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Sign Payload

This library provides several ways to digitally sign a payload (a message or a JWT). In most cases, you will need to sign with only one key and export in JSON Compact Serialization Mode (a three parts Base64 encoded string separated with dots).

The Easiest Way

A JWSFactory is available to ease all operations. We recommend to use it to create Compact JWS. The minimum requirement is:

  • the payload or claims (JWT) to sign
  • the algorithm used to sign,
  • a private or symmetric key (JWK object) depending on the signature algorithm,


use Jose\Factory\JWKFactory;
use Jose\Factory\JWSFactory;

// We load our key (JWK). It is an encrypted RSA key stored in a file
// Additional parameters ('kid', 'alg' and 'use') are set for this key (not mandatory but recommended).
$key = JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile(
        'kid' => 'My Private RSA key',
        'alg' => 'RS256',
        'use' => 'sig',

// We want to sign the following claims
$claims = [
    'nbf'     => time(),        // Not before
    'iat'     => time(),        // Issued at
    'exp'     => time() + 3600, // Expires at
    'iss'     => 'Me',          // Issuer
    'aud'     => 'You',         // Audience
    'sub'     => 'My friend',   // Subject
    'is_root' => true           // Custom claim

$jws = JWSFactory::createJWSToCompactJSON(
    $claims,                      // The payload or claims to sign
    $key,                         // The key used to sign
    [                             // Protected headers. Muse contains at least the algorithm
        'crit' => ['exp', 'aud'],
        'alg'  => 'RS256',

Now the variable $jws contains a string that represents our JWS.

The JWSFactory In Details

Compact JWS with Detached Payload

In some contexts, it is useful to integrity-protect content that is not itself contained in a JWS. The JWSFactory supports JWS and detached payload.


use Jose\Factory\JWKFactory;
use Jose\Factory\JWSFactory;

// We load our key (JWK). It is an encrypted RSA key stored in a file
// Additional parameters ('kid', 'alg' and 'use') are set for this key (not mandatory but recommended).
$key = JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile(
        'kid' => 'My Private RSA key',
        'alg' => 'RS256',
        'use' => 'sig',

// We want to sign the following claims
$claims = [
    'nbf'     => time(),        // Not before
    'iat'     => time(),        // Issued at
    'exp'     => time() + 3600, // Expires at
    'iss'     => 'Me',          // Issuer
    'aud'     => 'You',         // Audience
    'sub'     => 'My friend',   // Subject
    'is_root' => true           // Custom claim

$jws = JWSFactory::createJWSWithDetachedPayloadToCompactJSON(
    $claims,                      // The payload or claims to sign
    $key,                         // The key used to sign
    [                             // Protected headers. Muse contains at least the algorithm
        'crit' => ['exp', 'aud'],
        'alg'  => 'RS256',

Now the variable $jws contains a string that represents our JWS, but the payload is not included.

Flattened JWS with/without Detached Payload

The flattened JWS JSON Serialization syntax is based upon the general syntax but flattens it, optimizing it for the single digital signature/MAC case.. You can produce such JWS the same way as Compact JWS.

The methods to use are createJWSToFlattenedJSON or createJWSWithDetachedPayloadToFlattenedJSON.

Multiple Signatures

Compact and Flattened JWS allow only one signature. You may need to produce JWS with multiple signatures. This is useful when you want to send at once a JWS to multiple audiences that support different algorithms.

Let say the audience Audience 1 supports only RS256 and the audience Audience 2 supports HS512.

use Jose\Factory\JWKFactory;
use Jose\Factory\JWSFactory;

// We load our key. It will be used to sign with algorithm RS256
$key1 = JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile(
        'kid' => 'My Private RSA key',
        'use' => 'sig',
        'alg' => 'RS256',

// We load the second key to sign using algorithm HS512
$key2 = JWKFactory::createFromValues(
        'kty' => 'oct',
        'kid' => 'My Shared key',
        'use' => 'sig',
        'alg' => 'HS512',
        'k'   => 'hJtXIZ2uSN5kbQfbtTNWbpdmhkV8FJG-Onbc6mxCcYg',

// We want to sign the following claims
$claims = [
    'nbf'     => time(),        // Not before
    'iat'     => time(),        // Issued at
    'exp'     => time() + 3600, // Expires at
    'iss'     => 'Me',          // Issuer
    'aud'     => 'You',         // Audience
    'sub'     => 'My friend',   // Subject
    'is_root' => true           // Custom claim

// We have to create a JWS class using the JWSFactory.
// The payload of this object contains our claims.
$jws = JWSFactory::createJWS($claims);
// Note that if you want to create a JWS with a detached payload, you just have to set the second parameter as true.
// $jws = JWSFactory::createJWS($claims, true);

// We add information to create the first signature
$jws = $jws->addSignatureInformation(
        'alg' => 'RS256',

// Then the information for the second signature
$jws = $jws->addSignatureInformation(
        'alg' => 'HS512',

Now, the variable $jws contains an object that implements Jose\Object\JWSInterface and contain information to create two signatures. It is important to note that the signature have not been calculated at this moment.

We need to create a Signer object that will done this step.

use Jose\Signer;

// We create a Signer object with the signature algorithms we want to use
$signer = Signer::createSigner(['RS256', 'HS512']);

// Then we sign

Now you can export it into the JSON General Serialization Mode:


You can also get each signature into Compact or Flattened Serialization Mode:

// The first signature into Compact Serialization Mode

// The second one into Flattened Serialization Mode

Dealing with Unencoded Payload

This library supports unencoded payload (see RFC7797). You will be able to create JWS with such payload.

use Jose\Factory\JWKFactory;
use Jose\Factory\JWSFactory;

// We load our key (JWK). It is an encrypted RSA key stored in a file
// Additional parameters ('kid', 'alg' and 'use') are set for this key (not mandatory but recommended).
$key = JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile(
        'kid' => 'My Private RSA key',
        'alg' => 'RS256',
        'use' => 'sig',

// We want to sign the following claims
$claims = [
    'nbf'     => time(),        // Not before
    'iat'     => time(),        // Issued at
    'exp'     => time() + 3600, // Expires at
    'iss'     => 'Me',          // Issuer
    'aud'     => 'You',         // Audience
    'sub'     => 'My friend',   // Subject
    'is_root' => true           // Custom claim

$jws = JWSFactory::createJWSToFlattenedJSON(
    $claims,                      // The payload or claims to sign
    $key,                         // The key used to sign
    [                             // Protected headers. Muse contains at least the algorithm
        'b64'  => false,                 // We indicates the payload must not be encoded
        'crit' => ['exp', 'aud', 'b64'], // When 'b64' header is used, the 'crit' header must contain the 'b64' value
        'alg'  => 'RS256',

Please note that you can create a JWS in compact JSON when payload is not encoded only if the payload is detached.

// Will throw an exception
jws = JWSFactory::createJWSToCompactJSON(...);

// Will return the expected JWS in compact JSON
jws = JWSFactory::createJWSWithDetachedPayloadToCompactJSON(...);