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TBProfiler Container

Main tool: TBProfiler

The pipeline aligns reads to the H37Rv reference using bowtie2, BWA or minimap2 and then calls variants using bcftools. These variants are then compared to a drug-resistance database. It also predicts the number of reads supporting drug resistance variants as an insight into hetero-resistance.


This tool relies on a database to run. The version (AKA git commit hash) of the database that is included in the docker image is c2fb9a2. This is from the GitHub repository This can be confirmed in the json file: /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb.version.json:

$ grep 'commit' /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb.version.json
{"name": "tbdb", "commit": "5f3c51e", "Merge": "b1a2549 abddb8e", "Author": "Jody Phelan <[email protected]>", "Date": "Thu Jan 19 10:47:32 2023 +0000"}

Additionally you can run the command tb-profiler list_db to list the same information

$ tb-profiler list_db
tbdb    5f3c51e Jody Phelan <[email protected]>   Thu Jan 19 10:47:32 2023 +0000  /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb

Additional included tools/dependencies

  • bcftools 1.12
  • bedtools 2.30.0
  • bwa 0.7.17
  • freebayes 1.3.5
  • gatk4
  • kmc 3.2.1
  • pathogen-profiler 2.0.4
  • perl 5.32.1
  • python 3.9.9
  • samclip 0.4.0
  • samtools 1.12
  • snpeff 5.1
  • trimmomatic 0.39

Example Usage

Run whole pipeline on Illumina paired-end reads:

tb-profiler profile -1 ERR1664619_1.fastq.gz -2 ERR1664619_2.fastq.gz -t 4 -p ERR1664619 --txt

Make alternative database:

tb-profiler create_db --prefix <new_library_name>
tb-profiler load_library --prefix <new_library_name>

Better documentation can be found here.