diff --git a/plugins/view.py b/plugins/view.py
index 74dc097f..0b5ff18f 100644
--- a/plugins/view.py
+++ b/plugins/view.py
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class MdeCenteredLineKeeper(MdeViewEventListener):
     def on_modified(self):
         sel = self.view.sel()
-        if sel and len(sel) != 1:
+        if not sel or len(sel) != 1:
         settings = self.view.settings()
diff --git a/syntaxes/Code Block Syntaxes.sublime-completions b/syntaxes/Code Block Syntaxes.sublime-completions
index a5439ff7..6c78dd32 100644
--- a/syntaxes/Code Block Syntaxes.sublime-completions	
+++ b/syntaxes/Code Block Syntaxes.sublime-completions	
@@ -664,6 +664,20 @@
 			"details": "Specifies <code>SQL</code> code highlighting"
+		// WASM
+		{
+			"trigger": "wast",
+			"annotation": "WAST",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>WebAssembly Text</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "wit",
+			"annotation": "WIT",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>WabAssembly Interface Type</code> code highlighting"
+		},
 		// XML
 			"trigger": "atom",
diff --git a/syntaxes/Markdown.sublime-syntax b/syntaxes/Markdown.sublime-syntax
index f64cb4ac..05b76d66 100644
--- a/syntaxes/Markdown.sublime-syntax
+++ b/syntaxes/Markdown.sublime-syntax
@@ -50,55 +50,58 @@ variables:
   backticks: |-
-      (`{4})(?![\s`])(?:[^`]+(?=`)|(?!`{4})`+(?!`))+(`{4})(?!`)  # 4 backticks, followed by at least one non whitespace, non backtick character, followed by (less than 4 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 4 backticks
-    | (`{3})(?![\s`])(?:[^`]+(?=`)|(?!`{3})`+(?!`))+(`{3})(?!`)  # 3 backticks, followed by at least one non whitespace, non backtick character, followed by (less than 3 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 3 backticks
-    | (`{2})(?![\s`])(?:[^`]+(?=`)|(?!`{2})`+(?!`))+(`{2})(?!`)  # 2 backticks, followed by at least one non whitespace, non backtick character, followed by (less than 2 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 2 backticks
-    | (`{1})(?![\s`])(?:[^`]+(?=`)|(?!`{1})`+(?!`))+(`{1})(?!`)  # 1 backtick,  followed by at least one non whitespace, non backtick character, followed by (                          at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 1 backtick
+      (`{4})[^`](?:[^`]|(?!`{4})`+[^`])*(`{4})(?!`)  # 4 backticks, followed by at least one non backtick character, followed by (less than 4 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 4 backticks
+    | (`{3})[^`](?:[^`]|(?!`{3})`+[^`])*(`{3})(?!`)  # 3 backticks, followed by at least one non backtick character, followed by (less than 3 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 3 backticks
+    | (`{2})[^`](?:[^`]|(?!`{2})`+[^`])*(`{2})(?!`)  # 2 backticks, followed by at least one non backtick character, followed by (less than 2 backticks, or at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 2 backticks
+    | (`{1})[^`](?:[^`]|(?!`{1})`+[^`])*(`{1})(?!`)  # 1 backtick,  followed by at least one non backtick character, followed by (                          at least one non backtick character) at least once, followed by exactly 1 backtick
   escapes: \\[-+*/!"#$%&'(),.:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~]
   balance_square_brackets: |-
-        (?:{{escapes}})+                  # escape characters
-      | [^\[\]`\\]+(?=[\[\]`\\]|$)        # anything that isn't a square bracket or a backtick or the start of an escape character
+        \\.                               # maybe escaped character (be lazy)
+      | [^\[\]`]                          # anything that isn't a square bracket or backtick
       | {{backticks}}                     # inline code
-      | \[(?:                             # nested square brackets (one level deep)
-          [^\[\]`]+(?=[\[\]`])            #  anything that isn't a square bracket or a backtick
-          {{backticks}}?                  #  balanced backticks
-        )*\]                              #  closing square bracket
+      | \[ (?:                            # nested square brackets (one level deep)
+          \\.                             #  maybe escaped character (be lazy)
+        | [^\[\]`]                        #  anything that isn't a square bracket or backtick
+        | {{backticks}}                   #  inline code
+        )* \]                             #  closing square bracket
   balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis: |-
-        (?:{{escapes}})+                  # escape characters
-      | [^\[\]`\\_*]+(?=[\[\]`\\_*]|$)    # anything that isn't a square bracket, a backtick, the start of an escape character, or an emphasis character
+        \\.                               # maybe escaped character (be lazy)
+      | [^\[\]`_*]                        # anything that isn't a square bracket, backtick or emphasis
       | {{backticks}}                     # inline code
-      | \[(?:                             # nested square brackets (one level deep)
-          [^\[\]`]+(?=[\[\]`])            #  anything that isn't a square bracket or a backtick
-          {{backticks}}?                  #  balanced backticks
-        )*\]                              #  closing square bracket
+      | \[ (?:                            # nested square brackets (one level deep)
+          \\.                             #  maybe escaped character (be lazy)
+        | [^\[\]`_*]                      #  anything that isn't a square bracket, backtick or emphasis
+        | {{backticks}}                   #  inline code
+        )* \]                             #  closing square bracket
       )+                                  # at least one character
   balance_square_brackets_pipes_and_emphasis: |-
-        (?:{{escapes}})+                  # escape characters
-      | [^\[\]`\\_*|]+(?=[\[\]`\\_*|]|$)  # anything that isn't a square bracket, a backtick, the start of an escape character, or an emphasis character
+        \\.                               # maybe escaped character (be lazy)
+      | [^\[\]`_*|]                       # anything that isn't a square bracket, backtick or emphasis or table cell separator
       | {{backticks}}                     # inline code
-      | \[(?:                             # nested square brackets (one level deep)
-          [^\[\]`]+(?=[\[\]`])            #  anything that isn't a square bracket or a backtick
-          {{backticks}}?                  #  balanced backticks
-        )*\]                              #  closing square bracket
+      | \[ (?:                            # nested square brackets (one level deep)
+          \\.                             #  maybe escaped character (be lazy)
+        | [^\[\]`_*|]                     #  anything that isn't a square bracket, backtick or emphasis or table cell separator
+        | {{backticks}}                   #  inline code
+        )* \]                             #  closing square bracket
       )+                                  # at least one character
   balanced_emphasis: |-
-      \*  (?!\*){{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}+\*  (?!\*)
-    | \*\*      {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}+\*\*
-    | _   (?!_) {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}+_   (?!_)
-    | __        {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}+__
+      \*  (?!\*){{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}\*  (?!\*)
+    | \*\*      {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}\*\*
+    | _   (?!_) {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}_   (?!_)
+    | __        {{balance_square_brackets_and_emphasis}}__
   table_cell: |-
@@ -1182,6 +1185,8 @@ contexts:
     - include: fenced-twee
     - include: fenced-twig
     - include: fenced-verilog
+    - include: fenced-wast
+    - include: fenced-wit
     - include: fenced-xonsh
@@ -2858,6 +2863,50 @@ contexts:
         1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown
         2: meta.fold.code-fence.end.markdown
+  fenced-wast:
+    - match: |-
+         (?x)
+          {{fenced_code_block_start}}
+          (?i:\s*(wast))
+          {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}}
+      captures:
+        0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.wast.markdown-gfm
+        2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown
+        5: constant.other.language-name.markdown
+        6: comment.line.infostring.markdown
+        7: meta.fold.code-fence.begin.markdown
+      embed: scope:source.wast
+      embed_scope:
+        markup.raw.code-fence.wast.markdown-gfm
+        source.wast
+      escape: '{{fenced_code_block_escape}}'
+      escape_captures:
+        0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.wast.markdown-gfm
+        1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown
+        2: meta.fold.code-fence.end.markdown
+  fenced-wit:
+    - match: |-
+         (?x)
+          {{fenced_code_block_start}}
+          (?i:\s*(wit))
+          {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}}
+      captures:
+        0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.wit.markdown-gfm
+        2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown
+        5: constant.other.language-name.markdown
+        6: comment.line.infostring.markdown
+        7: meta.fold.code-fence.begin.markdown
+      embed: scope:source.wit
+      embed_scope:
+        markup.raw.code-fence.wit.markdown-gfm
+        source.wit
+      escape: '{{fenced_code_block_escape}}'
+      escape_captures:
+        0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.wit.markdown-gfm
+        1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown
+        2: meta.fold.code-fence.end.markdown
     - match: |-
diff --git a/tests/syntax_test_markdown.md b/tests/syntax_test_markdown.md
index 4619ae89..f7153ea8 100644
--- a/tests/syntax_test_markdown.md
+++ b/tests/syntax_test_markdown.md
@@ -2043,9 +2043,9 @@ unclosed_paren = (
 |       ^ meta.code-fence.definition.begin meta.fold.code-fence.begin - merkup
 function foo () {
-| <- markup.raw.code-fence.shell.markdown-gfm meta.function.shell keyword.declaration.function.shell 
+| <- markup.raw.code-fence.shell.markdown-gfm meta.function keyword.declaration.function.shell
-| <- markup.raw.code-fence.shell.markdown-gfm meta.function.shell punctuation.section
+| <- markup.raw.code-fence.shell.markdown-gfm meta.function punctuation.section
 $ ls ~
 | <- markup.raw.code-fence.shell.markdown-gfm source.shell.interactive comment.other.shell
@@ -2394,7 +2394,7 @@ okay
-| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.disable-markdown meta.tag.style.begin.html meta.attribute-with-value.html
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.disable-markdown meta.tag.style.begin.html meta.attribute-with-value
 h1 {color:red;}
 |   ^^^^^ meta.disable-markdown source.css.embedded.html meta.property-list.css meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css
@@ -6047,6 +6047,25 @@ blah*
     |                                                       ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown
     |                                                                       ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown
     |                                                                        ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+    Complex ![image $\ce{H2O}$.](./img/image6.png){#fig:image6 height=12.09cm }
+    |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+    |       ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+    |               ^^^^^^^^^^ markup.math.inline.markdown text.tex.latex.embedded.markdown meta.environment.math.block.dollar.latex
+    |                          ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+    |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+    |                           ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+    |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.underline.link.image.markdown
+    |                                            ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+    |                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.attributes.markdown
+    |                                             ^ punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown
+    |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.markdown
+    |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.markdown
+    |                                                          ^^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.markdown
+    |                                                                ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.markdown
+    |                                                                 ^^^^^^^ string.unquoted.markdown
+    |                                                                         ^ punctuation.definition.attributes.end.markdown
 # TEST: CODE SPANS ############################################################
@@ -7379,6 +7398,27 @@ A ==![highlight](https://image-url)==
 A ==[![highlight](image-url)](link-url)==
 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+A ==![image $\ce{H2O}$.](./img/image6.png){#fig:image6 height=12.09cm }==
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.highlight.markdown
+| ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.begin.markdown
+|   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|   ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|           ^^^^^^^^^^ markup.math.inline.markdown text.tex.latex.embedded.markdown meta.environment.math.block.dollar.latex
+|                      ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                       ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.underline.link.image.markdown
+|                                        ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+|                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.attributes.markdown
+|                                         ^ punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown
+|                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.markdown
+|                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.markdown
+|                                                      ^^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.markdown
+|                                                            ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.markdown
+|                                                             ^^^^^^^ string.unquoted.markdown
+|                                                                     ^ punctuation.definition.attributes.end.markdown
+|                                                                      ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.end.markdown
 # TEST: STRIKETHROUGH #########################################################
@@ -7490,6 +7530,27 @@ A ~~![highlight](https://image-url)~~
 A ~~[![highlight](image-url)](link-url)~~
 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph.markdown markup.strikethrough.markdown-gfm
+A ~~![image $\ce{H2O}$.](./img/image6.png){#fig:image6 height=12.09cm }~~
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.strikethrough.markdown-gfm
+| ^^ punctuation.definition.strikethrough.begin.markdown
+|   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|   ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|           ^^^^^^^^^^ markup.math.inline.markdown text.tex.latex.embedded.markdown meta.environment.math.block.dollar.latex
+|                      ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                       ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.underline.link.image.markdown
+|                                        ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+|                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.attributes.markdown
+|                                         ^ punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown
+|                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.markdown
+|                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.markdown
+|                                                      ^^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.markdown
+|                                                            ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.markdown
+|                                                             ^^^^^^^ string.unquoted.markdown
+|                                                                     ^ punctuation.definition.attributes.end.markdown
+|                                                                      ^^ punctuation.definition.strikethrough.end.markdown
 # TEST: LINKS #################################################################
@@ -7870,6 +7931,90 @@ Here is a ![Image Ref Alt][1].
 |                          ^ markup.underline.link.markdown
 |                           ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+A complex ![image $\ce{H2O}$.](./img/image6.png){#fig:image6 height=12.09cm }
+|         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|         ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|                 ^^^^^^^^^^ markup.math.inline.markdown text.tex.latex.embedded.markdown meta.environment.math.block.dollar.latex
+|                            ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                             ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.underline.link.image.markdown
+|                                              ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+|                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.attributes.markdown
+|                                               ^ punctuation.definition.attributes.begin.markdown
+|                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.markdown
+|                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.markdown
+|                                                            ^^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.markdown
+|                                                                  ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.markdown
+|                                                                   ^^^^^^^ string.unquoted.markdown
+|                                                                           ^ punctuation.definition.attributes.end.markdown
+With codepsan ![`a`b]()
+|             ^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|             ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|               ^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|               ^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                 ^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                   ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                    ^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                    ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                     ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+With codepsan ![``a`b``]()
+|             ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|             ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|               ^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|               ^^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                    ^^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                      ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                       ^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                       ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                        ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+With codepsan ![` `]()
+|             ^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|             ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|               ^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|               ^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                 ^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                  ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                   ^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                   ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                    ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+With codepsan ![`` ` ``]()
+|             ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|             ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|               ^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|               ^^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                    ^^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                      ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                       ^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                       ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                        ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+With codepsan ![``` `` ```]()
+|             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|             ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|               ^^^^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|               ^^^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                      ^^^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                         ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                          ^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                          ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                           ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
+With codepsan ![```` ``` ````]()
+|             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.image.inline.description.markdown
+|             ^^ punctuation.definition.image.begin.markdown
+|               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|               ^^^^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                        ^^^^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                            ^ punctuation.definition.image.end.markdown
+|                             ^^ meta.image.inline.metadata.markdown
+|                             ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.begin.markdown
+|                              ^ punctuation.definition.metadata.end.markdown
 # TEST: FOOTNOTES #############################################################