This project adheres to the Sensible Code of Conduct, a variant of the No Code of Conduct. If your project uses the Sensible Code of Conduct, you may freely change to use the No Code of Conduct, and vice-versa.
We are all contributors and part of a larger community. We welcome you in as a contributor, community member, and a well-meaning, conscientious individual.
It is your responsibility to act in good faith. You should know what that means. If not - stick to being polite, and we'll be happy with it.
Our community isn't perfect. But please accept that. We all have bad days and disagreements. We'll certainly have differing opinions and cultures. As much as we try to be fair, please don't expect others to give you extra privileges for whatever reason. A community seeks to promote the interests of all, not the interests of one individual only.
We try to lead by example, and choose leaders by merit. We won't bring up or ask you for personal matters - such as political views, sexual views, religious views, etc. We make decisions together - and we make decisions that are best for the community.
We love discussion! We won't ever silence you if you have a constructive opinion to share. And if you chose to question someone or something, please do so. But remember to discuss or debate the idea, not the person. Please take part in keeping discussions polite and civil - we are all decent human beings, so everyone should know how to.
Harassment as defined by law will not be allowed. Neither do we allow unconstructive, disruptive communication. Repeated attempts to go after an individual, after the individual has stated their desire for disengagement, will earn you a one-way ticket out of the community.
Rather than list everything that isn't allowed, we think you are discerning enough to know what you can and can't do here. Communities only require codes of conduct when bad things happen. Please don't make bad things happen. If you do something unacceptable, the community will not tolerate you.
Stick to these ground rules as much as possible:
Behave in a community-respecting manner.
Treat others as you like to be treated.
Make contributions to better the community.
No other rules!