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Currycoin is a simple blockchain implemented in Haskell. It provides a set of interfaces for its user to test blockchain related actions like creating a transaction or mint a new block on a simple, locally stored, Bitcoin-esque blockchain.

This project is in fulfillment of the CPSC 312 2024W1 project requirements.

It is in such fulfillment as:

  • It is built on our Haskell learning from CPSC 312 - Like typeclasses, IO Monads...
  • Used useful new element of Haskell - we have went above and beyond: we used the Haskell's module system, the project relies on the understanding of a lot of cryptographies (It is a blockchain), the project has explored lots of Haskell language extensions like FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, GADTs, typeclass overlaps... To the point that we have even hit some limits of Haskell's type system like unpromotable DataKinds (wish it is fully dependent-typed).
  • The meaningful problem solved: this project provided a way to "step" blockchain by simple function calls / commands, which is a nice way to visualize and learn how blockchain works.

Team Members

Our team is:

  • Jessie Zhong
  • Yunchuan Hu: "Winslow Flandre"
  • Yuteng Liang: "Yuuta"

We call ourselves: Knights Of the Lambda Calculus



We surely built on the work of others! Here are resources and people we got support from:

  • Our dependencies: cryptohash-sha256, ByteString, Crypto.Secp256k1, Haskeline... as shown in package.yaml
  • The Bitcoin Project, BIPs
  • ChatGPT, for making some helper function much easier (All code with help from this source has been labeled with comment about what help was given)

Product Pitch

Currycoin is a lightweight, Bitcoin-esque blockchain educational project with the aim of helping familiarize people with blockchain fundamentals through the power of functional programming.

Blockchains are a powerful decentralized technology but can often be seen inaccessible due to their complexity and intricacy. Currycoin aims to demystify the blockchain by offering a transparent implementation that is both feature complete and easily understandable.

The final product would be an easily approachable blockchain implementation with a real-time, intuitive visual interface that would allow users to monitor data and view the effects of their actions such as contracts, block creation, and transactions. A low level interace would also be available for tech-savvy users. Users would also be able to simulate a simple P2P network, allowing for better understanding of the decentralized nature of the blockchain.

The idea is to offer an approachable interface for anyone to get started with tinkering with the inner workings of a blockchain allowing users to grasp concepts through a hands-on learning experience. Whether it's understanding the role of cryptographic hashes in securing data, how transactions are verified in a decentralized network, or the visual structure of a blockchain, users will be able to learn by doing.

Minimal Viable Project

For our minimal viable project (MVP), we plan to implement the core components of a blockchain in Haskell:

  • Blocks: A simple data type that represents a block containing transaction data and a cryptographic hash. Basic building block of the blockchain
    • Merkle Tree: Users will also be able to create and verify Merkle proofs through the construction and expansion of a Merkle Tree
  • Transactions: Our MVP would also support the creation and verification of transactions within the blockchain
  • Bitcoin-style Address: We plan to implement the Bitcoin addressing scheme (Without SegWit).

The end goal is to expand on the Merkle Tree from the PoC by adding a set of minimal core functions that allow a user to explore the fundamental operations that define a blockchain. Most of these functions would be performed through the terminal.

Our MVP will take advantage of Haskell's functional nature, type safety features and other useful tools to create a pure, minimal but functional, foundation for a basic blockchain that can easily be expanded on to encapsulate more features.

Proof of Concept

We present the proof of concept of our project with a Haskell implementation of Merkle Tree and data definitions for key blockchain related concepts (block and transaction).

The Merkle Tree is one of the foundation of a blockchain - it is essentially how the hash of a block is generated, which is a key part for the proof-of-work consensus, and it allows for Merkle proofs - commitment that a transaction is included in the block.

Besides this fundamental data structure of blockchain, we also provided data and type definition for key concepts - blocks and transactions.

This gives us the confidence of working towards the minimal viable project as the rest of the work is essentially building generation functions that operates on those types and structures.

How to test our PoC

Fully functional proof-of-concept is easy to use and review, and it clearly demonstrates a key element necessary for the overall project.

How to test and run the code: Haskell

In our PoC, we have implemented the Merkle Tree and the following interfaces:

  • Creating Merkle Tree from lists (In blockchain, a list of transaction. But we have implemented an abstract version and it only takes a Typeclass Hashable)
  • Generating a Path inclusion proof from a Merkle Tree and one of its Leaf Node
  • Verify a Path Inclusion Proof on a root hash

We have also wrote an overall test function to test all the three interfaces above: testMerkleTree, which takes an list and an element, create a MerkleTree out of it, try to construct the element's inclusion proof, and print all results out.

Our PoC is to be tested via stack ghci and run those function accordingly, we have also provided a few helper functions like converting ByteString and readable hex string (byteStringToHex), but the easiest way would still be testMerkleTree. Examples of calling testMerkleTree

  • testMerkleTree ["1", "2", "3", "4"] "1"
  • testMerkleTree ["Delicious", "Curry"] "Curry"
  • testMerkleTree ["Steve", "Wolfman", "Is", "Awesome"] "Haskell"

Running Currycoin Shell (Not for PoC!)

Note: Use git submodule update --init to fetch libsecp256k1 source code. This source code will be used automatically if libsecp256k1 is not installed in your local system.

Simply execute make build, if you want to inspect on our example functions, run make ghci, if you want to enter the interactive terminal (Not yet in progress but will be in the actual phase of the project), run the executable from the build (make run).

How to use the Currycoin shell

For the final evaluation, you might want to use stack run for the Currycoin shell! This section is going to guide you to use it.

If you are having trouble with stack, you can try the following to run with cabal instead:

  1. Ensure cabal is installed on your system
  2. Install hpack using stack install hpack
  3. Generate project files for cabal using hpack
  4. Run cabal install and then cabal build
  5. You should be able to run the program now with cabal run

Upon executing the command, you will be meet with the shell, the shell is just the shell you would have expected what a shell to be, but with only the basic syntax [command]

Command: init

init takes no parameters, it restore the whole program to the initial state.

The initial state is the state the program begin with, it consists of:

  • A staticly generated Genesis block
  • A empty transaction pool
  • A single UTXO, which is the coinbase, in amount 100 payed to 1Curry58bkekKypHUv6wm82XDqnNzgsZNy (Our key-addr scheme completely resemble the Bitcoin definition!)
  • Note: The private key to the address is 3c01d5bc28498b875af9056b78699f73a3d68ea41c1c30650081ca1d470f87e0, you can generate more with new_address

Command: height

height takes no parameter, it gives you the height of the blockchain, for the initial state with only the genesis: 1

Command: show_utxo

show_utxo takes no parameter, it gives you the current UTXOs (Unspend transaction outputs), output hashes are unique, and they can only be spend once.

Command: show_utxo_addr

show_utxo_addr takes one parameter: address, it works the same as show_utxo, but the utxo is filtered with the address.

Command: show_tx_pool

show_tx_pool takes no parameter, it shows transactions that is published but not yet realized on blockchain

Command: new_address

new_address takes no parameter, it gives you a standard bitcoin (or Currycoin!) address, its public key and private key

Command: help

List commands available

Command: mint_block

mint_block takes one parameter: the miner. It mines (find the PoW) a new Block on the blockchain, which will include all the transactions in the transaction pool, UTXO will be accordingly updated - new coinbase's output and all transactions' outputs will be added into it. The new coinbase will be paied to the miner in the parameter.

Command: new_tx

Interactively creates a transaction to add into transaction pool, will accordingly remove the UTXO spent, it will ask you to input a list of UTXO to be spent, a list of payee output(address and amount), and finally ask you for every input's private key to sign the transaction. Self explainatory as it is interactive and takes no parameter.

Command: verify_tx

verify_tx takes three parameters: height, transaction's hash and public key, it verifies if a transaction's signature is valid.


gen_merkle_proof takes two parameters: height and transaction's hash, it generate the merkle proof of a transactions's inclusion in a block.


verify_merkle_proof takes three patameters: block root hash, transaction's hash to be proven, and the proofs, in the format of parameter list like 0 [Hash1] 1 [Hash2], where 0 stand for Left and 1 stand for right.


prune takes one parameter: height, it makes a locally stored block to be pruned of its data (Block template) and only remains the relevant hashes.

How to test and run the code: Prolog