This page lists in more details the milestones of raposfly. Keep in mind that these milestones are only plannifications and could be subject to changes at any time.
Table of Contents
The version 0.3.0 will fix the problems noticed after the test of the 0.2.0.
The version 1.0.0 will be the first stable release.
From this point the development will follow Vincent Driessen's git branching model.
The target of this version will be to etablish raposfly as a structured open-source project:
- Presentation website
- Demo website
- Versioning
- Contribution
- Documentation
- ...
The main target of the version 2.0.0 will be the support of multiple events.
The main target of the version 3.0.0 will be the support of multiple point of sale.
The version 0.1.0 is the first version that has been tested on a real event (Nuit du Badminton 2016, Zinal, Switzerland). This was the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of the project.
The version 0.2.0 is the version that has been tested on the first consequent whole day event (Fête au Village, 2017, Collombey, Switzerland). This version corrected and improved the MVP that has been developed as 0.1.0.