Ansible role which manage Graphite-API
- Install and configure Graphite-Api
- Install and configure Graphite-Carbon and Graphite-Whisper
- Proxy the API with nginx
The roles are required:
The roles are recomended to install:
- Stouts.nginx - for proxing Grafana with Nginx
Here is the list of all variables and their default values:
graphite_api_enabled: yes # The role is enabled
graphite_api_home: /opt/graphite # Installation directory
graphite_api_user: graphite # Set owner
graphite_api_group: "{{ graphite_api_user }}" # Set group
# Setup Graphite-API
graphite_api_timezone: Europe/Berlin
- "{{graphite_api_home}}/storage/whisper"
graphite_api_search_index: "{{graphite_api_home}}/index"
# Setup Graphite-Carbon
graphite_api_carbon: yes # Install and setup Graphite Carbon
graphite_api_carbon_udp: no # Enable Carbon UDP listener
graphite_api_carbon_udp_address: # Listen address
graphite_api_carbon_udp_port: 2003 # Listen port
graphite_api_carbon_line_port: 2003
graphite_api_carbon_pickle_port: 2004
graphite_api_carbon_cache_query_port: 7002
# Setup Graphite-Whisper
graphite_api_whisper: yes
# Setup storage schemas
- name: stats
priority: 110
pattern: ^stats\..*
retentions: "10s:6h,1m:7d,10m:1y"
- name: carbon
pattern: ^carbon\.
retentions: "60:90d"
- name: default
pattern: ".*"
retentions: "60s:1d"
# Setup Gunicorn
graphite_api_gunicorn_port: 8080
# Setup NGINX
graphite_api_nginx_host: "{{inventory_hostname}}"
graphite_api_nginx_port: 80
graphite_api_nginx_auth: no # Enable HTTP Authorization
graphite_api_nginx_auth_users: [] # Setup HTTP Auth users
# graphite_api_nginx_auth_users:
# - { name: team, password: secret }
graphite_api_nginx_allow_origin: "" # Set domain for enable CORS
# The following parameters are for toggling dependencies
nginx_enabled: yes
python_enabled: yes
Add Stouts.graphite-api
to your roles and setup the variables in your playbook file.
- hosts: all
- Stouts.graphite-api
graphite_api_nginx_port: 8888
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Are welcome!