From 04b40859e54e563ea6c96efa389f77c190ee1261 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Attila Kovacs <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 22:29:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Added functions for v1.3

---           |  57 ++++
 Makefile               |   2 +              |   5 +-
 include/novas.h        |  90 ++++++-
 include/solarsystem.h  |  10 +
 src/frames.c           | 585 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/novas.c            |  67 ++++-
 src/super.c            | 436 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 test/src/test-errors.c | 216 +++++++++++++++
 test/src/test-super.c  | 379 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 10 files changed, 1838 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index c0cefc60..2f6e31c5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,63 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
 [Semantic Versioning](
+## [Unreleased]
+Upcoming feature release, expected around 1 May 2025.
+### Added
+ - New `novas_hms_hours(const char *str)` and `novas_dms_degrees(const char *str)` convenience functions to make it 
+   easier to parse HMS or DMS based time/angle values, returning the result in units of hours or degrees, 
+   appropriately for use in SuperNOVAS.
+ - New `novas_frame_lst()` convenience function to readily return the Local (apparent) Sidereal Time for a given 
+   Earth-based observing frame.
+ - New `novas_rises_above()` and `novas_sets_below()` functions to return the date/time a source rises above or sets
+   below a specific elevation on a given date. (Useful for Earth-based observers only).
+ - New `novas_helio_dist()` function to calculate the heliocentric distance of a Solar-system body on a given date. 
+   The `novas_solar_power()` function can be used to estimate the incident Solar power on a Solar-system body, while
+   `novas_solar_illum()` can be used to calculate the fraction of a spherical body that is illuminated by the Sun seen
+   from the observer location.
+ - New `novas_hpa()` and `novas_epa()` functions to calculate the parallactic angle (a.k.a. vertical position angle) 
+   for a given location on sky, using the local horizontal coordinates, or else the equatorial position, respectively. 
+   The parallactic angle (PA) can be useful to convert local Cartesian offsets (e.g. from a flat image or detector 
+   array) between the local horizontal and equatorial orientations, e.g. via the newly added `novas_h2e_offset()` or 
+   `novas_e2j_offset()` functions. The conversion between offsets and absolute coordinates usually requires a WCS
+   projections, such as described in Calabretta &amp; Greisen 2002.
+ - New `novas_sep()`, `novas_equ_sep()`, and `novas_object_sep()` functions can be used to calculate the precise 
+   apparent distance between to spherical or equatorial locations, or between two sources, respectively. 
+   `novas_sun_angle()` and `novas_moon_angle()` can be used to calculate the apparent angular distance of sources from 
+   the Sun and Moon, respectively.
+ - New `novas_observable` and `novas_track` data structures to provide second order Taylor series expansion of the 
+   apparent horizontal or equatorial positions, distances and redshifts for sources. They can be calculated with the 
+   newly added `novas_hor_track()` or `novas_equ_track()` functions. Such tracking values, including rates and 
+   accelerations can be directly useful for controlling telescope drives in horizontal or equatorial mounts to track 
+   sources (hence the name). You can also obtain instantaneous projected (extrapolated) positions from the tracking 
+   parameters via `novas_track_pos()` at low computational cost.
+ - New `novas_xyz2uvw()` function to convert ITRS Earth locations (absolute or differential) to equatorial projections
+   along a line of sight in the direction of a source. Such projections are oft used in interferometry.
+ - #114: New `novas_lsr2ssb_vel()` can be used to convert velocity vectors referenced to the LSR to Solar-System 
+   Barycentric velocities. (The new function is used by `place()`, and `novas_geom_posvel()` internally.)
+### Changed
+ - #114: Velocities returned by `novas_geom_posvel()` and radial velocity measures returned in `sky_pos` (e.g. by 
+   `novas_sky_pos()` or `place()`) were not observer-based velocities for catalog sources. Instead, they were 
+   referenced to the LSR frame, with corrections for observer motion about the SSB, but not for the motion of the SSB 
+   in the LSR frame. As such, the radial velocities for catalog sources did not provide the expected spectroscopic
+   relation between observed and rest wavelengths i.e., _f_<sub>obs</sub> = (1 + _rv_ / _c_) _f_<sub>rest</sub>. This 
+   is a NOVAS C issue, which affected prior SuperNOVAS releases also.
 ## [1.2.0] - 2025-01-15
 Feature release. New easy to use adapter modules for CALCEPH or the NAIF CSPICE Toolkit to provide precise positions 
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a4b2dde7..fa6d2478 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ solsys: $(SOLSYS_TARGETS)
 all: distro static test coverage analyze
 # Run regression tests
 .PHONY: test
 	$(MAKE) -C test run
diff --git a/ b/
index 2da99801..ee34a96d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ SuperNOVAS is entirely free to use without licensing restrictions.  Its source c
 standard, and hence should be suitable for old and new platforms alike. It is light-weight and easy to use, with full 
 support for the IAU 2000/2006 standards for sub-microarcsecond position calculations.
-This document has been updated for the `v1.2` and later releases.
+This document has been updated for the `v1.3` and later releases.
 ## Table of Contents
@@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ provided by SuperNOVAS over the upstream NOVAS C 3.1 code:
  - [__v1.1__] The NOVAS C 3.1 implementation of `rad_vel()` has a number of issues that produce inaccurate results. 
    The errors are typically at or below the tens of m/s level for objects not moving at relativistic speeds.
+ - [__v1.3__] The radial velocity measure returned in `sky_pos.rv` for catalog sources was not expressed relative the 
+   observer. As such, it did not provide an observable spectroscopic measure for catalog sources. This issue affected 
+   NOVAS C 3.1 and prior SuperNOVAS releases alike.
diff --git a/include/novas.h b/include/novas.h
index ecd23157..1b95169e 100644
--- a/include/novas.h
+++ b/include/novas.h
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@
 /// API minor version
 /// Integer sub version of the release
 /// Additional release information in version, e.g. "-1", or "-rc1", or empty string "" for releases.
@@ -181,6 +181,12 @@
 /// [s] TT - TAI time offset
 #define NOVAS_TAI_TO_TT           32.184
+/// [W/m<sup>2</sup>] The Solar Constant i.e., typical incident Solar power on Earth.
+/// The value of 1367 Wm<sup>−2</sup> was adopted by the World Radiation Center
+/// (Gueymard, 2004).
+/// @since 1.3
+#define NOVAS_SOLAR_CONSTANT      1367.0
 #if !COMPAT
 // If we are not in the strict compatibility mode, where constants are defined
@@ -1015,13 +1021,16 @@ typedef struct {
  * @sa place()
  * @sa SKY_POS_INIT
+ * @sa novas_z_lsr()
 typedef struct {
   double r_hat[3];  ///< unit vector toward object (dimensionless)
   double ra;        ///< [h] apparent, topocentric, or astrometric right ascension (hours)
   double dec;       ///< [deg] apparent, topocentric, or astrometric declination (degrees)
   double dis;       ///< [AU] true (geometric, Euclidian) distance to solar system body or 0.0 for star (AU)
-  double rv;        ///< [km/s] radial velocity (km/s)
+  double rv;        ///< [km/s] radial velocity (km/s). As of SuperNOVAS v1.3, this is always a proper
+                    ///< observer-based spectroscopic velocity measure, which relates the observed wavelength
+                    ///< to the rest wavelength as &lambda;<sub>obs</sub> = (1 + rv / c) &lambda;<sub>rest</sub>.
 } sky_pos;
@@ -1156,6 +1165,7 @@ typedef struct {
   novas_matrix nutation;          ///< nutation matrix (Lieske 1977 method)
   novas_matrix gcrs_to_cirs;      ///< GCRS to CIRS conversion matrix
   novas_planet_bundle planets;    ///< Planet positions and velocities (ICRS)
+  // TODO [v2] add ra_cio
 } novas_frame;
@@ -1178,6 +1188,7 @@ typedef struct {
   novas_matrix matrix;                      ///< Transformation matrix elements
 } novas_transform;
  * The type of elevation value for which to calculate a refraction.
@@ -1259,6 +1270,35 @@ extern int grav_bodies_full_accuracy;
 typedef double (*RefractionModel)(double jd_tt, const on_surface *loc, enum novas_refraction_type type, double el);
+ * Spherical and spectral coordinate set.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_track
+ */
+typedef struct {
+  double lon;           ///< [deg] apparent longitude coordinate in coordinate system
+  double lat;           ///< [deg] apparent latitude coordinate in coordinate system
+  double dist;          ///< [AU] apparent distance to source from observer
+  double z;             ///< redshift
+} novas_observable;
+ * The spherical and spectral tracking position of a source, and its first and second time derivatives.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ */
+typedef struct {
+  novas_timespec time;     ///< The astronomical time for which the track is calculated.
+  novas_observable pos;    ///< [deg,AU,1] Apparent source position
+  novas_observable rate;   ///< [deg/s,AU/s,1/s] Apparent position rate of change
+  novas_observable accel;  ///< [deg/s<sup>2</sup>,AU/s<sup>2</sup>,1/s<sup>2</sup>] Apparent position acceleration.
+} novas_track;
 short app_star(double jd_tt, const cat_entry *star, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, double *ra, double *dec);
@@ -1651,8 +1691,48 @@ int gcrs_to_mod(double jd_tdb, const double *in, double *out);
 int mod_to_gcrs(double jd_tdb, const double *in, double *out);
-// <================= END of SuperNOVAS API =====================>
+// ---------------------- Added in 1.3.0 -------------------------
+int novas_lsr2ssb_vel(const double *vLSR, double unit, double *vSSB);
+double novas_hms_hours(const char *hms);
+double novas_dms_degrees(const char *dms);
+double novas_hpa(double az, double el, double lat);
+double novas_epa(double ha, double dec, double lat);
+int novas_h2e_offset(double daz, double del, double pa, double *dra, double *ddec);
+int novas_e2h_offset(double dra, double ddec, double pa, double *daz, double *del);
+double novas_sep(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2, double lat2);
+double novas_equ_sep(double ra1, double dec1, double ra2, double dec2);
+int novas_xyz2uvw(const double *xyz, double ha, double dec, double *uvw);
+double novas_frame_lst(const novas_frame *frame);
+double novas_rises_above(double el, const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, RefractionModel ref_model);
+double novas_sets_below(double el, const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, RefractionModel ref_model);
+double novas_object_sep(const object *source1, const object *source2, const novas_frame *frame);
+double novas_sun_angle(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame);
+double novas_moon_angle(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame);
+int novas_equ_track(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, double dt, novas_track *track);
+int novas_hor_track(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, RefractionModel ref_model, novas_track *track);
+int novas_track_pos(const novas_track *track, const novas_timespec *time, double *lon, double *lat, double *dist, double *z);
+// <================= END of SuperNOVAS API =====================>
 #include <solarsystem.h>
@@ -1736,6 +1816,8 @@ int novas_error(int ret, int en, const char *from, const char *desc, ...);
     return __ret; \
+double novas_add_beta(double beta1, double beta2);
 double novas_vlen(const double *v);
 double novas_vdist(const double *v1, const double *v2);
 double novas_vdot(const double *v1, const double *v2);
diff --git a/include/solarsystem.h b/include/solarsystem.h
index a51a7a9e..eaf88598 100644
--- a/include/solarsystem.h
+++ b/include/solarsystem.h
@@ -361,6 +361,16 @@ long novas_to_naif_planet(enum novas_planet id);
 long novas_to_dexxx_planet(enum novas_planet id);
+// Added in v1.3 --------------------------------->
+double novas_helio_dist(double jd_tdb, const object *source, double *rate);
+double novas_solar_power(double jd_tdb, const object *source);
+double novas_solar_illum(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame);
 /// \cond PRIVATE
diff --git a/src/frames.c b/src/frames.c
index bdd62424..ca64a599 100644
--- a/src/frames.c
+++ b/src/frames.c
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 #define FRAME_INITIALIZED   0xdeadbeadcafeba5e  ///< frame.state for a properly initialized frame.
 #define GEOM_TO_APP         1                   ///< Geometric to apparent conversion
 #define APP_TO_GEOM         (-1)                ///< Apparent to geometric conversion
+#define NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA   30.0                ///< [s] Time step for evaluation horizontal tracking derivatives.
 /// \endcond
 static int cmp_sys(enum novas_reference_system a, enum novas_reference_system b) {
@@ -470,6 +472,9 @@ static int icrs_to_sys(const novas_frame *frame, double *pos, enum novas_referen
  * 2006) method is used, with the Lieske et al. 1977 nutation model, matching the behavior of the
  * original NOVAS C place() for that system. To obtain more precise TOD coordinates, set `sys` to
  * `NOVAS_CIRS` here, and follow with cirs_to_tod() after.</li>
+ * <li>As of SuperNOVAS v1.3, the returned velocity vector is a proper observer-based
+ * velocity measure. In prior releases, and in NOVAS C 3.1, this was inconsistent, with
+ * pseudo LSR-based measures being returned for catalog sources.</li>
  * </ol>
  * @param source        Pointer to a celestial source data structure that is observed
@@ -528,6 +533,9 @@ int novas_geom_posvel(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, enum novas
     // Get position of star wrt observer (corrected for parallax).
     bary2obs(pos1, frame->obs_pos, pos1, &t_light);
+    // Change velocity reference from LSR to SSB.
+    novas_lsr2ssb_vel(vel1, NOVAS_AU / NOVAS_DAY, vel1);
   else {
     int got = 0;
@@ -590,6 +598,9 @@ int novas_geom_posvel(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, enum novas
  * `NOVAS_CIRS` here, and follow with cirs_to_tod() / cirs_to_app_ra() on the `out->r_hat` /
  * `out->ra` respectively after (or you can use just convert one of the quantities, and use
  * radec2vector() or vector2radec() to get the other even faster).</li>
+ * <li>As of SuperNOVAS v1.3, the returned radial velocity component is a proper observer-based
+ * spectroscopic measure. In prior releases, and in NOVAS C 3.1, this was inconsistent, with
+ * LSR-based measures being returned for catalog sources.</li>
  * </ol>
  * @param object        Pointer to a celestial object data structure that is observed
@@ -1212,3 +1223,577 @@ int novas_transform_sky_pos(const sky_pos *in, const novas_transform *transform,
   return 0;
+ * Returns the Local (apparent) Sidereal Time for an observing frame of an Earth-bound observer.
+ *
+ * @param frame   Observer frame, defining the location and time of observation
+ * @return        [h] The LST for an Earth-bound observer [0.0--24.0), or NAN otherwise. If NAN is
+ *                returned errno will indicate the type of error.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ */
+double novas_frame_lst(const novas_frame *frame) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_frame_lst";
+  double lst;
+  if(!frame)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is NULL");
+  if(!is_frame_initialized(frame))
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is not initialized");
+  if(frame->observer.where != NOVAS_OBSERVER_ON_EARTH && frame->observer.where != NOVAS_AIRBORNE_OBSERVER)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "Not an Earth-bound observer: where=%d", frame->observer.where);
+  lst = remainder(frame->gst + frame->observer.on_surf.longitude / 15.0, 24.0);
+  if(lst < 0.0) lst += 24.0;
+  return lst;
+ * Returns the hourangle at which the object crosses the specified elevation angle.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param el          [rad] Elevation angle.
+ * @param dec         [rad] Apparent Source declination.
+ * @param lat         [rad] Geodetic latitude of observer.
+ * @return            [h] the hour angle at which the source crosses the specified elevation
+ *                    angle, or else NAN if the source stays above or below the specified
+ *                    elevation at all times.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_sets_below()
+ */
+static double calc_lha(double el, double dec, double lat) {
+  double c = (sin(el) - sin(lat) * sin(dec)) / (cos(lat) * cos(dec));
+  return acos(c) / NOVAS_HOURANGLE;
+ * Returns the UTC date at which a source appears cross the specified elevation angle. The calculated
+ * time will account for the motion of the source (for Solar-system objects), and optionally for atmospheric
+ * refraction also.
+ *
+ * @param el          [deg] Elevation angle.
+ * @param sign        1 for rise time, or -1 for setting time.
+ * @param source      Observed source
+ * @param frame       Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                    of observation.
+ * @param ref_model   Refraction model, or NULL to calculate unrefracted rise time.
+ * @return            [day] UTC-based Julian date at which the object crosses the specified elevation
+ *                    in the 24 hour period after the specified date, or else NAN if the source stays
+ *                    above or below the given elevation for the entire 24-hour period.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_sets_below()
+ */
+static double novas_cross_el_date(double el, int sign, const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, RefractionModel ref_model) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_cross_el_time";
+  const on_surface *loc;
+  novas_frame frame1;
+  sky_pos pos = {};
+  double lst, utc2tt, lastRA = NAN;
+  int i;
+  if(!source) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input source is NULL");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(!frame) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is NULL");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(!is_frame_initialized(frame)) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is not initialized");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  lst = novas_frame_lst(frame);
+  if(isnan(lst))
+    return novas_trace_nan(fn);
+  if(ref_model) {
+    // Apply refraction correction
+    double ref = ref_model(novas_get_time(&frame->time, NOVAS_TT), &frame->observer.on_surf, NOVAS_REFRACT_OBSERVED, el);
+    if(isnan(ref))
+      return novas_trace_nan(fn);
+    if(ref > 0.0) el -= ref / 3600.0;
+  }
+  el *= DEGREE;                     // convert to degrees.
+  frame1 = *frame;                  // Time shifted frame
+  loc = (on_surface *) &frame->observer.on_surf;   // Earth-bound location
+  utc2tt = (frame->time.dut1 + frame->time.ut1_to_tt) / DAY;
+  for(i = 0; i < novas_inv_max_iter; i++) {
+    double lha, tUTC;
+    prop_error(fn, novas_sky_pos(source, &frame1, NOVAS_TOD, &pos), 0);
+    // Hourangle when source crosses nominal elevation
+    lha = calc_lha(el, pos.dec * NOVAS_DEGREE, loc->latitude * NOVAS_DEGREE);
+    if(isnan(lha))
+      return novas_trace_nan(fn);
+    // Calculate transit UTC at observer location
+    tUTC = remainder(pos.ra - novas_frame_lst(frame), 24.0);
+    if(tUTC < 0.0) tUTC += 24.0;
+    // Adjusted frame time for last crossing time estimate
+    frame1.time.ijd_tt = frame->time.ijd_tt;
+    frame1.time.fjd_tt = utc2tt + (tUTC + sign * lha) / 24.0;
+    if(frame1.time.fjd_tt < frame->time.fjd_tt) frame1.time.ijd_tt++; // Make sure to check rise/set time after input frame time.
+    if(source->type == NOVAS_CATALOG_OBJECT)
+      break;           // That's it for catalog sources
+    if(fabs(remainder(pos.ra - lastRA, 24.0)) < 1e-8)
+      break;  // Check if converged (ms precision)
+    lastRA = pos.ra;
+  }
+  if(i >= novas_inv_max_iter) {
+    novas_error(0, ECANCELED, fn, "failed to converge");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  return novas_get_time(&frame1.time, NOVAS_UTC);
+ * Returns the UTC date at which a source appears to rise above the specified elevation angle. The
+ * calculated time will account for the motion of the source (for Solar-system objects), and optionally
+ * for atmospheric refraction also.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param el          [deg] Elevation angle.
+ * @param source      Observed source
+ * @param frame       Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                    of observation.
+ * @param ref_model   Refraction model, or NULL to calculate unrefracted rise time.
+ * @return            [day] UTC-based Julian date at which the object rises above the specified elevation
+ *                    in the 24 hour period after the specified date, or else NAN if the source stays
+ *                    above or below the given elevation for the entire 24-hour period.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_sets_below()
+ */
+double novas_rises_above(double el, const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, RefractionModel ref_model) {
+  double utc = novas_cross_el_date(el, -1, source, frame, ref_model);
+  if(isnan(utc))
+    return novas_trace_nan("novas_rises_above");
+  return utc;
+ * Returns the UTC date at which a source appears to set below the specified elevation angle. The
+ * calculated time will account for the motion of the source (for Solar-system objects), and optionally
+ * for atmopsheric refraction also.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param el          [deg] Elevation angle.
+ * @param source      Observed source
+ * @param frame       Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                    of observation.
+ * @param ref_model   Refraction model, or NULL to calculate unrefracted setting time.
+ * @return            [day] UTC-based Julian date at which the object sets below the specified elevation
+ *                    in the 24 hour period after the specified date, or else NAN if the source stays
+ *                    above or below the given elevation for the entire 24-hour day..
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_rises_above()
+ */
+double novas_sets_below(double el, const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, RefractionModel ref_model) {
+  double utc = novas_cross_el_date(el, 1, source, frame, ref_model);
+  if(isnan(utc))
+    return novas_trace_nan("novas_sets_below");
+  return utc;
+ * Returns the Solar illumination fraction of a source, assuming a spherical geometry for the observed body.
+ *
+ * @param source    Observed source. Usually a Solar-system source. (For other source types, 1.0
+ *                  is returned by default.)
+ * @param frame     Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                  of observation.
+ * @return          Solar illumination fraction [0.0:1.0] of a spherical body observed at the
+ *                  source location from the given observer location, or NAN if there was an error
+ *                  (errno will indicate the type of error).
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ */
+double novas_solar_illum(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_solar_illum";
+  double pos[3], dSrc, dObs, dSun;
+  int i;
+  if(!source) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input source is NULL");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(!frame) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is NULL");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(!is_frame_initialized(frame)) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is not initialized");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(source->type == NOVAS_CATALOG_OBJECT)
+    return 1.0;
+  if(novas_geom_posvel(source, frame, NOVAS_ICRS, pos, NULL) != 0)
+    return novas_trace_nan(fn);
+  dSrc = novas_vlen(pos);
+  for(i = 3; --i >= 0; ) pos[i] += frame->obs_pos[i];
+  dSun = novas_vdist(pos, frame->sun_pos);
+  dObs = novas_vdist(frame->obs_pos, frame->sun_pos);
+  return 0.5 + 0.5 * (dSrc * dSrc + dSun * dSun - dObs * dObs) / (2.0 * dSun * dSrc);
+ * Returns the angular separation of two objects from the observer's point of view.
+ * The calculated separation includes light-time corrections, aberration and gravitational
+ * deflection for both sources, and thus represents a precise observed separation between
+ * the two sources.
+ *
+ * @param source1   An observed source
+ * @param source2   Another observed source
+ * @param frame     Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                  of observation.
+ * @return          [deg] Apparent angular separation between the two observed sources
+ *                  from the observer's point-of-view.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_sun_angle()
+ * @sa novas_moon_angle()
+ * @sa novas_sep()
+ */
+double novas_object_sep(const object *source1, const object *source2, const novas_frame *frame) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_object_sep";
+  sky_pos p1 = {}, p2 = {};
+  if(!source1) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input source1 is NULL");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(!source2) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input source2 is NULL");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(novas_sky_pos(source1, frame, NOVAS_GCRS, &p1) != 0)
+    return novas_trace_nan(fn);
+  if(novas_sky_pos(source2, frame, NOVAS_GCRS, &p2) != 0)
+    return novas_trace_nan(fn);
+  if(p1.dis < 1e-11 || p2.dis < 1e-11) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "source is at observer location");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  return novas_equ_sep(p1.ra, p1.dec, p2.ra, p2.dec);
+ * Returns the apparent angular distance of a source from the Sun from the observer's
+ * point of view.
+ *
+ * @param source    An observed source
+ * @param frame     Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                  of observation.
+ * @return          [deg] the apparent angular distance between the source an the Sun, from
+ *                  the observer's point of view
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_moon_angle()
+ */
+double novas_sun_angle(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame) {
+  object sun = NOVAS_SUN_INIT;
+  double d = novas_object_sep(source, &sun, frame);
+  if(isnan(d))
+    return novas_trace_nan("novas_sun_angle");
+  return d;
+ * Returns the apparent angular distance of a source from the Moon from the observer's
+ * point of view.
+ *
+ * @param source    An observed source
+ * @param frame     Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                  of observation.
+ * @return          [deg] Apparent angular distance between the source an the Moon, from
+ *                  the observer's point of view
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_sun_angle()
+ */
+double novas_moon_angle(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame) {
+  object moon = NOVAS_MOON_INIT;
+  double d = novas_object_sep(source, &moon, frame);
+  if(isnan(d))
+    return novas_trace_nan("novas_moon_angle");
+  return d;
+ * Calculates equatorial tracking position and motion (first and second time derivatives) for the
+ * specified source in the given observing frame. The position and its derivatives are calculated
+ * via the more precise IAU2006 method, and CIRS.
+ *
+ * @param source        Observed source
+ * @param frame         Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                      of observation.
+ * @param dt            [s] Time step used for calculating derivatives.
+ * @param[out] track    Output tracking parameters to populate
+ * @return              0 if successful, or else -1 if any of the pointer arguments are NULL,
+ *                      or else an error code from cio_ra() or from novas_sky_pos().
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_hor_track()
+ * @sa novas_track_pos()
+ */
+int novas_equ_track(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, double dt, novas_track *track) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_equ_track";
+  novas_timespec time1;
+  novas_frame frame1;
+  sky_pos pos0 = {}, posm = {}, posp = {};
+  double ra_cio;
+  double idt2;
+  if(dt <= 0.0) dt = NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA;
+  idt2 = 1.0 / (dt * dt);
+  if(!source)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input source is NULL");
+  if(!frame)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is NULL");
+  if(!is_frame_initialized(frame))
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is not initialized");
+  if(!track)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "output track is NULL");
+  track->time = frame->time;
+  prop_error(fn, cio_ra(frame->time.ijd_tt + frame->time.fjd_tt, frame->accuracy, &ra_cio), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_sky_pos(source, frame, NOVAS_CIRS, &pos0), 0);
+  pos0.ra += ra_cio;
+  pos0.rv = novas_v2z(pos0.rv);
+  track->pos.lon = 15.0 * pos0.ra;
+  track-> = pos0.dec;
+  track->pos.dist = pos0.dis;
+  track->pos.z = pos0.rv;
+  time1 = frame->time;
+  time1.fjd_tt -= dt / DAY;
+  prop_error(fn, novas_make_frame(frame->accuracy, &frame->observer, &time1, frame->dx, frame->dy, &frame1), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_sky_pos(source, &frame1, NOVAS_CIRS, &posm), 0);
+  posm.ra += ra_cio;
+  posm.rv = novas_v2z(posm.rv);
+  time1.fjd_tt += 2.0 * dt / DAY;
+  prop_error(fn, novas_make_frame(frame->accuracy, &frame->observer, &time1, frame->dx, frame->dy, &frame1), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_sky_pos(source, &frame1, NOVAS_CIRS, &posp), 0);
+  posp.ra += ra_cio;
+  posp.rv = novas_v2z(posp.rv);
+  // Careful with RA wraps.
+  if(posm.ra > 18.0 || posp.ra > 18.0 || pos0.ra > 18.0) {
+    if(posm.ra < 6.0) posm.ra += 24.0;
+    if(posp.ra < 6.0) posp.ra += 24.0;
+    if(pos0.ra < 6.0) pos0.ra += 24.0;
+  }
+  track->rate.lon = 7.5 * (posp.ra - posm.ra) / dt;
+  track-> = 0.5 * (posp.dec - posm.dec) / dt;
+  track->rate.dist = 0.5 * (posp.dis - posm.dis) / dt;
+  track->rate.z = 0.5 * (posp.rv - posm.rv) / dt;
+  track->accel.lon = 15.0 * (0.5 * (posp.ra + posm.ra) - pos0.ra) * idt2;
+  track-> = (0.5 * (posp.dec + posm.dec) - pos0.dec) * idt2;
+  track->accel.dist = (0.5 * (posp.dis + posm.dis) - pos0.dis) * idt2;
+  track->accel.z = (0.5 * (posp.rv + posm.rv) - pos0.rv) * idt2;
+  return 0;
+ * Calculates horizontal tracking position and motion (first and second time derivatives) for the
+ * specified source in the given observing frame. The position and its derivatives are calculated
+ * via the more precise IAU2006 method, and CIRS, and then converted to local horizontal
+ * coordinates using the specified refraction model (if any).
+ *
+ * @param source        Observed source
+ * @param frame         Observing frame, defining the observer location and astronomical time
+ *                      of observation.
+ * @param ref_model     Refraction model to use, or NULL for an unrefracted track.
+ * @param[out] track    Output tracking parameters to populate
+ * @return              0 if successful, or else -1 if any of the pointer arguments are NULL,
+ *                      or else an error code from cio_ra() or from novas_sky_pos(), or from
+ *                      novas_app_hor().
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_equ_track()
+ * @sa novas_track_pos()
+ */
+int novas_hor_track(const object *source, const novas_frame *frame, RefractionModel ref_model, novas_track *track) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_equ_track";
+  novas_timespec time1;
+  novas_frame frame1;
+  sky_pos pos = {};
+  double ra_cio;
+  double az0, el0, azm, elm, dm, zm, azp, elp, dp, zp;
+  const double idt2 = 1.0 / (NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA * NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA);
+  if(!source)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input source is NULL");
+  if(!frame)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is NULL");
+  if(!is_frame_initialized(frame))
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input frame is not initialized");
+  if(frame->observer.where != NOVAS_OBSERVER_ON_EARTH && frame->observer.where != NOVAS_AIRBORNE_OBSERVER)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "observer is not Earth-bound: where = %d", frame->observer.where);
+  if(!track)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "output track is NULL");
+  track->time = frame->time;
+  prop_error(fn, cio_ra(frame->time.ijd_tt + frame->time.fjd_tt, frame->accuracy, &ra_cio), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_sky_pos(source, frame, NOVAS_CIRS, &pos), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_app_to_hor(frame, NOVAS_TOD, pos.ra + ra_cio, pos.dec, ref_model, &az0, &el0), 0);
+  track->pos.lon = az0;
+  track-> = el0;
+  track->pos.dist = pos.dis;
+  track->pos.z = novas_v2z(pos.rv);
+  time1 = frame->time;
+  time1.fjd_tt -= NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA / DAY;
+  prop_error(fn, novas_make_frame(frame->accuracy, &frame->observer, &time1, frame->dx, frame->dy, &frame1), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_sky_pos(source, &frame1, NOVAS_CIRS, &pos), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_app_to_hor(&frame1, NOVAS_TOD, pos.ra + ra_cio, pos.dec, ref_model, &azm, &elm), 0);
+  dp = pos.dis;
+  zm = novas_v2z(pos.rv);
+  time1.fjd_tt += 2.0 * NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA / DAY;
+  prop_error(fn, novas_make_frame(frame->accuracy, &frame->observer, &time1, frame->dx, frame->dy, &frame1), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_sky_pos(source, &frame1, NOVAS_CIRS, &pos), 0);
+  prop_error(fn, novas_app_to_hor(&frame1, NOVAS_TOD, pos.ra + ra_cio, pos.dec, ref_model, &azp, &elp), 0);
+  dm = pos.dis;
+  zp = novas_v2z(pos.rv);
+  // Careful with Az wraps
+  if(azm > 270.0 || azp > 270.0 || az0 > 270.0) {
+    if(azm < 90.0) azm += 360.0;
+    if(azp < 90.0) azp += 360.0;
+    if(az0 < 90.0) az0 += 360.0;
+  }
+  track->rate.lon = 0.5 * (azp - azm) / NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA;
+  track-> = 0.5 * (elp - elm) / NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA;
+  track->rate.dist = 0.5 * (dp - dm) / NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA;
+  track->rate.z = 0.5 * (zp - zm) / NOVAS_TRACK_DELTA;
+  track->accel.lon = (0.5 * (azp + azm) - az0) * idt2;
+  track-> = (0.5 * (elp + elm) - el0) * idt2;
+  track->accel.dist = (0.5 * (dp + dm) - track->pos.dist) * idt2;
+  track->accel.z = (0.5 * (zp + zm) - track->pos.z) * idt2;
+  return 0;
+ * Calculates a projected position and redshift for a source, given the available tracking position and
+ * derivatives. Using 'tracks' to project positions can be much faster than the repeated full recalculation
+ * of the source position over some short period.
+ *
+ * In SuperNOVAS terminology a 'track' is a 2nd order Taylor series expansion of the observed position and
+ * redshift in time. For most but the fastest moving sources, horizontal (Az/El) tracks are sufficiently
+ * precise on minute timescales, whereas depending on the type of source equatorial tracks can be precise for
+ * up to days.
+ *
+ * @param track       Tracking position and motion (first and second derivatives)
+ * @param time        Astrometric time of observation
+ * @param[out] lon    [deg] projected observed Eastward longitude in tracking coordinate system
+ * @param[out] lat    [deg] projected observed latitude in tracking coordinate system
+ * @param[out] dist   [AU] projected apparent distance to source from observer
+ * @param[out] z      projected observed redshift
+ * @return            0 if successful, or else -1 if either input pointer is NULL
+ *                    (errno is set to EINVAL).
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_equ_track()
+ * @sa novas_hor_track()
+ * @sa novas_z2v()
+ */
+int novas_track_pos(const novas_track *track, const novas_timespec *time, double *lon, double *lat, double *dist, double *z) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_track_pos";
+  double dt, dt2;
+  if(!time)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input time is NULL");
+  if(!track)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input track is NULL");
+  dt = novas_diff_time(time, &track->time);
+  dt2 = dt * dt;
+  if(lon) *lon = remainder(track->pos.lon + track->rate.lon * dt + track->accel.lon * dt2, 360.0);
+  if(lat) *lat = track-> + track-> * dt + track-> * dt2;
+  if(dist) *dist = track->pos.dist + track->rate.dist * dt + track->accel.dist * dt2;
+  if(z) *z = track->pos.z + track->rate.z * dt + track->accel.z * dt2;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/src/novas.c b/src/novas.c
index 8d5a4574..3a82a6ce 100644
--- a/src/novas.c
+++ b/src/novas.c
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ double novas_vdot(const double *v1, const double *v2) {
   return (v1[0] * v2[0]) + (v1[1] * v2[1]) + (v1[2] * v2[2]);
-static double novas_add_beta(double beta1, double beta2) {
+double novas_add_beta(double beta1, double beta2) {
   return (beta1 + beta2) / (1 + beta1 * beta2);
@@ -766,6 +766,13 @@ novas_planet_provider_hp get_planet_provider_hp() {
  * given its catalog mean place, proper motion, parallax, and radial velocity. See `place()`
  * for more information.
+ * NOTES:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>As of SuperNOVAS v1.3, the returned radial velocity component is a proper observer-based
+ * spectroscopic measure. In prior releases, and in NOVAS C 3.1, this was inconsistent, with
+ * pseudo LSR-based measures being returned for catalog sources.</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
  * <ol>
  *     <li>Kaplan, G. H. et. al. (1989). Astron. Journ. 97, 1197-1210.</li>
@@ -1547,6 +1554,54 @@ int obs_posvel(double jd_tdb, double ut1_to_tt, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, co
   return 0;
+ * Converts a Local Standard of Rest (LSR) based velocity vector to a Solar-System Barycentric velocity
+ * vector. It is used internally to convert LSR-based velocities ro spectroscopic observable radial
+ * velocity measures calculated for `sky_pos` data structures, in `novas_geom_posvel()` and `place()` alike.
+ *
+ * The SSB motion w.r.t. the barycenter is assumed to be (11.1, 12.24, 7.25) km/s in ICRS (Shoenrich et al.
+ * 2010).
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Ralph Schoenrich, James Binney, Walter Dehnen, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
+ * Volume 403, Issue 4, April 2010, Pages 1829–1833,</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * @param[in] vLSR      [see unit below] Velocity 3-vector relative to the Local Standard of Rest (LSR).
+ * @param unit          Physical unit in which velocity is expressed as a multiplicative factor to use to
+ *                      get S.I. quantities. E.g. (NOVAS_AU / NOVAS_DAY) if velocities are in AU/day.
+ * @param[out] vSSB     [see unit above] Velocity 3-vector relative to the Solar System Barycenter (SSB).
+ *
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa rad_vel2()
+ * @sa novas_geom_posvel()
+ * @sa place()
+ * @sa sky_pos
+ */
+int novas_lsr2ssb_vel(const double *vLSR, double unit, double *vSSB) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_lsr2ssb_vel";
+  static const double beta0[3] = { 11.1 * NOVAS_KM / C, 12.24 * NOVAS_KM / C, 7.25 * NOVAS_KM / C };
+  int i;
+  if(!vLSR)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input vLSR is NULL");
+  if(!vSSB)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "output vSSB is NULL");
+  if(unit <= 0.0)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "invalid velocity unit conversion: %g", unit);
+  for(i = 3; -- i >= 0; ) vSSB[i] = novas_add_beta(vLSR[i] * unit / C, -beta0[i]) * C / unit;
+  return 0;
  * Computes the apparent direction of a celestial object at a specified time and in a specified
  * coordinate system and a specific near-Earth origin.
@@ -1577,6 +1632,9 @@ int obs_posvel(double jd_tdb, double ut1_to_tt, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, co
  * 2006) method is used, with the Lieske et al. 1977 nutation model, matching the behavior of the
  * original NOVAS C place() for that system. To obtain more precise TOD coordinates, set `sys` to
  * `NOVAS_CIRS` here, and follow with cirs_to_tod() after.</li>
+ * <li>As of SuperNOVAS v1.3, the returned radial velocity component is a proper observer-based
+ * spectroscopic measure. In prior releases, and in NOVAS C 3.1, this was inconsistent, with
+ * pseudo LSR-based measures being returned for catalog sources.</li>
  * </ol>
@@ -1701,6 +1759,9 @@ short place(double jd_tt, const object *source, const observer *location, double
     output->dis = 0.0;
     d_sb = novas_vlen(pos);
+    // Change velocity reference from LSR to SSB.
+    novas_lsr2ssb_vel(vel, NOVAS_AU / NOVAS_DAY, vel);
   else {
     // Get position of body wrt observer, antedated for light-time.
@@ -4446,7 +4507,7 @@ double rad_vel2(const object *source, const double *pos_emit, const double *vel_
         du[1] = uk[1] - (cosdec * sin(ra));
         du[2] = uk[2] - sin(dec);
-        beta_src += novas_vdot(vel_src, du) / C_AUDAY;
+        beta_src = novas_add_beta(beta_src, novas_vdot(vel_src, du) / C_AUDAY);
@@ -6793,7 +6854,7 @@ short make_object(enum novas_object_type type, long number, const char *name, co
     return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "NULL input source");
-  // FIXME will not need special case in v2.x
+  // FIXME [v2] will not need special case in v2.x
   memset(source, 0, type == NOVAS_ORBITAL_OBJECT ? sizeof(object) : offsetof(object, orbit));
   // Set the object type.
diff --git a/src/super.c b/src/super.c
index d7531f69..a15fd9bf 100644
--- a/src/super.c
+++ b/src/super.c
@@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@ enum novas_planet novas_planet_for_name(const char *name) {
  * @param type  Coordinate reference system in which `ra` and `dec` are defined (e.g. NOVAS_GCRS).
  * @param ra    [h] the R.A. of the pole of the oribtal reference plane.
  * @param dec   [deg] the declination of the pole of the oribtal reference plane.
- * @param[out]  sys   The orbital system
+ * @param[out]  sys   Orbital system
  * @return      0 if successful, or else -1 (errno will be set to EINVAL) if the output `sys`
  *              pointer is NULL.
@@ -1448,3 +1448,437 @@ int novas_set_orbsys_pole(enum novas_reference_system type, double ra, double de
   return 0;
+ * Returns the decimal hours for a HMS string specification. The hour, minute, and second
+ * components may be separated by spaces, tabs, colons `:`, or a combination thereof.
+ * Additionally, the hour and minutes may be semarated by the letter `h` or `H`, and the
+ * minutes and seconds may be separated by `m` or `M`, or a single quote `'`. For example, all
+ * of the lines below specify the same time:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *  23:59:59.999
+ *  23h 59m 59.999
+ *  23h 59' 59.999
+ *  23H59'59.999
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ *
+ * @param hms     String specifying hours, minutes, and seconds, which correspond to
+ *                a time between 0 and 24 h. Time in any range is permitted, but the minutes and
+ *                seconds must be &gt;=0 and &lt;60.
+ * @return        [hours] Corresponding decimal time value, or else NAN if there was an
+ *                error parsing the string (errno will be set to EINVAL).
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_dms_degrees()
+ */
+double novas_hms_hours(const char *hms) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_hms_hours";
+  int h = 0, m = 0;
+  double s = NAN;
+  if(!hms) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input string is NULL");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(!hms[0]) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input string is empty");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(sscanf(hms, "%d%*[:hH \t]%d%*[:mM' \t]%lf", &h, &m, &s) != 3) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "not in HMS format: '%s'", hms);
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(m < 0 || m >= 60) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "invalid minutes: got %d, expected 0-59", m);
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(s < 0.0 || s >= 60.0) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "invalid seconds: got %f, expected [0.0:60.0)", s);
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  s = abs(h) + (m / 60.0) + (s / 3600.0);
+  return h < 0 ? -s : s;
+ * Returns the decimal degrees for a DMS string specification. The degree, (arc)minute, and
+ * (arc)second components may be separated by spaces, tabs, colons `:`, or a combination thereof.
+ * Additionally, the degree and minutes may be semarated by the letter `d` or `D`, and the
+ * minutes and seconds may be separated by `m` or `M`, or a single quote `'`. For example, all of
+ * the lines below specify the same angle:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *  -179:59:59.999
+ *  -179 59m 59.999
+ *  -179d 59' 59.999
+ *  -179D59'59.999
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ *
+ * @param dms     String specifying degrees, minutes, and seconds, which correspond to
+ *                an angle. Angles in any range are permitted, but the minutes and
+ *                seconds must be &gt;=0 and &lt;60.
+ * @return        [deg] Corresponding decimal angle value, or else NAN if there was
+ *                an error parsing the string (errno will be set to EINVAL).
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_hms_hours()
+ */
+double novas_dms_degrees(const char *dms) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_dms_degrees";
+  int d = 0, m = 0;
+  double s = NAN;
+  if(!dms) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input string is NULL");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(!dms[0]) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input string is empty");
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(sscanf(dms, "%d%*[:dD \t]%d%*[:mM' \t]%lf", &d, &m, &s) != 3) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "not in DMS format: '%s'", dms);
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(m < 0 || m >= 60) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "invalid minutes: got %d, expected 0-59", m);
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(s < 0.0 || s >= 60.0) {
+    novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "invalid seconds: got %f, expected [0.0:60.0)", s);
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  s = abs(d) + (m / 60.0) + (s / 3600.0);
+  return d < 0 ? -s : s;
+ * Returns the horizontal Parallactic Angle (PA) calculated for a gorizontal Az/El location of the sky. The PA
+ * is the angle between the local horizontal coordinate directions and the local true-of-date equatorial
+ * coordinate directions at the given location. The polar wobble is not included in the calculation.
+ *
+ * The Parallactic Angle is sometimes referrred to as the Vertical Position Angle (VPA). Both define the
+ * same quantity.
+ *
+ * @param az    [deg] Azimuth angle
+ * @param el    [deg] Elevation angle
+ * @param lat   [deg] Geodetic latitude of observer
+ * @return      [deg] Parallactic Angle (PA). I.e., the clockwise position angle of the declination direction
+ *              w.r.t. the elevation axis in the horizontal system. Same as the the clockwise position angle
+ *              of the elevation direction w.r.t. the declination axis in the equatorial system.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_epa()
+ * @sa novas_h2e_offset()
+ */
+double novas_hpa(double az, double el, double lat) {
+  double s, c;
+  lat *= DEGREE;
+  az *= DEGREE;
+  el *= DEGREE;
+  s = sin(lat);
+  c = cos(lat);
+  return atan2(-c * sin(az), s * cos(el) - c * sin(el) * cos(az)) / DEGREE;
+ * Returns the equatorial Parallactic Angle (PA) calculated for an R.A./Dec location of the sky at a given
+ * sidereal time. The PA is the angle between the local horizontal coordinate directions and the local
+ * true-of-date equatorial coordinate directions, at the given location and time. The polar wobble is not
+ * included in the calculation.
+ *
+ * The Parallactic Angle is sometimes referrred to as the Vertical Position Angle (VPA). Both define the
+ * same quantity.
+ *
+ * @param ha      [h] Hour angle (LST - RA) i.e., the difference between the Local (apparent) Sidereal Time
+ *                and the apparent (true-of-date) Right Ascension of observed source.
+ * @param dec     [deg] Apparent (true-of-date) declination of observed source
+ * @param lat     [deg] Geodetic latitude of observer
+ * @return        [deg] Parallactic Angle (PA). I.e., the clockwise position angle of the elevation direction
+ *                w.r.t. the declination axis in the equatorial system. Same as the clockwise position angle
+ *                of the declination direction w.r.t. the elevation axis, in the horizontal system.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_hpa()
+ * @sa novas_lst()
+ * @sa novas_e2h_offset()
+ */
+double novas_epa(double ha, double dec, double lat) {
+  double coslat;
+  ha *= HOURANGLE;
+  lat *= DEGREE;
+  dec *= DEGREE;
+  coslat = cos(lat);
+  return atan2(coslat * sin(ha), sin(lat) * cos(dec) - coslat * sin(dec) * cos(ha)) / DEGREE;
+ * Converts coordinate offsets, from the local horizontal system to local equatorial offsets.
+ * Converting between local flat projections and spherical coordinates usually requires a WCS
+ * projection.
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Calabretta, M.R., & Greisen, E.W., (2002), Astronomy & Astrophysics, 395, 1077-1122.</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * @param daz         [arcsec] Projected offset position in the azimuth direction. The projected
+ *                    offset between two azimuth positions at the same reference elevation is
+ *                    &delta;Az = (Az2 - Az1) * cos(El<sub>0</sub>).
+ * @param del         [arcsec] projected offset position in the elevation direction
+ * @param pa          [deg] Parallactic Angle
+ * @param[out] dra    [arcsec] Output offset position in the local true-of-date R.A. direction. It
+ *                    can be a pointer to one of the input coordinates, or NULL if not required.
+ * @param[out] ddec   [arcsec] Output offset position in the local true-of-date declination
+ *                    direction. It can be a pointer to one of the input coordinates, or NULL if not
+ *                    required.
+ * @return            0
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_e2h_offset()
+ * @sa novas_hpa()
+ */
+int novas_h2e_offset(double daz, double del, double pa, double *dra, double *ddec) {
+  double dx = daz, dy = del, c, s;
+  pa *= DEGREE;
+  c = cos(pa);
+  s = sin(pa);
+  if(dra) *dra =  s * dy - c * dx;
+  if(ddec) *ddec = s * dx + c * dy;
+  return 0;
+ * Converts coordinate offsets, from the local equatorial system to local horizontal offsets.
+ * Converting between local flat projections and spherical coordinates usually requires a WCS
+ * projection.
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Calabretta, M.R., & Greisen, E.W., (2002), Astronomy & Astrophysics, 395, 1077-1122.</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * @param dra         [arcsec] Projected ffset position in the apparent true-of-date R.A. direction.
+ *                    E.g. The projected offset between two RA coordinates at a same reference
+ *                    declination, is
+ *                    &delta;RA = (RA2 - RA1) * cos(Dec<sub>0</sub>)
+ * @param ddec        [arcsec] Projected offset position in the apparent true-of-date declination
+ *                    direction.
+ * @param pa          [deg] Parallactic Angle
+ * @param[out] daz    [arcsec] Output offset position in the local azimuth direction. It can be a pointer
+ *                    to one of the input coordinates, or NULL if not required.
+ * @param[out] del    [arcsec] Output offset position in the local elevation direction. It can be a
+ *                    pointer to one of the input coordinates, or NULL if not required.
+ * @return            0
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_h2e_offset()
+ * @sa novas_epa()
+ */
+int novas_e2h_offset(double dra, double ddec, double pa, double *daz, double *del) {
+  return novas_h2e_offset(dra, ddec, pa, daz, del);
+ * Returns a Solar-system body's distance from the Sun, and optionally also the rate of recession.
+ * It may be useful, e.g. to calculate the body's heating from the Sun.
+ *
+ * @param jd_tdb      [day] Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) based Julian date. You may want to
+ *                    use a time that is antedated to when the observed light originated from the
+ *                    source.
+ * @param source      Observed Solar-system source
+ * @param[out] rate   [AU/day] (optional) Returned rate of recession from Sun
+ * @return            [AU] Distance from the Sun, or NAN if not a Solar-system source.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_solar_power()
+ * @sa novas_solar_illum()
+ */
+double novas_helio_dist(double jd_tdb, const object *source, double *rate) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_helio_dist";
+  const double jd2[2] = { jd_tdb, 0.0 };
+  double pos[3], vel[3], d;
+  if(!source) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input source is NULL");
+    if(rate) *rate = NAN;
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(source->type == NOVAS_CATALOG_OBJECT) {
+    novas_error(0, EINVAL, fn, "input source is not a Solar-system body: type %d", source->type);
+    if(rate) *rate = NAN;
+    return NAN;
+  }
+  if(ephemeris(jd2, source, NOVAS_HELIOCENTER, NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, pos, vel) != 0) return novas_trace_nan(fn);
+  d = novas_vlen(pos);
+  if(!d) {
+    // The Sun itself...
+    if(rate) *rate = 0.0;
+    return 0.0;
+  }
+  if(rate) *rate = novas_vlen(vel);
+  return d;
+ * Returns the incident Solar power on a Solar-system body at the time of observation.
+ *
+ * @param jd_tdb  [day] Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) based Julian date. You may want to
+ *                use a time that is antedated to when the observed light originated from the
+ *                source.
+ * @param source  Observed Solar-system source
+ * @return        [W/m<sup>2</sup>] Incident Solar power on the illuminated side of the object,
+ *                or NAN if not a Solar-system source or if the source is the Sun itself.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_solar_illum()
+ */
+double novas_solar_power(double jd_tdb, const object *source) {
+  double d = novas_helio_dist(jd_tdb, source, NULL);
+  return NOVAS_SOLAR_CONSTANT / (d * d);
+ * Returns the angular separation of two locations on a sphere.
+ *
+ * @param lon1    [deg] longitude of first location
+ * @param lat1    [deg] latitude of first location
+ * @param lon2    [deg] longitude of second location
+ * @param lat2    [deg] latitude of second location
+ * @return        [deg] the angular separation of the two locations.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_equ_sep()
+ * @sa novas_sun_angle()
+ * @sa novas_moon_angle()
+ */
+double novas_sep(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2, double lat2) {
+  double c = sin(lat1 * DEGREE) * sin(lat2 * DEGREE) + cos(lat1 * DEGREE) * cos(lat2 * DEGREE) * cos((lon1 - lon2) * DEGREE);
+  return atan2(sqrt(1.0 - c * c), c) / DEGREE;
+ * Returns the angular separation of two equatorial locations on a sphere.
+ *
+ * @param ra1     [h] right ascension of first location
+ * @param dec1    [deg] declination of first location
+ * @param ra2     [h] right ascension of second location
+ * @param dec2    [deg] declination of second location
+ * @return        [deg] the angular separation of the two locations.
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_sep()
+ * @sa novas_sun_angle()
+ * @sa novas_moon_angle()
+ */
+double novas_equ_sep(double ra1, double dec1, double ra2, double dec2) {
+  return novas_sep(15.0 * ra1, dec1, 15.0 * ra2, dec2);
+ * Converts rectangular telescope x,y,z (absolute or relative) coordinates (in ITRS) toequatorial
+ * u,v,w projected coordinates for a specified line of sight.
+ *
+ * x,y,z are Cartesian coordinates w.r.t the Greenwitch meridian. The directions are x: long=0, lat=0;
+ * y: long=90, lat=0; z: lat=90.
+ *
+ * u,v,w are Cartesian coordinates (u,v) along the local equatorial R.A. and declination directions as
+ * seen from a direction on the sky (w).
+ *
+ * @param xyz           [arb.u.] Absolute or relative x,y,z coordinates (double[3]).
+ * @param ha            [h] Hourangle (LST - RA) i.e., the difference between the Local
+ *                      (apparent) Sidereal Time and the apparent (true-of-date) Right
+ *                      Ascension of observed source.
+ * @param dec           [deg] Apparent (true-of-date) declination of source
+ * @param[out] uvw      [arb.u.] Converted u,v,w coordinates (double[3]) in same units as xyz.
+ *                      It may be the same vector as the input.
+ *
+ * @return              0 if successful, or else -1 if either vector argument is NULL
+ *                      (errno will be set to EINVAL)
+ *
+ * @since 1.3
+ * @author Attila Kovacs
+ *
+ * @sa novas_xyz2enu()
+ */
+int novas_xyz2uvw(const double *xyz, double ha, double dec, double *uvw) {
+  static const char *fn = "novas_xyz2uvw";
+  double dX, dY, dZ, sHA, cHA, sDec, cDec;
+  if(!xyz)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "input xyz vector is NULL");
+  if(!uvw)
+    return novas_error(-1, EINVAL, fn, "output uvw vector is NULL");
+  dX = xyz[0];
+  dY = xyz[1];
+  dZ = xyz[2];
+  ha *= HOURANGLE;
+  dec *= DEGREE;
+  sHA = sin(ha);
+  cHA = cos(ha);
+  sDec = sin(dec);
+  cDec = cos(dec);
+  uvw[0] = sHA * dX + cHA * dY;
+  uvw[1] = -cHA * sDec * dX + sHA * sDec * dY + cDec * dZ;
+  uvw[2] = cHA * cDec * dX - sHA * cDec * dY + sDec * dZ;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/test/src/test-errors.c b/test/src/test-errors.c
index 717768f4..a5c703d0 100644
--- a/test/src/test-errors.c
+++ b/test/src/test-errors.c
@@ -1603,6 +1603,210 @@ static int test_set_obsys_pole() {
   return n;
+static int test_lsr2ssb_vel() {
+  int n = 0;
+  double v[3] = {};
+  if(check("lsr2ssb_vel:vLSR", -1, novas_lsr2ssb_vel(NULL, 1.0, v))) n++;
+  if(check("lsr2ssb_vel:vSSB", -1, novas_lsr2ssb_vel(v, 1.0, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check("lsr2ssb_vel:unit:0", -1, novas_lsr2ssb_vel(v, 0.0, v))) n++;
+  if(check("lsr2ssb_vel:unit:neg", -1, novas_lsr2ssb_vel(v, -1.0, v))) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_hms_hours() {
+  int n = 0;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:null", novas_hms_hours(NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:empty", novas_hms_hours(""))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:empty", novas_hms_hours(""))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:few", novas_hms_hours("12 39"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:dms", novas_hms_hours("12d 39m 33.0"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:sep", novas_hms_hours("12,39,33.0"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:min:neg", novas_hms_hours("12 -1 33.0"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:min:60", novas_hms_hours("12 60 33.0"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:sec:neg", novas_hms_hours("12 39 -0.1"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("hms_hours:min:60", novas_hms_hours("12 39 60.0"))) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_dms_degrees() {
+  int n = 0;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:null", novas_dms_degrees(NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:empty", novas_dms_degrees(""))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:empty", novas_dms_degrees(""))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:few", novas_dms_degrees("122 39"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:hms", novas_dms_degrees("122h 39m 33.0"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:sep", novas_dms_degrees("122,39,33.0"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:min:neg", novas_dms_degrees("122 -1 33.0"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:min:60", novas_dms_degrees("122 60 33.0"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:sec:neg", novas_dms_degrees("122 39 -0.1"))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("dms_degrees:min:60", novas_dms_degrees("122 39 60.0"))) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_helio_dist() {
+  int n = 0;
+  double rate = 0.0;
+  object star = {};
+  star.type = NOVAS_CATALOG_OBJECT;
+  if(check_nan("helio_dist:null", novas_helio_dist(JD_J2000, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("helio_dist:cat_object", novas_helio_dist(JD_J2000, &star, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("helio_dist:null:rate", novas_helio_dist(JD_J2000, NULL, &rate))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("helio_dist:null:rate:nan", rate)) n++;
+  if(check_nan("helio_dist:cat_object:rate", novas_helio_dist(JD_J2000, &star, &rate))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("helio_dist:cat_object:rate:nan", rate)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_xyz2uvw() {
+  int n = 0;
+  double p[3] = {};
+  if(check("xyz2uvw:xyz", -1, novas_xyz2uvw(NULL, 0.0, 0.0, p))) n++;
+  if(check("xyz2uvw:uvw", -1, novas_xyz2uvw(p, 0.0, 0.0, NULL))) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_frame_lst() {
+  int n = 0;
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  observer obs = {};
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  if(check("frame_lst:frame:null", -1, novas_frame_lst(NULL))) n++;
+  if(check("frame_lst:frame:init", -1, novas_frame_lst(&frame))) n++;
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_at_geocenter(&obs);
+  if(check("frame_lst:make_frame", 0, novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check("frame_lst:obs:invalid", -1, novas_frame_lst(&frame))) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_rise_set() {
+  int n = 0;
+  object sun = NOVAS_SUN_INIT;
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  observer obs = {};
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  if(check_nan("rise_set:rises_above:frame:null", novas_rises_above(0.0, &sun, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("rise_set:rises_above:frame:init", novas_rises_above(0.0, &sun, &frame, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("rise_set:sets_below:frame:null", novas_sets_below(0.0, &sun, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("rise_set:sets_below:frame:init", novas_sets_below(0.0, &sun, &frame, NULL))) n++;
+  // noon (near transit)
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_on_surface(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &obs);
+  if(check("rise_set:make_frame", 0, novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("rise_set:rises_above:source:null", novas_rises_above(0.0, NULL, &frame, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("rise_set:sets_below:source:null", novas_sets_below(0.0, NULL, &frame, NULL))) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_tracks() {
+  int n = 0;
+  object sun = NOVAS_SUN_INIT;
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  observer obs = {};
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  novas_track track = {};
+  double vel[3] = {}, x;
+  if(check("equ_track:frame:null", -1, novas_equ_track(&sun, NULL, 1000.0, &track))) n++;
+  if(check("equ_track:frame:init", -1, novas_equ_track(&sun, &frame, 1000.0, &track))) n++;
+  if(check("hor_track:frame:null", -1, novas_hor_track(&sun, NULL, NULL, &track))) n++;
+  if(check("hor_track:frame:init", -1, novas_hor_track(&sun, &frame, NULL, &track))) n++;
+  // noon (near transit)
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_on_surface(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &obs);
+  if(check("rise_set:make_frame", 0, novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check("equ_track:source:null", -1, novas_equ_track(NULL, &frame, 1000.0, &track))) n++;
+  if(check("equ_track:track:null", -1, novas_equ_track(&sun, &frame, 1000.0, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check("hor_track:source:null", -1, novas_hor_track(NULL, &frame, NULL, &track))) n++;
+  if(check("hor_track:track:null", -1, novas_hor_track(&sun, &frame, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check("hor_track:make_airborne_observer", 0, make_airborne_observer(&obs.on_surf, vel, &obs))) n++;
+  if(check("rise_set:make_frame:airborne", 0, novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check("hor_track:track:null", 0, novas_hor_track(&sun, &frame, NULL, &track))) n++;
+  make_observer_at_geocenter(&obs);
+  if(check("rise_set:make_frame:geocenter", 0, novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check("hor_track:track:null", -1, novas_hor_track(&sun, &frame, NULL, &track))) n++;
+  if(check("track_pos:track:null", -1, novas_track_pos(NULL, &time, &x, NULL, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check("track_pos:time:null", -1, novas_track_pos(&track, NULL, &x, NULL, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  return n;
+int test_solar_illum() {
+  int n = 0;
+  object earth = NOVAS_EARTH_INIT;
+  object jupiter = NOVAS_JUPITER_INIT;
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  observer obs;
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  double pos[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 0.0}, vel[3] = {};
+  make_solar_system_observer(pos, vel, &obs);
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  if(check_nan("solar_illum:frame:null", novas_solar_illum(&earth, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("solar_illum:frame:init", novas_solar_illum(&earth, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check("solar_illum:make_frame", 0, novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("solar_illum:source:null", novas_solar_illum(NULL, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("solar_illum:source:invalid", novas_solar_illum(&jupiter, &frame))) n++;
+  return n;
+int test_object_sep() {
+  int n = 0;
+  object sun = NOVAS_SUN_INIT;
+  object earth = NOVAS_EARTH_INIT;
+  object jupiter = NOVAS_JUPITER_INIT;
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  observer obs;
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  make_observer_at_geocenter(&obs);
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:frame:null", novas_object_sep(&sun, &sun, NULL))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:frame:init", novas_object_sep(&sun, &sun, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check("object_sep:make_frame", 0, novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:a:null", novas_object_sep(NULL, &sun, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:b:null", novas_object_sep(&sun, NULL, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:a:invalid", novas_object_sep(&jupiter, &sun, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:b:invalid", novas_object_sep(&sun, &jupiter, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:a=obs", novas_object_sep(&earth, &sun, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:b=obs", novas_object_sep(&sun, &earth, &frame))) n++;
+  if(check_nan("object_sep:a=b=obs", novas_object_sep(&earth, &earth, &frame))) n++;
+  return n;
 int main() {
   int n = 0;
@@ -1741,6 +1945,18 @@ int main() {
   if(test_gcrs_to_mod()) n++;
   if(test_mod_to_gcrs()) n++;
+  if(test_lsr2ssb_vel()) n++;
+  if(test_hms_hours()) n++;
+  if(test_dms_degrees()) n++;
+  if(test_helio_dist()) n++;
+  if(test_xyz2uvw()) n++;
+  if(test_frame_lst()) n++;
+  if(test_rise_set()) n++;
+  if(test_tracks()) n++;
+  if(test_solar_illum()) n++;
+  if(test_object_sep()) n++;
   if(n) fprintf(stderr, " -- FAILED %d tests\n", n);
   else fprintf(stderr, " -- OK\n");
diff --git a/test/src/test-super.c b/test/src/test-super.c
index cddb7d01..b3fbc989 100644
--- a/test/src/test-super.c
+++ b/test/src/test-super.c
@@ -2423,6 +2423,369 @@ static int test_orbit_posvel_callisto() {
   return n;
+static int test_hms_hours() {
+  int n = 0;
+  double hours = 23.0 + 59.0/60.0 + 59.999/3600.0;
+  if(!is_equal("hms_hours:colons", novas_hms_hours("23:59:59.999"), hours, 1e-10)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hms_hours:spaces", novas_hms_hours("23 59 59.999"), hours, 1e-10)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hms_hours:hm", novas_hms_hours("23h59m59.999"), hours, 1e-10)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hms_hours:HM", novas_hms_hours("23H59M59.999"), hours, 1e-10)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hms_hours:hprime", novas_hms_hours("23h59'59.999"), hours, 1e-10)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hms_hours:combo", novas_hms_hours("23h 59' 59.999"), hours, 1e-10)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_dms_degrees() {
+  int n = 0;
+  double degs = 179.0 + 59.0/60.0 + 59.999/3600.0;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:colons", novas_dms_degrees("179:59:59.999"), degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:spaces", novas_dms_degrees("179 59 59.999"), degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dsm_degrees:dm", novas_dms_degrees("179d59m59.999"), degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:DM", novas_dms_degrees("179D59M59.999"), degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:dprime", novas_dms_degrees("179d59'59.999"), degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:combo", novas_dms_degrees("179d 59' 59.999"), degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:neg:colons", novas_dms_degrees("-179:59:59.999"), -degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:neg:spaces", novas_dms_degrees("-179 59 59.999"), -degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dsm_degrees:neg:dm", novas_dms_degrees("-179d59m59.999"), -degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:neg:DM", novas_dms_degrees("-179D59M59.999"), -degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:neg:dprime", novas_dms_degrees("-179d59'59.999"), -degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("dms_degrees:neg:combo", novas_dms_degrees("-179d 59' 59.999"), -degs, 1e-9)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_hpa() {
+  int n = 0;
+  if(!is_equal("hpa:S", novas_hpa(180, 60, 45), 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hpa:E", novas_hpa(90, 60, 0), -90.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hpa:W", novas_hpa(-90, 60, 0), 90.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hpa:N1", remainder(novas_hpa(0, 60, 45) - 180.0, 360.0), 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hpa:N2", novas_hpa(0, 30, 45), 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_epa() {
+  int n = 0;
+  if(!is_equal("epa:ra=0:transit:S", novas_epa(0, 30, 45), 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("epa:ra=0:transit:N", remainder(novas_epa(0, 60, 45) - 180.0, 360.0), 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("epa:ra=0:rise", novas_epa(-6, 30, 0), -90.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("epa:ra=0:set", novas_epa(6, 30, 0), 90.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_helio_dist() {
+  int n = 0;
+  object earth = NOVAS_EARTH_INIT;
+  object sun = NOVAS_SUN_INIT;
+  double rate;
+  if(!is_equal("helio_dist:earth", novas_helio_dist(NOVAS_JD_J2000, &earth, &rate), 1.0, 0.03)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("helio_dist:earth:rate", rate, 0.0, 0.03)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("helio_dist:earth:rate:NULL", novas_helio_dist(NOVAS_JD_J2000, &earth, NULL), 1.0, 0.03)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("helio_dist:sun", novas_helio_dist(NOVAS_JD_J2000, &sun, &rate), 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("helio_dist:sun:rate", rate, 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("helio_dist:sun:rate:NULL", novas_helio_dist(NOVAS_JD_J2000, &sun, NULL), 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_solar_power() {
+  int n = 0;
+  object earth = NOVAS_EARTH_INIT;
+  if(!is_equal("solar_power:earth", novas_solar_power(NOVAS_JD_J2000, &earth), 1360.8, 130.0)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_solar_illum() {
+  int n = 0;
+  object cat, earth = NOVAS_EARTH_INIT;
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  observer obs;
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  double pos[3] = {}, vel[3] = {};
+  int i;
+  make_redshifted_object("test", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &cat);
+  make_solar_system_observer(pos, vel, &obs);
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  if(!is_ok("solar_illum:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("solar_illum:source:sidereal", 1.0, novas_solar_illum(&cat, &frame), 1e-12)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("solar_illum:source:earth:ssb", 1.0, novas_solar_illum(&earth, &frame), 1e-3)) n++;
+  for(i = 3; --i >= 0; ) obs.near_earth.sc_pos[i] = 1.1 * frame.earth_pos[i];
+  if(!is_ok("solar_illum:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("solar_illum:source:earth:beyond", 0.0, novas_solar_illum(&earth, &frame), 1e-3)) n++;
+  for(i = 3; --i >= 0; ) obs.near_earth.sc_pos[i] = frame.earth_pos[i] + frame.earth_vel[i];
+  if(!is_ok("solar_illum:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("solar_illum:source:earth:beyond", 0.5, novas_solar_illum(&earth, &frame), 1e-3)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_equ_sep() {
+  int n = 0;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_sep:dec=0:ra+1", novas_equ_sep(5.5, 0.0, 6.5, 0.0), 15.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_sep:dec=0:ra-1", novas_equ_sep(5.5, 0.0, 6.5, 0.0), 15.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_sep:dec=60:ra+0.01", novas_equ_sep(5.5, 60.0, 5.51, 60.0), 0.075, 1e-5)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_sep:dec+1", novas_equ_sep(5.5, 15.3, 5.5, 16.3), 1.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_sep:poles", novas_equ_sep(1.0, -90.0, 3.0, 90.0), 180.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_sep:pole:equ", novas_equ_sep(1.0, -90.0, 3.0, 0.0), 90.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_h2e_offset() {
+  int pa, n = 0;
+  for(pa = -180; pa <= 180; pa += 15) {
+    double s = sin(pa * DEGREE);
+    double c = cos(pa * DEGREE);
+    int daz;
+    for(daz = -100; daz < 100; daz += 10) {
+      int del;
+      for(del = -100; del <= 100; del += 10) {
+        char label[80];
+        double dra, ddec, dAZ, dEL;
+        sprintf(label, "h2e_offset:PA=%d:az=%d:el=%d:dra", pa, daz, del);
+        novas_h2e_offset(daz, del, pa, &dra, NULL);
+        if(!is_equal(label, dra, -c * daz + s * del, 1e-9)) n++;
+        sprintf(label, "h2e_offset:PA=%d:az=%d:el=%d:ddec", pa, daz, del);
+        novas_h2e_offset(daz, del, pa, NULL, &ddec);
+        if(!is_equal(label, ddec, s * daz + c * del, 1e-9)) n++;
+        sprintf(label, "h2e_offset:PA=%d:az=%d:el=%d:daz", pa, daz, del);
+        novas_e2h_offset(dra, ddec, pa, &dAZ, NULL);
+        if(!is_equal(label, dAZ, daz, 1e-9)) n++;
+        sprintf(label, "h2e_offset:PA=%d:az=%d:el=%d:del", pa, daz, del);
+        novas_e2h_offset(dra, ddec, pa, NULL, &dEL);
+        if(!is_equal(label, dEL, del, 1e-9)) n++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return n;
+static int test_object_sep() {
+  int n = 0;
+  object a = {}, b = {};
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  observer obs = {};
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_at_geocenter(&obs);
+  if(!is_ok("object_sep:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  make_redshifted_object("a", 0.0, 60.0, 0.0, &a);
+  make_redshifted_object("b", 0.01, 60.0, 0.0, &b);
+  if(!is_equal("object_sep:same", novas_object_sep(&a, &a, &frame), 0.0, 1e-12)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("object_sep:dra=0.01:dec=60", novas_object_sep(&a, &b, &frame), 0.075, 1e-5)) n++;
+ = 0.0;
+ = 61.0;
+  if(!is_equal("object_sep:ddec=1:ra=1", novas_object_sep(&a, &b, &frame), 1.0, 1e-4)) n++;
+ = 0.02/15.0;
+ = 60.01;
+  if(!is_equal("object_sep:ddra=ddec=0.01", novas_object_sep(&a, &b, &frame), 0.01 * sqrt(2.0), 1e-4)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_frame_lst() {
+  int n = 0;
+  observer obs = {};
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  on_surface loc = {};
+  double vel[3] = {};
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_on_surface(33.0, 15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &obs);
+  if(!is_ok("frame_lst:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("frame_lst:lst", novas_frame_lst(&frame), frame.gst + 1.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000 - 0.5, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_on_surface(33.0, 15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &obs);
+  if(!is_ok("frame_lst:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("frame_lst:lst", novas_frame_lst(&frame), frame.gst + 13.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  loc = obs.on_surf;
+  make_airborne_observer(&loc, vel, &obs);
+  if(!is_ok("frame_lst:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("frame_lst:lst", novas_frame_lst(&frame), frame.gst + 13.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_rise_set() {
+  int n = 0;
+  observer obs = {};
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  object sun = NOVAS_SUN_INIT;
+  double refr;
+  // noon (near transit)
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_on_surface(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &obs);
+  if(!is_ok("rise_set:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  // 6am next day...
+  if(!is_equal("rise_set:rise", novas_rises_above(0.0, &sun, &frame, NULL), NOVAS_JD_J2000 + 0.75, 0.01)) n++;
+  // 6pm same day...
+  if(!is_equal("rise_set:set", novas_sets_below(0.0, &sun, &frame, NULL), NOVAS_JD_J2000 + 0.25, 0.01)) n++;
+  refr = refract_astro(&obs.on_surf, NOVAS_STANDARD_ATMOSPHERE, 90.0);
+  // 6am next day...
+  if(!is_equal("rise_set:rise", novas_rises_above(refr, &sun, &frame, novas_standard_refraction), NOVAS_JD_J2000 + 0.75, 0.01)) n++;
+  // 6pm same day...
+  if(!is_equal("rise_set:set", novas_sets_below(refr, &sun, &frame, novas_standard_refraction), NOVAS_JD_J2000 + 0.25, 0.01)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_equ_track() {
+  int n = 0;
+  observer obs = {};
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  object sun = NOVAS_SUN_INIT;
+  novas_track track = {};
+  sky_pos pos = {};
+  double x = 0.0;
+  // noon (near transit)
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TDB, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_on_surface(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &obs);
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track:sky_pos", novas_sky_pos(&sun, &frame, NOVAS_TOD, &pos))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track", novas_equ_track(&sun, &frame, 3600.0, &track))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:ra", track.pos.lon / 15.0, pos.ra, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:dec",, pos.dec, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:dis", track.pos.dist, pos.dis, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:z", track.pos.z, novas_v2z(pos.rv), 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:rate", hypot(track.rate.lon,, (360.0 / 365.25) / DAY, 0.2 / DAY)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:rate:z", track.rate.z, 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:rate:dist", track.rate.dist, 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:accel", hypot(track.accel.lon,, 0.0, 0.03 / (DAY * DAY))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:accel:z", track.accel.z, 0.0, 1e-16)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:accel:dist", track.accel.dist, 0.0, 1e-12)) n++;
+  time.fjd_tt += 0.01;
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track:make_frame:shifted", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track:sky_pos", novas_sky_pos(&sun, &frame, NOVAS_TOD, &pos))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track:track_pos:lon", novas_track_pos(&track, &time, &x, NULL, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:track_pos:lon:check", x, remainder(15.0 * pos.ra, 360.0), 1e-5)) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track:track_pos:lat", novas_track_pos(&track, &time, NULL, &x, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:track_pos:lat:check", x, pos.dec, 1e-5)) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track:track_pos:dist", novas_track_pos(&track, &time, NULL, NULL, &x, NULL))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:track_pos:dist:check", x, pos.dis, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("equ_track:track_pos:z", novas_track_pos(&track, &time, NULL, NULL, NULL, &x))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("equ_track:track_pos:dist:z", x, novas_v2z(pos.rv), 1e-9)) n++;
+  return n;
+static int test_hor_track() {
+  int n = 0;
+  observer obs = {};
+  novas_timespec time = {};
+  novas_frame frame = {};
+  object source = {};
+  novas_track track = {};
+  sky_pos pos = {};
+  double az0 = 0.0, el0 = 0.0, x = 0.0;
+  // noon (near transit)
+  novas_set_time(NOVAS_TT, NOVAS_JD_J2000, 32.0, 0.0, &time);
+  make_observer_on_surface(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &obs);
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:make_frame", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  // A source that transits at 60 deg elevation
+  make_redshifted_object("Test", frame.gst, -60.0, 0.0, &source);
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:sky_pos", novas_sky_pos(&source, &frame, NOVAS_TOD, &pos))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:app_to_hor", novas_app_to_hor(&frame, NOVAS_TOD, pos.ra, pos.dec, NULL, &az0, &el0))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track", novas_hor_track(&source, &frame, NULL, &track))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:ra", track.pos.lon, az0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:dec",, el0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:dis", track.pos.dist, pos.dis, 1e-12 * pos.dis)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:z", track.pos.z, novas_v2z(pos.rv), 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:rate:lat",, 0.0, 1e-5)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:rate:z", track.rate.z, 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:rate:dist", track.rate.dist, 0.0, 1e-3)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:accel:lon", track.accel.lon, 0.0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:rate:lat",, 0.0, 1e-3)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:accel:z", track.accel.z, 0.0, 1e-16)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:accel:dist", track.accel.dist, 0.0, 1.0)) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:app_to_hor:ref", novas_app_to_hor(&frame, NOVAS_TOD, pos.ra, pos.dec, novas_standard_refraction, &az0, &el0))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:ref", novas_hor_track(&source, &frame, novas_standard_refraction, &track))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:ra:ref", track.pos.lon, az0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:dec:ref",, el0, 1e-9)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:dis:ref", track.pos.dist, pos.dis, 1e-12 * pos.dis)) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:z:ref", track.pos.z, novas_v2z(pos.rv), 1e-9)) n++;
+  time.fjd_tt += 10.0 / DAY;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:make_frame:shifted", novas_make_frame(NOVAS_REDUCED_ACCURACY, &obs, &time, 0.0, 0.0, &frame))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:sky_pos", novas_sky_pos(&source, &frame, NOVAS_TOD, &pos))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:app_to_hor", novas_app_to_hor(&frame, NOVAS_TOD, pos.ra, pos.dec, novas_standard_refraction, &az0, &el0))) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:track_pos:lon", novas_track_pos(&track, &time, &x, NULL, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:track_pos:lon:check", x, remainder(az0, 360.0), 1e-3)) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:track_pos:lat", novas_track_pos(&track, &time, NULL, &x, NULL, NULL))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:track_pos:lat:check", x, el0, 1e-3)) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:track_pos:dist", novas_track_pos(&track, &time, NULL, NULL, &x, NULL))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:track_pos:dist:check", x, pos.dis, 1e-12 * pos.dis)) n++;
+  if(!is_ok("hor_track:track_pos:z", novas_track_pos(&track, &time, NULL, NULL, NULL, &x))) n++;
+  if(!is_equal("hor_track:track_pos:dist:z", x, novas_v2z(pos.rv), 1e-9)) n++;
+  return n;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   int n = 0;
@@ -2492,6 +2855,22 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   if(test_orbit_place()) n++;
   if(test_orbit_posvel_callisto()) n++;
+  if(test_hms_hours()) n++;
+  if(test_dms_degrees()) n++;
+  if(test_hpa()) n++;
+  if(test_epa()) n++;
+  if(test_helio_dist()) n++;
+  if(test_solar_power()) n++;
+  if(test_solar_illum()) n++;
+  if(test_equ_sep()) n++;
+  if(test_object_sep()) n++;
+  if(test_h2e_offset()) n++;
+  if(test_frame_lst()) n++;
+  if(test_rise_set()) n++;
+  if(test_equ_track()) n++;
+  if(test_hor_track()) n++;
   n += test_dates();
   return n;