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Releases: SwimmingTiger/ClassicCodex

[v1.4.2] Load on demand to reduce memory usage; Sync database with Questie 6.3.12

23 May 12:56
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  • Load on demand to reduce memory usage
  • Synchronize database with Questie 6.3.12 Note: Only quests and units are synchronized, items are not synchronized.

Known Issue

  • It should add real esMX and zhTW locales to database. They are now copies of esES and zhCN locales.
  • Because the quest locale data is not synchronized with Questie, some quests lack titles and descriptions. So the player may not be able to view them.

[v1.4.1] Added quest data for Burning Crusade Classic; Fix loading error

22 May 22:15
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The quest, NPC, and item data for Burning Crusade Classic have been added.

Fix an error caused by improper file loading sequence.

Data sources

Known issues

It should add real esMX and zhTW locales to database. They are now copies of esES and zhCN locales.

[v1.4.0] Added quest data for Burning Crusade Classic

22 May 21:47
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The quest, NPC, and item data for Burning Crusade Classic have been added.

Data sources

Known issues

It should add real esMX and zhTW locales to database. They are now copies of esES and zhCN locales.

[v1.3.9] Add missing coords for 397 NPCs/creatures

22 Feb 15:13
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  • Add missing coords for 397 NPCs/creatures (Data were collected from WowHead)
  • Add missing objects for quest "Magram Alliance" and "Gelkis Alliance"
  • Sycn database with Questie 5.7.1

[v1.3.8] Fix some single faction quests appear as both factions in the database

16 Feb 07:52
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  • #12 Fix some single faction quests appear as both factions in the database.

[v1.3.7] Update Quests/Units Database

01 Jan 17:49
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New in v1.3.7

  • Merged Questie 5.1.4 changes to the database, updated quest information, and added some units (NPC) coordinates.


  • #11 The coordinates of Mudrock Tortoise have added.

[v1.3.6] Added TomTom integration

04 Dec 18:28
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New in v1.3.6

  • Added TomTom integration. Hold down Ctrl and click on a marker to add a TomTom arrow.

Updates in v1.3.5

  • Add a new option to hide quest name tooltip of units.
  • The Russian client can now properly handle task progress. The marker should disappear when the goal is reached.
  • Codex Browser: Now you can send item links to chat channels.

[v1.3.5] Chat item link fix; New option to hide quest name tooltip; Fix progress handle in Russian client

28 Nov 18:23
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  • add a new option to hide quest name tooltip of units


  • The Russian client can now properly handle task progress. The marker should disappear when the goal is reached.
  • Codex Browser: Now you can send item links to chat channels.

[v1.3.4] add a new option: "Show Tracking Method Dropdown on the World Map"

04 Dec 16:45
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  • add a new option: "Show Tracking Method Dropdown on the World Map"

v1.3.3: Fix can't hide nameplate icons; Fix can't add object to favorites

16 Nov 21:48
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  • Fix can't hide nameplate icons (option Nameplate Quest Icon not works)
  • Fix can't add objects to Codex browser's favorites