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[{"id": 1791, "title": "find center of star graph", "url": "find-center-of-star-graph", "filename": "1791.find-center-of-star-graph.cpp", "timestamp": "13-05-2021 10:52", "memory": "77.2 MB", "runtime": "224 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1557, "title": "minimum number of vertices to reach all nodes", "url": "minimum-number-of-vertices-to-reach-all-nodes", "filename": "1557.minimum-number-of-vertices-to-reach-all-nodes.cpp", "timestamp": "13-05-2021 11:01", "memory": "105.8 MB", "runtime": "300 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1603, "title": "design parking system", "url": "design-parking-system", "filename": "1603.design-parking-system.java", "timestamp": "30-03-2021 13:10", "memory": "39.5 MB", "runtime": "6 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1832, "title": "check if the sentence is pangram", "url": "check-if-the-sentence-is-pangram", "filename": "1832.check-if-the-sentence-is-pangram.cpp", "timestamp": "19-04-2021 13:42", "memory": "6.4 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1470, "title": "shuffle the array", "url": "shuffle-the-array", "filename": "1470.shuffle-the-array.java", "timestamp": "14-06-2020 09:06", "memory": "43 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1512, "title": "number of good pairs", "url": "number-of-good-pairs", "filename": "1512.number-of-good-pairs.java", "timestamp": "30-03-2021 13:00", "memory": "36.6 MB", "runtime": "1 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1480, "title": "running sum of 1d array", "url": "running-sum-of-1d-array", "filename": "1480.running-sum-of-1d-array.java", "timestamp": "14-06-2020 08:58", "memory": "40.7 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1431, "title": "kids with the greatest number of candies", "url": "kids-with-the-greatest-number-of-candies", "filename": "1431.kids-with-the-greatest-number-of-candies.py", "timestamp": "27-03-2021 07:47", "memory": "14.4 MB", "runtime": "36 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 1822, "title": "sign of the product of an array", "url": "sign-of-the-product-of-an-array", "filename": "1822.sign-of-the-product-of-an-array.cpp", "timestamp": "19-04-2021 14:10", "memory": "10.3 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1389, "title": "create target array in the given order", "url": "create-target-array-in-the-given-order", "filename": "1389.create-target-array-in-the-given-order.cpp", "timestamp": "19-04-2021 13:57", "memory": "8.3 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1342, "title": "number of steps to reduce a number to zero", "url": "number-of-steps-to-reduce-a-number-to-zero", "filename": "1342.number-of-steps-to-reduce-a-number-to-zero.java", "timestamp": "30-03-2021 13:57", "memory": "35.8 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1319, "title": "number of operations to make network connected", "url": "number-of-operations-to-make-network-connected", "filename": "1319.number-of-operations-to-make-network-connected.cpp", "timestamp": "14-05-2021 10:36", "memory": "63.8 MB", "runtime": "944 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1672, "title": "richest customer wealth", "url": "richest-customer-wealth", "filename": "1672.richest-customer-wealth.java", "timestamp": "26-03-2021 14:11", "memory": "38.5 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1281, "title": "subtract the product and sum of digits of an integer", "url": "subtract-the-product-and-sum-of-digits-of-an-integer", "filename": "1281.subtract-the-product-and-sum-of-digits-of-an-integer.java", "timestamp": "04-04-2021 10:17", "memory": "36.1 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1108, "title": "defanging an ip address", "url": "defanging-an-ip-address", "filename": "1108.defanging-an-ip-address.java", "timestamp": "26-03-2021 13:57", "memory": "37.2 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1313, "title": "decompress run length encoded list", "url": "decompress-run-length-encoded-list", "filename": "1313.decompress-run-length-encoded-list.java", "timestamp": "04-04-2021 10:32", "memory": "39.3 MB", "runtime": "3 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1365, "title": "how many numbers are smaller than the current number", "url": "how-many-numbers-are-smaller-than-the-current-number", "filename": "1365.how-many-numbers-are-smaller-than-the-current-number.java", "timestamp": "30-03-2021 13:37", "memory": "39.2 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1047, "title": "remove all adjacent duplicates in string", "url": "remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string", "filename": "1047.remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string.cpp", "timestamp": "25-04-2021 06:25", "memory": "10 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1528, "title": "shuffle string", "url": "shuffle-string", "filename": "1528.shuffle-string.py", "timestamp": "30-03-2021 14:48", "memory": "14.3 MB", "runtime": "52 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 785, "title": "is graph bipartite", "url": "is-graph-bipartite", "filename": "785.is-graph-bipartite.cpp", "timestamp": "11-05-2021 13:33", "memory": "13.9 MB", "runtime": "24 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1235, "title": "maximum profit in job scheduling", "url": "maximum-profit-in-job-scheduling", "filename": "1235.maximum-profit-in-job-scheduling.cpp", "timestamp": "06-05-2021 11:37", "memory": "64.4 MB", "runtime": "152 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1143, "title": "longest common subsequence", "url": "longest-common-subsequence", "filename": "1143.longest-common-subsequence.cpp", "timestamp": "21-05-2021 06:05", "memory": "13 MB", "runtime": "32 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 997, "title": "find the town judge", "url": "find-the-town-judge", "filename": "997.find-the-town-judge.cpp", "timestamp": "13-05-2021 09:30", "memory": "126.6 MB", "runtime": "256 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 787, "title": "cheapest flights within k stops", "url": "cheapest-flights-within-k-stops", "filename": "787.cheapest-flights-within-k-stops.cpp", "timestamp": "17-05-2021 10:51", "memory": "12.6 MB", "runtime": "40 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 700, "title": "search in a binary search tree", "url": "search-in-a-binary-search-tree", "filename": "700.search-in-a-binary-search-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "05-05-2021 12:54", "memory": "34.9 MB", "runtime": "24 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 703, "title": "kth largest element in a stream", "url": "kth-largest-element-in-a-stream", "filename": "703.kth-largest-element-in-a-stream.cpp", "timestamp": "09-05-2021 16:41", "memory": "19.9 MB", "runtime": "24 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 771, "title": "jewels and stones", "url": "jewels-and-stones", "filename": "771.jewels-and-stones.py", "timestamp": "29-03-2021 11:47", "memory": "14.3 MB", "runtime": "28 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 743, "title": "network delay time", "url": "network-delay-time", "filename": "743.network-delay-time.cpp", "timestamp": "12-05-2021 20:10", "memory": "41.6 MB", "runtime": "144 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 709, "title": "to lower case", "url": "to-lower-case", "filename": "709.to-lower-case.java", "timestamp": "04-04-2021 10:49", "memory": "36.7 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 721, "title": "accounts merge", "url": "accounts-merge", "filename": "721.accounts-merge.cpp", "timestamp": "15-05-2021 11:44", "memory": "68.4 MB", "runtime": "236 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 680, "title": "valid palindrome ii", "url": "valid-palindrome-ii", "filename": "680.valid-palindrome-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021 09:21", "memory": "19.7 MB", "runtime": "64 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 653, "title": "two sum iv input is a bst", "url": "two-sum-iv-input-is-a-bst", "filename": "653.two-sum-iv-input-is-a-bst.cpp", "timestamp": "06-05-2021 13:09", "memory": "36.9 MB", "runtime": "44 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 617, "title": "merge two binary trees", "url": "merge-two-binary-trees", "filename": "617.merge-two-binary-trees.cpp", "timestamp": "04-05-2021 09:54", "memory": "32.8 MB", "runtime": "32 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 684, "title": "redundant connection", "url": "redundant-connection", "filename": "684.redundant-connection.cpp", "timestamp": "11-05-2021 12:35", "memory": "14 MB", "runtime": "32 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 547, "title": "number of provinces", "url": "number-of-provinces", "filename": "547.number-of-provinces.cpp", "timestamp": "14-05-2021 09:46", "memory": "14.4 MB", "runtime": "40 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 572, "title": "subtree of another tree", "url": "subtree-of-another-tree", "filename": "572.subtree-of-another-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "05-05-2021 14:37", "memory": "28.8 MB", "runtime": "20 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 647, "title": "palindromic substrings", "url": "palindromic-substrings", "filename": "647.palindromic-substrings.cpp", "timestamp": "19-05-2021 18:12", "memory": "404.4 MB", "runtime": "624 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 496, "title": "next greater element i", "url": "next-greater-element-i", "filename": "496.next-greater-element-i.cpp", "timestamp": "25-04-2021 07:21", "memory": "8.8 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 450, "title": "delete node in a bst", "url": "delete-node-in-a-bst", "filename": "450.delete-node-in-a-bst.cpp", "timestamp": "07-05-2021 10:37", "memory": "32.6 MB", "runtime": "32 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 474, "title": "ones and zeroes", "url": "ones-and-zeroes", "filename": "474.ones-and-zeroes.cpp", "timestamp": "22-05-2021 06:00", "memory": "8.7 MB", "runtime": "80 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 698, "title": "partition to k equal sum subsets", "url": "partition-to-k-equal-sum-subsets", "filename": "698.partition-to-k-equal-sum-subsets.cpp", "timestamp": "22-05-2021 06:59", "memory": "9 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 445, "title": "add two numbers ii", "url": "add-two-numbers-ii", "filename": "445.add-two-numbers-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "30-04-2021 14:46", "memory": "71.3 MB", "runtime": "52 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 338, "title": "counting bits", "url": "counting-bits", "filename": "338.counting-bits.cpp", "timestamp": "03-05-2021 09:40", "memory": "7.6 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 435, "title": "non overlapping intervals", "url": "non-overlapping-intervals", "filename": "435.non-overlapping-intervals.cpp", "timestamp": "06-05-2021 18:01", "memory": "10.2 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 424, "title": "longest repeating character replacement", "url": "longest-repeating-character-replacement", "filename": "424.longest-repeating-character-replacement.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021 09:09", "memory": "6.9 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 468, "title": "validate ip address", "url": "validate-ip-address", "filename": "468.validate-ip-address.py", "timestamp": "16-06-2020 10:36", "memory": "14 MB", "runtime": "28 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 417, "title": "pacific atlantic water flow", "url": "pacific-atlantic-water-flow", "filename": "417.pacific-atlantic-water-flow.cpp", "timestamp": "13-05-2021 12:24", "memory": "17.3 MB", "runtime": "40 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 328, "title": "odd even linked list", "url": "odd-even-linked-list", "filename": "328.odd-even-linked-list.cpp", "timestamp": "30-04-2021 09:42", "memory": "10.5 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 295, "title": "find median from data stream", "url": "find-median-from-data-stream", "filename": "295.find-median-from-data-stream.cpp", "timestamp": "10-05-2021 12:53", "memory": "46.9 MB", "runtime": "100 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 347, "title": "top k frequent elements", "url": "top-k-frequent-elements", "filename": "347.top-k-frequent-elements.cpp", "timestamp": "10-05-2021 06:18", "memory": "14.1 MB", "runtime": "20 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 371, "title": "sum of two integers", "url": "sum-of-two-integers", "filename": "371.sum-of-two-integers.cpp", "timestamp": "07-05-2021 10:59", "memory": "6 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 273, "title": "integer to english words", "url": "integer-to-english-words", "filename": "273.integer-to-english-words.py", "timestamp": "03-05-2021 11:45", "memory": "14.1 MB", "runtime": "20 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 322, "title": "coin change", "url": "coin-change", "filename": "322.coin-change.cpp", "timestamp": "21-05-2021 12:19", "memory": "14.5 MB", "runtime": "92 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 268, "title": "missing number", "url": "missing-number", "filename": "268.missing-number.cpp", "timestamp": "28-04-2021 18:46", "memory": "17.9 MB", "runtime": "20 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 242, "title": "valid anagram", "url": "valid-anagram", "filename": "242.valid-anagram.cpp", "timestamp": "18-04-2021 04:02", "memory": "7.3 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 297, "title": "serialize and deserialize binary tree", "url": "serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree", "filename": "297.serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "05-05-2021 07:31", "memory": "57.9 MB", "runtime": "140 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 238, "title": "product of array except self", "url": "product-of-array-except-self", "filename": "238.product-of-array-except-self.cpp", "timestamp": "18-04-2021 04:54", "memory": "25 MB", "runtime": "28 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 230, "title": "kth smallest element in a bst", "url": "kth-smallest-element-in-a-bst", "filename": "230.kth-smallest-element-in-a-bst.cpp", "timestamp": "05-05-2021 13:36", "memory": "24.4 MB", "runtime": "16 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 217, "title": "contains duplicate", "url": "contains-duplicate", "filename": "217.contains-duplicate.cpp", "timestamp": "17-04-2021 04:36", "memory": "20.8 MB", "runtime": "44 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 214, "title": "shortest palindrome", "url": "shortest-palindrome", "filename": "214.shortest-palindrome.cpp", "timestamp": "20-05-2021 07:35", "memory": "7.9 MB", "runtime": "28 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 210, "title": "course schedule ii", "url": "course-schedule-ii", "filename": "210.course-schedule-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "14-05-2021 09:17", "memory": "15 MB", "runtime": "40 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 236, "title": "lowest common ancestor of a binary tree", "url": "lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree", "filename": "236.lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "05-05-2021 12:49", "memory": "17.4 MB", "runtime": "16 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 207, "title": "course schedule", "url": "course-schedule", "filename": "207.course-schedule.cpp", "timestamp": "14-05-2021 09:15", "memory": "14.8 MB", "runtime": "32 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 143, "title": "reorder list", "url": "reorder-list", "filename": "143.reorder-list.cpp", "timestamp": "01-05-2021 07:05", "memory": "17.7 MB", "runtime": "36 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 200, "title": "number of islands", "url": "number-of-islands", "filename": "200.number-of-islands.cpp", "timestamp": "14-05-2021 11:42", "memory": "15.4 MB", "runtime": "56 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 191, "title": "number of 1 bits", "url": "number-of-1-bits", "filename": "191.number-of-1-bits.cpp", "timestamp": "03-05-2021 09:16", "memory": "5.9 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 206, "title": "reverse linked list", "url": "reverse-linked-list", "filename": "206.reverse-linked-list.cpp", "timestamp": "30-04-2021 10:25", "memory": "8.4 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 235, "title": "lowest common ancestor of a binary search tree", "url": "lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-search-tree", "filename": "235.lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-search-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "06-05-2021 17:44", "memory": "23.3 MB", "runtime": "28 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 128, "title": "longest consecutive sequence", "url": "longest-consecutive-sequence", "filename": "128.longest-consecutive-sequence.cpp", "timestamp": "17-05-2021 14:39", "memory": "14.1 MB", "runtime": "16 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 133, "title": "clone graph", "url": "clone-graph", "filename": "133.clone-graph.cpp", "timestamp": "14-05-2021 12:18", "memory": "9.2 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 121, "title": "best time to buy and sell stock", "url": "best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock", "filename": "121.best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock.cpp", "timestamp": "17-04-2021 04:58", "memory": "93.7 MB", "runtime": "116 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 226, "title": "invert binary tree", "url": "invert-binary-tree", "filename": "226.invert-binary-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "04-05-2021 10:18", "memory": "9.6 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 124, "title": "binary tree maximum path sum", "url": "binary-tree-maximum-path-sum", "filename": "124.binary-tree-maximum-path-sum.cpp", "timestamp": "07-05-2021 12:53", "memory": "28.3 MB", "runtime": "16 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 111, "title": "minimum depth of binary tree", "url": "minimum-depth-of-binary-tree", "filename": "111.minimum-depth-of-binary-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "04-05-2021 09:01", "memory": "144.8 MB", "runtime": "240 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 105, "title": "construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal", "url": "construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-inorder-traversal", "filename": "105.construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-inorder-traversal.cpp", "timestamp": "07-05-2021 12:08", "memory": "25.9 MB", "runtime": "16 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 104, "title": "maximum depth of binary tree", "url": "maximum-depth-of-binary-tree", "filename": "104.maximum-depth-of-binary-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "04-05-2021 08:53", "memory": "19 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 108, "title": "convert sorted array to binary search tree", "url": "convert-sorted-array-to-binary-search-tree", "filename": "108.convert-sorted-array-to-binary-search-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "05-05-2021 13:30", "memory": "21.4 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 103, "title": "binary tree zigzag level order traversal", "url": "binary-tree-zigzag-level-order-traversal", "filename": "103.binary-tree-zigzag-level-order-traversal.cpp", "timestamp": "17-05-2021 11:08", "memory": "12 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 100, "title": "same tree", "url": "same-tree", "filename": "100.same-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "01-05-2021 07:52", "memory": "10.3 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 78, "title": "subsets", "url": "subsets", "filename": "78.subsets.cpp", "timestamp": "04-05-2021 10:34", "memory": "7 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 98, "title": "validate binary search tree", "url": "validate-binary-search-tree", "filename": "98.validate-binary-search-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "05-05-2021 12:26", "memory": "21.8 MB", "runtime": "16 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 73, "title": "set matrix zeroes", "url": "set-matrix-zeroes", "filename": "73.set-matrix-zeroes.cpp", "timestamp": "19-04-2021 05:35", "memory": "13.4 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 69, "title": "sqrtx", "url": "sqrtx", "filename": "69.sqrtx.cpp", "timestamp": "03-05-2021 10:48", "memory": "5.9 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 64, "title": "minimum path sum", "url": "minimum-path-sum", "filename": "64.minimum-path-sum.cpp", "timestamp": "21-05-2021 09:58", "memory": "10.2 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 94, "title": "binary tree inorder traversal", "url": "binary-tree-inorder-traversal", "filename": "94.binary-tree-inorder-traversal.cpp", "timestamp": "01-05-2021 07:18", "memory": "8.3 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 102, "title": "binary tree level order traversal", "url": "binary-tree-level-order-traversal", "filename": "102.binary-tree-level-order-traversal.cpp", "timestamp": "05-05-2021 06:14", "memory": "12.5 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 125, "title": "valid palindrome", "url": "valid-palindrome", "filename": "125.valid-palindrome.cpp", "timestamp": "25-04-2021 14:57", "memory": "7.2 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 51, "title": "n queens", "url": "n-queens", "filename": "51.n-queens.cpp", "timestamp": "19-05-2021 11:00", "memory": "13.9 MB", "runtime": "120 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 54, "title": "spiral matrix", "url": "spiral-matrix", "filename": "54.spiral-matrix.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021 17:46", "memory": "6.7 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 90, "title": "subsets ii", "url": "subsets-ii", "filename": "90.subsets-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "07-05-2021 16:10", "memory": "8.5 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 62, "title": "unique paths", "url": "unique-paths", "filename": "62.unique-paths.cpp", "timestamp": "21-05-2021 19:06", "memory": "6.4 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 76, "title": "minimum window substring", "url": "minimum-window-substring", "filename": "76.minimum-window-substring.cpp", "timestamp": "15-05-2021 12:57", "memory": "16.4 MB", "runtime": "108 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 49, "title": "group anagrams", "url": "group-anagrams", "filename": "49.group-anagrams.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021 18:52", "memory": "20.7 MB", "runtime": "44 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 63, "title": "unique paths ii", "url": "unique-paths-ii", "filename": "63.unique-paths-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "21-05-2021 18:33", "memory": "7.6 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 56, "title": "merge intervals", "url": "merge-intervals", "filename": "56.merge-intervals.cpp", "timestamp": "24-04-2021 17:07", "memory": "14.2 MB", "runtime": "20 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 33, "title": "search in rotated sorted array", "url": "search-in-rotated-sorted-array", "filename": "33.search-in-rotated-sorted-array.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021 07:16", "memory": "11.1 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 79, "title": "word search", "url": "word-search", "filename": "79.word-search.cpp", "timestamp": "11-05-2021 14:29", "memory": "7.3 MB", "runtime": "132 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 42, "title": "trapping rain water", "url": "trapping-rain-water", "filename": "42.trapping-rain-water.cpp", "timestamp": "25-04-2021 06:48", "memory": "14.4 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 57, "title": "insert interval", "url": "insert-interval", "filename": "57.insert-interval.cpp", "timestamp": "25-04-2021 15:12", "memory": "17.1 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 52, "title": "n queens ii", "url": "n-queens-ii", "filename": "52.n-queens-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "20-05-2021 20:06", "memory": "6 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 50, "title": "powx n", "url": "powx-n", "filename": "50.powx-n.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021 09:48", "memory": "5.9 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 53, "title": "maximum subarray", "url": "maximum-subarray", "filename": "53.maximum-subarray.cpp", "timestamp": "19-04-2021 04:37", "memory": "13.1 MB", "runtime": "16 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 48, "title": "rotate image", "url": "rotate-image", "filename": "48.rotate-image.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021 18:22", "memory": "7.1 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 22, "title": "generate parentheses", "url": "generate-parentheses", "filename": "22.generate-parentheses.cpp", "timestamp": "20-05-2021 19:30", "memory": "15.6 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 31, "title": "next permutation", "url": "next-permutation", "filename": "31.next-permutation.cpp", "timestamp": "20-05-2021 08:21", "memory": "12.2 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 15, "title": "3sum", "url": "3sum", "filename": "15.3sum.cpp", "timestamp": "25-04-2021 18:06", "memory": "20 MB", "runtime": "68 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 11, "title": "container with most water", "url": "container-with-most-water", "filename": "11.container-with-most-water.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021 07:41", "memory": "59 MB", "runtime": "92 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 28, "title": "implement strstr", "url": "implement-strstr", "filename": "28.implement-strstr.py", "timestamp": "18-05-2021 06:59", "memory": "19 MB", "runtime": "88 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 19, "title": "remove nth node from end of list", "url": "remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list", "filename": "19.remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list.cpp", "timestamp": "01-05-2021 09:40", "memory": "10.6 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 5, "title": "longest palindromic substring", "url": "longest-palindromic-substring", "filename": "5.longest-palindromic-substring.cpp", "timestamp": "19-05-2021 13:41", "memory": "231.5 MB", "runtime": "80 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 3, "title": "longest substring without repeating characters", "url": "longest-substring-without-repeating-characters", "filename": "3.longest-substring-without-repeating-characters.cpp", "timestamp": "26-04-2021 12:29", "memory": "10.9 MB", "runtime": "24 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 37, "title": "sudoku solver", "url": "sudoku-solver", "filename": "37.sudoku-solver.cpp", "timestamp": "20-05-2021 11:41", "memory": "6.5 MB", "runtime": "36 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 23, "title": "merge k sorted lists", "url": "merge-k-sorted-lists", "filename": "23.merge-k-sorted-lists.cpp", "timestamp": "09-05-2021 17:21", "memory": "13.3 MB", "runtime": "36 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 20, "title": "valid parentheses", "url": "valid-parentheses", "filename": "20.valid-parentheses.cpp", "timestamp": "18-04-2021 04:24", "memory": "6.2 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 21, "title": "merge two sorted lists", "url": "merge-two-sorted-lists", "filename": "21.merge-two-sorted-lists.cpp", "timestamp": "19-04-2021 04:55", "memory": "14.9 MB", "runtime": "20 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 4, "title": "median of two sorted arrays", "url": "median-of-two-sorted-arrays", "filename": "4.median-of-two-sorted-arrays.cpp", "timestamp": "25-04-2021 07:56", "memory": "90.3 MB", "runtime": "36 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 2, "title": "add two numbers", "url": "add-two-numbers", "filename": "2.add-two-numbers.java", "timestamp": "23-05-2021 14:50", "memory": "38.8 MB", "runtime": "2 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1, "title": "two sum", "url": "two-sum", "filename": "1.two-sum.java", "timestamp": "14-06-2020 09:47", "memory": "39.8 MB", "runtime": "48 ms", "language": "java"}, {"id": 1038, "title": "binary search tree to greater sum tree", "url": "binary-search-tree-to-greater-sum-tree", "filename": "1038.binary-search-tree-to-greater-sum-tree.cpp", "timestamp": "07-05-2021", "memory": "8.1 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1286, "title": "iterator for combination", "url": "iterator-for-combination", "filename": "1286.iterator-for-combination.py", "timestamp": "14-08-2020", "memory": "15.7 MB", "runtime": "44 ms", "language": "python"}, {"id": 1010, "title": "pairs of songs with total durations divisible by 60", "url": "pairs-of-songs-with-total-durations-divisible-by-60", "filename": "1010.pairs-of-songs-with-total-durations-divisible-by-60.cpp", "timestamp": "14-05-2021", "memory": "23.1 MB", "runtime": "20 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1550, "title": "three consecutive odds", "url": "three-consecutive-odds", "filename": "1550.three-consecutive-odds.py", "timestamp": "16-08-2020", "memory": "13.9 MB", "runtime": "92 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 1551, "title": "minimum operations to make array equal", "url": "minimum-operations-to-make-array-equal", "filename": "1551.minimum-operations-to-make-array-equal.py", "timestamp": "16-08-2020", "memory": "13.8 MB", "runtime": "360 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 987, "title": "vertical order traversal of a binary tree", "url": "vertical-order-traversal-of-a-binary-tree", "filename": "987.vertical-order-traversal-of-a-binary-tree.py", "timestamp": "08-08-2020", "memory": "13.9 MB", "runtime": "28 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 994, "title": "rotting oranges", "url": "rotting-oranges", "filename": "994.rotting-oranges.py", "timestamp": "10-08-2020", "memory": "14 MB", "runtime": "44 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 705, "title": "design hashset", "url": "design-hashset", "filename": "705.design-hashset.py", "timestamp": "03-08-2020", "memory": "18.3 MB", "runtime": "160 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 520, "title": "detect capital", "url": "detect-capital", "filename": "520.detect-capital.py", "timestamp": "02-08-2020", "memory": "13.9 MB", "runtime": "36 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 442, "title": "find all duplicates in an array", "url": "find-all-duplicates-in-an-array", "filename": "442.find-all-duplicates-in-an-array.py", "timestamp": "07-08-2020", "memory": "21 MB", "runtime": "384 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 416, "title": "partition equal subset sum", "url": "partition-equal-subset-sum", "filename": "416.partition-equal-subset-sum.cpp", "timestamp": "25-05-2021", "memory": "11.9 MB", "runtime": "300 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 437, "title": "path sum iii", "url": "path-sum-iii", "filename": "437.path-sum-iii.py", "timestamp": "08-08-2020", "memory": "14.9 MB", "runtime": "396 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 342, "title": "power of four", "url": "power-of-four", "filename": "342.power-of-four.py", "timestamp": "04-08-2020", "memory": "13.9 MB", "runtime": "28 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 409, "title": "longest palindrome", "url": "longest-palindrome", "filename": "409.longest-palindrome.py", "timestamp": "15-08-2020", "memory": "12.7 MB", "runtime": "32 ms", "language": "python"}, {"id": 279, "title": "perfect squares", "url": "perfect-squares", "filename": "279.perfect-squares.cpp", "timestamp": "25-05-2021", "memory": "10 MB", "runtime": "376 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 274, "title": "h index", "url": "h-index", "filename": "274.h-index.py", "timestamp": "12-08-2020", "memory": "14 MB", "runtime": "32 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 208, "title": "implement trie prefix tree", "url": "implement-trie-prefix-tree", "filename": "208.implement-trie-prefix-tree.py", "timestamp": "06-08-2020", "memory": "32.9 MB", "runtime": "368 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 211, "title": "design add and search words data structure", "url": "design-add-and-search-words-data-structure", "filename": "211.design-add-and-search-words-data-structure.py", "timestamp": "06-08-2020", "memory": "21.7 MB", "runtime": "132 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 144, "title": "binary tree preorder traversal", "url": "binary-tree-preorder-traversal", "filename": "144.binary-tree-preorder-traversal.cpp", "timestamp": "04-05-2021", "memory": "8.3 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 171, "title": "excel sheet column number", "url": "excel-sheet-column-number", "filename": "171.excel-sheet-column-number.py", "timestamp": "10-08-2020", "memory": "13.6 MB", "runtime": "32 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 119, "title": "pascals triangle ii", "url": "pascals-triangle-ii", "filename": "119.pascals-triangle-ii.py", "timestamp": "12-08-2020", "memory": "13.9 MB", "runtime": "24 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 113, "title": "path sum ii", "url": "path-sum-ii", "filename": "113.path-sum-ii.py", "timestamp": "08-08-2020", "memory": "19.2 MB", "runtime": "56 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 34, "title": "find first and last position of element in sorted array", "url": "find-first-and-last-position-of-element-in-sorted-array", "filename": "34.find-first-and-last-position-of-element-in-sorted-array.py", "timestamp": "09-08-2020", "memory": "15.1 MB", "runtime": "516 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 81, "title": "search in rotated sorted array ii", "url": "search-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii", "filename": "81.search-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "27-04-2021", "memory": "14.1 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1695, "title": "maximum erasure value", "url": "maximum-erasure-value", "filename": "1695.maximum-erasure-value.cpp", "timestamp": "28-05-2021", "memory": "99.4 MB", "runtime": "284 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 485, "title": "max consecutive ones", "url": "max-consecutive-ones", "filename": "485.max-consecutive-ones.cpp", "timestamp": "29-05-2021", "memory": "36.2 MB", "runtime": "40 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 885, "title": "spiral matrix iii", "url": "spiral-matrix-iii", "filename": "885.spiral-matrix-iii.cpp", "timestamp": "29-05-2021", "memory": "12 MB", "runtime": "12 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 695, "title": "max area of island", "url": "max-area-of-island", "filename": "695.max-area-of-island.cpp", "timestamp": "03-06-2021", "memory": "23.3 MB", "runtime": "40 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 1465, "title": "maximum area of a piece of cake after horizontal and vertical cuts", "url": "maximum-area-of-a-piece-of-cake-after-horizontal-and-vertical-cuts", "filename": "1465.maximum-area-of-a-piece-of-cake-after-horizontal-and-vertical-cuts.cpp", "timestamp": "03-06-2021", "memory": "32.3 MB", "runtime": "132 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 494, "title": "target sum", "url": "target-sum", "filename": "494.target-sum.cpp", "timestamp": "25-05-2021", "memory": "8.9 MB", "runtime": "1168 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 350, "title": "intersection of two arrays ii", "url": "intersection-of-two-arrays-ii", "filename": "350.intersection-of-two-arrays-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "27-05-2021", "memory": "10.4 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 349, "title": "intersection of two arrays", "url": "intersection-of-two-arrays", "filename": "349.intersection-of-two-arrays.cpp", "timestamp": "27-05-2021", "memory": "10.4 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 344, "title": "reverse string", "url": "reverse-string", "filename": "344.reverse-string.py", "timestamp": "04-08-2020", "memory": "13.9 MB", "runtime": "28 ms", "language": "python3"}, {"id": 303, "title": "range sum query immutable", "url": "range-sum-query-immutable", "filename": "303.range-sum-query-immutable.cpp", "timestamp": "26-05-2021", "memory": "17.7 MB", "runtime": "20 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 304, "title": "range sum query 2d immutable", "url": "range-sum-query-2d-immutable", "filename": "304.range-sum-query-2d-immutable.cpp", "timestamp": "28-05-2021", "memory": "67.1 MB", "runtime": "148 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 287, "title": "find the duplicate number", "url": "find-the-duplicate-number", "filename": "287.find-the-duplicate-number.cpp", "timestamp": "31-05-2021", "memory": "61.3 MB", "runtime": "92 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 283, "title": "move zeroes", "url": "move-zeroes", "filename": "283.move-zeroes.cpp", "timestamp": "27-05-2021", "memory": "8.8 MB", "runtime": "40 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 215, "title": "kth largest element in an array", "url": "kth-largest-element-in-an-array", "filename": "215.kth-largest-element-in-an-array.cpp", "timestamp": "27-05-2021", "memory": "10.1 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 97, "title": "interleaving string", "url": "interleaving-string", "filename": "97.interleaving-string.cpp", "timestamp": "02-06-2021", "memory": "6.1 MB", "runtime": "1852 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 189, "title": "rotate array", "url": "rotate-array", "filename": "189.rotate-array.cpp", "timestamp": "27-05-2021", "memory": "25 MB", "runtime": "36 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 164, "title": "maximum gap", "url": "maximum-gap", "filename": "164.maximum-gap.cpp", "timestamp": "30-05-2021", "memory": "8.5 MB", "runtime": "8 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 84, "title": "largest rectangle in histogram", "url": "largest-rectangle-in-histogram", "filename": "84.largest-rectangle-in-histogram.cpp", "timestamp": "03-06-2021", "memory": "66.4 MB", "runtime": "212 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 88, "title": "merge sorted array", "url": "merge-sorted-array", "filename": "88.merge-sorted-array.cpp", "timestamp": "31-05-2021", "memory": "9.1 MB", "runtime": "4 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 75, "title": "sort colors", "url": "sort-colors", "filename": "75.sort-colors.cpp", "timestamp": "27-05-2021", "memory": "8.1 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 74, "title": "search a 2d matrix", "url": "search-a-2d-matrix", "filename": "74.search-a-2d-matrix.cpp", "timestamp": "28-05-2021", "memory": "9.5 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 59, "title": "spiral matrix ii", "url": "spiral-matrix-ii", "filename": "59.spiral-matrix-ii.cpp", "timestamp": "28-05-2021", "memory": "6.5 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 38, "title": "count and say", "url": "count-and-say", "filename": "38.count-and-say.cpp", "timestamp": "30-05-2021", "memory": "6.6 MB", "runtime": "36 ms", "language": "cpp"}, {"id": 8, "title": "string to integer atoi", "url": "string-to-integer-atoi", "filename": "8.string-to-integer-atoi.cpp", "timestamp": "28-05-2021", "memory": "7 MB", "runtime": "0 ms", "language": "cpp"}]