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1902 lines (1817 loc) · 71.3 KB

LeisureEditCore (example editor)

Copyright (C) 2015, Bill Burdick, Roy Riggs, TEAM CTHULHU

Licensed with ZLIB license (see "License", below).

Welcome to LeisureEditCore! Are you trying to make editable documents that are more than just text editors or word processors? This library tries to make it easier to make interesting editable documents. You can find it on Github. LeisureEditCore what Leisure's editor, extracted out into a small HTML5 library. LeisureEditCore is pluggable with an options object that contains customization hooks. Code and examples are in Coffeescript (a JS build is provided as a convenience).

Basic Idea

LeisureEditCore edits a doubly-linked list of newline-terminated text "blocks" that can render as DOM nodes (and maybe in interesting ways!)

The rendered DOM tree contains the full text of the block list in the proper order, along with ids from the blocks. Some of the text may not be visible and there may be a lot of items in the rendered DOM that are not in the blocks. Also, the rendered DOM may have a nested tree-structure.

When the user makes a change, the editor:

  1. maps the cursor location in the DOM to the corresponding location in the blocks
  2. changes block text, regenerating part of the blocks
  3. rerenders the DOM corresponding to the changed blocks
  4. replaces the new DOM into the page

Editor flow

Of course the editor supports custom key bindings.

Using/Installing LeisureEditCore

Make sure your webpage loads the javascript files in the build directory. Follow the instructions below to use it.

Here is an example that edits org-mode text.


  • _id: the block id
  • text: the text of the block
  • prev: the id of the previous block (optional)
  • next: the id of the next block (optional)
  • EXTRA STUFF: you can store whatever extra things you like in your text blocks


{block: aBlock, offset: aNumber} aBlock can be an id or a block

Editor (see below for more detailed documentation)

An instance of LeisureEditCore. You must provide an HTML node to contain the document contents and an options object to configure the editor.

Editor options object (see below for more detailed documentation)

DataStoreEditingOptions is the recommended options object but you can also subclass BasicEditingOptions.

Data object (see below for more detailed documentation)

Manages the document. It's responsible for parsing text into blocks, accessing the blocks, making changes, and converting between block locations and document locations.

Basic usage

To use this in the recommended way...

  1. The code uses AMD style and depends on 'lodash', 'fingertree', and 'immutable' which you will probably need to map. This is so that if you are using any of these packages, you won't have to include them more than once.
  2. Subclass DataStoreEditingOptions and provide a renderBlock(block) method
  3. Subclass DataStore and provide a parseBlocks(text) method
  4. Create an editor object with your options object on your data object
  5. Call the load(name, text) method on your options object

Included packages

Third-party packages we use (also included)

  • lodash -- collection, FP, and async utilities
  • fingertree -- the swiss army knife of data structures
  • immutable -- immutable data structures


If you modify LeisureEditCore and want to build it, you can use the Cakefile. It needs the which npm package (npm install which).


Licensed with ZLIB license.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.


Create a LeisureEditCore object like this: new LeisureEditCore editorElement, options.

editorElement is the HTML element that you want to contain editable text.

options is an object that tells LeisureEditCore things like how to convert text to a list of block objects (see below). See BasicEditingOptions and DataStoreEditingOptions for more info.

import {Set} from 'immutable'
import * as _ from 'lodash'
import {DOMCursor} from './domCursor.js'
import {FingerTree} from './fingertree.js'
import {Observable, BasicEditingOptionsNew, spaces, sameCharacter, computeNewStructure,
        copyBlock, DataStore, FeatherJQ, $, is$} from './editor-ts.js'
export {copyBlock, DataStore, FeatherJQ, $, is$, set$} from './editor-ts.js'

{selectRange} = DOMCursor
imbeddedBoundary = /.\b./
maxLastKeys = 4
BS = 8
ENTER = 13
DEL = 46
TAB = 9
LEFT = 37
UP = 38
RIGHT = 39
DOWN = 40
HOME = 36
END = 35
specialKeys = {}
specialKeys[TAB] = 'TAB'
specialKeys[ENTER] = 'ENTER'
specialKeys[BS] = 'BS'
specialKeys[DEL] = 'DEL'
specialKeys[LEFT] = 'LEFT'
specialKeys[RIGHT] = 'RIGHT'
specialKeys[UP] = 'UP'
specialKeys[DOWN] = 'DOWN'
specialKeys[PAGEUP] = 'PAGEUP'
specialKeys[PAGEDOWN] = 'PAGEDOWN'
specialKeys[HOME] = 'HOME'
specialKeys[END] = 'END'

Key funcs

Basic functions used by defaultBindings

export useEvent = (e)->

keyFuncs =
  backwardChar: (editor, e, r)->
    useEvent e
    editor.moveSelectionBackward r
  forwardChar: (editor, e, r)->
    useEvent e
    editor.moveSelectionForward r
  previousLine: (editor, e, r)->
    useEvent e
    editor.moveSelectionUp r
  nextLine: (editor, e, r)->
    useEvent e
    editor.moveSelectionDown r
  stabilizeCursor: (editor, e, r)->
    setTimeout (-> editor.domCursorForCaret().moveCaret()), 1

Default key bindings

These are the default bindings. You can set the editor's bindings property to this or your own object (which can inherit from this, of course.)

export defaultBindings =
  'C-Z': -> alert 'UNDO not supported yet'
  'C-S-Z': -> alert 'REDO not supported yet'
  'C-Y': -> alert 'REDO not supported yet'
  'UP': keyFuncs.previousLine
  'DOWN': keyFuncs.nextLine
  'LEFT': keyFuncs.backwardChar
  'RIGHT': keyFuncs.forwardChar
  'HOME': keyFuncs.stabilizeCursor
  'END': keyFuncs.stabilizeCursor
  'C-HOME': keyFuncs.stabilizeCursor
  'C-END': keyFuncs.stabilizeCursor
  #'TAB': keyFuncs.expandTemplate
  #'C-C C-C': keyFuncs.swapMarkup
  #'M-C': keyFuncs.execute
  #'C-F': keyFuncs.forwardChar
  #'C-B': keyFuncs.backwardChar
  #'C-P': keyFuncs.previousLine
  #'C-N': keyFuncs.nextLine
  #'C-X C-F':
dragRange = null

idCounter: id number for next created block

idCounter = 0

export class Observable

constructor: ->

@listeners = {}

@suppressingTriggers = false

on: (type, callback)->

if typeof type == 'object'

for type, callback of type

@on type callback


if !@listeners[type] then @listeners[type] = []

@listeners[type].push callback


off: (type, callback)->

if typeof type == 'object'

for callbackType, callback of type

@off callbackType, callback


if @listeners[type]

@listeners[type] = @listeners[type].filter (l)-> l != callback


trigger: (type, args...)->

if !@suppressingTriggers

for listener in @listeners[type] || []

listener args...

suppressTriggers: (func)->

oldSuppress = @suppressingTriggers

@suppressingTriggers = true




@suppressingTriggers = oldSuppress

readyPromise = new Promise (accept, reject)->

if document.readyState == 'interactive' then accept null


document.onreadystatechange = ()->

if document.readyState == 'interactive' then accept null

ready = (func)-> readyPromise.then func

#FeatherJQ class #=============== #A featherweight JQuery replacement. Users can use set$ to make it use #the real jQuery, like this: set$($, (obj)-> obj instanceof $)

export class FeatherJQ extends Array

constructor: (specs...)->

results = []

results.proto = FeatherJQ.prototype

for spec in specs

results.pushResult spec

return results

find: (sel)->

results = $()

for node in this

if node.querySelectorAll?

for result in node.querySelectorAll(sel)

results.push result


attr: (name, value)->

if value?

for node in this

node.setAttribute name, value


else this[0]?getAttribute name

prop: (name, value)->

if value?

for node in this

node[name] = value


else this[0]?[name]

closest: (sel)->

result = $()

for node in this

if n = (if node.closest? then node else node.parentNode).closest sel

result.push n


is: (sel)->

for node in this

if node.matches? sel then return true


parent: ->

result = $()

for node in this

if p = node.parentNode then result.push p


data: (key, value)->

if !key then getUserData this[0], true

else if !value? then getUserData(this[0], true)?[key]

else for node in this

getUserData(node, true)[key] = value


on: (evtType, func)->

for node in this

evt = getEvents node

if !evt[evtType]

node.addEventListener evtType, runEvent

evt[evtType] = []

evt[evtType].push func

off: (evtType, func)->

for node in this when events = getEvents(node) && events[evtType]

events = if func then (h for h in events[evtType] when h != func) else []

if !events.length then delete events[evtType]

pushResult: (spec)->

if typeof spec == 'string'


@push document.querySelectorAll(spec)...

catch err

div = document.createElement 'div'

div.innerHTML = html

@push div.children...

#else if spec instanceof FeatherJQ then @push spec...

else if typeof spec == 'object' && spec.nodeName then @push spec

else if typeof spec == 'object' && spec.prop then @push spec...

else @push spec

ready: (func)-> ready func

html: (newHtml)->

for node in this

node.innerHTML = newHtml

$func = (args...)-> new FeatherJQ(args...)

export $ = $func

export is$ = (obj)-> obj instanceof FeatherJQ || (obj.prop && obj.attr)

export set$ = (new$, is$Func)->

$ = $func = new$

is$ = is$Func || is$

FJQData = new WeakMap

runEvent = (evt)->

for handler in getEvents(evt.currentTarget) ? []

handler evt


getNodeData = (node, create)->

if create || FJQData.has node

if !FJQData.has node then FJQData.set node, {}

FJQData.get node

getDataProperty = (node, prop, create)->

if d = getNodeData node, create

if !d[prop] then d[prop] = {}


getUserData = (node, create)-> if node then getDataProperty node, 'userData', create

getEvents = (node, create)-> getDataProperty node, 'events', create

$.ready = FeatherJQ.ready = ready

$.ajax = FeatherJQ.ajax = ({url, success, data})->

xhr = new XMLHttpRequest

xhr.onreadystatechange = ->

if xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE then success xhr.responseText (if data then 'POST' else 'GET'), url, true

xhr.send data

$.get = FeatherJQ.get = (url, success)-> FeatherJQ.ajax {url, success}

detail = (e)-> originalEvent(e).detail
originalEvent = (e)-> (e.originalEvent) || e

LeisureEditCore class

Events: moved: the cursor moved

export class LeisureEditCore extends Observable
  constructor: (@node, @options)->
    @editing = false
      .attr 'contenteditable', 'true'
      .attr 'spellcheck', 'false'
      .data 'editor', this
    @curKeyBinding = @prevKeybinding = null
    @lastKeys = []
    @modCancelled = false
    @clipboardKey = null
    @ignoreModCheck = 0
    @movementGoal = null
    @options.setEditor this
    @currentSelectedBlock = null
  editWith: (func)->
    @editing = true
      @editing = false
  savePosition: (func)->
    if @editing then func()
      pos = @getSelectedDocRange()
        @selectDocRange pos
  getCopy: (id)-> copyBlock @options.getBlock id
  getText: -> @options.getText()
  blockForCaret: -> @blockForNode @domCursorForCaret().node
  blockForNode: (node)-> @options.getBlock @options.idForNode node
  blockNodeForNode: (node)-> @options.nodeForId @options.idForNode node
  blockTextForNode: (node)->
    parent = @blockNodeForNode(node)[0]
    if next = @options.getBlock(@options.idForNode node)?.next
      nextPos = @domCursorForText @options.nodeForId(next), 0
      @domCursorForText(parent, 0, parent).getTextTo nextPos
    else @domCursorForText(parent, 0, parent).getText()
  verifyNode: (node)->
    if typeof node == 'string' then node = @options.nodeForId node
    @blockTextForNode(node) == @options.getBlock(@options.idForNode node).text
  verifyAllNodes: ->
    badIds = []
    block = @options.getBlock @options.getFirst()
    while block
      if (node = @options.nodeForId(block._id)[0]) && !@verifyNode node
        badIds.push block._id
      block = @options.getBlock
    if badIds.length then badIds
  domCursor: (node, pos)->
    if is$ node
      node = node[0]
      pos = pos ? 0
    else if node instanceof DOMCursor
      pos = node.pos
      node = node.node
    @options.domCursor(node, pos)
  makeElementVisible: (node)->
    r = DOMCursor.getBoundingRect(node)
    view = @node[0].getBoundingClientRect()
    if <
      @node[0].scrollTop -= -
    else if r.bottom > view.bottom
      @node[0].scrollTop += r.bottom - view.bottom
  domCursorForText: (node, pos, parent)->
    c = @domCursor $(node)[0], pos
    if parent? then c.filterParent $(parent)[0] else c
  domCursorForTextPosition: (parent, pos, contain)->
    @domCursorForText parent, 0, (if contain then parent)
      .forwardChars pos, contain
  domCursorForCaret: ->
    sel = getSelection()
    if sel.type == 'None' then DOMCursor.emptyDOMCursor
      r = sel.getRangeAt 0
      n = @domCursor r.startContainer, r.startOffset
        .filterParent @node[0]
      if n.isEmpty() || n.pos <= n.node.length then n else
  getTextPosition: (parent, target, pos)->
    if parent
      targ = @domCursorForText target, pos
      if !@options.getContainer(targ.node) then targ = targ.prev()
      @domCursorForText parent, 0, parent
        .countChars targ.node, targ.pos
    else -1
  loadURL: (url)-> $.get url, (text)=> @options.load url, text
  domCursorForDocOffset: (dOff)->
    bOff = @options.blockOffsetForDocOffset dOff
    node = @options.nodeForId bOff.block
    @domCursorForText(node, 0, @node[0]).mutable().forwardChars bOff.offset
  docOffsetForCaret: ->
    s = getSelection()
    if s.type == 'None' then -1
      range = s.getRangeAt 0
      @docOffset range.startContainer, range.startOffset
  docOffsetForBlockOffset: (block, offset)->
    @options.docOffsetForBlockOffset block, offset
  docOffset: (node, offset)->
    if node instanceof Range
      offset = node.startOffset
      node = node.startContainer
    else if node instanceof DOMCursor
      offset = node.pos
      node = node.node
    if startHolder = @options.getContainer(node)
      @options.docOffsetForBlockOffset @options.idForNode(startHolder), @getTextPosition startHolder, node, offset
  getSelectedDocRange: ->
    s = getSelection()
    if s.type == 'None' then type: 'None'
      range = s.getRangeAt 0
      if start = @docOffset range.startContainer, range.startOffset
        if s.type == 'Caret' then length = 0
          end = @docOffset range.endContainer, range.endOffset
          length = Math.abs start - end
          start = Math.min start, end
        type: s.type
        start: start
        length: length
        scrollTop: @node[0].scrollTop
        scrollLeft: @node[0].scrollLeft
      else type: 'None'
  selectDocRange: (range)->
    if range.type != 'None' && !(start = @domCursorForDocOffset(range.start).save()).isEmpty()
      selectRange start.range(start.mutable().forwardChars range.length)
      @node[0].scrollTop = range.scrollTop
      @node[0].scrollLeft = range.scrollLeft
  getSelectedBlockRange: ->
    s = getSelection()
    if s.type != 'None' && p = @blockOffset s.getRangeAt(0)
      p.type = s.type
      p.length = @selectedText(s).length
    else type: 'None'
  blockOffset: (node, offset)->
    if node instanceof Range
      offset = node.startOffset
      node = node.startContainer
    else if node instanceof DOMCursor
      offset = node.pos
      node = node.node
    if startHolder = @options.getContainer(node)
      block: @options.getBlock @options.idForNode startHolder
      offset: @getTextPosition startHolder, node, offset
  blockRangeForOffsets: (start, length)->
    {block, offset} = @options.getBlockOffsetForPosition start
    {block, offset, length, type: if length == 0 then 'Caret' else 'Range'}
  replace: (e, br, text, select)-> if br.type != 'None'
    @editWith =>
      start = @options.docOffsetForBlockOffset(br)
      pos = @getSelectedDocRange()
      text = text ? getEventChar e
      @options.replaceText {start, end: start + br.length, text, source: 'edit'}
      if select
        pos.type = if text.length == 0 then 'Caret' else 'Range'
        pos.length = text.length
        pos.type = 'Caret'
        pos.length = 0
        pos.start += text.length
      @selectDocRange pos
  backspace: (event, sel, r)->
    if sel.type == 'Range' then return @cutText event
    holderId = @idAtCaret sel
    @currentBlockIds = [holderId]
    @handleDelete event, sel, false
  del: (event, sel, r)->
    if sel.type == 'Range' then return @cutText event
    holderId = @idAtCaret sel
    @currentBlockIds = [holderId]
    @handleDelete event, sel, true
  idAtCaret: (sel)-> @options.idForNode @options.getContainer(sel.anchorNode)
  selectedText: (s)->
    r = s.getRangeAt(0)
    if r.collapsed then ''
    else @domCursor(r.startContainer, r.startOffset).getTextTo @domCursor(r.endContainer, r.endOffset)
  cutText: (e)->
    useEvent e
    sel = getSelection()
    if sel.type == 'Range'
      html =, htmlForNode).join ''
      text = @selectedText sel
      @options.simulateCut html: html, text: text
      r = @getSelectedDocRange()
      @replace e, @getSelectedBlockRange(), ''
        type: 'Caret'
        start: r.start
        length: 0
        scrollTop: r.scrollTop
        scrollLeft: r.scrollLeft
  handleDelete: (e, s, forward)->
    useEvent e
    r = @getSelectedDocRange()
    if r.type == 'None' || (r.type == 'Caret' && ((forward && r.start >= @options.getLength() - 1) || (!forward && r.start == 0)))
    if r.type == 'Caret'
      r.length = 1
      if !forward then r.start -= 1
      start: r.start
      end: r.start + r.length
      text: ''
      source: 'edit'
      type: 'Caret'
      start: r.start
      length: 0
      scrollTop: r.scrollTop
      scrollLeft: r.scrollLeft
  bind: ->
  bindDragAndDrop: ->
    @node.on 'dragover', (e)=>
      @options.dragOver originalEvent e
    @node.on 'dragenter', (e)=>
      @options.dragEnter originalEvent e
    @node.on 'drop', (e)=>
      useEvent e
      oe = originalEvent e
      oe.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'
      r = DOMCursor.caretPos oe.clientX, oe.clientY
      dropPos = @domCursor(r.node, r.offset).moveCaret()
      dropContainer = @domCursor @options.getContainer(r.node), 0
      blockId = @options.idForNode dropContainer.node
      offset = dropContainer.countChars dropPos
      insertText = oe.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain')
      insert = => @replace e, {type: 'Caret', offset, block: @options.getBlock(blockId), length: 0}, insertText, false
      if dragRange
        start = @domCursor(@options.nodeForId(dragRange.block._id), 0).forwardChars dragRange.offset
        r2 = start.range start.forwardChars dragRange.length
        insertOffset = @options.getPositionForBlock(@options.getBlock blockId) + offset
        cutOffset = @options.getPositionForBlock(dragRange.block) + dragRange.offset
        if cutOffset <= insertOffset <= cutOffset + dragRange.length
          useEvent oe
          oe.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'
        dr = dragRange
        dragRange = null
        if insertOffset <= cutOffset
          @replace e, dr, '', false
          @replace e, @blockRangeForOffsets(insertOffset, 0), insertText, false
          @replace e, @blockRangeForOffsets(cutOffset, dr.length), '', false
      else insert()
    @node.on 'dragstart', (e)=>
      sel = getSelection()
      if sel.type == 'Range'
        dragRange = @getSelectedBlockRange()
        clipboard = originalEvent(e).dataTransfer
        clipboard.setData 'text/html',, htmlForNode).join ''
        clipboard.setData 'text/plain', @selectedText sel
        clipboard.effectAllowed = 'copyMove'
        clipboard.dropEffect = 'move'
    @node[0].addEventListener 'dragend', (e)=>
      if dr = dragRange
        dragRange = null
        if e.dataTransfer.dropEffect == 'move'
          useEvent e
          sel = @getSelectedDocRange()
          @replace e, dr, ''
          @selectDocRange sel
  bindClipboard: ->
    @node.on 'cut', (e)=>
      useEvent e
      sel = getSelection()
      if sel.type == 'Range'
        clipboard = originalEvent(e).clipboardData
        clipboard.setData 'text/html',, htmlForNode).join ''
        clipboard.setData 'text/plain', @selectedText sel
        @replace e, @getSelectedBlockRange(), ''
    @node.on 'copy', (e)=>
      useEvent e
      sel = getSelection()
      if sel.type == 'Range'
        clipboard = originalEvent(e).clipboardData
        clipboard.setData 'text/html',, htmlForNode).join ''
        clipboard.setData 'text/plain', @selectedText sel
    @node.on 'paste', (e)=>
      useEvent e
      @replace e, @getSelectedBlockRange(), originalEvent(e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain'), false
  bindMouse: ->
    @node.on 'mousedown', (e)=>
      if @lastDragRange && detail(e) == 2
        @dragRange = @lastDragRange
        console.log "double click"
        start = @domCursor(@dragRange).mutable()
        end = start.copy()
        txt = start.char()
        while true
          if !start.isEmpty() && start.type == 'text' then txt = start.char() + txt
          if start.isEmpty() || start.type != 'text' || txt.match imbeddedBoundary
        txt = end.char()
        while true
          if !end.isEmpty() && end.type == 'text' then txt += end.char()
          if end.isEmpty() || end.type != 'text' || txt.match imbeddedBoundary
        s = getSelection()
        @dragRange.setStart start.node, start.pos
        @dragRange.setEnd end.node, end.pos
        s.addRange @dragRange
      else if @dragRange = @getAdjustedCaretRange e
      setTimeout (=>@trigger 'moved', this), 1
      @setCurKeyBinding null
    @node.on 'mouseup', (e)=>
      @lastDragRange = @dragRange
      @dragRange = null
      @adjustSelection e
      @trigger 'moved', this
    @node.on 'mousemove', (e)=>
      if @dragRange
        s = getSelection()
        s.addRange @dragRange
        r2 = @getAdjustedCaretRange e, true
        s.extend r2.startContainer, r2.startOffset
  getAdjustedCaretRange: (e, returnUnchanged) ->
    {node, offset} = DOMCursor.caretPos e.clientX, e.clientY
    r2 = @domCursor(node, offset).backwardChar().range()
    rect1 = DOMCursor.getBoundingRect(node)
    rect2 = r2.getBoundingClientRect()
    if == && rect1.bottom == rect2.bottom && rect2.left < rect1.left && e.clientX <= (rect1.left + rect2.left) / 2
    else if returnUnchanged then r
  bindKeyboard: ->
    @node.on 'keyup', (e)=> @handleKeyup e
    @node.on 'keydown', (e)=>
      @modCancelled = false
      c = eventChar e
      if !@addKeyPress e, c then return
      s = getSelection()
      r = s.rangeCount > 0 && s.getRangeAt(0)
      @currentBlockIds = @blockIdsForSelection s, r
      [bound, checkMod] = @findKeyBinding e, r
      if bound then @modCancelled = !checkMod
        @modCancelled = false
        if c == ENTER then @enter e
        else if c == BS
          useEvent e
          @backspace e, s, r
        else if c == DEL
          useEvent e
          @del e, s, r
        else if (modifyingKey c, e) && !isAlphabetic e
          @char = getEventChar e
          @keyPress e
    @node.on 'keypress', (e)=>
      if !e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey then @keyPress e
  enter: (e)->
    useEvent e
    @replace e, @getSelectedBlockRange(), '\n', false
  keyPress: (e)->
    useEvent e
    @replace e, @getSelectedBlockRange(), null, false
  blockIdsForSelection: (sel, r)->
    if !sel then sel = getSelection()
    if sel.rangeCount == 1
      if !r then r = sel.getRangeAt 0
      blocks = if cont = @options.getContainer(r.startContainer)
        [@options.idForNode cont]
      else []
      if !r?.collapsed
        cur = blocks[0]
        end = @options.idForNode @options.getContainer(r.endContainer)
        while cur && cur != end
          if cur = (@getCopy cur).next
            blocks.push cur
  setCurKeyBinding: (f)->
    @prevKeybinding = @curKeyBinding
    @curKeyBinding = f
  addKeyPress: (e, c)->
    if notShift = !shiftKey c
      e.DE_editorShiftkey = true
      @lastKeys.push modifiers(e, c)
      while @lastKeys.length > maxLastKeys
      @keyCombos = new Array maxLastKeys
      for i in [0...Math.min(@lastKeys.length, maxLastKeys)]
        @keyCombos[i] = @lastKeys[@lastKeys.length - i - 1 ... @lastKeys.length].join ' '
  findKeyBinding: (e, r)->
    for k in @keyCombos
      if f = @options.bindings[k]
        @lastKeys = []
        @keyCombos = []
        @setCurKeyBinding f
        return [true, f this, e, r]
    @setCurKeyBinding null
  handleKeyup: (e)->
    if @ignoreModCheck = @ignoreModCheck then @ignoreModCheck--
    if @clipboardKey || (!e.DE_shiftkey && !@modCancelled && modifyingKey(eventChar(e), e))
      @clipboardKey = null
  adjustSelection: (e)->
    if detail(e) == 1 then return
    s = getSelection()
    if s.type == 'Range'
      r = s.getRangeAt 0
      pos = @domCursor r.endContainer, r.endOffset
      while !pos.isEmpty() && pos.node != r.startContainer && == ''
        pos = pos.prev()
      while !pos.isEmpty() && pos.pos > 0 &&[pos.pos - 1] == ' '
      if (pos.node != r.startContainer || pos.pos > r.startOffset) && (pos.node != r.endContainer || pos.pos < r.endOffset)
        r.setEnd pos.node, pos.pos
        selectRange r
  moveSelectionForward: -> @showCaret @moveForward()
  moveSelectionDown: -> @showCaret @moveDown()
  moveSelectionBackward: -> @showCaret @moveBackward()
  moveSelectionUp: -> @showCaret @moveUp()
  showCaret: (pos)->
    if pos.isEmpty() then pos = pos.prev()
    pos = @domCursorForCaret()
    #(if pos.node.nodeType == pos.node.TEXT_NODE then pos.node.parentNode else pos.node).scrollIntoView()
    @makeElementVisible pos.node
    @trigger 'moved', this
  moveForward: ->
    sel = getSelection()
    offset = if sel.type == 'None' then 0
      r = sel.getRangeAt(0)
      offset = if r.endContainer == r.startContainer
        @docOffset r.endContainer, Math.max r.startOffset, r.endOffset
      else @docOffset r.endContainer, r.endOffset
    start = pos = @domCursorForCaret().firstText().save()
    if !pos.isEmpty() && @options.isValidDocOffset(offset) && (@domCursorForCaret().firstText().equals(start) || pos.isCollapsed())
      pos = @domCursorForDocOffset offset
      while !pos.isEmpty() && (@domCursorForCaret().firstText().equals(start) || pos.isCollapsed())
        if pos.isCollapsed()

        else pos.forwardChars(1).moveCaret()
    if pos.isEmpty()
      offset = @options.getLength() - 1
      pos = @domCursorForDocOffset(offset).firstText()
      while !pos.isEmpty() && pos.isCollapsed()
        pos = @domCursorForDocOffset --offset
    else if !@options.isValidDocOffset(offset)
      pos = start
  moveBackward: ->
    sel = getSelection()
    offset = if sel.type == 'None' then 0
      r = sel.getRangeAt(0)
      offset = if r.endContainer == r.startContainer
        @docOffset r.endContainer, Math.min r.startOffset, r.endOffset
      else @docOffset r.startContainer, r.startOffset
    start = pos = @domCursorForCaret().firstText().save()
    if !pos.isEmpty() && (@domCursorForCaret().firstText().equals(start) || pos.isCollapsed())
      pos = @domCursorForDocOffset offset
      while !pos.isEmpty() && (@domCursorForCaret().firstText().equals(start) || pos.isCollapsed())
        if pos.isCollapsed()
        else pos.backwardChar().moveCaret()
    if pos.isEmpty()
      offset = 0
      pos = @domCursorForDocOffset(offset).firstText()
      while !pos.isEmpty() && pos.isCollapsed()
        pos = @domCursorForDocOffset ++offset
  firstText: -> @domCursor(@node, 0).firstText().node
  moveDown: ->
    linePos = prev = pos = @domCursorForCaret().save()
    if !(@prevKeybinding in [keyFuncs.nextLine, keyFuncs.previousLine])
      @movementGoal = @options.blockColumn pos
      line = 0
    else line = (if pos.pos == 0 && pos.node == @firstText() && @options.blockColumn(pos) < @movementGoal then 1 else 0)
    lineTop = posFor(linePos).top
    lastPos = @docOffset(pos) - 1
    while !(pos = @moveForward()).isEmpty() && (docPos = @docOffset(pos)) != lastPos
      lastPos = docPos
      p = posFor(pos)
      if lineTop <
        pos = linePos = p.pos
        lineTop =
      if line == 2 then return prev.moveCaret()
      if line == 1 && @options.blockColumn(pos) >= @movementGoal
        return @moveToBestPosition pos, prev, linePos
      prev = pos
  moveUp: ->
    linePos = prev = pos = @domCursorForCaret().save()
    if !(@prevKeybinding in [keyFuncs.nextLine, keyFuncs.previousLine]) then @movementGoal = @options.blockColumn pos
    line = 0
    lastPos = @options.getLength()
    while !(pos = @moveBackward()).isEmpty() && (docPos = @docOffset pos) != lastPos
      lastPos = docPos
      if linePos.differentLines pos
        linePos = pos
      if line == 2 then return prev.moveCaret()
      if line == 1 && @options.blockColumn(pos) <= @movementGoal
        return @moveToBestPosition pos, prev, linePos
      prev = pos

moveToBestPosition(pos, prev, linePos) tries to move the caret to the best position in the HTML text. If pos is closer to the goal, return it, otherwise move to prev and return prev.

  moveToBestPosition: (pos, prev, linePos)->
    if linePos == pos || Math.abs(@options.blockColumn(pos) - @movementGoal) < Math.abs(@options.blockColumn(prev) - @movementGoal)
    else prev.moveCaret()

Set html of an element and evaluate scripts so that document.currentScript is properly set

  setHtml: (el, html, outer)->
    if outer
      prev = el.previousSibling
      next = el.nextSibling
      par = el.parentNode
      el.outerHTML = html
      el = prev?.nextSibling ? next?.previousSibling ? par?.firstChild
    else el.innerHTML = html
    @activateScripts $(el)

  activateScripts: (jq)->
    if !activating
      activating = true
        for script in jq.find('script')
          text = if !script.type || script.type.toLowerCase() == 'text/javascript'
          else if script.type.toLowerCase() == 'text/coffeescript'
            CoffeeScript.compile script.textContent, bare: true
          else if script.type.toLowerCase() == 'text/literate-coffeescript'
            CoffeeScript.compile script.textContent, bare: true, literate: true
          if text
            newScript = document.createElement 'script'
            newScript.type = 'text/javascript'
            if script.src then newScript.src = script.src
            newScript.textContent = text
            @setCurrentScript newScript
            script.parentNode.insertBefore newScript, script
            script.parentNode.removeChild script
        @setCurrentScript null
        activating = false

  setCurrentScript: (script)->
    LeisureEditCore.currentScript = null

eventChar = (e)-> e.charCode || e.keyCode || e.which

isAlphabetic = (e)-> !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && (64 < eventChar(e) < 91)

#BasicEditingOptions class #========================= #BasicEditingOptions is an the options base class.


load: new text was loaded into the editor

#Hook methods (required) #-----------------------

#renderBlock(block) -> [html, next]: render a block (and potentially its children) and return the HTML and the next blockId if there is one

* Block DOM (DOM for a block) must be a single element with the same id as the block.

* Block DOM may contain nested block DOM.

* each block's DOM should have the same id as the block and have a data-block attribute

* non-editable parts of the DOM should have contenteditable=false

* completely skipped parts should be non-editable and have a data-noncontent attribute

#Properties of BasicEditingOptions #--------------------------------- #* blocks {id -> block}: block table #* first: id of first block #* bindings {keys -> binding(editor, event, selectionRange)}: a map of bindings (can use LeisureEditCore.defaultBindings)

#Methods of BasicEditingOptions #------------------------------ #* getBlock(id) -> block?: get the current block for id #* getContainer(node) -> Node?: get block DOM node containing for a node #* getFirst() -> blockId: get the first block id #* domCursor(node, pos) -> DOMCursor: return a domCursor that skips over non-content #* keyUp(editor) -> void: handle keyup after-actions #* topRect() -> rect?: returns null or the rectangle of a toolbar at the page top #* blockColumn(pos) -> colNum: returns the start column on the page for the current block #* load(el, text) -> void: parse text into blocks and replace el's contents with rendered DOM

class BasicEditingOptionsOld extends Observable

renderBlock: (block)-> throw new Error "options.renderBlock(block) is not implemented"

#Hook methods (optional) #-----------------------

#simulateCut({html, text}): The editor calls this when the user hits backspace or delete on selected text.

simulateCut: ({html, text})->

#dragEnter(event): alter the drag-enter behavior. If you want to cancel the drag, for #instance, call event.preventDefault() and set the dropEffect to 'none'

dragEnter: (event)->

if !event.dataTransfer.getData

useEvent event

event.dropEffect = 'none'

#dragOver(event): alter the drag-enter behavior. If you want to cancel the drag, for #instance, call event.preventDefault() and set the dropEffect to 'none'

dragOver: (event)->

if !event.dataTransfer.getData

useEvent event

event.dropEffect = 'none'

#Main code #---------

constructor: ->


@changeContext = null


setDiagEnabled: (flag)->

#changeAdvice this, flag,

# renderBlocks: diag: wrapDiag

# changed: diag: wrapDiag

#if flag then @diag()

diag: -> @trigger 'diag', @editor.verifyAllNodes()

initData: ->

#blocks {id -> block}: block table

@blocks = {}

#first: id of first block

@first = null

#getFirst() -> blockId: get the first block id

getFirst: -> @first

nodeForId: (id)-> $("##{id}")

idForNode: (node)-> $(node).prop 'id'

setEditor: (@editor)->

newId: -> @data.newId()

#changeStructure(oldBlocks, newText): Compute blocks affected by transforming oldBlocks into newText

changeStructure: (oldBlocks, newText)->

computeNewStructure this, oldBlocks, newText

mergeChangeContext: (obj)-> @changeContext = _.merge {}, @changeContext ? {}, obj

clearChangeContext: -> @changeContext = null

#getBlock(id) -> block?: get the current block for id

getBlock: (id)-> @blocks[id]

#bindings {keys -> binding(editor, event, selectionRange)}: a map of bindings (can use LeisureEditCore.defaultBindings)

bindings: defaultBindings

#blockColumn(pos) -> colNum: returns the start column on the page for the current block

blockColumn: (pos)-> pos.textPosition().left

#topRect() -> rect?: returns null or the rectangle of a toolbar at the page top

topRect: -> null

#keyUp(editor) -> void: handle keyup after-actions

keyUp: ->

#domCursor(node, pos) -> DOMCursor: return a domCursor that skips over non-content

domCursor: (node, pos)->

new DOMCursor(node, pos).addFilter (n)-> (n.hasAttribute('data-noncontent') && 'skip') || true

#getContainer(node) -> Node?: get block DOM node containing for a node

getContainer: (node)->

if @editor.node[0].compareDocumentPosition(node) & Element.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY


#load(name, text) -> void: parse text into blocks and trigger a 'load' event

load: (name, text)->

@options.suppressTriggers => =>

@replaceText {start: 0, end: @getLength(), text, source: 'edit'}


@trigger 'load'

rerenderAll: ->

@editor.setHtml @editor.node[0], @renderBlocks()

if result = @validatePositions()

console.error "DISCREPENCY AT POSITION #{result.block._id}, #{result.offset},",

blockCount: ->

c = 0

for b of @blocks



blockList: ->

next = @getFirst()

while next

bl = @getBlock next

next =


docOffsetForBlockOffset: (bOff, offset)-> @data.docOffsetForBlockOffset bOff, offset

blockOffsetForDocOffset: (dOff)-> @data.blockOffsetForDocOffset dOff

getPositionForBlock: (block)->

cur = @getBlock @getFirst()

offset = 0

while cur._id != block._id

offset += cur.text.length

cur = @getBlock


getBlockOffsetForPosition: (pos)->

cur = @getBlock @getFirst()

while pos >= cur.text.length

pos -= cur.text.length

cur = @getBlock

block: cur

offset: pos

renderBlocks: ->

result = ''

next = @getFirst()

while next && [html, next] = @renderBlock @getBlock next

result += html


getText: ->

text = ''

block = @data.getBlock @data.getFirst()

while block

text += block.text

block = @data.getBlock


getLength: ->

len = 0

block = @data.getBlock @data.getFirst()

while block

len += block.text.length

block = @data.getBlock


isValidDocOffset: (offset)-> 0 <= offset <= @getLength()

validatePositions: ->

block = @data.getBlock @data.getFirst()

while block

if node = @nodeForId(block._id)[0]

cursor = @domCursor(node, 0).mutable()

for offset in [0...block.text.length]

cursor = cursor.firstText()

if cursor.isEmpty() || !sameCharacter cursor.character(), block.text[offset]

return {block, offset}


block = @data.getBlock

#export BasicEditingOptions = BasicEditingOptionsOld
export BasicEditingOptions = BasicEditingOptionsNew

#spaces = String.fromCharCode( 32, 160)

#export sameCharacter = (c1, c2)-> c1 == c2 || ((c1 in spaces) && (c2 in spaces))

#export computeNewStructure = (access, oldBlocks, newText)->
#  prev = oldBlocks[0]?.prev ? 0
#  oldBlocks = oldBlocks.slice()
#  oldText = null
#  offset = 0
#  if oldBlocks.length
#    while oldText != newText && (oldBlocks[0].prev || last(oldBlocks).next)
#      oldText = newText
#      if prev = access.getBlock oldBlocks[0].prev
#        oldBlocks.unshift prev
#        newText = prev.text + newText
#        offset += prev.text.length
#      if next = access.getBlock last(oldBlocks).next
#        oldBlocks.push next
#        newText += next.text
#      newBlocks = access.parseBlocks newText
#      if (!prev || prev.text == newBlocks[0].text) && (!next || next.text == last(newBlocks).text)
#        break
#  if !newBlocks then newBlocks = access.parseBlocks newText
#  while oldBlocks.length && newBlocks.length && oldBlocks[0].text == newBlocks[0].text
#    offset -= oldBlocks[0].text.length
#    prev = oldBlocks[0]._id
#    oldBlocks.shift()
#    newBlocks.shift()
#  while oldBlocks.length && newBlocks.length && last(oldBlocks).text == last(newBlocks).text
#    oldBlocks.pop()
#    newBlocks.pop()
#  oldBlocks: oldBlocks, newBlocks: newBlocks, offset: offset, prev: prev

#export copyBlock = (block)-> if !block then null else Object.assign {}, block

activating = false

#DataStore #========= #An efficient block storage mechanism used by DataStoreEditingOptions

#Hook methods -- you must define these in your subclass #------------------------------------------------------ #* parseBlocks(text) -> blocks: parse text into array of blocks -- DO NOT provide _id, prev, or next, they may be overwritten!

#Events #------ #Data objects support the Observable protocol and emit change events in response to data changes

#change {adds, updates, removes, oldFirst, old}

* oldFirst id: the previous first (might be the same as the current)

* adds {id->true}: added items

* updates {id->true}: updated items

* removes {id->true}: removed items

* old {id->old block}: the old items from updates and removes

#Internal API -- provide/override these if you want to change how the store accesses data #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#* getFirst() #* setFirst(firstId) #* getBlock(id) #* setBlock(id, block) #* deleteBlock(id) #* eachBlock(func(block [, id])) -- iterate with func (exit if func returns false) #* load(first, blocks) -- should trigger 'load'

#External API -- used from outside; alternative data objects must support these methods. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#In addition to the methods below, data objects must support the Observable protocol and emit #change events in response to data changes

#* getFirst() -> id: id of the first block #* getBlock(id) -> block: the block for id #* load(name, text): replace the current document #* newId(): #* docOffsetForBlockOffset(args...) -> offset: args can be a blockOffset or block, offset #* blockOffsetForDocOffset(offset) -> blockOffset: the block offset for a position in the document #* suppressTriggers(func) -> func's return value: suppress triggers while executing func (inherited from Observable)


export class DataStore extends Observable

constructor: ->


@blocks = {}

@blockIndex = @newBlockIndex()

@changeCount = 0


@markNames = {}

load: (name, text)->

blockMap = {}

newBlocks = @parseBlocks text

for block, i in newBlocks

block._id = @newId()

blockMap[block._id] = block

if prev = newBlocks[i - 1] = block._id

block.prev = prev._id

@first = newBlocks[0]?._id

@blocks = blockMap

@makeChanges =>


@trigger 'load'

#parseBlocks(text) -> blocks: parse text into array of blocks -- DO NOT provide _id, prev, or next, they may be overwritten!

parseBlocks: (text)-> throw new Error "options.parseBlocks(text) is not implemented"

newBlockIndex: (contents)-> FingerTree.fromArray contents ? [],

identity: -> ids: Set(), length: 0

measure: (v)-> ids: Set([]), length: v.length

sum: (a, b)-> ids: a.ids.union(b.ids), length: a.length + b.length

newId: -> "block#{idCounter++}"

setDiagEnabled: (flag)->

#changeAdvice this, flag,

# makeChanges: diag: afterMethod ->

# if @changeCount == 0 then @diag()

#if flag then @diag()

#getLength() -> number: the length of the entire document

getLength: -> @blockIndex.measure().length

makeChanges: (func)->






clearMarks: -> @marks = FingerTree.fromArray [],

identity: -> names: Set(), length: 0

measure: (n)-> names: Set([]), length: n.offset

sum: (a, b)-> names: a.names.union(b.names), length: a.length + b.length

addMark: (name, offset)->

if @markNames[name] then @removeMark name

@markNames[name] = true

[first, rest] = @marks.split (m)-> m.length >= offset

l = first.measure().length

if !rest.isEmpty()

n = rest.peekFirst()

rest = rest.removeFirst().addFirst

offset: l + n.offset - offset


@marks = first.concat rest.addFirst

offset: offset - l

name: name

removeMark: (name)-> if @markNames[name]

delete @markNames[name]

[first, rest] = @marks.split (m)-> m.names.contains name

if !rest.isEmpty()

removed = rest.peekFirst()

rest = rest.removeFirst()

if !rest.isEmpty()

n = rest.peekFirst()

rest = rest.removeFirst()

.addFirst offset: removed.offset + n.offset, name:

@marks = first.concat rest

listMarks: ->

m = []

t = @marks

while !t.isEmpty()

n = t.peekFirst()

m.push _.defaults {location: @getMarkLocation}, n

t = t.removeFirst()


getMarkLocation: (name)-> if @markNames[name]

[first, rest] = @marks.split (m)-> m.names.contains name

if !rest.isEmpty() then first.measure().length + rest.peekFirst().offset

blockOffsetForMark: (name)-> if offset = @getMarkLocation name

@blockOffsetForDocOffset offset

floatMarks: (start, end, newLength)-> if newLength != oldLength = end - start

[first, rest] = @marks.split (m)-> m.length > start

if !rest.isEmpty()

n = rest.peekFirst()

@marks = first.concat rest.removeFirst().addFirst


offset: n.offset + newLength - oldLength

replaceText: ({start, end, text})->

{prev, oldBlocks, newBlocks} = @changesForReplacement start, end, text

if oldBlocks

@change @changesFor prev, oldBlocks.slice(), newBlocks.slice()

@floatMarks start, end, text.length

changesForReplacement: (start, end, text)->

{blocks, newText} = @blockOverlapsForReplacement start, end, text

{oldBlocks, newBlocks, offset, prev} = change = computeNewStructure this, blocks, newText

if oldBlocks.length || newBlocks.length then change else {}

computeRemovesAndNewBlockIds: (oldBlocks, newBlocks, newBlockMap, removes)->

for oldBlock in oldBlocks[newBlocks.length...oldBlocks.length]

removes[oldBlock._id] = oldBlock

prev = null

for newBlock, i in newBlocks

if oldBlock = oldBlocks[i]

newBlock._id = oldBlock._id

newBlock.prev = oldBlock.prev =


newBlock._id = @newId()

if prev then link prev, newBlock

prev = newBlockMap[newBlock._id] = newBlock


patchNewBlocks: (first, oldBlocks, newBlocks, changes, newBlockMap, removes, prev)->

if !oldBlocks.length && first = @getBlock first

oldNext = @getBlock

oldBlocks.unshift first

first = newBlockMap[first._id] = copyBlock first

link first, newBlocks[0]

newBlocks.unshift first

if oldNext

oldBlocks.push oldNext

oldNext = newBlockMap[oldNext._id] = copyBlock oldNext

link last(newBlocks), oldNext

newBlocks.push oldNext

else if oldBlocks.length != newBlocks.length

if !prev && prev = copyBlock oldPrev = @getBlock oldBlocks[0].prev

oldBlocks.unshift oldPrev

newBlocks.unshift prev

newBlockMap[prev._id] = prev

lastBlock = last oldBlocks

if next = copyBlock oldNext = @getBlock (if lastBlock then else @getFirst())

oldBlocks.push oldNext

newBlocks.push next

newBlockMap[next._id] = next

if !(next.prev = prev?._id) then changes.first = next._id

if prev

if !first && ((newBlocks.length && !newBlocks[0].prev) || !oldBlocks.length || !@getFirst() || removes[@getFirst()])

changes.first = newBlocks[0]._id = next?._id

changesFor: (first, oldBlocks, newBlocks)->

newBlockMap = {}

removes = {}

changes = {removes, sets: newBlockMap, first: @getFirst(), oldBlocks, newBlocks}

prev = @computeRemovesAndNewBlockIds oldBlocks, newBlocks, newBlockMap, removes

@patchNewBlocks first, oldBlocks, newBlocks, changes, newBlockMap, removes, prev

@removeDuplicateChanges newBlockMap


removeDuplicateChanges: (newBlockMap)->

dups = []

for id, block of newBlockMap

if (oldBlock = @getBlock id) && block.text == oldBlock.text && == && block.prev == oldBlock.prev

dups.push id

for id of dups

delete newBlockMap[id]

checkChanges: -> if @changeCount == 0

throw new Error "Attempt to make a change outside of makeChanges"

setIndex: (i)->


@blockIndex = i

getFirst: -> @first

setFirst: (firstId)-> @first = firstId

getBlock: (id)-> @blocks[id]

setBlock: (id, block)->


@blocks[id] = block

@indexBlock block

deleteBlock: (id)->


delete @blocks[id]

@unindexBlock id

eachBlock: (func)->

block = @getBlock @getFirst()

while block && func(block, block._id) != false

block = @getBlock


indexBlocks: ->


items = []

@eachBlock (block)=> items.push indexNode block

@setIndex @newBlockIndex items

splitBlockIndexOnId: (id)-> @blockIndex.split (m)-> m.ids.contains id

splitBlockIndexOnOffset: (offset)-> @blockIndex.split (m)-> m.length > offset

indexBlock: (block)-> if block


# if the block is indexed, it might be an easy case, otherwise unindex it

[first, rest] = @splitBlockIndexOnId block._id

if !rest.isEmpty() && rest.peekFirst().id == block._id &&

(next = rest.removeFirst()) &&

(if next.isEmpty() then ! else next.peekFirst().id == &&

(if first.isEmpty() then !block.prev else first.peekLast().id == block.prev)

return @setIndex first.addLast(indexNode block).concat next

if !rest.isEmpty() then @unindexBlock block._id

# if next is followed by prev, just insert the block in between

if (split = @fingerNodeOrder(block.prev, && _.isArray split

[first, rest] = split

return @setIndex first.addLast(indexNode block).concat rest

# repair as much of the index as possible and insert the block

@insertAndRepairIndex block

fingerNode: (id)->

id && (node = @splitBlockIndexOnId(id)[1].peekFirst()) && == id && node

fingerNodeOrder: (a, b)->

return !(a || b) ||

if !a && b then @fingerNode b

else if !b && a then @fingerNode a


[first, rest] = split = @splitBlockIndexOnId b

!first.isEmpty() && !rest.isEmpty() && rest.peekFirst()?.id == b && first.peekLast()?.id == a && split

# insert block into the index

# then trace forwards and backwards, repairing along the way

insertAndRepairIndex: (block)->

console.warn "REPAIR"

node = indexNode block


prev = @getBlock block.prev

if !block.prev

@setIndex @blockIndex.addFirst indexNode block


[first, rest] = @splitBlockIndexOnId

@setIndex first.addLast(node).concat rest

else if block.prev

[first, rest] = @splitBlockIndexOnId block.prev

@setIndex first.addLast(node).concat rest

else @setIndex @newBlockIndex [node]

mark = block

cur = @getBlock

while cur && !@fingerNodeOrder mark._id, cur._id

@unindexBlock cur._id

[first, rest] = @splitBlockIndexOnId mark._id

@setIndex insertAfterSplit first, indexNode(cur), rest

mark = cur

cur = @getBlock

mark = block

cur = @getBlock block.prev

while cur && !@fingerNodeOrder cur._id, mark._id

@unindexBlock cur._id

[first, rest] = @splitBlockIndexOnId mark._id

@setIndex insertInSplit first, indexNode(cur), rest

mark = cur

cur = @getBlock cur.prev

unindexBlock: (id)->


if id

[first, rest] = @splitBlockIndexOnId id

if rest.peekFirst()?.id == id

@setIndex first.concat rest.removeFirst()

#docOffsetForBlockOffset(args...) -> offset: args can be a blockOffset or block, offset

docOffsetForBlockOffset: (block, offset)->

if typeof block == 'object'

offset = block.offset

block = block.block

@offsetForBlock(block) + offset

blockOffsetForDocOffset: (offset)->

results = @splitBlockIndexOnOffset offset

if !results[1].isEmpty()

block: results[1].peekFirst().id

offset: offset - results[0].measure().length


block: results[0].peekLast().id

offset: results[0].removeLast().measure().length

offsetForBlock: (blockOrId)->

id = if typeof blockOrId == 'string' then blockOrId else blockOrId._id

if @getBlock id then @splitBlockIndexOnId(id)[0].measure().length else 0

blockForOffset: (offset)->

results = @splitBlockIndexOnOffset offset

(results[1]?.peekFirst() ? results[0].peekLast).id

getDocLength: -> @blockIndex.measure().length

getDocSubstring: (start, end)->

startOffset = @blockOffsetForDocOffset start

endOffset = @blockOffsetForDocOffset end

block = @getBlock startOffset.block

text = ''

while block._id != endOffset.block

text += block.text

block = @getBlock

if startOffset.block == endOffset.block

block.text.substring startOffset.offset, endOffset.offset

else text.substring(startOffset.offset) + block.text.substring 0, endOffset.offset

#getText(): -> string: the text for the entire document

getText: ->

text = ''

@eachBlock (block)-> text += block.text


check: ->

seen = {}

first = next = @getFirst()

prev = null

while next

prev = next

if seen[next] then throw new Error "cycle in next links"

seen[next] = true

oldBl = bl

bl = @getBlock next

if !bl then throw new Error "Next of #{oldBl._id} doesn't exist"

next =

@eachBlock (block)->

if block._id != first && !seen[block._id] then throw new Error "#{block._id} not in next chain"

seen = {}

lastBlock = prev

while prev

if seen[prev] then throw new Error "cycle in prev links"

seen[prev] = true

oldBl = bl

bl = @getBlock prev

if !bl then throw new Error "Prev of #{oldBl._id} doesn't exist"

prev = bl.prev

@eachBlock (block)->

if block._id != lastBlock && !seen[block._id] then throw new Error "#{block._id} not in prev chain"


blockList: ->

next = @getFirst()

while next

bl = @getBlock next

next =


change: (changes)-> @trigger 'change', @makeChange changes

makeChange: ({first, sets, removes, oldBlocks, newBlocks})->

@makeChanges =>

{adds, updates, old} = result = {adds: {}, updates: {}, removes, old: {}, sets, oldFirst: @getFirst(), first: first, oldBlocks, newBlocks}

@setFirst first

for id of removes

if bl = @getBlock id

old[id] = bl

@deleteBlock id

for id, block of sets

if bl = @getBlock id

old[id] = bl

updates[id] = block

else adds[id] = block

@setBlock id, block



catch err

console.log err


indexArray: -> treeToArray @blockIndex

blockArray: ->

blocks = []

block = @getBlock @getFirst()

while block

blocks.push block

block = @getBlock


diag: -> @trigger 'diag', @verifyIndex()

verifyIndex: ->

iArray = @indexArray()

treeIds = iArray, 'id'

bArray = @blockArray()

blockIds = bArray, '_id'

if !_.isEqual treeIds, blockIds

console.warn "INDEX ERROR:\nEXPECTED: #{JSON.stringify blockIds}\nBUT GOT: #{JSON.stringify treeIds}"

last = null

errs = new BlockErrors()

for node in iArray

if node.length != @getBlock(

errs.badId, 'bad index length'

offset = 0

@eachBlock (block)=>

last = block

if !@fingerNodeOrder block.prev, block._id

errs.badId block._id, 'bad order'

console.warn "NODE ORDER WRONG FOR #{block.prev}, #{block._id}"

if offset != @offsetForBlock block._id

errs.badId block._id, "offset"

if block.prev && @blockForOffset(offset - 1) != block.prev

errs.badId block._id, "prev"

if && @blockForOffset(offset + block.text.length) !=

errs.badId block._id, "next"

offset += block.text.length


blockOverlapsForReplacement: (start, end, text)->

startBlock = @getBlock @blockForOffset(start)

if !startBlock && start then startBlock = @getBlock @blockForOffset(start - 1)

endBlock = @getBlock @blockForOffset end

if !endBlock && end then endBlock = @getBlock @blockForOffset(end - 1)

blocks = [startBlock]

cur = startBlock

while cur != endBlock &&

blocks.push cur = @getBlock

fullText = blockText blocks

offset = @offsetForBlock blocks[0]

blocks: blocks

blockText: fullText

newText: fullText.substring(0, start - offset) + text + (fullText.substring end - offset)

class BlockErrors

constructor: ->

@order = []

@ids = {}

isEmpty: -> [email protected]

badId: (id, msg)->

if !@ids[id]

@order.push id

@ids[id] = msg

else @ids[id] += ", #{msg}"

errors: -> if !@isEmpty() then [id, "(#{@ids[id]})"] for id in @order

export treeToArray = (tree)->

nodes = []

while !tree.isEmpty()

nodes.push tree.peekFirst()

tree = tree.removeFirst()


indexNode = (block)-> id: block._id, length: block.text.length

insertInSplit = (first, middle, rest)->

if first.isEmpty() then rest.addFirst middle

else if rest.isEmpty() then first.addLast middle

else first.addLast(middle).concat rest

insertAfterSplit = (first, afterMiddle, rest)->

next = rest.removeFirst().addFirst(afterMiddle)

if first.isEmpty() then next.addFirst rest.peekFirst()

else first.addLast(rest.peekFirst()).concat next


export class DataStoreEditingOptions extends BasicEditingOptions
  constructor: (@data)->
    @callbacks = {}
      change: (changes)=> @dataChanged changes
      load: => @dataLoaded()
  addDataCallbacks: (cb)->
    for type, func of cb
      @data.on type, @callbacks[type] = func
  dataChanged: (changes)-> preserveSelection => @changed changes
  dataLoaded: -> @trigger 'load'
  cleanup: -> @callbacks
  initData: ->
  load: (name, text)-> @data.load name, text
  replaceText: (repl)-> @data.replaceText repl
  getBlock: (id)-> @data.getBlock id
  getFirst: (first)-> @data.getFirst()
  change: (changes)-> if changes then @data.change changes
  changed: (changes)-> @rerenderAll()
  offsetForBlock: (blockOrId)-> @data.offsetForBlock blockOrId


export isEditable = (n)->
  n = if n.nodeType == n.TEXT_NODE then n.parentNode else n

export link = (prev, next)-> = next._id

next.prev = prev._id

export blockText = (blocks)-> (block.text for block in blocks).join ''


adapted from Vega on StackOverflow

_to_ascii =
  '188': '44'
  '109': '45'
  '190': '46'
  '191': '47'
  '192': '96'
  '220': '92'
  '222': '39'
  '221': '93'
  '219': '91'
  '173': '45'
  '187': '61' #IE Key codes
  '186': '59' #IE Key codes
  '189': '45' #IE Key codes

shiftUps =
  "96": "~"
  "49": "!"
  "50": "@"
  "51": "#"
  "52": "$"
  "53": "%"
  "54": "^"
  "55": "&"
  "56": "*"
  "57": "("
  "48": ")"
  "45": "_"
  "61": "+"
  "91": "{"
  "93": "}"
  "92": "|"
  "59": ":"
  "39": "\""
  "44": "<"
  "46": ">"
  "47": "?"

htmlForNode = (n)->
  if n.nodeType == n.TEXT_NODE then escapeHtml
  else n.outerHTML

export getEventChar = (e)->
  if e.type == 'keypress' then String.fromCharCode eventChar e
    c = (e.charCode || e.keyCode || e.which)
    shifton = e.shiftKey || !!(e.modifiers & 4)
    # normalize keyCode
    if _to_ascii.hasOwnProperty(c) then c = _to_ascii[c]
    if !shifton && (c >= 65 && c <= 90) then c = String.fromCharCode(c + 32)
    else if e.shiftKey && shiftUps.hasOwnProperty(c)
      # get shifted keyCode value
      c = shiftUps[c]
    else c = String.fromCharCode(c)

shiftKey = (c)-> 15 < c < 19

modifiers = (e, c)->
  res = specialKeys[c] || String.fromCharCode(c)
  if e.altKey then res = "M-" + res
  if e.metaKey then res = "M-" + res
  if e.ctrlKey then res = "C-" + res
  if e.shiftKey then res = "S-" + res

export modifyingKey = (c, e)-> !e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && (
  (47 < c < 58)          || # number keys
  c == 32 || c == ENTER  || # spacebar and enter
  c == BS || c == DEL    || # backspace and delete
  (64 < c < 91)          || # letter keys
  (95 < c < 112)         || # numpad keys
  (185 < c < 193)        || # ;=,-./` (in order)
  (218 < c < 223)          # [\]' (in order)

export last = (array)-> array.length && array[array.length - 1]

export posFor = (pos)->
  if result = (if pos.pos == pos.node.length &&[pos.pos - 1] == '\n' && !(p = then p else pos).textPosition()
    result.pos = p ? pos

replacements =
  '<': "&lt;"
  '>': "&gt;"
  '&': "&amp;"

export escapeHtml = (str)->
  if typeof str == 'string' then str.replace /[<>&]/g, (c)-> replacements[c]
  else str

export findEditor = (node)->
  target = $(node)
  while target.length && !($(target).data().editor instanceof LeisureEditCore)
    target = $(target).parent()

preserveSelection -- restore the current selection after func() completes. This may work better for you than LeisureEditCore.savePosition because it always preserves the selection, regardless of the current value of LeisureEditCore.editing.

preservingSelection = null

validatePositions = ->
  node = (if $(document.activeElement).is 'input[input-number]'
  if editor = (node && findEditor node)
    result = editor.options.validatePositions()
    if result
      console.error("DISCREPENCY AT POSITION #{result.block._id}, #{result.offset}")

export preserveSelection = (func)->
  if preservingSelection then func preservingSelection
  else if $(document.activeElement).is 'input[input-number]'
    num = document.activeElement.getAttribute 'input-number'
    parentId = $(document.activeElement).closest('[data-view-block-name]').prop 'id'
    input = document.activeElement
    start = input.selectionStart
    end = input.selectionEnd
        type: 'None'
        scrollTop: 0
        scrollLeft: 0
      setTimeout(validatePositions, 1)
      parent = $("##{parentId}")
      if input = parent.find("[input-number='#{num}']")
        input.selectionStart = start
        input.selectionEnd = end
  else if editor = findEditor getSelection().anchorNode
    preservingSelection = editor.getSelectedDocRange()
      func preservingSelection
      setTimeout(validatePositions, 1)
      editor.selectDocRange preservingSelection
      preservingSelection = null
  else func
    type: 'None'
    scrollTop: 0
    scrollLeft: 0

wrapDiag = (parent)-> (args...)->
  r = parent.apply this, args