PayrollFactory deployed to: 0xfe44aB0B966E57F126130BE6401546c7351484ad --mumbai TokenTransferor deployed to: 0x21d762ab159676d3bd05e12A95699C1d0b043A48 --mumbai Payroll deployed to: 0xDBAbe75848c608bDA3382f0D68219542032B3fEa --mumbai All deployed from 0x9768818565ED5968fAACC6F66ca02CBf2785dB84
There is no log out / wallet modal on Register Deploy Need a rundown of how to log in with wallet and connect to mumbai chain without AA
I shouldnt need to change the web3auth client id correct?
deploy contract in register flow is stuck at getting account address...
Funkornaut@gmail -- 0xBB65877a1207572321dE0ad64A2e196545904a09 trevfost503@gmail -- 0xfd330177602f092b72a3b65893602067Ab69cE2c sign in with funkornaut through gmail -- 0x1aD394b0c57dbC57f16A5A54b4ccee436b678287
deployed new payroll 0xAB34603b0A8c54f9F9Fe9207b98da8ac354dB68e
- added function isOwner returns bool, owner() func on ownable works but since we then needed to look for bool on front end thought that would simplify from end logic / routing
- think that the LogIn flow is a little better
Login.tsx Web3 modal pops up when you hit login button - should only pop up if there is a contract address in the form
Now logOut if funky Cant log in with Metamask
- just using useContractWrite was able to click button and make action got this error in browser console next-dev.js:20 ConnectorNotFoundError: Connector not found at writeContract (chunk-TSH6VVF4.js:2348:1)
deployed payroll 0x689946c87d38c99dc516c4ba4639023e247bf6ea 12/9 pr - 0xb1476e9c2e452ec455b6a64a05e416007639678b deployed TT 0x6898d690e7060465aa754528a51e645745921cc5 12/9 tt - 0xc0ea07f3a200978297ba44107c851150e701044e from google login 0x1aD394b0c57dbC57f16A5A54b4ccee436b678287
List of polygon mumbai address all in my MM wallet (dev) acct 2 0x73672fe2cf2F3cD99865fE6F62fF34Ac011F7EB7 acct 3 0x7F2313624e0d64d90954d4bcc7Af334Df124CFCe acct 6 0x300AE201869d43b9979aFe350d458E4bDD146526
added notes and pseudo code/wagmi hooks for:
- Employee to change wallet, and set their payment splits in dash-wind/features/settings/profilesettings/index
- Multiple features( is employee, add employee, grab salary/hourly employees) in dash-wind/features/employees/index
- Added hooks for all pay employee functions in dash-wind/features/payments
Deployed new factory addr 0x9C5EE054F0798fd0C36884f53901256Efb9294C6 Needed to udate isOwner func to return a bool. previsouly i was calling owner() which returned an address.