Notes for developers of this Maven plugin.
Run a scan using your local build:
# install plugin in local Maven repo
`mvn install`
# run scan in some project
`mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:3.5-SNAPSHOT:sonar`
There are 3 type of tests:
The Unit Tests are located in src/test/java, and they can be run with mvn test
The Invoker tests are located in src/it, and they can be run with mvn verify
The maven-invoker-plugin allows to debug single tests from the cli with mvn invoker:run -Dinvoker.test=<test-name> -Dinvoker.mavenExecutable=mvnDebug
For example, in order to debug the test java-compiler-executable, run mvn invoker:run -Dinvoker.test=java-compiler-executable -Dinvoker.mavenExecutable=mvnDebug
and then attach the project to the debug process: IntelliJ Toolbar -> Run -> Attach to Process.
Note that you have to run mvn invoker:install
to debug the latest changes in your code!
The Integration tests are located in its
Before running them, you have to package the property-dump-plugin
by running the following command from the root of the project: mvn -f property-dump-plugin/pom.xml clean package
Then, they can be run as a separate Maven project: cd its && mvn verify