Rules Group | Rule | Parameters |
StringRules Module to generate string related entries |
alpha Generating a string consisting of letters in the English alphabet. |
minLength [default: 10] maxLength [default: 100] casing [default: mixed] |
alphanumeric Generating a string consisting of alpha characters and digits. |
minLength [default: 10] maxLength [default: 100] casing [default: mixed] |
enum Returns a random value from an Enum object |
words Returns a string containing a number of space separated random words. |
count [default: 5] | |
nanoid Generates a Nano ID. |
minLength [default: 5] maxLength [default: 5] |
numeric Generates a given length string of digits. |
minLength [default: 5] maxLength [default: 5] leadingZeros [default: false] |
static Assign a static value. |
symbol Returns a string containing only special characters |
minLength [default: 5] maxLength [default: 5] |
uuid Returns a UUID v4 (Universally Unique Identifier). |
fromRegExp Generates a string matching the given regex like expressions |
pattern [ default: ^[A-Za-z]$ ] |
phoneNumber Returns a random phone number |
json Returns a string representing JSON object with 7 pre-defined properties. |
NullRules Module to generate null or empty values. |
null Returns null value |
empty Returns an empty string |
NumberRules Module to generate numbers of any kind. |
float Returns a single random floating-point number |
minimum [default: 0] maximum [default: 1000] fractionDigits [default: 2] |
int Returns a single random integer. |
minimum [default: 0] maximum [default: 1000] |
countUp Generates an incremental number. |
start [default: 1] change [default: 1] |
countDown Generates a decremental number. |
start [default: 9999999] change [default: 1] |
BooleanRules Module to generate boolean values. |
boolean Returns the boolean value true or false |
DateRules Module to generate dates |
currentDate Returns a current date |
format [default: MM-DD-YYYY] |
timeStamp Returns current time as timestamp, the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC |
currentDateWithTime Returns a current date with time |
format [default: MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss] | |
currentTime Returns a current time |
format [default: HH:mm:ss] | |
anytime Generates a random date that can be either in the past or in the future. |
future Generates a random date in the future. |
years [default: 10] | |
past Generates a random date in the past. |
years [default: 10] | |
recent Generates a random date in the recent past. |
days [default: 10] | |
soon Generates a random date in the near future. |
days [default: 10] | |
month Returns a random name of a month. |
abbreviated [default: false] | |
weekday Returns a random day of the week. |
abbreviated [default: false] | |
LoremRules Module to generate random texts and words |
lines Generates the given number lines of lorem separated by ' |
minimum [default: 2] maximum [default: 5] |
paragraph Generates a paragraph with the given number of sentences. |
minimum [default: 2] maximum [default: 5] |
sentence Generates a space separated list of words. |
minimum [default: 5] maximum [default: 10] |
text Generates a random text based on a random lorem method. |
word Generates a word of a specified length. |
minimum [default: 5] maximum [default: 10] |
PersonRules Module to generate people's personal information such as names and job titles. |
prefix Returns a random person prefix. |
firstName Returns a random first name. |
lastName Returns a random last name. |
middleName Returns a random middle name. |
fullName Generates a random full name. |
suffix Returns a random person suffix. |
sex Returns a random sex. |
jobTitle Generates a random job title. |
jobDescriptor Generates a random job descriptor. |
jobType Generates a random job type. |
LocationRules Module to generate addresses and locations |
buildingNumber Generates a random building number. |
street Generates a random localized street name. |
streetAddress Generates a random localized street address. |
city Generates a random localized city name. |
state Returns a random localized state. |
zipCode Generates random zip code from specified format. |
country Returns a random country name. |
countryCode Returns a random ISO_3166-1 country code. |
latitude Generates a random latitude. |
minimum [default: -90] maximum [default: 90] precision [default: 4] |
longitude Generates a random longitude. |
minimum [default: -90] maximum [default: 90] precision [default: 4] |
timeZon Returns a random time zone. |
InternetRules Module to generate internet related entries |
domainNam Generates a random domain name. |
casing [default: lower] |
domainWord | ||
email Generates a random email address. |
casing [default: lower] emoji Generates a random emoji. |
emoji | ||
ipv4 Generates a random IPv4 address. |
ipv6 Generates a random IPv6 address. |
mac Generates a random mac address. |
url Generates a random http(s) url. |
casing [default: lower] | |
username Generates a random username. |
casing [default: lower] | |
FinanceRules Module to generate finance and money related entries |
accountNumber Generates a random account number. |
amount Generates a random amount between the given bounds. |
minimum [default: 0] maximum [default: 1000] |
swiftOrBic Generates a random SWIFT/BIC code based on the ISO-9362 format. |
creditCardIssuer Returns a random credit card issuer. |
creditCardNumber Generates a random credit card number. |
currencyCode Returns a random currency code. |
currencyName Returns a random currency name. |
currencySymbol Returns a random currency symbol. |
bitcoinAddress Generates a random Bitcoin address. |
ethereumAddress Creates a random, non-checksum Ethereum address. |
transactionDescription Generates a random transaction description. |
transactionType Returns a random transaction type. |
AirlineRules Module to generate airline and airport related data. |
airline Generates a random airline. |
airplane Generates a random airplane. airport |
airplane Generates a random airplane. |
airport Generates a random airport name with code. |
airportName Generates a random airport name. |
airportCode Generates a random airport code. |
flightNumber Returns a random flight number. |
minimum [default: 1] maximum [default: 3] leadingZeros [default: false] |
CommerceRules Module to generate commerce and product related entries. |
companyName Generates a random company name. |
department Returns a random department inside a shop. |
isbn Returns a random ISBN identifier. |
price Generates a random price between min and max. |
minimum [default: 1] maximum [default: 999] |
product Returns a random short product name. |
productDescription Returns a random product description. |
productNam Generates a random descriptive product name. |
# | Rule | Description |
1. | x{times} | Repeat the x exactly times times. |
2. | x{min,max} | Repeat the x min to max times. |
3. | x-y | Randomly get a character between x and y (inclusive). |
4. | x-y{times} | Randomly get a character between x and y (inclusive) and repeat it times times. |
5. | x-y{min,max} | Randomly get a character between x and y (inclusive) and repeat it min to max times. |
6. | ^... | Randomly get an ASCII number or letter character that is not in the given range. (e.g. ^0-9 will get a random non-numeric character). |
7. | -... | Include dashes in the range. Must be placed after the negate character ^ and before any character sets if used (e.g. ^-0-9 will not get any numeric characters or dashes). |
8. | x? | Randomly decide to include or not include x. |
9. | x-y? | Randomly decide to include or not include characters between x and y (inclusive). |
10. | x* | Repeat x 0 or more times. |
11. | x+ | Repeat x 1 or more times. |
12. | x-y* | Repeat characters between x and y (inclusive) 0 or more times. |
13. | x-y+ | Repeat characters between x and y (inclusive) 1 or more times. |