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Sunil Anandatheertha edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 6 revisions

Moving forward from HERE, set the following if the simulation trial is the 1st one.

        GrainSizes_mtex_TRIALS          = cell(1, TOTAL_TRIALS);
        numNeighbors_mtex_TRIALS        = cell(1, TOTAL_TRIALS);
        equivalentRadius_mtex_TRIALS    = cell(1, TOTAL_TRIALS);
        ShapeFactor_mtex_TRIALS         = cell(1, TOTAL_TRIALS);
        AspectRatio_mtex_TRIALS         = cell(1, TOTAL_TRIALS);

To use MTEX and anlysize the grain struicture, use the following:

    [GrainSizes_mtex_TRIALS, numNeighbors_mtex_TRIALS,...
        ShapeFactor_mtex_TRIALS, AspectRatio_mtex_TRIALS] = ANALYZE_GRAINSTRUCTURE_MTEX_V1(1,...
        1, GrainSizes_mtex_TRIALS, numNeighbors_mtex_TRIALS, equivalentRadius_mtex_TRIALS,...
        ShapeFactor_mtex_TRIALS, AspectRatio_mtex_TRIALS, GS_Plot_Options);

Do remember to use the following, before the above function call is made.

GS_Plot_Options_Choices = {'DontPLotAnything',...
GS_Plot_Options = GS_Plot_Options_Choices{3};
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