diff --git a/.symfony.bundle.yaml b/.symfony.bundle.yaml
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index 0000000..b84c48b
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+++ b/.symfony.bundle.yaml
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+branches: ["main"]
+maintained_branches: ["main"]
+doc_dir: "doc"
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
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+Sass For Symfony!
+This bundle make it easy to use Sass with Symfony's AssetMapper Component
+(no Node required!).
+- Automatically downloads the correct Sass binary
+- Adds a ``sass:build`` command to build and watch your Sass changes
+Install the bundle:
+.. code-block:: terminal
+ $ composer require symfonycasts/sass-bundle
+Start by writing your first Sass file ``assets/styles/app.scss``, and let's add some basic style
+.. code-block:: scss
+ /* assets/styles/app.scss */
+ $red: #fc030b;
+ body {
+ background: $red;
+ }
+Then point your styles in your template
+.. code-block:: html+twig
+ {# templates/base.html.twig #}
+ {% block stylesheets %}
+ {% endblock %}
+That's right! You point directly to the ``.scss`` file. But don't worry, the final built ``.css`` file will be returned!
+Then run the command:
+.. code-block:: terminal
+ $ php bin/console sass:build --watch
+And that's it!
+How Does it work
+The first time you run one of the Sass commands, the bundle will download the correct Sass binary for your system into the ``bin/dart-sass`` directory.
+When you run ``sass:build``, that binary is used to compile Sass files into a ``var/sass/app.built.css`` file. Finally, when the contents of assets/styles/app.scss is requested, the bundle swaps the contents of that file with the contents of ``var/sass/app.built.css``. Nice!
+Using Bootstrap Sass
+`Bootstrap `_ is available as Sass, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your app. An easy way to get the source Sass files is via a Composer package:
+.. code-block:: terminal
+ $ composer require twbs/bootstrap-sass
+Now, import the core ``bootstrap.scss`` from your ``app.scss`` file:
+.. code-block:: scss
+ /* Override some Bootstrap variables */
+ $red: #FB4040;
+ @import '../../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';
+When you deploy, run ``sass:build`` command before the ``asset-map:compile`` command so the built file is available:
+.. code-block:: terminal
+ $ php bin/console sass:build
+ $ php bin/console asset-map:compile
+Limitation: url() Relative Paths
+When using ``url()`` inside a Sass file, currently, the path must be relative to the *root* ``.scss`` file. For example, suppose the root ``.scss`` file is:
+.. code-block:: scss
+ /* assets/styles/app.scss */
+ import 'tools/base';
+Assume there is an ``assets/images/login-bg.png`` file that you want to refer to from ``base.css``:
+.. code-block:: scss
+ /* assets/styles/tools/base.scss */
+ .splash {
+ /* This SHOULD work, but doesn't */
+ background-image: url('../../images/login-bg.png');
+ /* This DOES work: it's relative to app.scss */
+ background-image: url('../images/login-bg.png');
+ }
+It should be possible to use ``url()`` with a path relative to the current file. However, that is not currently possible. See `this issue `_ for more details.
+To see the full config from this bundle, run:
+.. code-block:: terminal
+ $ php bin/console config:dump symfonycasts_sass
+The main option is ``root_sass`` option, which defaults to ``assets/styles/app.scss``. This represents the source Sass file.
+Using a different binary
+This bundle already installed for you the right binary. However, if you already have a binary installed on your machine you can instruct the bundle to use that binary, set the ``binary`` option:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ symfonycasts_sass:
+ binary: 'node_modules/.bin/sass'