Releases: TB-throwback/LookOut-fix-version
Version 4.3
- fix issue #79
Version 4.2
Fix issue #76
Version 4.1.0
Thunderbird 91 compatibility update
Update WindowListener API
Lightning is now always true
Remove entry from Tools menu
The Tools menu is mostly not visible anymore and add-on options should all be located within the add-on manager (only).
Raise compatibility to TB91
Remove overlay.js, as it is not used.
Fix whitespaces.
Unload only if add-on is disabled/removed, not on app shutdown
Bump version number.
fix save (must return a Promise now)
replace openAttachment by launchDownload()
launchDownload is used by the WebExt API, it is able to open local files. openAtachment fails for most file:// links in TB91.
- Bump version number.
Version 3.0.6
This is a bug-fix release
Fixes the Hungarian options menu failing to load. Fixes add-on loading in non English locals
Version 3.0.6b1
This is a Beta release
Fixes Hungarian language options menu and failure of non-english locals from loading
Version 3.0.5
Minor Bug Fix Release
This is a fix for the [00] byte displaying on file names #52
Version 3.0.4
Minor Bugfix Release
Now allows decoding emails when they are opened in new windows
Version 3.0.3
Minor Bugfix Release
Fixes #69 Too much recursion error. Please note Thunderbird will require a restart after updating to clear out the bug
Version 3.0.2
Minor Bugfix Release
Fixes calendar integration after receiving sample email
Version 3.0.0
Initial Thunderbird 78 support has been added via the Experiment wrapper API
- Calendar integration has still not been fully tested.
- Backwards Compatibility with version 68 has been briefly tested.
Please report any issues