Consists of some of the projects I worked on during my time as an intern. Because of their policy, I wasn't able to get a vast majority of the web projects I worked on. I have here only partials. I was use this to explain some of the projects I worked on there.
This project consisted of 3 projects: Get the data into a database, build an API to utilise that database, and build a web application to consume the data. For the data, I chose to get information about Final Fantasy 14 from the wiki.
Screen Scraper Project (Do not have possession of)
- Extracted information about the game from the wiki site using the .net framework.
- Stored it into a Microsot SQL Server DB
Web API Project
- created a webapi that retrieved the information from the database using the .Net Web API 2 template
- sent infomration in the form on Json or XML.
- Used the N-Tier design pattern when I created this
Web Application (Do not have possession of)
- Used the .net MVC template to create this
- used React on the front end
- GulpJs for build tools
This was a team project I worked on with two other people. The objective of this app was to play music in a raidius of your GSP location using the google maps API and other people using the app in your area would be able to listen and play their own music too.
- MeteorJS for the back-end
- Angular on the front-end
This project was created in order to learn some of the technologies that were going to be used for a client project
Back end
Front end