Log in with your si.edu address, if you haven't yet.
There should be an icon for "Hydra" under the "IT Tools" section. This will take you to the "Hydra Tools" page.
This should open a new tab with a terminal window.
SSH terminal to hydra-login02: [This is your si.edu username] [user]@hydra-login02.cm.cluster's password: [This is your Hydra password]
If you entered your password correctly, you should be logged in.
Need to right-click and select "Paste from Browser".
This is especially important for copying from QSub Generator.
Even then, some clean-up is needed.
The link is functional under the "Hydra Tools" site, but is not working correctly. We will let everyone know when this is fixed.
SCP and FileZilla will not be available through this interface.
Backup options:
- Wget from Dropbox (and other site) links
- RClone (https://rclone.org/)
- Dropbox_uploader tool (https://confluence.si.edu/display/HPC/Disk+Space+and+Disk+Usage#DiskSpaceandDiskUsage-HowToCopy)
There is a slight lag in outputting to the screen. For the most part this is just a slight annoyance, but if you run a command (like tar
with the -v
flag) that outputs a lot of lines, you can accidentally tie up your session. No worries -- just close the window and log back in.