- Removed deprecated code.
- Added getLayoutId(View).
- Fixed NullPointerException when fetching parameters that are null.
- Removed dependency on AutoValue
- Fixed issue ClassNotFoundException when deserializing custom object.
- Fixed BadParcelException when unmarshalling with RecyclerView or Toolbar Views.
- ViewStack#replaceStack with an empty stack is now supported.
- Updated AutoValue to 1.3
- Minor javadoc fixes
- Added AnimationHandler a simple api to handle generic transition animations.
- Moved enums to IntDef for library size optimization.
- Changed nested class access to private methods & attributes to package private as part of library size optimization.
- Migrated AutoParcel to AutoValue.
- Deprecated HandlesBackPresses - this can be handled in a custom callback from onBackPress in you activity.
- Deprecated HasTraversalAnimation - use AnimationHandler.
- Call to replace with 0 views will result in a call to push.
- Added replaceStack with one view method.
- Added safe operations helper class.
- Fixed issue where ConcurrentModificationException would occur when removing listeners while traversing the listener list.
- Removed deprecated code.
- Renamed parameter methods from xxSerializedParameter to xxParameter, now use xxParameter to set simple parameter, and xxParameters to use Bundle.
- Fixed UI issue with Defrag sample app.
- ViewStack is now view - no need to initialize with a view, or call onStop/onStart.
- Added save/restore of view state support (for pushed/popped views).
- Added parameter support for bundles.
- Deprecated Viewstack.get(Context) - use DI or a helper class.
- Deprecated methods to be removed in next non-beta release.
- Simplified library AndroidManifest.
- Fix potential NullPointerException crash when calling ViewStack#getTopView().
- Initial public release.