Releases: SpencerCDixon/exocortex
0befde3 Adds dist to gitignore and adds release steps to the readme
6fea3fc Adds homebrew setup
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.9 darwin/amd64
f20d9ac Add todos
2a96bac Adds Axios for the API client. Adds hot key intro to the readme
e67457b Adds Go Dep to make working with others less painful
ad08e90 Adds a 'bootstrap' target to make getting up and running faster
3c982c2 Adds a 'new' command for creating a new wiki
c0619c6 Adds a page cache and starts prefetching wiki links
ca4fa2d Adds a search bar that doesn't do anything yet
0706463 Adds a settings page and links to it from gear in nav bar
48ea030 Adds a style theme object. Adds a proper NavLink comp
291f985 Adds ability to cycle through various wiki pages
44612b0 Adds ability to delete pages
fc132b8 Adds ability to read the settings from the API
e25ab12 Adds ability to save changes to wiki files
a99f21b Adds ability to serve the SPA from our wiki server
cad56ef Adds ability to sync with remote in the background every X syncInterval seconds
4ab3a0c Adds an 'init' command and extracts some utilities
88a7add Adds an explore page to help get more insights into the wiki
074bde8 Adds basic Slate editor that has live preview mode enabled
27ec347 Adds basic release step
1b9ad76 Adds basic search functionality
bdde81b Adds building of the UI to the install command to ensure 'ui/build' exists
d8c4a53 Adds delete functionality to the frontend
34d0ef1 Adds filtering of result of git ls to only return prefixes we care about
ce7ed34 Adds functionality for creating new pages
6e280a7 Adds handler for updating global wiki settings via the API
75f415d Adds hot key helper at bottom right so new users know the shortcuts :-)
a87c738 Adds image processing to the wiki
f2a4c86 Adds item to todo
ac235d0 Adds message when wiki is empty in explore mode
422fe8b Adds more hotkey related content to readme
22f9fbc Adds more hotkey related content to readme
2e89eab Adds more readme updates for getting started contributing
d3d42a4 Adds no results/loading states to the search page
93797ca Adds proxy for development of the interface. Gets basic call working properly
edeb208 Adds redux to the project for state management
5177818 Adds reminder for how I'm going to do prefetching
67f4ad5 Adds search functionality to the api
e8ef691 Adds some typography defaults
525ff5d Adds some useful debug logging
3175f32 Adds the skeleton of a 'new' command which I'll complete later when I'm bored on the airplane
c6cde3b Adds toggle for hot key help
2c5ee93 Adds toolbars for doing all the commands that I have hot keys for
81e3c67 Adds useful link for hotkeys
26fb136 Adds view/save hooks
b4c8c55 Adds zen mode which hides nav bar and hotkey helper
8080e7e Cleans up link components duped prop destructuring
9e24676 Fixes broken hash links
e70dbed Fixes gitignore to track the templates dir
88c1fad Fixes hash based links and adds TOC to rendered md pages
ec8f971 Fixes hot key not having a background
f4ec75f Fixes readme
db708dc Fixes readme path
e6897b0 Fixes router after applying redux to App
c2b520d Fixes routing to nested pages. Adds editing abilities. Adds a HOC for dealing with data fetching of wiki pages
75949ad Fixes silly bug and adds test for it
dc016f8 Fixes some formatting issues by creating a content wrapper that all markdown goes in
066e363 Fixes time tracking for git.Sync
39bd07e Improves link styling
86c4cf9 Initial commit. Somewhat working prototype
5a946f5 Makefile updates
d93f460 Merge branch 'master' into sync
ecb4bf9 Merge branch 'master' of
392af35 Merge branch 'master' of
cacfa0e Merge pull request #1 from SpencerCDixon/slate
5079b70 Merge pull request #2 from SpencerCDixon/image-support
7a68529 Merge pull request #3 from SpencerCDixon/sync
721fd85 Merge pull request #4 from SpencerCDixon/state-management
e88f6a5 Readme updates and move todos into a separate file
8eb9ebd Readme updates and test logo
f5f991b Refactor List to return JSON
c24b7cc Refactors commit message format. Fixes the home page implementation on frontend
1d0e74e Refactors setting writing to be a method on wiki
b760868 Remove cruft
7ae5e4d Removes the .md extension when listing
9419e91 Removes unnecessary map
3bd06e6 Update README language under frontend contributions
80c3a6b Update default home page
54dc9d3 Updates Makefile targets to just use packr like it says in the readme
6235e9d Updates hotkey docs to be more useful
873b48b Updates readme
9c18bc6 Updates readme
a37ac9c Updates readme
9bd9b75 Updates readme
75a97c1 Updates readme
175b5ac Updates readme 💥
ab0c6e5 Updates the readme in prep for having Dodie or someone else be able to help contribute.
e73d8da Updates todos
5e295c4 Updates todos after plane work
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.9 darwin/amd64