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How to Use the Documentation

gstaas edited this page Oct 30, 2014 · 5 revisions

Here are some tips for getting the most out of the documentation and finding what you need.

Table of Contents


The sidebar links to the documentation's major topic areas. The About section provides more general information about ATF, such as ATF Features & Benefits and ATF Requirements & Dependencies. The Learning section takes you to the in depth topics, such as How To and ATF Programmer's Guide. At the top of the sidebar, the Pages button drops down a list of pages in the ATF wiki that you can expand to see the entire list.

Pages in the ATF Programmer's Guide have a Topics in this Section footer that links to all the other pages in that section.

Most pages have a Table of Contents linking to the page's headings.

Searching the Documentation

The ATF wiki is fully searchable. Simply enter "ATF search topic" in your favorite search engine to find what you're looking for.

Of course, you can also search individual pages. There are several lengthy pages that you might want to search for terms:

  • ATF Glossary: Glossary defining ATF technical terms.
  • Class Survey: List of various representative and useful ATF classes, listed by namespace.
  • Important ATF Components: Describes ATF components that provide capabilities needed by many applications, such as common menus and menu items.
You can also download and search the ATF API Reference, which is a CHM file. It is organized by namespace.

ATF Overviews

Of course, you should start with ATF Getting Started!

ATF Functional Areas lists various functional areas and indicates the namespaces and frameworks to look at.

Finding ATF Components suggests ways to go about finding an ATF component you can use in your application.

Useful Resources

  • ATF Getting Started: The starting point for learning ATF.
  • ATF Tutorials: These tutorials allow you to get your feet wet developing an ATF application.
  • How To: These topics tell you how to do various tasks.
  • ATF Programmer's Guide: Most of the documentation is part of this Guide, which is organized by general areas, such as ATF Application Basics and Key ATF Application Features.
  • ATF Code Samples Discussions: In depth discussions of how each sample's code works.
  • ATF Reference: Links to the API Reference, glossary, and other references.
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