Run crafty controller in docker.
it's a fedora 39 based image automaticaly running crafty.
Run with container engine of your choice. Map the folowing ports and volumes.
- 8443: for web ui.
- 8123: hell i dont know why, but the docs sead so.
- ports for minecraft: 25565 java and 19132 bedrock
- TZ: the timezone for the server
- /var/opt/minecraft/crafty: here is where he configs live
podman run \
--name crafty \
--detach \
--volume crafty:/var/opt/minecraft/crafty \
-p 8443:8443 \
-p 8123:8123 \
-p 25565:25565 \
-e TZ=Etc/Utc \
find files with podman volume inspect crafty
(for docker replace podman with docker)