A simple API wrapper for SpinSha.re.
- Install via
npm install @spinshare/api-js
import SpinShareClient from "@spinshare/api-js";
const client = new SpinShareClient();
(async () => {
const userDetail = await client.getUserDetail(10);
console.log(`A wonderful user: ${userDetail.username}`);
import SpinShareClient from "@spinshare/api-js";
const connectApiKey = "85ec933f4978c45a3418268effebd3f6";
const connectApiCode = "18faf7";
const client = new SpinShareClient(connectApiKey);
(async () => {
const token = await client.connectGetToken(connectApiCode);
const profile = await client.connectGetProfile(token);
console.log(`Authenticated as: ${profile.username}`);
Open APIs don't require any type of authentication, these APIs are read-only and only give you publicly accessible data. If you need to modify content and/or want more detailled data (as well as user-private data), you need to use our Connect Authentication system. More information about how to register an app and authenticate it can be found in our API documentation.
The syntax of SpinShare's API can be found in the API Documentation. Join our Discord if you want to be updated on API changes.