This page provides a list of environment variables with their default values, description and purpose as required to run the coKreat web app. To change default behavior, modify the variable value based on your requirements.
1 | sunbird_portal_realm | Represents the Keycloak realm value | The realm value of Keycloak to update in each installation | sunbird |
2 | sunbird_portal_auth_server_url | Represents the Keycloak authorization service URL | To connect to the Keycloak server | |
3 | sunbird_portal_auth_server_client | Represents the client ID of the Keycloak client | To update the client ID | portal |
4 | sunbird_environment | Represents the environment where the instance is running | To send the telemetry with proper pdata and for other purposes | |
5 | sunbird_instance | Represents the name of the instance | To set up the name of the instance | |
6 | sunbird_learner_player_url | Represents the learner service URL | To change the learner service URL | |
7 | sunbird_content_player_url | Represents the content service proxy URL | To change content service proxy URL | |
8 | sunbird_content_proxy_url | Represents the proxy URL address to load plugins | To load plugins | |
9 | sunbird_default_channel | Represents the default channel of the installation, same as in learner service and content service | To set default channel for installation | |
10 | sunbird_api_auth_token | Represents the auth token to connect consumption sunbird instance APIs | To connect the services | |
11 | dock_api_auth_token | Represents the auth token to connect sourcing sunbird instance APIs | To connect the services | |
12 | sunbird_echo_api_url | Represents the URL to validate the SSO token | To validate the JWT Token from the trampoline service | |
13 | sunbird_device_register_api | Represents the URL to registers the device on which portal is opened | To save the device details | |
14 | sunbird_extcont_whitelisted_domains | List of the domains to whitelist | Ease to add the domains in the whitelisting list |, |
15 | sunbird_help_link_visibility | Value to define if the help link should be visible in the coKreat web portal or not | To enable or disable help links | false |
16 | sunbird_portal_user_upload_ref_link | URL of the user upload instruction document | To get the instruction about user upload | |
17 | config_service_enabled | To enable/disable the fetching of configuration details from config service | To enable/disable the fetching of configuration details | false |
18 | dock_api_call_log_status | To enable/disable the API logs | To enable/disable the API logs | false |
19 | dock_questionSet_enable | To enable/disable the workflow to create the questionsets in the portal | To let the users to / not to create the questionSets on the portal | true |
20 | dock_default_file_size | Defines the size of the fie user is able to upload in the system | To restrict the user to upload large files in the system | 150 |
21 | dock_default_video_size | Defines the size of the video user is able to upload in the system | To restrict the user to upload large videos in the system | 15000 |
22 | opensaber_service_url | Represents the URL pointing to contribution registry | To connect to the contribution registry service | |
23 | sunbird_questionset_children_limit | Defines the number of children a question set can have | To restrict the number of children a user can create under a questionset | 500 |
24 | sunbird_collection_children_limit | Defines the number of children a collection can have | To restrict the number of children a user can create under a collection | 1200 |
25 | sunbird_bulk_upload_name_length | Defines the number of character length limit enforced on the name of the content in the bulk upload csv | To set the character length limit on the name of the content in the bulk upload csv | 50 |
26 | sunbird_bulk_upload_description_length | Represents the character length limit enforced on the description of the content in the bulk upload csv | To set the character length limit on the description of the content in the bulk upload csv | 500 |
27 | sunbird_accessibility_guidelines_url | Defines the URL when content accessibility guidelines will be fetched | To enable user to configure own content accessibility guidelines | |
28 | allowed_framework_types | Defines the list of framework types that are showed while creating a project | To enable user to configure what type of framework types allowed | |
29 | config_refresh_interval | Represents the interval in minutes to refresh the fetching of configurations | To set the interval of time within which configurations are refreshed | 10 |
30 | sunbird_api_response_cache_ttl | Represents the Time-to-Live (TTL) for the API response cache in seconds | To set cache for API responses in seconds | 600 |
31 | sunbird_keycloak_public | Represents the keycloak | ||
32 | sunbird_keycloak_realm | Represents the Keycloak realm | sunbird | |
33 | sunbird_trampoline_client_id | Represents the trampoline client ID | To identify the client using the trampoline service | trampoline |
34 | sunbird_trampoline_secret | Represents the trampoline secret | ||
35 | sunbird_autocreate_trampoline_user | In case there are no users, auto create a user from the trampoline service | To change the handle for user creation from trampoline servicetrue | false |
36 | portal_cloud_storage_url | URLs are stored and get the assets passed to editors from portal as config | To change the assets and data storage by setting this env | |
37 | sunbird_cache_store | Represents the storage to store portal cache | To set the cache storage type | memory |
38 | sunbird_session_store_type | Represents the storage to store portal sessions | To set the storage type | in-memory |
39 | sunbird_portal_default_language | To set the default language of the portal | Set the display language of the portal | en |
40 | sunbird_dataservice_url | Represents the data service URL | The URL to access the data services | |
41 | sunbird_learner_service_upstream_url | Represents the Learner service url | The URL to access the learner services | |
42 | sunbird_content_service_local_base_url | Represents the Content service url | The URL to access the content services | |
43 | sunbird_portal_preview_cdn_url | Content player CDN preview URL | To load the content player from CDN | |
44 | sunbird_processing_kafka_host | Processing Kafka host URL | To send Kafka messages to process Kafka host URL | |
45 | sunbird_sso_ kafka_topic | Kafka topic for SSO | To send Kafka messages in SSO flow |