diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/belt.dm b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/belt.dm
index df9886cbb6d..362bcb12c2c 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/belt.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/belt.dm
@@ -233,6 +233,8 @@
+ /obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial,
@@ -396,6 +398,8 @@
+ /obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial,
diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/firstaid.dm b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/firstaid.dm
index 2d19634aaf5..97800b749a5 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/firstaid.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/storage/firstaid.dm
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
name = "oxygen deprivation first aid kit"
desc = "A box full of oxygen goodies."
icon_state = "o2"
- item_state_slots = list(slot_r_hand_str = "firstaid-o2", slot_l_hand_str = "firstaid-o2")
+ item_state_slots = list(slot_r_hand_str = "firstaid-o2", slot_l_hand_str = "firstaid-o2")
starts_with = list(
@@ -167,6 +167,67 @@
max_storage_space = ITEMSIZE_COST_SMALL * 7
starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/hypospray/autoinjector/bonemed = 8)
+ * Hypospray MK II kits
+ */
+ name = "hypospray mk.II kit"
+ desc = "Contains a Mk II Hypospray and its hypovials. It can only hold mk.II related items."
+ icon = 'icons/obj/storage.dmi'
+ icon_state = "firstaid-mini"
+ starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small = 3)
+ can_hold = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial)
+ //can fit large and small vials, and any of the mkiis. but that's it. No free Analyzer either.
+ desc = "Contains a Mk II Hypospray and its hypovials. It can only hold mk.II related items. This one is prefilled with Tricordazine."
+ starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/tricord, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/tricordrazine = 3)
+ icon_state = "firstaid-brute-mini"
+ desc = "Contains a Mk II Hypospray and its hypovials. It can only hold mk.II related items. This one is prefilled with Bicaridine."
+ starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/brute, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/bicaridine = 3)
+ item_state_slots = list(slot_r_hand_str = "firstaid-advanced", slot_l_hand_str = "firstaid-advanced")
+ icon_state = "firstaid-burn-mini"
+ desc = "Contains a Mk II Hypospray and its hypovials. It can only hold mk.II related items. This one is prefilled with Kelotane."
+ starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/burn, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/kelotane = 3)
+ item_state_slots = list(slot_r_hand_str = "firstaid-ointment", slot_l_hand_str = "firstaid-ointment")
+ icon_state = "firstaid-toxin-mini"
+ desc = "Contains a Mk II Hypospray and its hypovials. It can only hold mk.II related items. This one is prefilled with Dylovene."
+ starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/toxin, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/antitoxin = 3)
+ item_state_slots = list(slot_r_hand_str = "firstaid-toxin", slot_l_hand_str = "firstaid-toxin")
+ icon_state = "firstaid-o2-mini"
+ desc = "Contains a Mk II Hypospray and its hypovials. It can only hold mk.II related items. This one is prefilled with Dexalin."
+ starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/oxygen, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/dexalin = 3)
+ item_state_slots = list(slot_r_hand_str = "firstaid-o2", slot_l_hand_str = "firstaid-o2")
+ name = "CMO's mk.II Kit"
+ desc = "Contains a large Deluxe Mk II Hypospray and its hypovials. It can only hold mk.II related items."
+ icon_state = "firstaid-tactical-mini"
+ starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/CMO,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/large/preloaded/bicaridine,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/large/preloaded/antitoxin,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/large/preloaded/dermaline,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/large/preloaded/dexalin
+ )
+ item_state_slots = list(slot_r_hand_str = "firstaid-surgery", slot_l_hand_str = "firstaid-surgery")
+ name = "Combat hypospray mk.II kit"
+ desc = "Contains a combat rated Deluxe Mk II Hypospray and its hypovials. It can only hold mk.II related items."
+ starts_with = list(/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/CMO/combat, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/large/preloaded/combat = 4)
+ item_state_slots = list(slot_r_hand_str = "firstaid-surgery", slot_l_hand_str = "firstaid-surgery")
* Pill Bottles
diff --git a/code/modules/clothing/suits/labcoat.dm b/code/modules/clothing/suits/labcoat.dm
index 5d0c531c5cc..eb9e3cb7ffc 100644
--- a/code/modules/clothing/suits/labcoat.dm
+++ b/code/modules/clothing/suits/labcoat.dm
@@ -6,7 +6,14 @@
blood_overlay_type = "coat"
body_parts_covered = UPPER_TORSO|ARMS
flags_inv = HIDEHOLSTER
- allowed = list(/obj/item/device/analyzer,/obj/item/stack/medical,/obj/item/weapon/dnainjector,/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/dropper,/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/syringe,/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/hypospray,/obj/item/device/healthanalyzer,/obj/item/device/flashlight/pen,/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle,/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/beaker,/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/pill,/obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle,/obj/item/weapon/paper, /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas)
+ allowed = list(
+ /obj/item/device/analyzer,/obj/item/stack/medical,/obj/item/weapon/dnainjector,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/dropper,/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/syringe,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/hypospray,/obj/item/device/healthanalyzer,/obj/item/device/flashlight/pen,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle,/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/beaker,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/pill,/obj/item/weapon/storage/pill_bottle,/obj/item/weapon/paper,
+ /obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial,
+ /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas)
armor = list(melee = 0, bullet = 0, laser = 0,energy = 0, bomb = 0, bio = 50, rad = 0)
diff --git a/code/modules/economy/vending_machines.dm b/code/modules/economy/vending_machines.dm
index a03afca62e3..9a84981d869 100644
--- a/code/modules/economy/vending_machines.dm
+++ b/code/modules/economy/vending_machines.dm
@@ -408,6 +408,12 @@
/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/toxin = 4,
/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/syringe/antiviral = 4,
/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/syringe = 12,
+ /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small = 12,
+ /obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii = 4,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/firstaid/hypokit/brute = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/firstaid/hypokit/burn = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/firstaid/hypokit/toxin = 2,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage/firstaid/hypokit/oxy = 2,
/obj/item/device/healthanalyzer = 5,
/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/beaker = 4,
/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/dropper = 2,
diff --git a/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/_reagent_containers.dm b/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/_reagent_containers.dm
index dba86fba0ce..b74a87c7791 100644
--- a/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/_reagent_containers.dm
+++ b/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/_reagent_containers.dm
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
src.verbs -= /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/verb/set_APTFT
var/total_so_far = 0
for(var/string in starts_with)
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/afterattack(obj/target, mob/user, flag)
+ . = ..()
+ if(possible_transfer_amounts && user.Adjacent(src))
+ set_APTFT()
/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/proc/reagentlist() // For attack logs
return reagents.get_reagents()
@@ -109,12 +114,12 @@
return FALSE
user.setClickCooldown(user.get_attack_speed(src)) //puts a limit on how fast people can eat/drink things
- if(user == target)
+ if(user == target)
reagents.trans_to_mob(user, issmall(user) ? CEILING(amount_per_transfer_from_this/2, 1) : amount_per_transfer_from_this, CHEM_INGEST)
return TRUE
other_feed_message_start(user, target)
if(!do_mob(user, target))
diff --git a/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/hypospraymkii.dm b/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/hypospraymkii.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a8e4b5e2077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/hypospraymkii.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+#define HYPO_SPRAY 0
+#define HYPO_INJECT 1
+//A vial-loaded hypospray. Cartridge-based! But betterer!
+ name = "hypospray mk.II"
+ icon_state = "hypo2"
+ icon = 'icons/obj/syringe.dmi'
+ item_state = "hypo2"
+ item_icons = list(
+ slot_l_hand_str = 'icons/mob/items/lefthand.dmi',
+ slot_r_hand_str = 'icons/mob/items/righthand.dmi',
+ )
+ desc = "A refined development from DeForest Medical, this hypospray takes 30-unit vials as the drug supply for easy swapping. It is more ergonomic for humanoids!"
+ w_class = ITEMSIZE_SMALL
+ var/list/allowed_containers = list(/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small)
+ var/mode = HYPO_INJECT
+ var/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/vial
+ var/start_vial = /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small
+ var/spawnwithvial = TRUE
+ var/inject_wait = WAIT_INJECT
+ var/spray_wait = WAIT_SPRAY
+ var/spray_self = SELF_SPRAY
+ var/inject_self = SELF_INJECT
+ var/quickload = FALSE
+ var/emagged = FALSE
+ slot_flags = SLOT_BELT
+ unacidable = TRUE
+ drop_sound = 'sound/items/drop/gun.ogg'
+ pickup_sound = 'sound/items/pickup/gun.ogg'
+ preserve_item = TRUE
+ start_vial = /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/bicaridine
+ start_vial = /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/antitoxin
+ start_vial = /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/dexalin
+ start_vial = /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/kelotane
+ start_vial = /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small/preloaded/tricordrazine
+ name = "hypospray mk.II deluxe"
+ allowed_containers = list(/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/small, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/large)
+ icon_state = "cmo2"
+ item_state = "cmo2"
+ desc = "The Deluxe Hypospray can take larger-size vials. It also acts faster and delivers more reagents per spray."
+ start_vial = /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/large/preloaded/CMO
+ inject_wait = DELUXE_WAIT_INJECT
+ spray_wait = DELUXE_WAIT_SPRAY
+ spray_self = DELUXE_SELF_SPRAY
+ inject_self = DELUXE_SELF_INJECT
+ name = "combat hypospray mk.II"
+ desc = "A combat-ready deluxe hypospray that acts almost instantly. It can be tactically reloaded by using a vial on it."
+ icon_state = "combat2"
+ item_state = "combat2"
+ start_vial = /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/large/preloaded/combat
+ inject_wait = COMBAT_WAIT_INJECT
+ spray_wait = COMBAT_WAIT_SPRAY
+ spray_self = COMBAT_SELF_SPRAY
+ inject_self = COMBAT_SELF_INJECT
+ quickload = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ if(!spawnwithvial)
+ update_icon()
+ return
+ if(start_vial)
+ vial = new start_vial
+ update_icon()
+ ..()
+ icon_state = "[initial(icon_state)][vial ? "" : "-e"]"
+ if(ismob(loc))
+ var/mob/M = loc
+ M.update_inv_active_hand()
+ return
+ . = ..()
+ . += "Alt-Click it to toggle its mode from spraying to injecting and vice versa."
+ . += "Ctrl-Click it to unload a vial."
+ if(vial)
+ . += "[vial] has [vial.reagents.total_volume]u remaining."
+ else
+ . += "It has no vial loaded in."
+ . += "[src] is set to [mode ? "Inject" : "Spray"] contents on application."
+/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/proc/unload_hypo(obj/item/I, mob/user)
+ if(istype(I, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial))
+ var/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/V = I
+ V.forceMove(user.loc)
+ user.put_in_hands(V)
+ to_chat(user, "You remove [vial] from [src].")
+ vial = null
+ update_icon()
+ playsound(loc, 'sound/weapons/empty.ogg', 50, 1)
+ else
+ to_chat(user, "This hypo isn't loaded!")
+ return
+/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/attackby(obj/item/I, mob/living/user)
+ if(istype(I, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial) && vial != null)
+ if(!quickload)
+ to_chat(user, "[src] can not hold more than one vial!")
+ return FALSE
+ unload_hypo(vial, user)
+ else if(istype(I, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial))
+ var/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/V = I
+ if(!is_type_in_list(V, allowed_containers))
+ to_chat(user, "[src] doesn't accept this type of vial.")
+ return FALSE
+ user.drop_from_inventory(V,src)
+ vial = V
+ user.visible_message("[user] has loaded a vial into [src].","You have loaded [vial] into [src].")
+ update_icon()
+ playsound(loc, 'sound/weapons/empty.ogg', 35, 1)
+ return TRUE
+ else
+ to_chat(user, "This doesn't fit in [src].")
+ return FALSE
+ . = ..()
+ if(emagged)
+ to_chat(user, "[src] happens to be already overcharged.")
+ return
+ inject_wait = COMBAT_WAIT_INJECT
+ spray_wait = COMBAT_WAIT_SPRAY
+ spray_self = COMBAT_SELF_INJECT
+ inject_self = COMBAT_SELF_SPRAY
+ to_chat(user, "You overcharge [src]'s control circuit.")
+ emagged = TRUE
+ return TRUE
+ . = ..() //Don't bother changing this or removing it from containers will break.
+/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/attack(obj/item/I, mob/user, params)
+ return
+/obj/item/weapon/hypospray_mkii/afterattack(atom/target, mob/user, proximity)
+ if(!vial || !proximity || !isliving(target))
+ return
+ var/mob/living/L = target
+ if(!L.reagents)
+ return
+ if(iscarbon(L))
+ var/obj/item/organ/external/affected = L.get_organ(user.zone_sel.selecting)
+ if(!affected)
+ to_chat(user, "The limb is missing!")
+ return
+ if(affected.status != ORGAN_FLESH)
+ to_chat(user, "Medicine won't work on a robotic limb!")
+ return
+ //Always log attemped injections for admins
+ var/contained = vial.reagentlist()
+ if(!vial)
+ to_chat(user, "[src] doesn't have any vial installed!")
+ return
+ if(!vial.reagents.total_volume)
+ to_chat(user, "[src]'s vial is empty!")
+ return
+ var/fp_verb = mode == HYPO_SPRAY ? "spray" : "inject"
+ if(L != user)
+ L.visible_message("[user] is trying to [fp_verb] [L] with [src]!", \
+ "[user] is trying to [fp_verb] you with [src]!")
+ add_attack_logs(user, L, "[user] attemped to use [src] [L] which had [contained]")
+ if(!do_mob(user, L, inject_wait))
+ return
+ if(!vial.reagents.total_volume)
+ return
+ add_attack_logs(user, L, "[user] applied [src] to [L], which had [contained] (INTENT: [uppertext(user.a_intent)]) (MODE: [fp_verb])")
+ if(L != user)
+ L.visible_message("[user] [fp_verb] with the [src] on [L]!", \
+ "[user] [fp_verb] you with the [src]!")
+ else
+ add_attack_logs(user, L, "[user] applied [src] on [L] with [src] which had [contained]")
+ if(mode == HYPO_SPRAY)
+ vial.reagents.trans_to_mob(target, vial.amount_per_transfer_from_this, CHEM_TOUCH)
+ else if(mode == HYPO_INJECT)
+ vial.reagents.trans_to_mob(target, vial.amount_per_transfer_from_this, CHEM_BLOOD)
+ playsound(loc, 'sound/effects/hypospray.ogg', 50)
+ playsound(loc, 'sound/effects/refill.ogg', 50)
+ to_chat(user, "You [fp_verb] [vial.amount_per_transfer_from_this] units of the solution. The hypospray's cartridge now contains [vial.reagents.total_volume] units.")
+ if(user)
+ if(user.incapacitated())
+ return
+ else if(!vial)
+ to_chat(user, "This Hypo needs to be loaded first!")
+ return
+ else
+ unload_hypo(vial,user)
+ . = ..()
+ if(user.CanUseTopic(src, FALSE))
+ switch(mode)
+ mode = HYPO_INJECT
+ to_chat(user, "[src] is now set to inject contents on application.")
+ mode = HYPO_SPRAY
+ to_chat(user, "[src] is now set to spray contents on application.")
+ return TRUE
+ if(user)
+ if(user.incapacitated())
+ return
+ else if(vial)
+ unload_hypo(vial, user)
+ return TRUE
+ else
+ to_chat(user, "This Hypo needs to be loaded first!")
+ return
+#undef HYPO_SPRAY
+#undef WAIT_SPRAY
+#undef SELF_SPRAY
+//MK II hypovials to avoid cross contamination with base
+ name = "hypospray vial"
+ desc = "This is a vial suitable for loading into mk II hyposprays."
+ icon_state = "hypovial"
+ item_state = "hypovial"
+ w_class = ITEMSIZE_SMALL //Why would it be the same size as a beaker?
+ unacidable = TRUE
+ var/bluespaced = FALSE
+ var/comes_with = list() //Easy way of doing this.
+ var/fillingsize = "hypovial"
+ volume = 10
+ can_be_placed_into = list(
+ /obj/machinery/chem_master/,
+ /obj/machinery/chemical_dispenser,
+ /obj/machinery/smartfridge/,
+ /obj/structure/table,
+ /obj/structure/closet,
+ /obj/structure/sink,
+ /obj/item/weapon/storage,
+ /obj/machinery/disposal,
+ /obj/structure/medical_stand
+ ) //just storage/washing. sealed containers so they aren't just copycat beakers.
+ var/unique_reskin = list("hypovial" = "hypovial",
+ "red hypovial" = "hypovial-b",
+ "blue hypovial" = "hypovial-d",
+ "green hypovial" = "hypovial-a",
+ "orange hypovial" = "hypovial-k",
+ "purple hypovial" = "hypovial-p",
+ "black hypovial" = "hypovial-t"
+ )
+ . = ..()
+ if(!icon_state)
+ icon_state = "hypovial"
+ update_icon()
+/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/attack(mob/M as mob, mob/user as mob)
+ if(M == user)
+ to_chat(user, "This is a sealed container, you cannot drink from it.")
+ return
+ else if(istype(M, /mob/living/carbon/human))
+ to_chat(user, "This is a sealed container, [M] cannot drink from it.")
+ return
+/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/attackby(obj/item/weapon/W as obj, mob/user as mob)
+ if(istype(W, /obj/item/weapon/pen) || istype(W, /obj/item/device/flashlight/pen))
+ var/selection = tgui_input_list(user, "Label or Recolor?", "Vial Customization", list(
+ "Label", "Recolor", "Cancel"))
+ if(!selection)
+ return
+ switch(selection)
+ if("Label")
+ var/tmp_label = sanitizeSafe(tgui_input_text(user, "Enter a label for [name]", "Label", label_text, MAX_NAME_LEN), MAX_NAME_LEN)
+ if(length(tmp_label) > 50)
+ to_chat(user, "The label can be at most 50 characters long.")
+ else if(length(tmp_label) > 10)
+ to_chat(user, "You set the label.")
+ label_text = tmp_label
+ update_name_label()
+ else
+ to_chat(user, "You set the label to \"[tmp_label]\".")
+ label_text = tmp_label
+ update_name_label()
+ if("Recolor")
+ reskin_vial(user)
+ if("Cancel")
+ return
+/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/hypovial/afterattack(var/obj/target, var/mob/user, var/proximity)
+ if(!is_open_container() || !proximity) //Is the container open & are they next to whatever they're clicking?
+ return 1 //If not, do nothing.
+ for(var/type in can_be_placed_into) //Is it something it can be placed into?
+ if(istype(target, type))
+ return TRUE
+ if(standard_dispenser_refill(user, target)) //Are they clicking a water tank/some dispenser?
+ return TRUE
+ if(standard_pour_into(user, target)) //Pouring into another beaker?
+ return
+ if(user.a_intent == I_HURT)
+ return
+ ..()
+ if(!LAZYLEN(unique_reskin))
+ return
+ var/choice = input(M,"Do you wish to recolour your [src]?","Vial Recolor") as null|anything in unique_reskin
+ if(!QDELETED(src) && choice && !M.incapacitated() && in_range(M,src))
+ if(!unique_reskin[choice])
+ return
+ icon_state = unique_reskin[choice]
+ name = choice
+ to_chat(M, "[src] is now skinned as '[choice].'")
+ update_icon()
+ cut_overlays()
+ if(reagents.total_volume)
+ var/mutable_appearance/filling = mutable_appearance('icons/obj/reagentfillings.dmi', "[fillingsize]10")
+ var/percent = round((reagents.total_volume / volume) * 100)
+ switch(percent)
+ if(0 to 9)
+ filling.icon_state = "[fillingsize]10"
+ if(10 to 29)
+ filling.icon_state = "[fillingsize]25"
+ if(30 to 49)
+ filling.icon_state = "[fillingsize]50"
+ if(50 to 69)
+ filling.icon_state = "[fillingsize]75"
+ if(70 to INFINITY)
+ filling.icon_state = "[fillingsize]100"
+ filling.color = reagents.get_color()
+ add_overlay(filling)
+ if(bluespaced)
+ add_overlay("[fillingsize]bs")
+ volume = 30
+ possible_transfer_amounts = list(5,10,15)
+ volume = 60
+ bluespaced = TRUE
+ name = "large hypospray vial"
+ desc = "This is a vial suitable for loading into the Chief Medical Officer's Hypospray mk II."
+ icon_state = "hypoviallarge"
+ fillingsize = "hypoviallarge"
+ volume = 60
+ possible_transfer_amounts = list(5,10,15,25,30)
+ unique_reskin = list("large hypovial" = "hypoviallarge",
+ "large red hypovial" = "hypoviallarge-b",
+ "large blue hypovial" = "hypoviallarge-d",
+ "large green hypovial" = "hypoviallarge-a",
+ "large orange hypovial" = "hypoviallarge-k",
+ "large purple hypovial" = "hypoviallarge-p",
+ "large black hypovial" = "hypoviallarge-t"
+ )
+ volume = 120
+ bluespaced = TRUE
+ ..()
+ for(var/R in comes_with)
+ reagents.add_reagent(R,comes_with[R])
+ name = "vial (bicaridine)"
+ icon_state = "hypovial-b"
+ comes_with = list("bicaridine" = 30)
+ name = "vial (Anti-Tox)"
+ icon_state = "hypovial-a"
+ comes_with = list("anti_toxin" = 30)
+ name = "vial (kelotane)"
+ icon_state = "hypovial-k"
+ comes_with = list("kelotane" = 30)
+ name = "vial (dexalin)"
+ icon_state = "hypovial-d"
+ comes_with = list("dexalin" = 30)
+ name = "vial (tricord)"
+ icon_state = "hypovial"
+ comes_with = list("tricordrazine" = 30)
+ name = "large vial (CMO Special)"
+ icon_state = "hypoviallarge-cmos"
+ comes_with = list("inaprovaline" = 10, "dermaline" = 10, "anti_toxin" = 10, "tramadol" = 10, "bicaridine" = 10, "dexalinp" = 10)
+ name = "large vial (Combat Mix)"
+ icon_state = "hypoviallarge-cmos"
+ comes_with = list("bicaridine" = 10, "kelotane" = 10, "dermaline" = 10, "oxycodone" = 10, "inaprovaline" = 10, "tricordrazine" = 10)
+ name = "large vial (Bicaridine)"
+ icon_state = "hypoviallarge-b"
+ comes_with = list("bicaridine" = 60)
+ name = "large vial (Anti-Tox)"
+ icon_state = "hypoviallarge-a"
+ comes_with = list("anti_toxin" = 60)
+ name = "large vial (Dermaline)"
+ icon_state = "hypoviallarge-k"
+ comes_with = list("dermaline" = 60)
+ name = "large vial (Dexalin Plus)"
+ icon_state = "hypoviallarge-d"
+ comes_with = list("dexalinp" = 60)
diff --git a/icons/mob/items/lefthand.dmi b/icons/mob/items/lefthand.dmi
index 8fdaf23cd80..0e0b07ade63 100644
Binary files a/icons/mob/items/lefthand.dmi and b/icons/mob/items/lefthand.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/mob/items/righthand.dmi b/icons/mob/items/righthand.dmi
index 381f959c029..b93420e828b 100644
Binary files a/icons/mob/items/righthand.dmi and b/icons/mob/items/righthand.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/chemical.dmi b/icons/obj/chemical.dmi
index 2dbb310fded..5b3576b9eae 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/chemical.dmi and b/icons/obj/chemical.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/reagentfillings.dmi b/icons/obj/reagentfillings.dmi
index ad545f692f1..222a7190921 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/reagentfillings.dmi and b/icons/obj/reagentfillings.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/storage.dmi b/icons/obj/storage.dmi
index b5f20057450..1832a50d698 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/storage.dmi and b/icons/obj/storage.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/syringe.dmi b/icons/obj/syringe.dmi
index 6ac3040bee7..738e521bdae 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/syringe.dmi and b/icons/obj/syringe.dmi differ
diff --git a/vorestation.dme b/vorestation.dme
index a4568190308..a3127894c7b 100644
--- a/vorestation.dme
+++ b/vorestation.dme
@@ -3810,6 +3810,7 @@
#include "code\modules\reagents\reagent_containers\glass_vr.dm"
#include "code\modules\reagents\reagent_containers\hypospray.dm"
#include "code\modules\reagents\reagent_containers\hypospray_vr.dm"
+#include "code\modules\reagents\reagent_containers\hypospraymkii.dm"
#include "code\modules\reagents\reagent_containers\patch.dm"
#include "code\modules\reagents\reagent_containers\pill.dm"
#include "code\modules\reagents\reagent_containers\pill_vr.dm"