To add sitl configuration it's simple to add this lines of codes. But it's will be clean if you rebuil your sitl-gazebo project in PX4-Autopilot
ln -fs ~/catkin_ws/src/px4_sim/airframes_sitl/* ~/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_sitl_default/etc/init.d-posix/airframes/
The steps I took for creating a custom Gazebo model and PX4 SITL airframe with the adjusted gains:
Create a folder under Tools/sitl_gazebo/models for your model, let’s call it my_vehicle
Create the following files under Tools/sitl_gazebo/models/my_vehicle: model.config and my_vehicle.sdf (these can be based off the iris or solo models in Tools/sitl_gazebo/models)
Create a world file in Tools/sitl_gazebo/worlds called (Again, this can be based off the iris or solo world files)
Create an airframe file under ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d-posix (Yet again, this can be based off the iris or solo airframe files), give it a number (for example 4229) and name it 4229_my_vehicle
Add the airframe name (my_vehicle) to the file platforms/posix/cmake/sitl_target.cmake in the command set(models …
Now you are free to tweak any of the model values in the SDF file and any of the controller gains in the airframe file. You can launch SITL with your model with “make px4_sitl gazebo_my_vehicle”
A couple of things to keep in mind:
When increasing the mass of the vehicle, also increase the inertias. I found that Gazebo does not like really small inertias.
With the larger vehicle, tweak the motor values (but you have done this already)
If the quad is unstable, it is probably due to bad controller gains. Tweak them for the larger vehicle.
Go to the catkin_ws
cd ~/catkin_ws
Run the launch file with your defined vehicle
In the terminal run:
roslaunch px4_sim 0launch_model_only.launch
You can change the vehicle type
<arg name="vehicle" default="diff_rover"/>
Change world if necessary
<arg name="world" default="$(find px4_sim)/worlds/"/>
To setup your SITL simulation make sure to provide symbolic link to your airframe configuration file.
ln -fs ~/catkin_ws/src/px4_sim/airframes_sitl/* ~/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_sitl_default/etc/init.d-posix/airframes/
In the terminal run:
roslaunch px4_sim 1mavros_posix_sitl.launch
Remember that you can change the vehicle type.
<arg name="vehicle" default="frame450"/>
Now we can use Qground Control(QGC) or run ./QGroundControl.AppImage
In QGC you can add a predefined mission in the path ~/px4_sim/mission and run the mission as usual.
In the terminal run:
roslaunch px4_sim 1mavros_posix_sitl.launch
Note Now go to the path ../px4_sim/scripts you need to get the permision to all pythons files. I mean chmod +x to all python file in the /scripts path.
chmod +x
In the second terminal run:
rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD
rosrun mavros mavsafety arm
rosrun px4_sim
rosrun px4_sim
rosrun px4_sim
Note others python scripts is experimental. If the OFFBOARD is running, you won't be able to run a QGC mission plan.
The option is to run launch file instead of python node. In the second terminal run: (optional)
roslaunch px4_sim 3mission_qgcaruco_sitl.launch
Now, If everything is fine close all and moving to the next step.
For air vehicle run:
roslaunch px4_sim 2obs_avoidance_air_local.launch
For ground vehicle run: (optional)
roslaunch px4_sim 2obs_avoidance_car_lidar.launch
In the second terminal run:
rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD
rosrun mavros mavsafety arm
In the terminal run:
roslaunch px4_sim 3mission_qgcaruco_sitl.launch
In the terminal run:
roslaunch px4_sim 4mission_car_singleoffb_avoid_sitl.launch
In the terminal run:
roslaunch px4_sim 5multi_uav_qgc_sitl.launch
In the terminal run:
roslaunch px4_sim 5multi_uav_swarms.launch
Once both the Gazebo and QGroundControl windows have appeared (QGroundControl should show the drone location near San
Carlos airport), use QGroundControl to upload the sample ~px4_sim/mission/MC_mission_box.plan
flight plan that is included inside the
Docker container, and then start the mission.
Wait until the drone has risen to its final mission altitude. You should see a visualization of the GISNav-estimated field of view projected on the ground appear. You can then try disabling GPS through your MAVLink Shell (accessible e.g. through QGroundControl > Analyze Tools > MAVLink Console):
failure gps off
The drone should now continue to complete its mission GNSS-free with GISNav substituting for GPS.
You can check if PX4 is receiving the mock GPS position estimates by typing the following in the MAVLink shell:
listener sensor_gps
If the printed GPS message has a satellites_used
field value of 255
, your PX4 is receiving the mock GPS node output
as expected. QGroundControl will most likely show 0 satellites used next to the GPS icon as shown in the demo video.