return isFinite(N)&&isFinite(U)&&(N<-Math.PI?N+=Y:N>Math.PI&&(N-=Y),U<-Math.PI?U+=Y:U>Math.PI&&(U-=Y),N<=U?r.theta=Math.max(N,Math.min(U,r.theta)):r.theta=r.theta>(N+U)/2?Math.max(N,r.theta):Math.min(U,r.theta)),r.phi=Math.max(e.minPolarAngle,Math.min(e.maxPolarAngle,r.phi)),r.makeSafe(),r.radius*=u,r.radius=Math.max(e.minDistance,Math.min(e.maxDistance,r.radius)),e.enableDamping===!0?,e.dampingFactor),t.setFromSpherical(r),t.applyQuaternion(T),pe.copy(,e.object.lookAt(,e.enableDamping===!0?(h.theta*=1-e.dampingFactor,h.phi*=1-e.dampingFactor,y.multiplyScalar(1-e.dampingFactor)):(h.set(0,0,0),y.set(0,0,0)),u=1,l||M.distanceToSquared(e.object.position)>g||8*(>g?(e.dispatchEvent(q),M.copy(e.object.position),v.copy(e.object.quaternion),l=!1,!0):!1}}(),this.dispose=function(){e.domElement.removeEventListener("contextmenu",ue),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerdown",ae),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointercancel",re),e.domElement.removeEventListener("wheel",ce),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove",B),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerup",X),e._domElementKeyEvents!==null&&e._domElementKeyEvents.removeEventListener("keydown",le)};const e=this,s={NONE:-1,ROTATE:0,DOLLY:1,PAN:2,TOUCH_ROTATE:3,TOUCH_PAN:4,TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN:5,TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE:6};let a=s.NONE;const g=1e-6,r=new n.Spherical,h=new n.Spherical;let u=1;const y=new n.Vector3;let l=!1;const m=new n.Vector2,w=new n.Vector2,E=new n.Vector2,A=new n.Vector2,p=new n.Vector2,b=new n.Vector2,f=new n.Vector2,x=new n.Vector2,S=new n.Vector2,d=[],I={};function j(){return 2*Math.PI/60/60*e.autoRotateSpeed}function O(){return Math.pow(.95,e.zoomSpeed)}function P(t){h.theta-=t}function _(t){h.phi-=t}const V=function(){const t=new n.Vector3;return function(T,M){t.setFromMatrixColumn(M,0),t.multiplyScalar(-T),y.add(t)}}(),F=function(){const t=new n.Vector3;return function(T,M){e.screenSpacePanning===!0?t.setFromMatrixColumn(M,1):(t.setFromMatrixColumn(M,0),t.crossVectors(e.object.up,t)),t.multiplyScalar(T),y.add(t)}}(),k=function(){const t=new n.Vector3;return function(T,M){const v=e.domElement;if(e.object.isPerspectiveCamera){const Y=e.object.position;t.copy(Y).sub(;let H=t.length();H*=Math.tan(e.object.fov/2*Math.PI/180),V(2*T*H/v.clientHeight,e.object.matrix),F(2*M*H/v.clientHeight,e.object.matrix)}else e.object.isOrthographicCamera?(V(T*(e.object.right-e.object.left)/e.object.zoom/v.clientWidth,e.object.matrix),F(M*(,e.object.matrix)):(console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - pan disabled."),e.enablePan=!1)}}();function G(t){e.object.isPerspectiveCamera?u/=t:e.object.isOrthographicCamera?(e.object.zoom=Math.max(e.minZoom,Math.min(e.maxZoom,e.object.zoom*t)),e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(),l=!0):(console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled."),e.enableZoom=!1)}function $(t){e.object.isPerspectiveCamera?u*=t:e.object.isOrthographicCamera?(e.object.zoom=Math.max(e.minZoom,Math.min(e.maxZoom,e.object.zoom/t)),e.object.updateProjectionMatrix(),l=!0):(console.warn("WARNING: OrbitControls.js encountered an unknown camera type - dolly/zoom disabled."),e.enableZoom=!1)}function Q(t){m.set(t.clientX,t.clientY)}function xe(t){f.set(t.clientX,t.clientY)}function J(t){A.set(t.clientX,t.clientY)}function Oe(t){w.set(t.clientX,t.clientY),E.subVectors(w,m).multiplyScalar(e.rotateSpeed);const c=e.domElement;P(2*Math.PI*E.x/c.clientHeight),_(2*Math.PI*E.y/c.clientHeight),m.copy(w),e.update()}function ke(t){x.set(t.clientX,t.clientY),S.subVectors(x,f),S.y>0?G(O()):S.y<0&&$(O()),f.copy(x),e.update()}function ve(t){p.set(t.clientX,t.clientY),b.subVectors(p,A).multiplyScalar(e.panSpeed),k(b.x,b.y),A.copy(p),e.update()}function Re(t){t.deltaY<0?$(O()):t.deltaY>0&&G(O()),e.update()}function Se(t){let c=!1;switch(t.code){case e.keys.UP:t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey?_(2*Math.PI*e.rotateSpeed/e.domElement.clientHeight):k(0,e.keyPanSpeed),c=!0;break;case e.keys.BOTTOM:t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey?_(-2*Math.PI*e.rotateSpeed/e.domElement.clientHeight):k(0,-e.keyPanSpeed),c=!0;break;case e.keys.LEFT:t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey?P(2*Math.PI*e.rotateSpeed/e.domElement.clientHeight):k(e.keyPanSpeed,0),c=!0;break;case e.keys.RIGHT:t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey?P(-2*Math.PI*e.rotateSpeed/e.domElement.clientHeight):k(-e.keyPanSpeed,0),c=!0;break}c&&(t.preventDefault(),e.update())}function ee(){if(d.length===1)m.set(d[0].pageX,d[0].pageY);else{const t=.5*(d[0].pageX+d[1].pageX),c=.5*(d[0].pageY+d[1].pageY);m.set(t,c)}}function te(){if(d.length===1)A.set(d[0].pageX,d[0].pageY);else{const t=.5*(d[0].pageX+d[1].pageX),c=.5*(d[0].pageY+d[1].pageY);A.set(t,c)}}function oe(){const t=d[0].pageX-d[1].pageX,c=d[0].pageY-d[1].pageY,T=Math.sqrt(t*t+c*c);f.set(0,T)}function Le(){e.enableZoom&&oe(),e.enablePan&&te()}function Ne(){e.enableZoom&&oe(),e.enableRotate&&ee()}function ie(t){if(d.length==1)w.set(t.pageX,t.pageY);else{const T=Z(t),M=.5*(t.pageX+T.x),v=.5*(t.pageY+T.y);w.set(M,v)}E.subVectors(w,m).multiplyScalar(e.rotateSpeed);const c=e.domElement;P(2*Math.PI*E.x/c.clientHeight),_(2*Math.PI*E.y/c.clientHeight),m.copy(w)}function ne(t){if(d.length===1)p.set(t.pageX,t.pageY);else{const c=Z(t),T=.5*(t.pageX+c.x),M=.5*(t.pageY+c.y);p.set(T,M)}b.subVectors(p,A).multiplyScalar(e.panSpeed),k(b.x,b.y),A.copy(p)}function se(t){const c=Z(t),T=t.pageX-c.x,M=t.pageY-c.y,v=Math.sqrt(T*T+M*M);x.set(0,v),S.set(0,Math.pow(x.y/f.y,e.zoomSpeed)),G(S.y),f.copy(x)}function Ue(t){e.enableZoom&&se(t),e.enablePan&&ne(t)}function je(t){e.enableZoom&&se(t),e.enableRotate&&ie(t)}function ae(t){e.enabled!==!1&&(d.length===0&&(e.domElement.setPointerCapture(t.pointerId),e.domElement.addEventListener("pointermove",B),e.domElement.addEventListener("pointerup",X)),Ve(t),t.pointerType==="touch"?Ye(t):Ie(t))}function B(t){e.enabled!==!1&&(t.pointerType==="touch"?ze(t):_e(t))}function X(t){he(t),d.length===0&&(e.domElement.releasePointerCapture(t.pointerId),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointermove",B),e.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerup",X)),e.dispatchEvent(K),a=s.NONE}function re(t){he(t)}function Ie(t){let c;switch(t.button){case 0:c=e.mouseButtons.LEFT;break;case 1:c=e.mouseButtons.MIDDLE;break;case 2:c=e.mouseButtons.RIGHT;break;default:c=-1}switch(c){case n.MOUSE.DOLLY:if(e.enableZoom===!1)return;xe(t),a=s.DOLLY;break;case n.MOUSE.ROTATE:if(t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey){if(e.enablePan===!1)return;J(t),a=s.PAN}else{if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;Q(t),a=s.ROTATE}break;case n.MOUSE.PAN:if(t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey){if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;Q(t),a=s.ROTATE}else{if(e.enablePan===!1)return;J(t),a=s.PAN}break;default:a=s.NONE}a!==s.NONE&&e.dispatchEvent(D)}function _e(t){switch(a){case s.ROTATE:if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;Oe(t);break;case s.DOLLY:if(e.enableZoom===!1)return;ke(t);break;case s.PAN:if(e.enablePan===!1)return;ve(t);break}}function ce(t){e.enabled===!1||e.enableZoom===!1||a!==s.NONE||(t.preventDefault(),e.dispatchEvent(D),Re(t),e.dispatchEvent(K))}function le(t){e.enabled===!1||e.enablePan===!1||Se(t)}function Ye(t){switch(de(t),d.length){case 1:switch(e.touches.ONE){case n.TOUCH.ROTATE:if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;ee(),a=s.TOUCH_ROTATE;break;case n.TOUCH.PAN:if(e.enablePan===!1)return;te(),a=s.TOUCH_PAN;break;default:a=s.NONE}break;case 2:switch(e.touches.TWO){case n.TOUCH.DOLLY_PAN:if(e.enableZoom===!1&&e.enablePan===!1)return;Le(),a=s.TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN;break;case n.TOUCH.DOLLY_ROTATE:if(e.enableZoom===!1&&e.enableRotate===!1)return;Ne(),a=s.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE;break;default:a=s.NONE}break;default:a=s.NONE}a!==s.NONE&&e.dispatchEvent(D)}function ze(t){switch(de(t),a){case s.TOUCH_ROTATE:if(e.enableRotate===!1)return;ie(t),e.update();break;case s.TOUCH_PAN:if(e.enablePan===!1)return;ne(t),e.update();break;case s.TOUCH_DOLLY_PAN:if(e.enableZoom===!1&&e.enablePan===!1)return;Ue(t),e.update();break;case s.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE:if(e.enableZoom===!1&&e.enableRotate===!1)return;je(t),e.update();break;default:a=s.NONE}}function ue(t){e.enabled!==!1&&t.preventDefault()}function Ve(t){d.push(t)}function he(t){delete I[t.pointerId];for(let c=0;c[Number(e),Array.isArray(s)?s:[s]]).sort(([e],[s])=>e-s)}getCurrentEffects(){if(this.currentEffectIndex>=this.effects.length)return;const o=this.effects[this.currentEffectIndex];if(!(o[0]>this.animation.roundedCurrentTime))return this.currentEffectIndex++,o[1]}reset(){this.currentEffectIndex=0}}class ye extends C{tick(){const o=super.getCurrentEffects()??[];o.length>0&&console.log(`Playing sound effects: "${>i.effect).join(", ")}"`)}}class we extends C{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.disposables=[]}tick(){this.tickingEffects.forEach(i=>i.tick());const o=super.getCurrentEffects()??[];for(const{locator:i,effect:e,pre_effect_script:s}of o){if(!e)return;const a=this.animation.getAnimator(),g=a.getModel(),r=a.getEmitter(e);if(!r||!a.winterskyScene)return;const h=i?g.getLocator(i):void 0,u=new fe.Emitter(a.winterskyScene,r,{parent_mode:h?"locator":"entity",loop_mode:"once"});h&&(h.add(u.local_space),u.local_space.parent=h);const y={tick:()=>{u.tick(),u.enabled||(u.delete(),this.tickingEffects=this.tickingEffects.filter(l=>l!==y))}};this.tickingEffects.push(y),this.disposables.push({dispose:()=>{u.delete(),this.tickingEffects=this.tickingEffects.filter(l=>l!==y)}}),u.start(),u.tick()}}dispose(){this.disposables.forEach(o=>o.dispose()),this.disposables=[]}}class be{constructor(o,i){this.animator=o,this.animationData=i,this.startTimestamp=0,this.lastFrameTimestamp=0,this.isRunning=!1,this.env={"query.anim_time":()=>this.currentTime,"query.delta_time":()=>this.startTimestamp-this.lastFrameTimestamp,"query.life_time":()=>this.currentTime},this.molang=new me.Molang(this.env,{convertUndefined:!0}),this.soundEffects=new ye(this,this.animationData.sound_effects??{}),this.particleEffects=new we(this,this.animationData.particle_effects??{})}getAnimator(){return this.animator}execute(o){return this.molang.executeAndCatch(o)}parseBoneModifier(o){if(typeof o=="number")return[o,o,o];if(typeof o=="string"){const i=typeof o=="string"?this.execute(o):o;return[i,i,i]}else{if(Array.isArray(o))return>typeof i=="string"?this.execute(i):i);if(o!==void 0){const i=Object.entries(o).map(([e,s])=>[Number(e),s]).sort(([e],[s])=>e-s);for(let e=i.length-1;e>=0;e--){let[s,a]=i[e];if(!(s>this.currentTime))if(s===this.currentTime){if(Array.isArray(a))return>typeof g=="string"?this.execute(g):g);throw new Error("Format not supported yet")}else{let[g,r]=i[n.MathUtils.euclideanModulo(e+1,i.length)],h=g-s;if(Array.isArray(a)&&Array.isArray(r))return>typeof u=="string"?this.execute(u):u),>typeof u=="string"?this.execute(u):u),,y)=>u+(r[y]-u)/h*(this.currentTime-s));throw new Error("Format not supported yet")}}return[0,0,0]}}}tick(){this.soundEffects.tick(),this.particleEffects.tick();const o=this.animator.getModel().getBoneMap();for(let i in this.animationData.bones){const e=o.get(i);if(!e)continue;const{position:s,rotation:a,scale:g}=this.animationData.bones[i],[r,h,u]=[s,a,g].map(y=>this.parseBoneModifier(y));if(r){const y=e.position.toArray();e.position.set(,m)=>(m===0?-1:1)*l+y[m]))}if(h){const y=e.rotation.toArray();e.rotation.set(>n.MathUtils.degToRad(l)).map((l,m)=>y[m]+(m===2?l:-l)))}u&&e.scale.set(...u)}this.currentTime>this.animationData.animation_length&&(this.animationData.loop?this.loop():this.pause()),}play(){this.isRunning=!0,}pause(){this.isRunning=!1}loop(){,this.soundEffects.reset(),this.particleEffects.reset()}dispose(){this.particleEffects.dispose()}get currentTime(){return(}get roundedCurrentTime(){return Math.round((}get shouldTick(){return this.isRunning}}class Ee{constructor(o){this.model=o,this.animations=new Map,this.particleEmitters=new Map}setupDefaultBonePoses(){for(let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values())o.userData.defaultRotation=o.rotation.toArray(),o.userData.defaultPosition=o.position.toArray()}dispose(){this.disposeAnimations();for(let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values())delete o.userData.defaultRotation,delete o.userData.defaultPosition}disposeAnimations(){this.animations.forEach(o=>o.dispose())}setupWintersky(o){this.winterskyScene=o}addAnimation(o,i){this.animations.set(o,new be(this,i))}addEmitter(o,i){this.particleEmitters.set(o,i)}getEmitter(o){return this.particleEmitters.get(o)}play(o){const i=this.animations.get(o);if(!i)throw new Error(`Unknown animation: "${o}"`);}pause(o){const i=this.animations.get(o);if(!i)throw new Error(`Unknown animation: "${o}"`);i.pause()}pauseAll(){for(const o of this.animations.values())o.pause()}tick(){for(let o of this.model.getBoneMap().values())o.rotation.set(...o.userData.defaultRotation),o.position.set(...o.userData.defaultPosition);this.animations.forEach(o=>o.shouldTick&&o.tick())}get shouldTick(){return[...this.animations.values()].some(o=>o.shouldTick)}getModel(){return this.model}}const Te=[{name:"west",baseUV:[2,1],dir:[-1,0,0],corners:[{pos:[-.5,1,0],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[-.5,0,0],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[-.5,1,1],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[-.5,0,1],uv:[1,0]}]},{name:"east",baseUV:[0,1],dir:[1,0,0],corners:[{pos:[.5,1,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[.5,0,1],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[.5,1,0],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[.5,0,0],uv:[1,0]}]},{name:"down",baseUV:[2,0],dir:[0,-1,0],corners:[{pos:[.5,0,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[-.5,0,1],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[.5,0,0],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[-.5,0,0],uv:[1,0]}]},{name:"up",baseUV:[1,0],dir:[0,1,0],corners:[{pos:[-.5,1,1],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[.5,1,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[-.5,1,0],uv:[1,0]},{pos:[.5,1,0],uv:[0,0]}]},{name:"north",baseUV:[1,1],dir:[0,0,-1],corners:[{pos:[-.5,0,0],uv:[1,0]},{pos:[.5,0,0],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[-.5,1,0],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[.5,1,0],uv:[0,1]}]},{name:"south",baseUV:[3,1],dir:[0,0,1],corners:[{pos:[-.5,0,1],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[.5,0,1],uv:[1,0]},{pos:[-.5,1,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[.5,1,1],uv:[1,1]}]}],z=.03;class Me{constructor(o){var p,b;this.positions=[],this.indices=[],this.normals=[],this.uvs=[],this.geometry=new n.BufferGeometry, n.Group;const{textureSize:[i,e],textureDiscrepancyFactor:[s,a],mirror:g,width:r,height:h,depth:u}=o,[y,l]=[i*s,e*a],m=o.startUV??[0,0],w=!Array.isArray(m);let E=0,A=0;w||([E,A]=m);for(let{name:f,dir:x,corners:S,baseUV:[d,I]}of Te){const j=this.positions.length/3;let O,P;if(w){if(m[f]===void 0)continue;[E,A]=((p=m[f])==null?void 0:p.uv)||[],[O,P]=((b=m[f])==null?void 0:b.uv_size)||[],O*=s,P*=a,E*=s,A*=a,d=0,I=0}for(const{pos:[_,V,F],uv:k}of S)this.positions.push((g?-_:_)*r,V*h,F*u),this.normals.push(...x),this.uvs.push((E+(+(d>0)+ +(d>2))*Math.floor(O??u)+ +(d>1)*Math.floor(O??r)+k[0]*Math.floor(f==="west"||f==="east"?O??u:O??r)+(k[0]===0?z:-z))/(y/(w?1:s)),1-(A+I*Math.floor(P??u)+Math.floor(f==="up"||f==="down"?P??u:P??h)-k[1]*Math.floor(f==="up"||f==="down"?P??u:P??h)+(k[1]===0?-z:z))/(l/(w?1:a)));this.indices.push(j,j+1,j+2,j+2,j+1,j+3)}this.createGeometry(),this.createMesh(o)}createGeometry(){this.geometry.setAttribute("position",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.positions),3)),this.geometry.setAttribute("normal",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.normals),3)),this.geometry.setAttribute("uv",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.uvs),2)),this.geometry.setIndex(this.indices)}createMesh({material:o,width:i,height:e,depth:s,pivot:a,rotation:g,origin:r,inflate:h=0}){const u=h*2+i,y=new n.Mesh(this.geometry,o);if("ZYX",a===void 0&&(a=[u/2,e/2,s/2]),,g){[0],a[1],a[2]),y.position.set(-r[0]-u/2+a[0]+h,r[1]-a[1]-h,r[2]-a[2]-h);const[l,m,w]=g;,n.MathUtils.degToRad(-m),n.MathUtils.degToRad(w))}else[0]-u/2+h,r[1]-h,r[2]-h);h&&!==0?1+h/(i/2):1,e!==0?1+h/(e/2):1,s!==0?1+h/(s/2):1)}getGroup(){return}}class Ae{constructor(o){var e,s,a,g;if(this.positions=[],this.indices=[],this.normals=[],this.uvs=[],this.geometry=new n.BufferGeometry, n.Group,!Array.isArray(o.polys))throw new Error("Format not supported yet!");o.normalized_uvs||(o.uvs=(e=o==null?void 0:o.uvs)==null?void[r,h])=>[r/o.textureSize[0],h/o.textureSize[1]]));let i=0;for(const r of o.polys){for(const[h,u,y]of r)this.positions.push(...((s=o==null?void 0:o.positions)==null?void 0:s[h])??[]),this.normals.push(...((a=o==null?void 0:o.normals)==null?void 0:a[u])??[]),this.uvs.push(...((g=o==null?void 0:o.uvs)==null?void 0:g[y])??[]);r.length===3?this.indices.push(i,i+1,i+2):this.indices.push(i+2,i+1,i,i+2,i,i+3),i+=r.length}this.createGeometry(),this.createMesh(o)}createGeometry(){this.geometry.setAttribute("position",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.positions),3)),this.geometry.setAttribute("normal",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.normals),3)),this.geometry.setAttribute("uv",new n.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.uvs),2)),this.geometry.setIndex(this.indices)}createMesh({material:o}){const i=new n.Mesh(this.geometry,o);}getGroup(){return}}class W{constructor(o,i){var s;this.modelData=o,this.texturePath=i,this.boneMap=new Map,this.locators=new Map,this.animator=new Ee(this);const e=((s=o==null?void 0:o.description)==null?void 0:s.identifier)??"geometry.unknown";this.model=new n.Group,}async create(){var r,h,u,y;const o=this.modelData,i=await this.loadTexture(this.texturePath),e=[((r=o==null?void 0:o.description)==null?void 0:r.texture_width)??i.image.width,((h=o==null?void 0:o.description)==null?void 0:h.texture_height)??i.image.height],s=[i.image.width/e[0],i.image.height/e[1]],a=new Map;i.magFilter=n.NearestFilter,i.minFilter=n.NearestFilter;const g=new n.MeshLambertMaterial({side:n.DoubleSide,alphaTest:.2,transparent:!0,map:i});(u=o==null?void 0:o.bones)==null||u.forEach(l=>{var A;const m=new n.Group;if("unknown",l.poly_mesh){const p=new Ae({...l.poly_mesh,textureSize:e,material:g,mirror:l.mirror??!1,origin:[0,0,0],inflate:l.inflate,rotation:[0,0,0],pivot:l.pivot}).getGroup();`#bone.${}#polyMesh`,m.add(p)}(A=l.cubes)==null||A.forEach((p,b)=>{var x,S,d;const f=new Me({width:((x=p.size)==null?void 0:x[0])??0,height:((S=p.size)==null?void 0:S[1])??0,depth:((d=p.size)==null?void 0:d[2])??0,startUV:p.uv,textureSize:e,textureDiscrepancyFactor:s,material:g,mirror:p.mirror===void 0&&p.rotation===void 0?l.mirror??!1:p.mirror??!1,origin:p.origin??[0,0,0],inflate:p.inflate??l.inflate,rotation:p.rotation,pivot:p.pivot??l.pivot}).getGroup();`#bone.${}#cube.${b}`,m.add(f)});const w=new n.Group;if(w.rotation.order="ZYX",l.pivot){const[p,b,f]=l.pivot;w.position.set(-p,b,f),m.position.set(p,-b,-f)}else w.position.set(0,0,0);if(w.add(m),`#pivot.${}`,l.rotation){const[p,b,f]=l.rotation;w.rotation.set(n.MathUtils.degToRad(-p),n.MathUtils.degToRad(-b),n.MathUtils.degToRad(f))}const E=l.locators??{};for(const p in E){const b=new n.Group;`locator#${p}`;const f=E[p];Array.isArray(f)?b.position.set(...f):typeof f=="object"&&(b.position.set(...f.offset??[0,0,0]),b.rotation.set(...f.rotation??[0,0,0])),this.locators.set(p,b),w.add(b)}l.parent||this.model.add(w),,[l.parent,w]),this.boneMap.set(,w))});for(let[l,[m,w]]of a)if(m){const E=(y=a.get(m))==null?void 0:y[1];E&&"#pivot.")?E.children[0].add(w):E&&E.add(w)}this.animator.setupDefaultBonePoses()}getGroup(){return this.model}getBoneMap(){return this.boneMap}getLocator(o){return this.locators.get(o)}tick(){this.animator.tick()}get shouldTick(){return this.animator.shouldTick}createOutlineBox(o,i,e){const s=new n.LineBasicMaterial({side:n.DoubleSide,color:o,linewidth:20}),a=new n.BoxGeometry(e.x,e.y,e.z),g=new n.EdgesGeometry(a),r=new n.LineSegments(g,s);return r.position.set(i.x,i.y+e.y/2,i.z),"helperBox",this.model.add(r),{dispose:()=>{this.model.remove(r)}}}hideBone(o){const i=this.boneMap.get(o);i&&(i.visible=!1)}showBone(o){const i=this.boneMap.get(o);i&&(i.visible=!0)}get bones(){return[...this.boneMap.keys()]}dispose(){this.animator.dispose()}loadTexture(o){return new Promise((i,e)=>{new n.TextureLoader().load(o,a=>{i(a)})})}}class Pe{constructor(o,i,e,s){this.canvasElement=o,this.texturePath=e,this.options=s,this.renderingRequested=!1,this.renderer=new n.WebGLRenderer({canvas:o,antialias:s.antialias??!1}),this.renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio), n.PerspectiveCamera(70,2,.1,1e3),,,,,this.controls=new ge(,o),this.scene=new n.Scene,this.scene.add(new n.AmbientLight(16777215)),this.scene.background=new n.Color(13299960),this.model=new W(i,e),this.scene.add(this.model.getGroup()),window.addEventListener("resize",this.onResize.bind(this)),this.controls.addEventListener("change",()=>this.requestRendering()),this.onResize(),this.loadedModel=this.loadModel().then(()=>this.requestRendering())}async loadModel(){await this.model.create()}get width(){return this.options.width??window.innerWidth}get height(){return this.options.height??window.innerHeight}render(o=!0){var i;this.controls.update(),this.renderer.render(this.scene,,this.renderingRequested=!1,o&&this.model.shouldTick&&(this.model.tick(),(i=this.model.animator.winterskyScene)==null||i.updateFacingRotation(,this.requestRendering())}requestRendering(o=!1){if(o)return this.render(!1);this.renderingRequested||(this.renderingRequested=!0,requestAnimationFrame(()=>this.render()))}onResize(){this.renderer.setSize(this.width,this.height,!0),,this.positionCamera(),this.requestRendering()}dispose(){window.removeEventListener("resize",this.onResize),this.controls.removeEventListener("change",this.requestRendering)}addHelpers(){this.scene.add(new n.AxesHelper(50)),this.scene.add(new n.GridHelper(20,20)),this.scene.add(new n.BoxHelper(this.model.getGroup(),16776960)),this.requestRendering()}getModel(){return this.model}positionCamera(o=1.5,i=!0){i&&this.model.getGroup().rotation.set(0,Math.PI,0);const e=new n.Box3().setFromObject(this.model.getGroup()).getBoundingSphere(new n.Sphere),*Math.PI/180*o,a=e.radius/Math.tan(s/2),g=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(a,2));,g,g),this.controls.update(),,,,,}}R.Model=W,R.StandaloneModelViewer=Pe,Object.defineProperty(R,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})}); diff --git a/lib/Animations/Animation.ts 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