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1152 lines (1096 loc) · 45.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1152 lines (1096 loc) · 45.6 KB

Short list – announcement

data observers

  • fire when data changes
  • API
    • add(data)
    • remove(data)
    • update(data, oldData)

index observers

  • code block that defines API methods that react to index changes
  • API
    • indexChange(newIndex, oldIndex)
    • add(data)
    • remove(data)
    • update(data, oldData)

Music box document

  • multiuser
  • songs
    • organize patterns
  • patterns
    • monadic
      • chain can handle runtime changes
      • need a way to commit blocks
        • a way to switch from the old definition to the new
        • still saves changes
        • has notion of “currently edited version”
        • maybe allow a #+COMMITED keyword between #+BEGIN_SRC and #+END_SRC
          • code between #+COMMITED and #+END_SRC is the committed code
          • code between #+BEGIN_SRC and #+COMMITTED is the editing version
    • data
      • sorted by position value
      • each pattern defines its own index
      • entries are created muted – use active flag to turn on a piece of data
      • data controls the song
      • player state is local
  • each browser has its own player
  • procedures can change the player objects

AST buttons are inside of number slider elements

add loot to dice page

test nested imports

editing a fancy code block’s name slot has problems

  • inserting in a blank name slot should create a name keyword
  • newlines don’t work properly

redefining a token pack doesn’t remove the previous one for that name

redefining a defCase doesn’t work

adding an import fails to create import property in block (have to revert)

insert right before a #+BEGIN_SRC fails

change checkSourceMod

  • make changeStructure return existing changed blocks (added or changed, not removed)
  • call executeSource from editBlock instead of keyup

meta-1 inserts a 1

cache compiled Leisure JS in blocks

  • keep change count in info block
  • cache code in leisure block and keep change count
  • edits recache code and propagate to connected clients
  • initial reads recompile code with old counts
    • connected clients can ignore cache updates from reads if block text hasn’t changed

fix game.lorg’s layout

support multiple imports per headline

add support for multiple property values

code scope inspector

  • inspector button on code scope
    • highlight view under mouse
    • show data, viewdef, & controller
    • allow linking codeviews

headline blocks should contain their properties

Right now, properties are stored in chunks following headlines

add editor objects

  • editor for plain and fancy modes
    • customize key bindings (backspace vs. fancyBackspace, etc.)
  • factor out editor into tiny extensible package
    • save other people from this pain
    • list difficulties
    • talk about model-generation solution

redo value slider creation

base it on org text, not DOM text

fix ast popup placement

bring back ast node/code highlighting

merge root.modCancelled wth root.ignoreModCheck

pop up a toolbar for code blocks

make the selection bubble pop up a toolbar

allow views to markup headlines and meat blocks

  • use shadow to rearrange parts, etc. like
  • simplify markup for views based on chunks
    • headline boilerplate
    • headline content
    • headline tags
    • headline properties
    • headline contents
      • meat
      • other headlines

make compiler work for lorg files

  • defs run all the time
  • notebook-only blocks run only in the notebook
    • HTML & CSS blocks
  • integrate compilation into backend for importing – keep compiled version in Mongo
  • in notebooks, newly declared js/cs variables won’t add to the scope
    • use a nested eval function to access private variables
    • for new code, use parser check for new variables
      • if there are new variables, generate a new nested eval function
    • a page refresh will probably be needed if nesting level becomes too great

fix selection bubble in shadow.lorg

  • in testShadow view definition
  • beginning of 2nd line (under <span>)

use CSS selectors for event binding, like Meteor does (kudos to Meteor)

create an STM-like “transaction block” that can redo if there are data conflicts

  • record ids of data fetched in the block
  • buffer up “puts”
  • send puts to the server along with fetched ids
  • fail if sent ids are not current ones

improve monad impl?

  • should bind.cons just be a map?
  • IO monad could convert values to IOs
    • [(print 1) (print 2)] could print 1 and 2
    • could uncomment and use asIO for this
    • could fix compiler so it works in this model

rename “Monad” to “IO” in coffeeScript codebase

make sidebars work for any headline level

make checkpoint ask for commmit message

make revert redefine funcs

define showHtml.parseError to show a small error symbol that hover-expands to the message

update jqueryui to get selectmenu widget

warning for potentially misspelled index names

  • index defs that refer to empty indexes
  • data index names for indexes that only contain one piece of data

disable checkpoint and revert buttons if there are no changes

  • use the info record to report changes

switch from persistent-hash-trie to immutable-js

  • it’s already located in 5-immutable.js

attach block documentation/properties to JS/CS functions

  • parse code to find function names
  • add properties to funcs after eval

use JIT technique for global names? Maybe V8 will dynamically inline, anyway?

  • when a symbol is redefined, increment a version counter
  • mark top-level functions with the version counter value at compile time
  • when a function runs, check the version number
  • if the function is out of date, recompile it
  • use new name space for evaluated defs
    • L_x is a function
    • L$_ is the result
  • this allows funcs to resolve global names in advance
  • this trades off one verrsion check for all of the global name function calls

some way to control access to the root documents

  • maybe just a random URL, for now

warning for controllers that don’t define @initializeView

warning for observers that don’t define @update

fix parsing bugs

  • * Caveats slide is not parsed as a slide
  • newline at end of list double NL after it is not properly rendered in fancy

reactivate note button

reactivete selection bubble


  • multple documents on a session
  • show users’ cursors/selections
  • react to adds/changes/removes of widget types in HTML blocks (preparse attributes)
  • hooks for programs to react to data changes (subscriptions)

JavaScript/CoffeeScript source blocks

fix floaty notes

fix imported indexed data

value slider final value isn’t always used

put origin in all blocks & use regular paths for imports (instead of import/)

editing headline doesn’t move cursor

Document importing

  • headline property: import
    • the imported doc may inject data into the headline with copy-on-write
    • blocks have origin set to the document id
    • when there’s a change, make a clone if there’s an origin

AST buttons are horked for code containing blank lines

bad behavior after editing 3 + 4

  • delete and reinsert space
  • moving forward at EOL requires two key presses
  • AST buttons hork
  • problems only occur with local editing, not remote

code view doesn’t handle rapid typing when there are numbers and operators

typing a character on the first new blank line adds another blank line

handle inserts with org change/regen

you can delete the newline before the inline html in shadow.lorg, fancy mode

fix up backspace/del to check org text

  • deleting newlines should regen the HTML
  • fancy deletes before or after the current block should be disallowed

error adding newline after headline in fancy mode

  • headline is immediately followed by an HTML block

check out CKEditor

Didn’t see an easy way to programmatically define widgets – need to make files

change meat to spans

  • markup is breaking
  • this allows inline views to work
  • meat-breaks should be paper-thin divs

use white-space: pre-line for rich text formattting

  • changed approach

fix inline one-liner code boxes

  • an inline code editor
  • an inline results box view
  • an inline code + results view
  • shortcuts to create the two views

buffered results in fancy mode

  • put results in all at once instead of incrementally

Milestone features

  • indexedDB reorg
    • use a single db to store all Leisure data for a site
      • makes it easier to toast data
    • use an object store to register all DBs with expiration dates
      • scan registry whenever a page opens to remove expired dbs
  • user accounts
    • prevent spam on announcement
      • protected files (only demo mode allows anonymous editing)
      • metadocuments
        • contain protection info
        • user permissions
        • only owners can directly edit metadocument
  • make trivial code block headers/footers hidden and slide out when you focus in the code
  • add “index” attribute to yaml blocks
    • :index names[name] numbers[number]
    • format: indexName[attrName]
      • indices[indexName][attrName] = [data…]
    • “index” helper {{#each (index ‘cards’ player)}} … {{/each}}
      • uses index on cards: :index cards[player]
      • iterates over a player’s cards
  • time-travel slider
    • go back in time to any point in the session
    • go back to checkpoints that are earlier than the session
    • keep all changes on server? – could trim by checkpoint at need
  • fix Leisure build process
  • optimize fully applied function calls
    • create main func anc call that instead of partial funcs
    • don’t use reflection to record args)
  • use views for everything
    • slides
    • code blocks
    • Use GUI templates for slides
  • hide/show code blocks/block comments
  • switch to object.observe() for change monitoring
  • cleanup observers[] and codeContexts[] when a code block disappears
  • JavaScript/CoffeeScript source blocks
  • Leisure “model” type (like html or svg results)
    • useful in code views
  • collaboration
    • show users’ cursors/selections
    • persistence: git
    • toggle synchronizing
    • document history/branches? This would require a merge tool…
  • multiple documents per session (each document can function as a data channel)
  • server-side code can transfer data into a document – inbox documents
  • X GUI templates – HTML source block defines a new widget type
    • X define handlebars helpers for input, views, etc
    • X widget code blocks (like test cases)
  • X draggable images
  • X data
  • notes
  • slide clones
  • code scopes
  • Compilable notebooks (all Leisure source code in viewable/editable *.lorg format)
  • make fancyOrg:getSelectionDescriptor line-based for better selection preservation

Short-term Leisure-org plan

  • collaboration service
    • handle local adds/removes
    • show users’ cursors/selections
    • persistence: git
    • Leisure could run on a server or in one of the browsers (in a WebWorker for sandboxing)
    • notebook monadic environment
      • print can patch the notebook
    • some monads can remotely to all notebooks or just the current notebook
    • notebook commands
      • patch notebook
    • Leisure commands
      • broadcast notebook patch
      • eval
    • toggle synchronizing
    • X each document gets local storage for user-local and user-private data
      • X “:local: true” blocks are in the document, initialized for everyone, but stored locally
    • X head record contains unique ID
      • X reinitializes private document when it changes
  • JavaScript and CoffeeScript src blocks
  • Compilable notebooks
    • into JavaScript module
    • export data sets
  • data
    • query
      • use datalog, like datomic?
  • security
    • run privileged code only in a web worker
  • fancy/basic mode for each slide
  • notes
    • Types of slides (value of “note” property)
      • open slide – can contain sidebar notes (this is the default value of the note property)
      • sidebar
      • float
    • note property changes slide presentation into floating note or sidebar note
    • each slide could have a control to turn it into a note
    • like a Smalltalk workspace, but a full sub-document
  • slide clones
    • cannot contain sidebar notes
  • event framework – use script tag to bind events on parent when it is displayed
  • local things – only exist in your browser, not part of the shared doc, but logically part of it
    • treated as part of doc for local user; code scopes index them, etc.
    • local slides
    • local-on-write – local slide created on editing that overrides slide
      • notify user if original changes (use SHA)
      • allow revert
    • local properties – useful for private notes, etc
    • defs in local notes should be loud
    • some local slides could be shared across documents
      • import shared local notes by tag
  • take HTML markup out of name block and put it in CSS
  • make code-names auto-create
    • generate empty div for people to type a name in
  • code scope – set of code boxes retrieved from doc
    • as many code scopes as you want
    • block/function search
    • filter by tag – useful for DSL help, etc
    • list of blocks/functions
    • caller/callee functions
      • hovering over a function should pop up a panel with a button for callers/callees
    • block edit history (list of function names which can expand to editable contents)
      • sort history chronologically or alphabetically
      • expand this to a search box, callers, callees
    • contents should be editable
    • attach to
      • document
      • slide
  • use unlabelled issues for comments, since other people can’t add labels
  • fix test cases
  • bug: expanded test cases will sometimes get double comment blocks added in the DOM
  • bug: headline tags don’t render properly
  • bug: links don’t parse right at the beginning of a section
  • bug: test cases don’t preserve the expected value
  • bug: sometimes the click() functions are ignored on the next/prev slide buttons
  • bug: doesn’t handle empty expressions in a test case
  • allow easier creation of code boxes
  • allow retroactively adding code name and doc strings to existing code boxes
  • doc strings (text after name) – pop up on mouse over (if mouse stays on word for a while)
  • parse lorg files from command line
  • list parsing: items are only under a list if they are indented past the dash
  • on github save conflict, create temp branch and merge it
  • hide comments button when editing a local file
  • tutorial
    • use private COW notes for exercises
  • key bindings
  • link selections in AST display and source text
  • toggle button for plain/fancy on boxes? This would allow editing output
  • straighten out root.currentMode and root.orgApi
  • session persistence for each Leisure doc
    • save selection and scroll offset of doc
    • save contents and locations open code scopes
    • svae contents and locations of private notes
  • libraries
    • copied into the document, not externally referenced
    • should contain their own version and location info so you can update
    • probably copied as a child of a “libraries” slide
  • pluggable page elements
    • ”#+BEGIN_SRC css :id steampunk” could redefine the steampunk style
    • an HTML block with an id can replace the whole Leisure bar (rebind events afterwards)
  • undo tree, like in emacs
  • name spaces
  • background Leisure execution
    • run monads in a web worker
    • useful for intensive Leisure code that analyzes documents, etc
  • Java code generation
  • Alternate code generation should speed up execution use array values instead of function values – already getting arguments array, anyway

    [value] or [null, func]

    if length == 2, then it has not been memoized, yet.

  • precompiled docs
    • load the doc – don’t run code in the doc
    • load the JS file
  • [ ] full-screen app mode (for Leisure button?)
  • [ ] recursive let defs don’t work
  • [ ] forward references in let don’t work
  • [ ] fix headline tag fancy markup; check property example
  • [ ] support Ast display for let blocks
  • [ ] scrub ‘: ’ out of expected value tooltips
  • [ ] put code into tooltips, above expected value
  • [ ] make test case creation run the code?
  • [ ] doc comments -> function properties / usage hover help
  • [ ] Simple pattern matching
  • [ ] Make repl parse org format
  • [ ] Make arrow buttons show for non-dynamic code blocks
  • [ ] Simplified exprs, like in calc
  • [ ] Source maps
  • [ ] Make Leisure button show controls


Cheap to use

  • Runs in a browser
  • You don’t need to own a computer
  • No install needed
  • Can use Github for storage

You can open the hood

  • ASTs
  • Dynamic expressions (value sliders help)
  • Test cases run when code changes
  • Display partially applied functions in a way that makes sense!

Document interface

  • Good for books and tutorials
    • code and examples all work
  • better than a REPL
    • REPLs are mostly read-only (except for the bottom line)
  • better communication
    • modify/run test cases and example code
    • [ ] (DEMO) HTML in the doc can be accessible to the program
    • maybe actual code reuse, because people can understand how to use your code!
    • pride of ownership – you can make your source code fun to look at (imagine…)
  • Reproducible research
    • programs can contain their own examples and example data
    • data is in the document itself
      • programs can modify the document

Social coding

  • Get feedback from other people directly on your code

Document-based concepts

The whole project


Access to source document as it runs – it can edit its own code

Leisure structure for document (and editing monads)

Art deco links

Finished for Talk

  • [X] save to file & github
  • [X] Saving to github/restfulgit – restfulgit not done
  • [X] update qr-codes
  • [X] change slide controls to page up/down
  • [X] ast for myLast leaves out lines after first
  • [X] Convert old slide presentation
  • [X] Art deco look
  • [X] Get “add comment” working
  • [X] Test cases (create test case button, etc.)
  • [X] Theme switch monad (in case steampunk theme doesn’t work with projector)
  • [X] markup (images, links)
  • [X] markup (bold, italic, underline)
  • [X] markup (make bullets look nicer)
  • [X] vertically center displayed HTML
  • [X] parse list items
  • [X] Slide view
  • [X] Value sliders
  • [X] Make reparsing just reshow the results, not reexecute the exprs
  • [X] only execute defs on load or keypress – don’t execute dynamics except on kepress
  • [X] ASTs
  • [X] make results HTML-friendly
  • [X] fix problem with left-right arrows when in number spans
  • [X] Talk: Disclaimer
    • work in progress
    • some rough-cuts have already been polished (to some extent)
  • Talk: Stuff to play with
    • A new language (with some neat stuff)
    • A new environment (with some neat stuff)
    • For kids!
    • For grownups!
    • Maybe even jaded, expert grownups…
  • [X] Talk: Crisis in the field

…current incoming students have grown up with video games and use iPhones daily. Furthermore, they now arrive from high school with incredibly weak backgrounds. We used to require calculus before beginning CS. But now we don’t require calculus at all! (Or we’d have no majors.) When they see programming, even in very high-level languages, many incoming students recoil. They really enjoy using computers and may have even installed Windows, but they don’t like building things…

– private communication from a prominent CS professor

  • And yet, Minecraft is so popular…
  • People even build computers inside of Minecraft, like NandToTetris…
  • Programming for me is a lot like Minecraft
  • Can help it be more like Minecraft for other people?
  • Talk: Project Hieroglyph

    I have followed the dwindling of the space program with sadness, even bitterness. Where’s my orbiting, donut-shaped space station? Where’s my fleet of colossal Nova rockets? Where’s my ticket to Mars?…

    “You’re the ones who’ve been slacking off!” proclaimed Michael Crow, the President of Arizona State University, when I ran all of this by him later. He was referring, of course, to the science fiction writers. The scientists and engineers, he seemed to be saying, were ready, and looking for things to do. Time for the SF writers to start pulling their weight!

    – Neal Stephenson

    Stephenson has put together a project to get write stories that are, “throwbacks, in a manner of speaking, to 1950′s-style SF, in that they would depict futures in which Big Stuff Got Done”

  • Talk: Dynabook
    • Alan Kay’s concept from 1972
      • goes back to his research in the 60s
    • We already have machines powerful enough
    • Maybe a special type of document can provide what’s missing…
    • It needs to be free and easy to use (no install, etc.)
    • What if each document was like its own computer?
      • documents can contain media
      • versioning can provide state
    • What the document’s source was meant to be part of the document itself
      • End-user multimedia document
      • Interactive
      • Annotated source code (maybe hidden by default)
      • Editable at runtime
    • These concepts aren’t that new, they just hasn’t been that accessible to people, lately
      • Smalltalk – a smalltalk image is almost a document (not really linear)
      • Hypercard
      • EMACS, with file-local variables
      • Oberon (Acme, Wily, Ober)
      • Tiddlywiki
    • Mathematica is probably the closest thing to Leisure out there
      • It’s far from free
    • HTML5 really has a lot of promise for this!
      • HTML is made for documents (uh… duh?)
      • You can edit HTML in a browser
      • HTML documents can present a lot of different types of media
      • web services can fill in the blanks
    • In Stephenson’s book Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer, the primer is essentially a dynabook
  • [X] Talk: computing education
    • fun is important
    • promote building
      • promote pride of ownership
      • documents, not just source fies
      • media embedded in documents
      • each document can be like a tiny computer
    • improve communication and understanding (human-human and human-computer)
      • REPLs are good, but they are mostly read-only, except for the line at the bottom
      • Watch expressions are good
        • why can’t you have some that run /all the time/
        • watch expressions are almost test cases…
      • Interactive examples directly in the source
      • Interact with the program directly through the source code
      • Interact with the author directly through the source code
      • With better understanding, people might actually reuse code
        • instead of rewriting it
    • promote exploration – peeking under the hood
      • view ASTs
      • dynamic expression results update as you type (or slide)
      • dynamic test cases update as you type
      • partially applied functions are completely first-class (parameters are visible and usable)
  • [X] Talk: orgMode – a document-centric view of computing
    • very rich /text/ documents that produce more than just nice looking text
    • Leisure functions inherit block name & tags
    • data storage in document
      • a document can act to some extent like a Smalltalk image
      • remote documents fit well with the web
    • tags for code visibility, categorization
    • docs can run code when loaded (def blocks – old EMACS trick)
    • JavaScript orgMode parser is a separate open source project
  • [ ] Talk: HTML5, contenteditable, DOM/text conversion
  • [X] Talk: Github hookup
    • storage
    • you see other peoples’ comments in your code (Github lets you ban them, too)
    • you can comment on other peoples’ code
  • [X] Talk: partial application
  • [ ] Talk: function advice (talk about advice names), defCase
  • [ ] Talk: document storage
  • [ ] Talk: future: code scopes view document as a code database
    • search box lets you edit in-place
    • names and tags for code blocks
  • [ ] Talk: future: code google
    • static inclusion (updatable subdocuments)


[Org Syntax](

Todo Items

Connect with Floobits

Make markup regular, so every headline has textborder, etc.

Stream fusion

use script elements and document.currentScript for interactive HTML

simple pattern matching

namespace for pattern match macros

match obj left l -> print concat[‘left ’ l] right r -> print concat[‘right ’ r] -> print concat[‘bad type: ’ either]

left and right are pattern-match macros, defined with defPattern, stored in a pattern alist

defPattern left obj | hasType obj left -> [(obj id id)] defPattern right obj | hasType obj right -> [(obj id id)]

match uses continuation pattern to build up expr:
l = obj id id r = obj id id . hasType obj left print concat[‘left ’ l] hasType obj right print concat[‘left ’ l] print concat[‘bad type: ’ obj]

Matching lists (lists/vectors)


[x y | z] x is the first item y is the second item z is the rest of the list

[|z] z is the entire list, but it must be a list (or vector, etc.)

Matching maps (alists/hamts)

{key:pattern key:pattern …} like {“hello”: h} keys can be any expression and are evaluated in order: {“hello”:h h:x x:y}

{x y z} same as {“x”:x “y”:y “z”:z}

partially parse the doc, parsing collapsed regions on demand?

save viewed comment counts in webstorage

Add “mark as unread” button

handle comment issue deletion update

make group close tokens ignore indentation rules

Recompute all dynamic blocks when a dynamic or def changes

Special issue with node-webkit – need to rebuild stuff

Source maps

make ESC toggle SRC node?

handle HTML pastes properly (get textContent from them)

run dynamic exprs if a results node is added

make bs/del reach across hidden content

Should delete empty markup, like bold and italic

properties (and drawers) – indicate the leisure property page

checkbox list items

reparse immediately on lines with variable markup

Ascii to svg converter

ditaa does bitmaps

JointJS library

make calc a view that can move around

tie input selection to AST selection

Make require check dependencies and write the JS out

repl restart command

partial application doesn’t work with case defs

equal a b = eq a b defCase equal.list a b | and (isCons a) (isCons b) -> and (equal (head a) (head b)) (equal (tail a) (tail b))

e=equal [1]

e [1] -> true

e 1 -> function (L_b){return resolve(L_b)} – looks like it applied the false to something


strict annotation to generate strict code

fully-applied functions – change generated function to prefer all args and curry on-demand

rework case defs to just chain booleans

make altDef take two functions, a boolean and the definition

strict cons

redo typechecking

replace string typechecks with wrappers move typecheck wrappers into a correctness.lsr file

error on function redefinition if not in REPL

make macro substitution monadic

Filters are monadic, but macros are not

withProperties func props

create a forwarding func that uses the given properties and reuses the old func’s type

Mark it as a forwarder so if you copy it again, you refer to the original, not the forwarder

remove continuations from code generator

So far, increasing the stack is OK for this


org features and Leisure

social networking – comment, like, comment acknowledgement, usage

function tags – tabular view

issue tracking

test cases – autorun, disableable


server-based data add – returns new value

  • takes path and delta
  • add currentDocument, ‘person1.hands.left.fingerCount’, -1

switch to NodePos for all positioning (use mutable)

batch changes to reduce flickering

git persistence

spawn document copies

temporary or permanent

save to local file

collaboratively edit local file

switch to custom elements for markup?

  • x-tags for polyfills
  • make org-based widgets
  • use switch for plain/fancy

add flag to prevent local data from persisting, for testing

obsolete shadow/light changes

  • chuck shadow and use tagged elements for file content
  • flip editable content into shadow dom
    • keep HTML/etc in regular dom
    • use content elements to sprinkle decorations
    • easier to use jquery for HTML/views/etc

script screencast

add CSS language support

try to fix test cases!!!

script screencast – screencast.lorg

go through old slides

GUI templates – HTML source block defines a new widget type

  • X define handlebars helpers for input, views, etc

collaboration stuff

  • collaboration
    • each document gets local storage for user-local and user-private data
      • “:local: true” blocks are in the document, initialized for everyone, but stored locally
    • head record contains unique ID
      • reinitializes private document when it changes

HTML/image data binding

  • make image dragging and collaboration use data binding – maybe backbone

Image dragging

partial parsing/syncing

  • only reprocess changed parts
  • unreparsed can remain as-is
  • store each slide separately in JS object storage
    • compile JS code
    • each slide gets an object id – for text and data
    • each slide can be individually parsed


  • text representation
    • :DATA: drawer
    • first line is ID
    • rest of lines are YAML
    • [rejected] stored by ID in a hamt
      • easy functional manipulation
      • handles versioning well
        • functional code can manipulate internal hamt
        • accumulate changes
        • merge them with current data
    • listener fires when data changes

use meteor for collaboration

  • Collaboration engine
    • use meteor for collaboration
      • put org data structure into mongo
      • Use mongo instead of textContent to switch modes
      • Use change processing to handle local structural changes
      • Handle node addition/removal
      • make data live in src blocks with language yaml or json
    • detect where changes are, to avoid rerendering/recomputing data
    • use a switchboard web service, like from p2pmud, with file-patching commands

bug: this should be moved to Leisure Project


intelligent printing of partially-applied functions

(< 1) should print out as < 1, instead of

function (y) {
 return booleanFor(rz(x) < rz(y));

Probably have to change function model to use objects instead of closures (maybe possible with debugging api?)

change “wrapper” to “advice”

change caseDefs to use advice instead of options – i.e. continuation pattern

parse empty RESULTS: blocks properly

buttons to control dynamic results, etc

Put source block name in property of functions declared in block

Test cases


Convenient way to open a file

convert slides to org format

slide view

Art-deco look for fancy mode

notebook should only run IO monads, not all monads

uses L_baseLoadString and that calls countedRunLine countedRunLine binds each line as moandic value this strips off options, etc.

implement fancyOrg.addComment

change how backspace and delete disabling works

use the new code that checks for invisible content

make Leisure-org run out of node-webkit for local access

trigger reparse when src header changes

handle backspace at the start of a headline

when a text span is joined with other text, merge test into span

newline at the start of a headline should go outside the span

“dynamic” result type that updates as you type

output src block into results area

Results go after #+RESULTS:, with : at the start of each line evaluation clears out the previous : lines right underneath RESULTS, like this…

return 3

keep a newline span between outline entries so cursor motion works properly

newline at start of hidden text should be ignored

backspace at the end of a collapsed line deletes the contents

Add handler for #+BEGIN_SRC, #+END_SRC to org-mode-parser

source map files

[HTML5 Rocks article](

calc: skin

calc: buttons to toggle diag views

pre/post condition monads

replace type checking with preconditions

handle monads (bind the post condition check)


web interface


Change laziness model

make a resolve() function that resolves a lazy arg

data is already resolved

embedded exprs and variable defs would have a closure – resolve() can tack a property on the closure, containing the result

memoized lambdas

for the funciton wrapper, set the memo to the lambda and stick a console.log in there to see if something’s still calling the func

BUG: reverse order of generated let assignments so that this works:

do (x = 1) (y = x) (print concat[x y])

stack traces

add text positions to ast nodes

Leisure-based calculator (base calc works)

make world-dominating calculator unlike any ever seen!

[calc image](

button to switch between fancy/simple

comment issues

A comment issue holds the developer comment and shows up in the source file. Any comments on the comment issue show up in the source file as well.

Issues which reference a function will also show up in the source.

mark up Leisure-org like notebook

handle backspace after and delete before hidden content

need a way to verify that there are no collapsed nodes between the current position and position +/- 1

nextNode() & prevNode() should do the trick, I think – see if nextNode(el).prevNode(el) is el or an ancestor of it

if node.previousSibling/node.nextSibling exists and is visible, then backspace/del is OK

inherited function properties

  • code block name
  • headline tags



make results HTML-friendly

output should be HTML-escaped