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Team Orion

Sputnik - The Drone Surveying System

How to recreate Sputnik Dependencies

General Drone Management System

Python 2.7 - used by ardrone_autonomy 
  Provides the DMS Django and Mission Reader’s environment language
Ubuntu 16 for ROS - 
  Provides the framework for interacting with the drone
  We used ROS Kinetic’s full install
Apache 2.7
  Serve static html pages
  Look at httpd.conf to see setup in apache_config
  Static root points to directly into web-gui
  Used redirects to django server on port 5001 for django request forwarding

Mission Process/Launcher/Executor

ARDrone autonomy 
  Provides the API for interacting with the drone - relies on having ROS installed 
  Provides the API for sending and updating queries to the database

MySQL Database

MySQL Workbench
  Provides easy management and configuration of the database
  Also used to forward engineer the WorkBench database schema file into an SQL file, enabling the insert queries will also insert the relevant lookup table data (such as the drone status table)
  Our setup was localhost:3306 with “root” as the username and “default” as the password
  Refer to Drone_Surveying_System.mwb under db_model folder for full schema and CSV dumps
MySQL Server 

Front end DMS

Django - apt-get or pip2.7
  Provides the REST interactions to the Database
MySQLClient - put on pip2.7
  Builds on top of MySQLDB
  Links very cleanly with Django to form database model objects

Front end HTML

Angular JS - - provides the logic in the front end
  $interval for polling
  $http + services for POST and GET requests - look at dependency injection
  Bootstrap 3 - responsive mobile/desktop designs
    Copied over glyphicons for all the icons (not on the home page)
  Font Awesome
    Used for the front page


HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors - detects 2cm to 400cm
Arduino (full or mini (if using mini you need serial cable))
  Required to write ultrasonic data into a file
Raspberry Pi
  Used to communicate with the router and ROS
  ROS also needed to be installed on the raspberry pi
  Shortened cable (USB to USB-A) was selected to power the arduino
  Needs WiFi dongle
Oliver’s bash script to override server daemon on the drone server (look at ultrasonic_sensor.ino
  Modify the drone to automatically connect to our WiFi access point (via SSID) with a set IP address on boot 
  1. kill active connections
  2. assign itself ip, ssid drone_net
  Set the ip of drone net to, and default gateway (“drone_net”)
  Note that this might need to be “hijacked” on boot (place the script in the bash_rc or on the profile to prevent this from happening) - to prevent drone going into “Access Point” mode, this prevents the drone from going into AP mode and keeps it a “slave to the router”
A router (please select an appropriate frequency channel 1, 6 or 11 to avoid overlap and interference. UTS WPA runs on 11, we ran our drone wifi successfully on channel 11 or 6)
  Name should be “drone_net”

Tools used

  Note this is free if you are student (You can sign up as a student and get the full version licensed for a year, this is better than the EDU version)
  Note this is free if you are student
MySQL Workbench as previously mentioned

Other notes

Gazebo is a 3D simluation and modeling program for drones. It was not used due to the extremely low frame rate when run on the provided hardware or in VMs on our own machines.
Drone weight limit is approximately 180 grams including the full foam hull (speedster hull is approximately 45 grams), any heavier and you will fail to take off (insert video link here)
Commands - please note that the queue has been set to zero to prevent any “stacking” of commands - if the code has a stack it may build up on ROS if the drone disconnects, we dont want this since the sleep also occurs on the machine as well
    This starts ROS up
  rosrun ardrone_autonomy ardrone_driver -ip XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    This launches ARDrone Autonomy
    Note that if you get “Getting Drone Version” then you need to kill the pid of ardrone until it displays something that isn’t “Getting Drone version”
    We assumed our drone was on
  rostopic echo ardrone/navdata
    This sets up a subscriber to listen in on the output
  rostopic pub ardrone/takeoff Std_msgs/Empty
    This will issue the land command
    All drone commands, dumps and other pieces are all “callbacks” to the rostopic publishers
  rostopic list
    Lists all the rostopics that you can subscribe or publish to
  rostopic echo /us
    This is the custom ultrasonics package that data was dumped into
  source devel/setup.bash
    Followed by:
    env | grep ROS
        This is to check if the master address is
    export ROS_MASTER_URI=
    rosrun us main
        Sensors 0 to 3 should start being dumped into ROS
