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Step 5: Add your camera

To complete our integration, we configure the button to simulate motion, and implement camera functionality using WebRTC.

Motion Simulation

The provided OAuth app includes a pre-existing button to simulate motion. Configure this to notify SmartThings when motion is simulated. In your src/routes/api.js file, update the route for POST /motion:'/motion', async function(req, res) {
	await updateDeviceMotion(deviceId(), req.body.value)
	await proactiveCallback([
			capability: 'st.motionSensor',
			component: 'main',
			attribute: 'motion',
			value: req.body.value

Video Handling

Notify SmartThings

In src/routes/api.js, update the router for POST /online to notify SmartThings of the webcam's status:'/online', async function(req, res) {
	await updateDeviceHealth(deviceId(), req.body.value)
	await proactiveCallback([
			capability: 'st.healthCheck',
			component: 'main',
			attribute: 'healthStatus',
			value: req.body.value

Also in src/routes/api.js, update the POST /deviceIce route:'/deviceIce', async function(req, res) {
	await proactiveCallback([
			capability: 'st.webrtc',
			component: 'main',
			attribute: 'deviceIce',
			value: {
				id: uuid(),
				ice: {
					candidate: req.body.candidate,
					sdpMid: req.body.sdpMid,
					sdpMLineIndex: req.body.sdpMLineIndex

Update the POST /capture route to notify SmartThings of image captures:'/capture', upload.single('image'), async function(req, res) {
	try {
		const id = uuid()
		const url = `${serverUrl()}/captures/${id}.jpg`

		await fs.writeFile(`public/captures/${id}.jpg`, req.file.buffer)

		await proactiveCallback([
				capability: 'st.imageCapture',
				component: 'main',
				attribute: 'image',
				value: url
				capability: 'st.imageCapture',
				component: 'main',
				attribute: 'encrypted',
				value: false
				capability: 'st.imageCapture',
				component: 'main',
				attribute: 'captureTime',
				value: new Date().toISOString()

	} catch( error ) {
		console.error('Error saving image', error)
		res.status(500).send('Error saving image')

Command Handler

Create a new file called command.js in your src/lib/handlers directory to handle commands initiated from SmartThings:

const sse = require('../sse')
const { updateDeviceAnswer } = require('../db')

module.exports = async (accessToken, response, devices) => {
	for (const device of devices) {
		for (const command of device.commands) {
			if (command.command === 'sdpOffer' || command.command === 'clientIce' || command.command === 'take') {
			} else if (command.command === 'end') {
				const answer = {id: command.arguments[0], sdp: ''}
				const state = {
					component: 'main',
					capability: 'st.webrtc',
					attribute: 'sdpAnswer',
					value: answer
				response.addDevice(device.externalDeviceId, [state], device.deviceCookie)
				await updateDeviceAnswer(device.externalDeviceId, JSON.stringify(answer))
			} else {
				console.warn('Unknown command', command)

Add it to the connector defined in connector.js:

const commandHandler = require('./handlers/command')


const connector = new SchemaConnector()

Event Stream

Uncomment code that sets up the event stream in startWebCam in your public/javascripts/webcam.js file.

	const eventSource = new EventSource('/stream')
	eventSource.onmessage = async (e) => {
		const cmd = JSON.parse(
		if (cmd.command === 'sdpOffer') {
			await processOffer(cmd.arguments)
		} else if (cmd.command === 'clientIce') {
			const candidate = cmd.arguments[1]
			console.log('CLIENT CANDIDATE =', JSON.stringify(candidate, null, 2))
			await pc.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(candidate))
		} else if (cmd.command === 'take') {
			await captureImage()

	eventSource.onerror = (e) => console.log('EventSource failed %j', e)

In src/routes/api.js, notify SmartThings of a WebRTC answer:'/answer', async function(req, res) {
	const answer = {
		sdp: req.body.sdp

	await updateDeviceAnswer(deviceId(), JSON.stringify(answer))
	await proactiveCallback([
			capability: 'st.webrtc',
			component: 'main',
			attribute: 'sdpAnswer',
			value: answer

SmartThings Notification

In src/lib/sse.js, use proactiveCallback to notify SmartThings when the webcam goes offline or comes online:

const { proactiveCallback } = require('./callbacks')


module.exports.init = async (request, response, next) => {
	console.log('SSE stream setup')
	sse = new SSE()
	sse.init(request, response, next)

	await updateDeviceHealth(deviceId(), 'online')
	await proactiveCallback([
			capability: 'st.healthCheck',
			component: 'main',
			attribute: 'healthStatus',
			value: 'online'

	request.on('close', async () => {
		console.log('SSE stream closed')

		await updateDeviceHealth(deviceId(), 'offline')
		await proactiveCallback([
				capability: 'st.healthCheck',
				component: 'main',
				attribute: 'healthStatus',
				value: 'offline'

After enabling your camera in your OAuth app web UI (the forwarding URL from step 1), your webcam feed will appear live in the SmartThings app. All capabilities of the device are functional at this point. Your Schema integration is now complete!