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Data List & Data Widgets

Caius Nelson edited this page Sep 1, 2022 · 2 revisions

Data Widgets

Data Widgets are a special User Widget class, that can quickly display general data from ANY object you set as its source. Start by creating a new Data Widget from the blueprint menu, and fill it out like you would a normal User Widget.

In order for Data Widget's to display any data, they must reference a source asset that implements DataInterface_General.

Once you have done this, the widget will automatically fill any bound child widgets with the relevant data from the source asset once it is set.

Data Widgets can have a state of being hovered and highlighted. Hovered: Instantly sets keyboard focus to this data widget. Only one data widget can be hovered at a time. Highlighted: Sets this widget as "Highlighted" and plays the Highlight animation (if valid). Any number of data widgets can be highlighted.

By binding a button to a Data Widget, you can trigger the Hover and Select functions when the respective actions are taken on that button.

Data Lists

A Data List will fill a list with entries of a specific Data Widget class that each reference a single asset to display data. The default widget type is called DataLister. In the Entry tab, you can customize how you want you data to be displayed as well as the Data Widget class you would like to use.

By default, you can fill your list by adding assets to the Default Assets array.

You can also fill the list manually by calling the related functions.

Alternative, if you can create custom entries to fill the list with, if you would rather not uses object.

Data Lists also allow for calling functions when various events are triggered on their listed Data Widgets.


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