COMP Superscalar (COMPSs) is a programming model which aims to ease the development of applications for distributed infrastructures, such as Clusters, Grids and Clouds. COMP Superscalar also features a runtime system that exploits the inherent parallelism of applications at execution time.
COMPSs documentation can be found at the COMPSs Webpage or at
the doc/
- COMPSs_Installation_Manual.pdf
- COMPSs_User_Manual_App_Development.pdf
- COMPSs_User_Manual_App_Execution.pdf
- COMPSs_Supercomputers_Manual.pdf
- Tracing_Manual.pdf
- COMPSs_Developer_Manual.pdf
The COMP Superscalar Framework packages are available at the COMPSs Webpage or
can be found on the builders/packages/
- builders: Packages, scripts for local installations, scripts for supercomputers installation and package building scripts
- compss : COMPSs Runtime
- dependencies : COMPSs embeded dependencies
- doc : COMPSs documentation
- files : Dependency files (i.e. paraver configurations)
You can find extended information about COMPSs Sample applications at the
Sample_Applications manual available at the COMPSs Webpage or at the
COMPSs Dependencies: * openjdk-8-jre * openjdk-8-jdk * graphviz * xdg-utils * libxml2 * libxml2-dev * python (>=2.7) * libpython2.7 * build-essential * autoconf * automake * autotools-dev * libtool * libboost-serialization-dev * libboost-iostreams-dev * gfortran
Building dependencies
- wget
- maven (3.0.x version)
Getting submodule dependencies:
Before installing COMPSs you need to download the git submodules that contain its dependencies. To do that execute the following two commands which are located at the root of the repo.
- Building COMPSs for all users
Note: you need to get COMPSs dependencies before installing. See previous section 'Getting submodule dependencies'
cd builders/
sudo -E ./buildlocal [options] ${INSTALL_DIR}
- Building COMPSs for current user
Note: you need to get COMPSs dependencies before installing. See previous section 'Getting submodule dependencies'
cd builders/
./buildlocal [options] ${INSTALL_DIR}
✉️ COMPSs Support [email protected] ✉️
Workflows and Distributed Computing Group (WDC)
Department of Computer Science (CS)
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)