Rules: First Seen AppID Generating MailIItemsAccessed Event from User
This alert looks at a first seen application ID accessing an Office 365/Exchange mail box item The MailItemsAccessed may not always be enabled within an Entra/Azure/Office 365 tenant and is dependent on Microsoft licensing requirements. See the following guide from CISA for additional information on this event type and investigation steps:
Detail | Value |
Type | First Seen |
Category | Collection |
Apply Risk to Entities | user_username |
Signal Name | First Seen AppId Generating MailIItemsAccessed Event from {{user_username}} |
Summary Expression | A First Seen AppId was observed as accessing an Office 365 mail item since the baseline period. |
Retention Window | 7776000000 |
Baseline Window | 1209600000 |
Baseline Type | PER_ENTITY |
Score/Severity | Static: 1 |
Enabled by Default | True |
Prototype | False |
Tags | _mitreAttackTactic:TA0009, _mitreAttackTechnique:T1114 |
Origin | Field |
Normalized Schema | action |
Normalized Schema | metadata_product |
Normalized Schema | user_username |