All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.0.0 - 2024-10-14
No significant changes.
0.52.0 - 2024-09-12
- Function duration (working for all backends, not only the owner) in function drawer (#364)
- Disable never expiring user-generated tokens (#385)
- Task profiling steps are now ordered chronologically (#347)
to replicate previous status DOING which has been split in 2. (#386)
0.51.0 - 2024-06-11
No significant changes.
0.50.0 - 2024-06-03
- Profiling step
- Task profiling step
0.49.0 - 2024-03-27
- [chore]
is now used for changelog management (#319)
- Permissions details in Task I/Os (#280)
- Add e2e tests (#273)
- Secondary branches in workflows are now of max size 1 (#268)
- Refactor task outputs section in task drawer (#280)
- Move compute task status at the bottom of nodes in graph view to allow more space for task name on top (#303)
- Split task statuses list in 2 lines on compute plan statuses popover (#303)
- Increase spacing to see full status in compute task list (#303)
- Compute task status
is renamedEXECUTING
(#299) - Compute plan statuses
are merged into new statusCREATED
- LogsModal now use a key so we can use logs not linked with a compute task (#270)
- Replace
(#296) - Update task statuses to reflect the updates in the backend (#297)
- LogsModel now use the latest endpoint (#298)
- Substra bundle version info in the "About" modal (#256)
- Upgrade dependencies (#241)
- Reload current asset list on nav tab click (#206)
- Clearer UI for asset download permissions (#228)
- Duration displayed in task drawer for all workers (#235)
- Allow production images to run under reduced privileges (#231)
- Properly align handles with inputs & outputs in workflow (#229)
- Cancel CP button now usable on workflow page (#234)
- Color rotation on cp charts (#236)
- Menu tests added to e2e tests (#224)
- New users awaiting approval page and feature (#220)
- Update cypress and old e2e architecture & tests (#219)
- Remove pagination on
to remove limitation on 1000 first points (#222) - Page title now updated properly when opening a user drawer (#218)
- Users list skeleton no longer flashing when opening/closing drawer (#213)
- In perf views, set
as default ifseriesGroupWithRounds.length > 0
, otherwiserank
- Task execution and output saving duration being switched (#214)
- Start & end date ordering being reversed (#210)
- Moved the API tokens management to a new page supporting multiple token per user (#198)
- Fixed list calls cancelling when reloading or changing page (#200)
- Creator filter using wrong pagination to fetch users (#201)
- Store variable for single assets not resetting correctly before new call (#202)
- Selected CPs not resetting after logout (#203)
- Hyper-parameters are not nicely shown when their names is too big (#208)
- Display the cause of CP not being cancellable in tooltip (#192)
- Display function name for each task in workflow & tasks table (#188)
- Big refactor to use zustand instead of redux to handle store (#159)
- Upgrade node version from 16.13.0 to 18.16.0 (#187)
- New icon for list ordering in tables (#191)
- CP cancel alert message (#192)
- Serialize the performance graph regarding the identifier only (#194)
- Inverted duration filter in tasks table (#190)
- Change files architecture (#159)
- Better performances for workflow (#196)
- Inter font for content body (#176)
- Task duration section in Task Drawer (#165)
- SSO on login page and API keys modal (#181)
- BREAKING: rename Algo to Function (#170)
- Use exportPerformance endpoint with metadata for every download (#156)
- Inputs & outputs display when opening task drawer from cp tasks list (#175)
- CP ordering by creation date (#179)
- Performance 0 displaying as
instead of0.000
(#183) Authorization
header is not set when cookie is empty (#184)
- Tooltip on perf cards (#178)
(#182)- Duplicated requests in performance pages (#180)
- Internal error message (#172)
- Broken dataset details page (#168)
- CP creators are available data (#124)
- Contributing, contributors & code of conduct files (#157)
- Get tasks inputs & outputs assets from new endpoints (#144)
- Change url displayed by vite in local (#163)
- test_only property from datasample type (#158)
- Series grouping calcul & metric details page (#152)
- Update compute plan failed task key (#134)
- Use output_identifier to group series (#145)
- Remove deprecated parent_task_keys from TaskT (#153)
- User creation/edition validation (#133)
- Documentation link in user menu (#132)
- Removed task categories from the frontend (#119)
- Open task drawer directly in cp details page (#122)
- Algo creation events aren't included in newsfeed anymore (#127)
- Renamed any tuple thing into a task thing (#129)
- UI and markup glitches on login page (#123)
- Check for "last admin" when editing a user (#131)
- Warnings during npm install (#126)
- CP workflow graph is now built independently of the task categories (#114)
- Container build error logs are now accessible
- Display user description after role update (#117)
- Empty task inputs make drawer crash (#120)
- Prevent the last admin from being deleted
- Rename Users Management by Users
- Missing deletion feedback in user management
- Disable edit user button if no change detected and rename it update
- Fix rank tooltip on perfcards in CP performances page (#108)
- Fix outdated refresh route in withRetry (#112)
- Fix users management link in menu (#113)
- Update task drawer inputs (#106)
- Cypress tests for compute plan pages Workflow and Performances
- Handle both gcr and ghcr manifest not found error in release workflow ci
- Users management v1
- Added license file
- Removed references to close-source items
- Change Customize Columns items icon color
- Increase page size to 30
- CP Workflow graph: Allow a higher min zoom to show more tasks
- CP Workflow graph: update layout for predict tasks and test tasks
- Change Connect branding to Substra
- Add capital letter R to reset zoom button
- Rename Connect to Substra in code and ci files
- Change primary color from teal to blue
- Keep filtering/ordering setup when refreshing an asset list page
- Display all General customize columns by default
- Elements being highlighted when drag and drop Customize Columns items
- Can edit by deleting the input number in CP duration filter
- CP duration filter is broken on refresh and for below mode
- Use correct login url in cypress tests
- Display all general columns by default in CP page
- Broken unselection of CPs in comparison page
- CP columns and favorites disappear on logout
- Model category
- Task inputs section overhauled for generic tasks
- fix: use route tasks path for task drawer in compute plan page
- Duration filter mode "Between" don't jump to other filtering mode
- Ability to edit asset names
- Remove existing circular dependencies
- Use route tasks path for task drawer
- Support for log scale display
- Allow selection of non-metadata columns in custom columns
- Custom columns modal style improvements
- Add new ESLint rules to ensure code quality
- Use max rank and round from perf endpoint stats
- Overflow issue on task drawer dataset section
- Do not trigger omnisearch for empty search strings
- Spacing between and around filter tags
- Duration's active filter dot does not appear on filter popover
- Prevent task drawer dataset's dropdown from expanding/collapsing on dataset download
- Column width issue on tasks table
- Clear all filters button not clearing all filters
- Center no tasks message on dataset table
- Added missing actions on CP workflow page
- Wrong page title on compute plan workflow
- Refactoring of duration format functions
- Wording update for deleted models in output
- Refactoring of DrawerHeader extra buttons
- Some UI improvements for cancel CP feature
- Display disabled cancel CP button when user is not owner of the current CP
- Filtering by favorites when not having any will return an empty table
- Add outputs section in task drawer adapted to generic task
- Zoom controls on compute plan workflows
- Add "kind" label for algo performance output
- Tooltips are now displayed on performance charts
- Prevent the tooltip from being partly hidden on performance charts
- Params disappearing when clicking twice on a navigation tab
- Tuples links in OmniSearch were not redirecting to the tuple
- Add Hadolint to CI
- Reset compute plan filters when clicking on a refresh button
- Add ESLint rule to enforce PascalCase and precise suffixes for types
- Stack applied filters vertically instead of using ellipsis
- Add simplified display for duration applied filter
- Support for predict tasks
- Cancel compute plan button
- Add tuples to OmniSearch
- Upgrade caniuse-lite
- Put current user info into /me module
- Updated owner information style in drawers
- Display algo inputs and outputs in drawer
- Download buttons for algos, datasets and metrics in task drawers
- Duration filters
- ComputePlan Workflow Graph view
- Newsfeed items link now redirecting to correct asset
- Split the TableFilters components into multiple components
- Removed the metrics concept
- Metadata filters
- Upgrade outdated dependencies packages and upgrade to React 18
- Removed algo category
- Actualizer & Refresh Banner
- Compute plan name from metadata is deprecated, use cp name directly
- Share metadata configuration
- Remove metadata modal from compute plan detail
- Rename node to organization
- Type guard in OmniSearch failing for null values
- Include days in durations
- Replace compute plan unknown status by empty status
- Proper UI for customizing columns
- OmniSearch
- Prevent the dataset details sidebar from being crushed
- Display correctly Markdown titles
- Dockerfile now include package-lock.json for better reproducibility
- Indicate active filters in the popover
- News feed notifications
- Removed date filters glitch
- Consistent date filters - after and before
- Tasks and compute plans status sort is now alphabetical
- Mailto links in error alerts
- Download buttons on ComputePlans page
- Add a manual refresh button
- Proper labels for status ordering
- Ordering options in table header dropdowns
- Alignment issue with PerfBrowser checkboxes
- Explicit keyboard shortcuts
- Empty API params aren't sent to the API anymore
- Added check on dependencies
- Moved cypress to a dedicated package
- Use the name field of Compute Plans instead of tag
- Algo sorting by category is based on category names
- Removed concept of hyperparameters in favor of metadata
- Permission filters
- Trailing pagination focus
- Correct date filter params sent to backend
- Synced state handling for empty values are arrays
- Reset searchbar when clearing applied filters
- Use csv url params values when filtering on multiple values for all fields
- Change all references to to in skaffold configs
- Removed deadcode
- Mutualize synced state declarations
- Removed use of the search parameter
- Handle new metric type
- Add ESLint to React hooks
- Improved filter tags display
- Favorites only now synced in URL as a boolean flag
- Add rounds as x axis on perf charts
- Display logs permissions on datasets table and details page
- New filters
- Make "Permissions" row top aligned in drawers and sidebars
- Add empty state message in performance chart filter
- Synced state init issue
- Switch icons & wordings for ordering
- Close news feed on blur
- Hide "Customize columns" button if no hyperparameters are defined
- Bad redirects breaking browsers back buttons
- Use paginated results for the newsfeed
- Newsfeed card icon for canceled compute plans
- More explicit download button in perf browser
- Updated layout with 1200px min width
- Rename master branch into main
- Removed all MELLODDY specific code and features
- Restrict filtering option only for concerned table columns
- Fix search by name and key on datasets page
- Fix localStorage migration issue for hyperparameters
- Use a separate store for computePlans compare
- Allow keyboard interaction with the chart
- Ordering
- Favorites filter
- Bulk selection
- Hide show diff button in single cp page
- Fix brand-logo-black svg by putting back proper width & height
- Glitchy selected compute plans on compare page
- Handle invalid statuses
- Open node settings on click in box
- Hide clear button when no filters are applied in hp modal
- Max updated depth issue on ComputePlanChart
- Favorites management in compare page
- useSyncedState hook doesn't remove param from url on unmount
- localStorage values not loaded after login
- Fix version of vite-plugin-svgr-component dependency
- Hooks cleanup (removed dead code)
- Change favicon svg
- Use performance endpoint
- Remove "Select all" option from filters in performance page and hide clear icon when no filters are applied
- Favorite stays at their place in the cp list
- Search filter now searches in both name and key
- Faulty favorites count when filter are applied
- Fixed security issues in axios & nth-check dependencies
- Filters also apply to favorites
- Favorites / selected compute plan rows are collapsible
- Replace compute plan key by its name in news feed
- Hyperparameters columns in cp list are customizable
- Hyperparameters modal now draggable
- Sticky columns on compute plans page
- Hyperparameters modal now resizable
- Change drag zoom background color
- Add buttons to show diffs only & clear filters in hp modal
- Get compute plan index from PerfBrowserContext in HP modal
- Remove warning related to breadcrumb component on dataset page
- Fix large border into chart zoom button group
- Rename csv files downloaded from the comparison interface
- Close hyperparameters list on modal escape
- In PerfBrowser, an empty node filters list means all node are displayed
- Add a news feed for compute plan task events
- Show hyperparameters on the compare page
- Favorite and selected compute plans are updated when new data is available
- Hyperparameters columns in cp list table
- Full text search on CP list
- Drag to zoom on charts
- Inject hyperparameters at deploy time
- New PerfBrowser layout and behavior
- Add missing space in Timing component
- Restore clickable table headers on Compute Plans page
- Fix rank/epoch switch
- Uniqueness issue of average series IDs
- Sort point by score in tooltip summary
- Set a max height for filter menu
- Highlight only related node on hover in comparison mode
- Do not display copy/download buttons for empty data sample lists
- Add to favorite button in CP details page
- Add metrics to breadcrumb in CP chart page
- Nodes settings in Compute Plan Chart page
- Add zoom buttons on charts
- Breadcrumb and actions for Compare page
- Rank/epoch typo in perf chart tooltip
- Add channel namespace to values stored in localStorage
- Catch cancel error when voluntarily aborting CP details calls
- Improve responsiveness of charts
- Removed loading of compute plan counts and statuses in separate calls (reverts #383 and #390)
- Improved the PerfSidebarSettingsNodes component
- Removed dynamic average
- Auto cancel pending HTTP calls when changing route or url params
- Changed wording and controls in perf chart settings
- Move all PerfBrowser inner state to PerfBrowserContext
- Enabled filters on compute plans page
- Tooltip hover compute plan pin icon
- Support for epochs as X Axis values
- Custom markers on charts
- Logout loop because of planned calls
- Restore "Download as CSV" button on compare perf details page
- Align duration display in cp details with the one in cp list
- Increase toast font size
- Upgrade chartjs to 3.7.1
- Make full PerfBrowser sidebar section clickable
- Page title issue on perf chart with task drawer open
- Compute plans selected for comparison are now persisted (same as pinned items)
- Alignment issue between checkboxes and their labels
- Scroll on performance legend overlaps on header "Rank X"
- Restore metadata section to task drawers
- Put status "done" in first position in progress bar
- Compute plan performance opens task drawer in the performance screen
- Perf tab on Compute Plan page is enabled during loading
- Load compute plans task counts and status in separate calls
- Handle errors returned by the backend on list calls as if there was no results for the call
- Retrieve compute plans task counts and status sequentially
- Handle perf rank detail Y overflow
- Race conditions in compare page
- Disable performance chart for waiting/todo CP
- Use 3 decimals instead of 2 for performance value
- Naming: display organization instead of node
- Chart: hovering a legend item should highlight the related line and values
- Use click instead of shift+click to pan
- Added API_URL env var
- UI: add loading state into drawers
- MELLODDY: new pharma_average series
- Added space around nodes tags in PerfBrowser
- zIndex of perf chart tooltip
- Full height layout on NotFound, Compare and CP chart pages
- Perf tooltip position now depends on content size and position of canvas
- Repeating key in PerfList that was causing lots of bugs
- Broken metric name comparison causing perf browser to show as empty
- Broken highlight / selection of rank 0 in perf charts
- Broken clear button on compute plans page
- Browser's previous page fixed on compute plans list page
- Add spacing below navigation
- No more delay before hiding tooltip on perf chart cards
- Removed redundant spaces in tables
- Compute plan ID label now "#" instead of "CP"
- Fix typos, textarea width and style on feedback & help modal
- Correct large5/small5 groups
- Make table headers clickable
- MELLODDY: Removed pseudonymization from frontend (it will be done on backend side)
- Tooltips for chart thumbnails
- MELLODDY: add hardcoded node labels
- Tooltip over the average switch
- MELLODDY: add hardcoded average series
- Error logs
- Link to documentation in help modal
- Pseudonymize asset names
- Do not include zoom and help buttons on chart JPEG export
- Misc alignment issues
- Fix overflow on metric name
- Case insensitive sort of node labels
- Only display "reset zoom" button when the chart is zoomed in
- Lazy load code highlighter and markdown formatter components
- Sort nodes alphabetically on perf browser
- Change request timeout from 10s to 2min
- Change wording for ErrorAlert messages
- Button to download the perfs of multiple charts at once
- Buttons to download the tested models in a test task drawer
- Hierarchy background to PerfBrowser compute plan filters
- MELLODDY flag to extract compute plan name from metadata
- Updated drawers and sidebars look and feel
- Improved look for the PerfBrowser loading state
- Improved look for the PerfBrowser empty state
- Preserve filters across task types
- Explicit messages for why models cannot be downloaded
- New help & feedback modal
- Add support for Microsoft Clarity (optional) with a cookie banner
- Display estimation end date for compute plan
- Highlight task category containing failed tasks in compute plan details
- Settings page
- Disable current page pagination button
- Added specific routes for each task category
- Display test task performances in task drawer
- Add link to compute plan in tasks list and tasks drawer
- New and improved empty table message
- Fixed status filter displayed value and date/duration layout
- Fixed race condition that resulted in an infinite redirect loop
- Fixed spacing around permissions
- Fix vertical align in drawer
- Fixed pagination when there are no results
- Fixed padding in drawers
- Fix dark theme issue by disabling it
- Reduce font size on "download as" menu items
- Uniformize file extension across the app
- Prevents URL params to leak from computeplan list page to computeplan details page
- Fixed warning in console
- Remove old theme used before chakra
- Removed "Other" label in compute plan settings when not necessary
- Fix time collapsed on a CP when training - no end_date
- Fix outmodel message color when model is not downloadable
- Fix useless ellipsis on asset key in drawers
- Add failed tasks to progress count in CP progression bar
- Center "No data to display" message on CPs page when it's empty
- Increased searchbar's width to prevent keys from being cutted
- Fix focus color on searchbar
- Fixed unexpected zoom reset when hovering perf rank details
- Fix varying widthes for tables
- Do not display parent task section in drawers if there are no parent tasks
- Fixed font size in popover menus
- Remove unnecessary padding in drawer tables
- Disable Dark theme for Markdown content
- Fix Header width in drawer + markdown width
- Fix broken link in perf chart rank details
- Handle non available perfs on testtuples
- Update internal type for compute plan list
- Changed file structure for dockerfile
- Better empty table message
- Removed "unknown" task status and renamed "unknown" compute plan status in "empty"
- Hovering charts highlights rank instead of points
- Better page titles
- Update Cypress version
- Remove number of parent tasks in TaskTable
- Switch train and test tasks tabs
- Add capital letter to frontend in the about modal
- General improvements of the perf browser component
- Added ellipsis to too long links
- New logo
- Align TaskDrawer children to the left
- Change Download button appearance
- Added ellipsis to too long link
- Disable interpretation of dates on CP table
- New login page
- Ability to pin compute plans to the top of the table
- About modal that opens from the user menu
- New page not found page
- Open assets links in task drawer in a new tab
- Tasks details popover in compute plans table
- New layout for performance charts
- Help popover on charts
- New filters on compare compute plans
- Add start date and end date on compute plan's tasks
- Start and end dates for compute plans
- Description for status in table filters
- Display tasks' duration
- Fix rounding for progression percentage
- Fix error in console due to bad markup
- Removed warning in the console
- Fix infinite load on the train tasks compute plan on first load
- Added min width to compute plans table columns to fix display when there are no results
- Truncate TableDrawerSectionKeyEntry value when too long
- Set minWidth on a compute plan tag in order to avoid to many multilines
- Avoid NaN progression percentage
- Fix the Inter font
- Add fixed version package for
- Fix filter tags behavior
- Fix missing "unknown" status for compute plans
- New design for compute plan performance page
- On compute plan table, the click area for the checkboxes is the full cell
- Updated all dependencies to latest versions
- Improve chart style
- Wording update composite tasks now labeled as "Composite train"
- New branding
- Display N/A when there is no parent task in the drawer
- Zoom on charts works on full chart and not just axes
- New filters
- Focus on first tab when opening filters
- Add ellipsis to the Performance card title when it is too long
- Fix routing issue with deprecated /compute_plan/ route
- Dataset details page now takes full available height
- Removed warning and errors in the console
- Fix number of columns in the compute plan table
- Removed double borders at the bottom of tables
- Added rounded top corners in tasks table
- New design for datasets table
- New style for the Compute Plans page
- Dataset sider replaced by independent page
- New layout for compute plan tasks
- New design for compute plan tasks table
- Owkin logo link now points to homepage
- New design for algos table and drawer
- New design for tasks table
- Make tasks the default compute plan tab
- New design for compute plan tasks drawer
- Switch to "Permissions" from "Downloadable by / Processable by"
- Layout improvements on Compute Plans page
- Add clear button to searchbar
- Small visual changes
- Add nodePort config for K8s service
- Refactor tables with Chakra
- Add missing dependency
- Add download button for the data sample keys in dataset sider
- Add Fullscreen mode on the charts in the Compute Plans comparison page
- Filter by status on compute plan tasks page
- Download model button in chart tooltip
- Support for multi-metric testtuples
- Fix broken imports when using chakra UI components
- Removed console error about unknown component props
- Automated redirects now replace history state instead of creating a new one
- Table filters do not cancel each other
- Dropped CSS reset and Lato font in favor of a full Chakra theme
- Include key in filename when downloading a model
- Made /compute_plans the landing page
- New visual style for navigation on compute plan page
- New style for searchbar
- Simplify layout (no more vertical/horizontal scroll wrappers) and tables
- Only collapse header height for deep routes
- New design for metrics table
- Ability to zoom and pan on performance charts
- Support for testtuples which parent is an aggregatetuple
- Expired credentials will try to be renewed before triggering a log out
- Display both "download" and "process" permissions
- Download button for models
- Add CSV export
- Compute Plans comparison page
- Owner section in compute plan sider
- Display backend version
- Filters on worker in tasks and compute plan tasks pages
- Sider scroll not preserved across different assets anymore
- Handle deleted intermediary models
- Removed emotion warning about non-boolean attribute
- Display short commit sha in user menu
- Listing of a compute plan's datasets when building series
- Default chart styles for unknown nodes
- Add missing marker to perf chart legend
- Fix cropped Jpeg export
- Header now contains Node ID or channel name depending on logged in status
- Security issues in dependencies
- Fix Markdown style in production
- Works with orchestrator-powered backends only
- Removed the "Timeline" section for tasks and compute plan that was "coming soon"
- Use dedicated sub asset routes to retrieve compute plan tuples
- Use dedicated sub asset routes to list all tuples from a compute plan
- Only fetch testtuples when building charts
- Chart tooltips are now interactive
- All algos are now listed in the same table
- Display current node id on login page
- New navigation menu
- Add the name of the current node to the account menu
- Add Chakra UI as a UI library
- Add GitHub style to the markdown content
- Add JPEG export
- Add routes for compute plan details page's tabs
- Patch circular import in mdast-util-to-hast dependency
- Display intermediary state while checking credentials
- Applying filters on a list moves back to the first page of results
- In Chart, display node separation option only for numerous series
- Add the task type for failed task
- Display channel name in header instead of node ID
- Add out_model key and permissions in Sider
- Always group series by lowercase metric name