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Installation Guide and FAQs
- Installation Guide
- Updating from an older version
Frequently Asked Questions
- I can finally play the game but it's very laggy!
- Some blocks disappear when I view them from a certain angle!
- How do I switch between POVs?
- Sometimes music stop playing!
- I need help on how to progress in the game!
- I need help on a specific mod or item!
- My game keeps crashing!
- Sometimes I can't interact with any block and when I look at a block it says "Waiting for Server..."
- Help! My modpack takes way too long to load / it stucks when loading and is not responding
- My graphics are not displaying properly!
- Why can't I see my worn armor?
- How to enable cheats?
- I see strange texts in the game!
- I don't like the look of the default shader!
- My game freezes when it says "Cleaning memory..."
- When will there be a server pack?
- I have other problems not listed above!
First, It's not recommended to use the new curseforge launcher to install this modpack because it's currently unstable and when importing a very large modpack like this it either freezes or crashes.
Instead, we use MultiMC to install the modpack. It can be downloaded here: https://multimc.org/ Both release and development versions should be ok.
To download the modpack zip, don't click on the curseforge anvil button on the download page. Click on the latest modpack version and you can then find a "download" button.
Open your MultiMC, set up the launcher, select the language etc, until you come to this interface:
Now simply Drag the zip file you just downloaded into this window to start installing. (or you can also click Add Instance -> import from zip) The installing can take 10-30 minutes, depending on your network condition. It may be stuck on "resolving mod ids" for a long time but eventually it will progress forward.
Note: if you encounter an error with message
failed to commit instance even after multiple retries. it is being blocked by something
at the end of the installation, you don't have to try again, go to the instance folder, click on the folder named_MMC_TEMP
, now find the folder with the most recent modification date (most probably you will only see one folder, that's it, copy it out of the _MMC_TEMP folder and rename it to GreedyCraft. Then open your MultiMC again and you should be able to see it. Don't forget to delete the _MMC_TEMP folder afterwards.
MultiMC is recommended, but if you really want to install with another launcher, please make sure you fill in the recommended JVM arguments. Different launchers may have different ways to fill in JVM arguments, just look for "Java arguments" or "JVM arguments" in their settings. Once you find the place, copy the arguments Here and paste it in the text box. Note: Some launchers might not automatically download resource packs in the manifest from curseforge. If you find out the inventory GUI is not black after installation, please re-install the modpack with MultiMC.
IN VERSION 1.29.0 AND ABOVE, Optifine is automatically downloaded by ModDirector so you don't have to install optifine by yourself. Make sure you have a good network connection when launching the modpack for the first time!
After the steps above you should see an icon with name "GreedyCraft-(version)" in your MultiMC. Don't directly start the game, right click on it and select Edit Instance
, go to Settings
in the sidebar and check the checkboxes before Java Installation
, Memory
and Java arguments
Now do these things:
- Click on
Auto Detect
under Java Installation and select your most recent Java 8 version. Note: Only Hotspot Java 8 (starting with 1.8.0_) is supported for the modpack. Also only 64 bit Java is supported. The latest version of OpenJ9 might work, but might not work on some launchers. Currently the latest Java 8 is1.8.0_281
, if you can't find this version, go to https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jre8-downloads.html and download it. For windows click on jre-8u281-windows-x64.exe. After installation, reboot computer and select this version in MultiMC. - Allocate memory to the modpack. It's recommended to set the maximum allocation to be equal to minimum allocation. Note: You should never allocate all of your physical memory to the modpack because it might then try to use memory occupied by other system apps and then crash the game. For how much memory to allocate, see this list:
24GB or more physical RAM - Allocate
16GB physical RAM - Allocate
12GB physical RAM - Allocate
10GB physical RAM - Allocate
8GB physical RAM - You probably can't play, but if you want to have a try anyway, allocate
. If it can' run try using OpenJ9 - Less than 8GB: Don't try it, give up.
Note: 1GB = 1024MB. if it suggests you to allocate 10GB you should put 10240
in both of min and max boxes.
How to view physical memory on your computer:
Step 1:
Click “Start”
Begin by clicking on the “Start” menu, located in the bottom left of your screen.
Step 2:
Find “About Your PC”
Next, type “About Your PC” and press enter when the correct result appears.
Step 3:
Navigate to “Device Specifications”
A window should appear called, “About.” Scroll down using the navigation bar on the right side of the window until you see a section titled, “Device Specifications.”
Step 4:
Find out how much RAM
you have Look for a line titled, “Installed RAM.” This will tell you how much RAM your PC currently has installed.
- Then, fill out your Java arguments. This set of JVM arguments are designed for this modpack, so paste them into the box below
Java arguments
(make sure you copied all of them):
-Xss4M -Dfile.encoding=GBK -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=1800000 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:NewRatio=3 -Dfml.readTimeout=90 -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly
Note: not using these arguments might make your game very laggy, or run out of memory.
It is also recommended to set the window size of the game to your monitor's resolution. Click on the Game windows
tag on the top and check Start Minecraft maximized
. Also set the Windows height and width to match your screen. (usually 1920 * 1080)
After all of these steps your screen should look like this:
Memory allocation values may vary depending on your physical RAM.
If you have 12GB RAM and above, you can now launch the instance and play! The first run will take longer because MultiMC will download library files from Mojang. Also ModDirector will automatically download some other mods that are not hosted on curseforge.
If the moddirector somehow fails to download (game crashes before the Mojang logo shows up), try to go to these sites, download the mods and put them into the mods folder. Then moddirector should not attempt to download mods. https://optifine.net/adloadx?f=OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_G5.jar https://github.com/djpadbit/Sound-Physics/releases/tag/1.0.10-1 (select the Sound-Physics-1.12.2-1.0.10-1.jar)
(Note: only do this if you are using an AMD Graphic Card, not AMD CPU)
(If you use an integrated GPU also do this step)
After joining a world, press F8, set Nvidia GPU
to false.
Not doing so might cause graphic problems.
OR your game crashes to your desktop during loading or normal gameplay (If you game crashes directly and don't show up a VanillaFix crash screen, it's because your game runs out of memory)
- First, allocate more virtual memory. You just google "How to add virtual memory on (your system)" and find out how to do it. It's recommended to set 8GB of virtual memory if you have enough disk space. Also set up your virtual memory on an SSD so that it's faster.
- Restart your computer (this is sometimes needed to free up a lot of memory and fix some other things), then close all other processes that are not necessary to run the game (including overwolf and curseforge launcher if you have one because they eat a lot of memory). Don't have a browser or something running when you start the game. You can also try using a memory cleaning software.
If above methods don't work for you, turn off shaders before the game starts. This modpack has shaders enabled by default and some PCs just can't handle it. Switching shaderpacks in-game is possible, but it makes the game freeze for a long time and can cause glitch if you don't restart the game. It is suggested to remove shaderpacks when outside the game, an easy way is to just remove the shaders folder. But it's suggested to go to instances/GreedyCraft/minecraft (your modpack instance folder), find
, findshaderPack=
and clear everything in the same line after the equal mark. - Try to allocate less memory to the modpack. If your system occupies too much memory the above RAM allocation recommendations might not work for you. Go to the place where you set the RAM allocation and decrease both min and max values with a step of 512M, if it still doesn't work decrease again.
- Decrease your render distance. High render distance tremendously increases RAM usage and makes your game laggy. If you encounter RAM related crashes and / or low FPS, decrease render distance in your video settings.
- If you switched off shaders, set video settings -> performance ->
Fast Render
Note: Only use openJ9 if your RAM is not enough.
With the OpenJ9 java implementation, RAM usage can be decreased by around 1GB. It can be used if you have less than 12GB of RAM and can't smoothly run the pack due to memory issues. However OpenJ9 is not fully tested with this pack and might cause issues. That's why you should only use it when you are facing a low memory problem.
It's known that with some launchers, Using openJ9 will cause the game fail to load. (A crash screen is displayed and tells you that AbyssalCraft caused the problem). If this happens, try a different launcher, or don't use OpenJ9 if you can already play the pack without it. Note: Both curseforge launcher and MultiMC are known to work with OpenJ9.
OpenJ9 does NOT increase your FPS. But it might do so if you are constantly having high RAM usage or your RAM isn't enough.
Download: go to https://adoptopenjdk.net/?variant=openjdk8&jvmVariant=hotspot, select OpenJDK 8 (LTS)
under "Choose a Version" and OpenJ9
under "Choose a JVM". Then download the latest version. Now install the package, make sure to remember where it's installed.
Install: (with MultiMC) Click on Settings
, then click Java
in the sidebar, click on the three dots after Java Path
and navigate to (OpenJ9 install location)/AdoptOpenJDK/jdk- (Might vary depending on the version you are using)/jre/bin/javaw.exe
. Then launch the modpack.
Note: If you have set the Java location in instance options, it overrides the global settings. Change it in Edit instance
-> Settings
-> Java Installation
If you are not sure which JVM the game actually uses, open your task manager after starting the game, if you are using OpenJ9 the minecraft program should be named OpenJDK Platform binary
, otherwise you are not using openJ9, please check if instance settings has overridden the global setting.
If modpack crashes during loading, switch back to official Java. For how to set which java to use on other launchers, make use of google.
Note: The recommended JVM arguments should also work with OpenJ9 without a problem, make sure you use them.
To update the modpack, simply repeat the installation process. DO NOT try to unzip the modpack and override old files with the new ones, this break things!
Then move your saves
folder from your old instance folder to the new one.
(Click on Instance Folder
on the sidebar when selecting an instance in MultiMC, then click on minecraft
If you want to move minimap caches and waypoints, move all folders that start with Xaero
as well.
- If you play on a gaming laptop, you probably didn't run the game on your dedicated GPU. Open F3 debug screen and you might see your crappy Intel integrated graphics on the top right instead of your powerful GTX or RTX series. Visit this link for how you can make sure Minecraft runs on the correct GPU.
- Press R and select
Clean Memory
, this might speed things up. - Use
command to clear all dropped items. When new chunks are generated some floras don't spawn on a suitable location and then drop as items. Too many dropped items can cause lag, make sure to do this often when exploring unexplored areas. - If there are too many entities the game will lag for sure. There's an item that you can use to clear all entities on the top right of the quest menu. Back up your game before using!
- Try turning off shaders if you don't have a good enough graphic card. Turning off shaders in-game can cause the game to freeze for a long time. It's recommended to close the game, use above methods (under the title
If you have less than 12GB RAM
) to remove shaders when outside the game, and then restart the game. - Uninstall resource packs. Make sure to only uninstall resource packs starting with "Default Improved" because all other resource packs don't significantly affect performance and are necessary for an immersive game play.
- Decrease your display resolution in game, especially if you are using a 2k or 4k monitor. Trust me, 1080p is enough.
- Decrease your render distance. This increases a lot of FPS but makes exploration less fun.
- Although it's not recommended, you can set the overall graphics from
if your PC still can't handle it. This makes you able to X-ray through leaves because leaves are solid blocks now but can still be walked into, please don't abuse it. - If you encounter lag only when looking towards a specific direction, it might be because there are a lot of tile entities (spawners, machines, etc) in that direction. Large dungeons are known to cause lag when looking at, so don't set your base near a large dungeon.
- Make sure you have optifine installed. You can tell if optifine is installed by looking into your video settings and search for a "Shaderpacks" option. if there isn't one, you don't have optifine installed.
- If you switched off shaders, set video settings -> performance ->
Fast Render
. - Use OpenJ9 and see if it helps, but it might only help when your RAM usage on the top left is really high.
Note: render distance can affect your FPS greatly. The default render distance is 7 which is playable, if you don't get enough FPS, set it lower (but don't go below 5 because it will become unplayable) if you think you have enough FPS you can set it a little higher, but don't go above 10 if your computer is not an absolute beast.
- Before you do the following steps, try updating your GPU driver, it might be because of your graphic card driver is out of date.
- If you are not using an Nvidia GPU, press F8 in-game (or go to BetterFoliage's mod settings) and set
Nvidia GPU
. - Your graphic card probably is not compatible with the Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs). To fix this, go to your video settings and set
to off. - If the problem persists, go to video settings -> performance and set
Render Regions
to off. - The game optimizes rendering of certain tiles and entities so that they aren't rendered when you can't see them. if they disappear when you can still see them, go to Mod settings -> Entity Culling and increase the difference values.
- Press F6 to switch between 1st and 3rd person mode
- Press F7 to disable / enable real first person (which renders your own body in 1st person)
- Press F5 to switch camera position between left and right, press directional keys to adjust camera position to your preference.
- 3rd person mode is recommended, especially for battle and adventure. However if you are doing tasks that are easier to do in 1st person (building, bridging, etc) you can switch to 1st person by pressing F6 at any time.
- If you have decided to use vanilla 1st person mode please set
View Bobbing
to ON for best results. Preferably also switchDynamic FoV
to ON.
Ambience extras (which is used to play music in specific events) has a bug where it sometimes just stop playing. This can happen when you tab out of the game, but there's still a chance to happen if you don't tab out. If background music doesn't play for a long time (or you are fighting a boss or a horde of monsters and hear no music), press Alt + Minus key on your numpad to reload the music.
Note: less than 10 minutes of pause in overworld between music is intended because I don't want music to play all the time. But when you are in an event (boss battles or have 6 or more monsters near you and you have taken damage) and there is no music, you can tell that the music system is bugged. Just reload it with the said hotkey.
If you hear completely no sound (and you make sure you computer isn't muted), this might be a bug that exists in vanilla which usually happens when you plug / unplug your headset or speaker. To fix this, Press F3 + S to reload the sound system.
- When first joining a world you are given a modpack guide book. Read it carefully because most problems you might ask are written on it.
- Join our discord for help and discussion.
- Make use of your search engine. You can look for tutorial videos on the Internet, or look up the mod's wiki if there is one. Note that some recipes might have changed in this modpack, use JEI for the correct recipe.
- Make use of JEI to look up recipes. Press U when hovering your mouse over an item to see its usage and P to see its recipe.
- If something has fundamentally changed it should have been documented in the modpack guide book, look it up for details.
- If the game crashes directly to your desktop and does not show any "Oops GreedyCraft has crashed" screen: This is a memory related issue. The solution is written above, under the "Try these steps!" title.
- When this happens you can find "failed to write core dump", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" or "ACCESS_VIOLATION" at the end of your latest.log. Don't report this as a bug.
- If you encounter a crash every time you try to join a specific save file, you can restore its backup. (Click on
in the world selection menu) - If you have changed resource pack or shaders in-game, some items might not be rendered properly, and trying to load the texture of some items might lead to a crash. It's recommended to restart your modpack after changing textures.
- Restart your computer to see if it fixes the crash. This sometimes magically fixes a lot of things.
- If you find a crash that can be reproduced by performing a specific set of actions, please report the issue on GitHub.
Sometimes I can't interact with any block and when I look at a block it says "Waiting for Server..."
This is because the server can't maintain its TPS, ticks per second (and yes, single player is basically your computer setting up a server called internal server and then connect to itself). This can be caused by a lot of things, the most common one is chunks are being loaded (chunk loading takes a long time in this modpack because of the complicated terrain and structures), normally if you wait for a while the server will keep up and everything goes back to normal. If you experience this issue constantly happening at your base, maybe try to disable some multiblock machines when you don't use them. If this issue persists for a very long time, please submit an issue on GitHub and provide your latest stall report (located in stall-reports folder in your Minecraft instance folder)
Normally the modpack takes 10-20 mins to load, depending on your computer's specs. You can actually tell the problem by looking at where the progress bar stucks.
- Stuck before 80%: There are a few places where the progress bar will stuck for a few minutes, this is normal. But if it doesn't progress after 7 minutes, it might because a mod is checking for update and your network is blocked. If this happens restart the game.
Stuck after 80%, or more specifically at around 95%:
- You probably don't have enough RAM for the game to load so it has to garbage collect every time it loads a small bit of data, which makes the progress extremely slowly or don't move at all. Increase your memory allocation, also increase your virtual memory and try again.
- Make sure you are using the latest Java version, if it is already the latest, try OpenJ9.
- Try a different launcher. If you have trouble with MultiMC try GDLauncher.
If all of above don't work for you try to remove the JVM arguments you just filled in. If this fixes it, look for alternative optimized JVM arguments that uses G1GC on the Internet and turn off (or decrease the frequency of) auto memory cleaning by clicking
Mod options
in esc menu, search forMemory Cleaner
and clickconfig
->Auto Cleanup
-> setEnable Automatic Cleanup
to false. - If it still doesn't work... I'm sorry I don't know what to do either. Reinstalling your system might help.
- Stuck at 100% or the black screen after 100%: Your computer has a connection problem with Mojang services. If you're on windows, try to close the game until a window pops up saying the app is not responding. Click on "Check for a solution" and it should be fixed. If it didn't, restart the game. If the problem still persists, disconnect your computer from Internet and play this game, because Mojang services are probably down.
- Help! I still get memory issues even though I tried all fixes above: If you don't have more than 16GB of RAM, try to install more RAM on your computer. If you have more than 16GB of RAM and still get crashes no matter what, consider reinstalling your system.
Update your GPU driver. If that doesn't fix it, turn off shaders.
If some blocks don't show up when viewed from a certain angle, solution can be found above.
If unknown items and some other items have glitched textures please restart your game. This sometimes happens after changing shaders or texture packs.
This is intended. Armor models are disabled by default because Construct's Armory armors are not very compatible with Mo'bends and causes visual glitch.
However vanilla armors should work well, if you really want to enable armor models, click on the "Hidden Armor" button in your inventory (on bottom right corner of your avatar) and you can toggle armor visibility there.
This modpack contains a small anti-cheat system that prevents usage of some commands in adventure and expert modes. The goal is to prevent players that want to cheat a little for a little bit of convenience, but then end up finding the game isn't fun anymore because they didn't create everything by themselves. However if you just want to test things, you can create a world with creative mode and then can switch between gamemodes as well as locking and unlocking game stages. If you want a free survival play, use casual mode. Just a one thing to note: the last reward and the end of the story are only available to people who has legitimately beat the game.
If you see strange symbols on tooltips of AbyssalCraft items, it's not a bug, it's a feature. You will have to reveal it by visiting AbyssalCraft dimensions.
If you see Chinese characters it might be because I forgot to translate some text into English. Please report it on github or in discord channel.
If you see something that is obviously a garbled text (strange characters that clearly don't belong to any of the languages in the world can be found in them), you may have encountered a encoding problem. This usually happens in the Main Menu, it's because some mod developers are not using UTF-8 to encode their config files and this can cause special characters (mainly the § sign which is used in color codes) to appear different on different systems.
Solution: add -Dfile.encoding=GBK
to your Java arguments if you haven't. If you use the recommended JVM arguments, this should be included.
The default shaderpack in the modpack is Complementary Shaders, the default look of this shaderpack is semi-realistic. But if you want a much more saturated look of the game you can replace the ComplementaryShaders_(version).zip.txt
in the shaderpacks
folder with another txt file in the same folder called TCreoparghs_custom_shader_profile
. This profile is not so realistic but the graphics are much more bright and saturated.
Complementary shaders provides support for modded dimensions, night vision, compatibility mode etc and is the best shaderpack for heavily modded environment imo, but if you prefer other shaderpacks (SEUS, Sildur's, etc) you can use them instead, but you might encounter incompatibilities or glitches, don't submit shader related bugs if you are not using the default shader.
It's because you didn't fill in the recommended JVM arguments. Please follow this guide to install your game.
The modpack is too big to run on most servers and probably only expensive dedicated servers can handle it. But if this project gets enough attention and the latest version is proved by the community to be stable, I will begin to work on a server pack.
Currently if you want to play with your friends, there are some ways to open your LAN server (which can be turned on in singleplayer) to the Internet. Try to google "minecraft open lan to internet" for methods.
If you really need a server pack you can make one by yourself. The list of client only mods can be found in the sidebar of this wiki.
- Join our discord for help and discussion.