- Zotero connector browser plugin:
- Fetch reference from github repository
- From bibtex file
- From .cff file
- From zenodo/doi badge on github
- Explore crossref and eventdata
- Crossref DOI -> metadata: https://search.crossref.org/
- Datacite DOI -> metadata: https://search.datacite.org/
- How is this different from altmetrics?
- Open source, not mystery algorithm
- Other ways people publish software (can we fetch reference information from them)
- Journal of Open Source Software
- Journal of Open Research Software
- SoftwareX
- GigaScience
- Generate CITATION.cff based on GH info
- what can we get from API
Datacite v4.2 scheme: https://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.2/doc/DataCite-MetadataKernel_v4.2.pdf
“As of May 16, 2018, 58,301 DOIs have been registered for software. We can break down this number by repository where the software source code is hosted – most DOIs for software have been registered at Zenodo.”
CERN.ZENODO - ZENODO - Research. Shared. 41346
FIGSHARE.ARS - figshare Academic Research System 4226
PURDUE.NCIB - National Cancer Institute, Bioconductor 2769
PURDUE.EZID - Purdue University 2463
OSTI.DOE - DOE Generic 736
INIST.INRA - Institut National de Recherche Agronomique 223
OCEAN.OCEAN - Code Ocean 206
CRUI.INFNCNAF - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. Centro Nazionale Analisi Fotogrammi 190
CDL.UCI - UC Irvine Library 120
ETHZ.DA-RD - ETHZ Data Archive - Research Data
FORCE11 Software Citation Implementation Working Group (SCIWG): https://github.com/force11/force11-sciwg
- Challenges Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.08674v1 (or Github https://github.com/force11/force11-sciwg/tree/master/Challenges)
RDA software source code identification WG: https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/software-source-code-identification
Browser plugin:
- name
- company
- location
- name
- full_name : [org]/[reponame]
- Created_at
CFF Key |
CFF Data Type |
Description |
Github |
Github query |
abbreviation |
String |
The abbreviation of the work |
- |
- |
abstract |
String |
The abstract of a work |
Repo description |
https://api.github.com/repos/org/repo field is ‘description” |
authors |
Collection of entity or person objects |
The author of a work |
Contributor names? |
https://api.github.com/repos/org/repo ‘contributors_url’ |
collection-doi |
String |
The DOI of a collection containing the work |
collection-title |
String |
The title of a collection or proceedings |
collection-type |
String |
The type of a collection |
commit |
String |
The (e.g., Git) commit hash or (e.g., Subversion) revision number of the work |
Git commit hash |
conference |
Entity object |
The conference where the work was presented |
contact |
Collection of entity or person objects |
The contact person, group, company, etc. for a work |
copyright |
String |
The copyright information pertaining to the work |
data-type |
String |
The data type of a data set |
database |
String |
The name of the database where a work was accessed/is stored |
database-provider |
Entity object |
The provider of the database where a work was accessed/is stored |
date-accessed |
Date |
The date the work has been last accessed |
date-downloaded |
Date |
The date the work has been downloaded |
date-published |
Date |
The date the work has been published |
date-released |
Date |
The date the work has been released |
department |
String |
The department where a work has been produced |
doi |
String |
The DOI of the work |
edition |
String |
The edition of the work |
editors |
Collection of entity or person objects |
The editors of a work |
editors-series |
Collection of entity or person objects |
The editors of a series in which a work has been published |
end |
Integer |
The end page of the work |
entry |
String |
An entry in the collection that constitutes the work |
filename |
String |
The name of the electronic file containing the work |
format |
String |
The format in which a work is represented |
institution |
Entity object |
The institution where a work has been produced or published |
isbn |
String |
The ISBN of the work |
issn |
String |
The ISSN of the work |
issue |
Integer |
The issue of a periodical in which a work appeared |
issue-date |
String |
The publication date of the issue of a periodical in which a work appeared - see note below |
issue-title |
String |
The name of the issue of a periodical in which the work appeared |
journal |
String |
The name of the journal/magazine/newspaper/periodical where the work was published |
keywords |
Collection of strings |
Keywords pertaining to the work |
languages |
Collection of ISO 639 language strings |
The language of the work |
license |
License string |
The license under which a work is licensed |
License |
license-url |
String (URL) |
The URL of the license text under which a work is licensed |
License-URL? |
location |
Entity object |
The location of the work |
loc-start |
Integer |
The line of code in the file where the work starts |
loc-end |
Integer |
The line of code in the file where the work ends |
medium |
String |
The medium of the work |
month |
Integer |
The month in which a work has been published |
nihmsid |
String |
The NIHMSID of a work |
notes |
String |
Notes pertaining to the work |
number |
String |
The accession number for a work |
number-volumes |
Integer |
The number of volumes making up the collection in which the work has been published |
pages |
Integer |
The number of pages of the work |
patent-states |
Collection of strings |
The states for which a patent is granted |
pmcid |
String |
The PMCID of a work |
publisher |
Entity object |
The publisher who has published the work |
recipients |
Collection of entity or person objects |
The recipient of a personal communication |
repository |
String (URL) |
The repository where the work is stored |
Repo URL |
repository-code |
String (URL) |
The version control system where the source code of the work is stored |
Github? |
repository-artifact |
String (URL) |
The repository where the (executable/binary) artifact of the work is stored |
scope |
String |
The scope of the reference, e.g., the section of the work it adheres to |
section |
String |
The section of a work that is referenced |
senders |
Collection of entity or person objects |
The sender of a personal communication |
status |
Status string |
The publication status of the work |
start |
Integer |
The start page of the work |
term |
String |
The term being referenced if the work is a dictionary or encyclopedia |
thesis-type |
String |
The type of the thesis that is the work |
title |
String |
The title of the work |
Repo name |
translators |
Collection of entity or person objects |
The translator of a work |
type |
Reference types string |
The type of the work |
url |
String (URL) |
The URL of the work |
Repo URL |
version |
String |
The version of the work |
release/version? |
volume |
Integer |
The volume of the periodical in which a work appeared |
volume-title |
String |
The title of the volume in which the work appeared |
year |
Integer |
The year in which a work has been published |
created_at -> extract year? |
year-original |
Integer |
The year of the original publication |
created_at -> extract year? |
Person object
CFF keys |
CFF property |
Github |
Github query |
family-names |
String |
given-names |
String |
name-particle |
String |
name-suffix |
String |
affiliation |
String |
User company |
https://api.github.com/users/yochannah Field is “company” |
address |
String |
city |
String |
User location |
https://api.github.com/users/yochannah Field is “location” |
region |
String |
post-code |
String |
country |
String |
orcid |
String (ORCID URL) |
String |
User email |
https://api.github.com/users/yochannah Field is “email” |
tel |
String |
fax |
String |
website |
String (URL) |
User blog |
https://api.github.com/users/yochannah Field is “blogl” |
- https://citation.js.org/demo Try out: Can generate various citation formats from a DOI or another ID or citation format.
- https://citation.js.org Promises also CFF, but for now it can’t be found it in the code or the docs.
- Any new input formats with parsers can be added as plugins,
and built-in ones can be overridden
- https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.27466v2 (Lars G. Willighagen 2019, PeerJ Preprints)
- https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1005176 (Willighagen & Willighagen et al. 2017-2018, Zenodo)
- Issue (just like Zotero): It DOES NOT retrieve the version of software from Zenodo :-(
- Open question: Is it possible to plug in also new serialisations == output formats? That could solve the above issue
- Deprecate node app and consider converting to a flask app, because there are helper apps
- Use doi2cff - works ok
- https://github.com/citation-file-format/github2cff doesn’t install on python 2 or 3 machines. Maybe pick it up and fix it.
- Don’t think Citation.js is needed– unless someone wants to build this in js
- Extend zenodo to pull good cff data, make the artifact deposit, and then zenodo says
- “we suggest you update your cff to include this DOI - download the new file here
- Could also contain your orcid if not present.
- or copy/paste your creds into the file
- Auto-add to cff ON github. Seems a bit scary.