description |
This page lists the knowlg jobs' specific kafka topic, functionality configurations, sample event and dependencies (if any). |
Configuration of all knowledge-platform-jobs during the time of deployment is referred from sunbird-learning-platform repository. However, configuration for local setup is referred from respective job folders in knowledge-platform-jobs repository.
Kafka Topic:
kafka {
input.topic = "{{ env_name }}.dialcode.context.job.request"
groupId = "{{ env_name }}-dialcode-group"
Job configuration variables:
Variable | Purpose |
dialcode_context_updater.actions | Used to identify dial code context update action |
dialcode_context_updater.search_mode | Used to set search mode for search API |
dialcode_context_updater.context_map_path | Used to specify the path of context Mapping file. File used to specify the field mapping of context schema.jsonld to sunbird content/collection schema.json |
dialcode_context_updater.identifier_search_fields | Used to specify the search fields when the content/collection details is fetched for primary category. |
dialcode_context_updater.dial_code_context_read_api_path | Used to specify the api endpoint of the DIAL service read context API (/dialcode/v4/read) |
dialcode_context_updater.dial_code_context_update_api_path | Used to specify the api endpoint of the DIAL service Update context API (/dialcode/v4/update) | | Used to specify Search service base URL. |
service.dial_service.basePath | Used to specify DIAL service base URL. |
es_sync_wait_time | Used to specify wait time for collection nodes data to sync to ES after collection publish to reflect in search service results. |
Sample kafka event:
"eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST",
"ets": 1655804893687,
"mid": "LP.1655804893687.e8e921df-f479-49a9-af5a-df8bbc4de70a",
"actor": {
"id": "DIAL code context update Job",
"type": "System"
"context": {
"pdata": {
"ver": "1.0",
"id": "org.ekstep.platform"
"channel": "01309282781705830427",
"env": "dev"
"object": {
"ver": "1.0",
"id": "G3L9S2"
"edata": {
"action": "dialcode-context-update",
"iteration": 1,
"dialcode": "G3L9S2",
"identifier": "do_113556563202981888177"
"identifier": "do_113556563202981888177"
{% hint style="info" %}
** Services:**
1. Search Service - composite search API
2. DIAL service - DIAL context read and update API {% endhint %}
Kafka Topic:
kafka {
input.topic = "{{ env_name }}"
groupId = "{{ env_name }}-cassandra-data-migration-group"
Job configuration variables:
Variable | Purpose |
migrate.keyspace | Used to specify the keyspace of the cassandra database in which data is to be migrated. |
migrate.table | Used to specify the table in the keyspace configured above; in which data is to be migrated. |
migrate.primary_key_column | Used to specify the primay key column name of the table and the keyspace configured above; in which data is to be migrated. |
migrate.primary_key_column_type | Used to specify the primay key column datatype in the table and the keyspace configured above; in which data is to be migrated. |
migrate.column_to_migrate | Used to specify the name of the column to be migrated from the table and the keyspace configured above. |
migrate.column_to_migrate_type | Used to specify the datatype of the column to be migrated from the table and the keyspace configured above. |
migrate.key_value_strings_to_migrate | Used to specify the list of strings to be migrated in the column data. |
Sample kafka event:
"eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST",
"ets": 1619527882745,
"mid": "LP.1619527882745.32dc378a-430f-49f6-83b5-bd73b767ad36",
"actor": {
"id": "cassandra-data-migration",
"type": "System"
"context": {
"channel": "ORG_001",
"pdata": {
"id": "org.sunbird.platform",
"ver": "1.0"
"env": "dev"
"edata": {
"column": "url",
"table": "dialcode_images",
"keyspace": "dialcodes",
"action": "migrate-cassandra",
"iteration": 1
Kafka Topic:
kafka {
input.topic = "{{ env_name }}.csp.migration.job.request"
groupId = "{{ env_name }}-csp-migrator-group"
failed.topic = "{{ csp_migrator_failed_topic_name }}"
live_video_stream.topic = "{{ video_stream_topic_name }}"
live_content_node_republish.topic = "{{ content_republish_topic_name }}"
live_question_node_republish.topic = "{{ question_republish_topic_name }}"
Job configuration variables:
Variable | Purpose |
key_value_strings_to_migrate | Used to specify the list of strings to be migrated in the fields' data. |
neo4j_fields_to_migrate | Used to specify the neo4j fields which are to be migrated based on the objectType |
cassandra_fields_to_migrate | Used to specify the columns of assessmentItem which are to be migrated. |
hierarchy.keyspace | Used to specify the keyspace containing collection hierarchy data table |
hierarchy.table | Used to specify collection hierarchy data table |
content.keyspace | Used to specify the keyspace containing content data table |
content.content_table | Used to specify content data table |
content.assessment_table | Used to specify assessment data table |
questionset.hierarchy.keyspace | Used to specify the keyspace containing question set hierarchy table. |
questionset.hierarchy.table | Used to specify the question set hierarchy table |
migrationVersion | Used to specify the migration version |
Sample kafka event:
"eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST",
"ets": 1619527882745,
"mid": "LP.1619527882745.32dc378a-430f-49f6-83b5-bd73b767ad36",
"actor": {
"id": "csp-migration",
"type": "System"
"context": {
"channel": "01309282781705830427",
"pdata": {
"id": "org.sunbird.platform",
"ver": "1.0"
"env": "dev"
"object": {
"id": "do_2136329211884830721183.img",
"ver": "1619153418829"
"edata": {
"metadata": {
"mimeType": "application/vnd.ekstep.pdf",
"objectType": "ContentImage",
"status": "Live"
"action": "csp-migration",
"iteration": 1
{% hint style="info" %} Dependency:** Sync tool (Jenkins Job - to trigger events for each content to be migrated).** {% endhint %}
Kafka Topic:
kafka {
input.topic = {{ env_name }}.republish.job.request
groupId = {{ env_name }}-content-republish-group
live_video_stream.topic = "{{ env_name }}"
error.topic = "{{ env_name }}"
skipped.topic = "{{ env_name }}"
Job configuration variables:
Variable | Purpose |
content.bundleLocation | Used to specify local/server folder location where artifacts are to be downloaded for ECAR bundling. |
content.isECARExtractionEnabled | Used to specify if the ECAR extraction is to be enabled to object 'version' and 'latest' cloud location using its 'snapshot' version. |
content.retry_asset_download_count | Used to specify number of times download attempt for assets part of content/collection object is to be done till it is successfully downloaded. |
content.tmp_file_location | NOT USED |
content.objectType | Used to specify list of valid objectTypes supported for publishing. |
content.mimeType | Used to specify list of valid mimeTypes supported for publishing. |
content.asset_download_duration | Used to specify time in seconds to wait for the asset download request to respond. | | Used to check if streaming is enabled for published objects. If it is enabled, content rendenring is done using 'streamingUrl' attribute else via 'artifactUrl' | | Used to check if the mimeType of the object being published is of streamable type. If yes, event for video-stream-generator job is generated. |
content.artifact.size.for_online | Used to set the maximum size of the object (in bytes) that can be played by downloading beyond which "contentDisposition" is set to "online-only". |
content.downloadFiles.spine | Used to specify list of attributes that store asset Urls which are to be downloaded from the mentioned Urls while packaging SPINE ECAR. |
content.downloadFiles.full | Used to specify list of attributes that store asset Urls which are to be downloaded from the mentioned Urls while packaging FULL ECAR. |
content.nested.fields | Used to specify the list of object properties that are of object types with nested attributes. |
cloud_storage.folder.content | Used to specify the cloud store container folder name for content file storage/extraction etc. |
cloud_storage.folder.artifact | Used to specify the cloud store container folder name for artifact (media) files storage. |
contentTypeToPrimaryCategory | Used to specify the mapping between contentType and primaryCategory attributes using which object metadata is populated with the missing attribute among two. | | Used to specify the composite search index name where collection object nodes are synced with updated metadata. |
search.document.type | Used to specify the ElasticSearch document index type using which collection object nodes are synced with updated metadata. |
master.category.validation.enabled | Used to specify whether object getting published is to be enriched with framework metadata. |
service.print.basePath | NOT USED |
mimetype.allowed_extensions.word | Used to specify the list of file extensions allowed for uploaded content object. |
Sample kafka event:
"eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST",
"ets": 1619527882745,
"mid": "LP.1619527882745.32dc378a-430f-49f6-83b5-bd73b767ad36",
"actor": {
"id": "content-publish",
"type": "System"
"context": {
"channel": "ORG_001",
"pdata": {
"id": "org.sunbird.platform",
"ver": "1.0"
"env": "dev"
"object": {
"id": "do_11363368845198131217",
"ver": "1619153418829"
"edata": {
"publish_type": "public",
"metadata": {
"identifier": "do_11363368845198131217",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.ekstep.ecml-archive",
"objectType": "Content",
"lastPublishedBy": "",
"pkgVersion": 4
"action": "republish",
"iteration": 1
{% hint style="info" %} Dependency:
Services: Search Service - composite search API
Jobs: 'csp-migrator' {% endhint %}
Kafka Topic:
kafka {
input.topic = "{{ env_name }}"
groupId = "{{ env_name }}-live-video-stream-generator-group"
Job configuration variables:
Variable | Purpose |
service.content.basePath | Used to configure Content Service API base path for accessing System Update API (/content/v4/system/update/ - not exposed publicly). |
Sample kafka event:
"eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST",
"ets": 1649174914686,
"mid": "LP.1649174914686.02c7ac3d-f7b2-46be-9771-e91645ecd632",
"actor": {
"id": "Post Publish Processor",
"type": "System"
"context": {
"pdata": {
"ver": "1.0",
"id": "org.sunbird.platform"
"channel": "01272777697873100812",
"env": "sunbirdstaging"
"object": {
"ver": "1649169311270",
"id": "do_21350999440018636811684"
"edata": {
"action": "post-publish-process",
"iteration": 1,
"identifier": "do_21350999440018636811684",
"channel": "01272777697873100812",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.ekstep.content-collection",
"contentType": "Course",
"pkgVersion": 1,
"status": "Live",
"name": "CourseMElenor",
"trackable": {
"enabled": "Yes",
"autoBatch": "No"
{% hint style="info" %} Dependency:
Services: Content Service - system update API
Jobs: 'live-node-publisher' {% endhint %}