sprouts-core is a part of the Sprouts Project that aims to use AngularJS as a front-end technology using Spring Boot as a back-end server in order to ease use case implementation.
The most important technologies that are being used in this project are, among others:
- AngularJS - as a front-end framework
- Spring Boot - as a back-end framework
- Spring JDBC - as a technology that permits access to relational databases
- Twitter Bootstrap - a famous CSS framework for styling the front-end resources
- MySQL - as a database engine
- Maven - as a build manager
- Swagger - as a tool for automatically generating API documentation
- angular-translate - as a package for i18n support
- Netflix Eureka - as a service for microservice architecture purposes
- zuul - as a gateway service between frontend and backend for routing purposes
In order to install spring-angular-api, there are a few obvious dependencies, such as:
- Java 8 - needed for running the project itself
- Maven - needed in case no IDE will be used
- Git - needed for cloning the repository
- MySQL - for database access needs
Please, note that this installation procedure is a quick-start installation and thus will not explain how to set up the project in an IDE.
For downloading and running this project, the following commands has to be run:
$ git clone https://github.com/jjxp/sprouts-core.git
$ cd sprouts-core
$ mysql -uroot < initialize.sql
$ mvn clean install spring-boot:run
For each microservice, the last command shall be ran in a different command prompt. The order is as follows:
- eureka-server
- backend-server
- frontend-server
After the former is performed, the project should be running at http://localhost:8080/
sprouts-core is constrained to the following licenses: