Step 1: User will have to register to be recognised by the system,By providing a username: Emaill and create a password.
Step 2: The user will have to now use the created password and username to login.
Step 3:
When the user has logged in, they can now View Categories, Zones and Devives.
User can apply crud operations on the web. They can delete , add, update and view the data that is stored in the database.
When the user wants to go to the home screen can just click on Home.
When the user wants to exit the system they click on Logout.
The user clicks on Zones to view zones data. from the Zones they can see:
- Zone Name
- Zone Description
- Zone Date Created
The user clicks on Devices to view devices data. from the Devices they can see:
- Device Name
- Status
- Is Active
- Date Created
- Category
- Zones
And they can either choose to Delete a device or see more details about each device and they can even update a device.They also see the status if the device is active or not.
The user clicks on Categories to view categories data. from the Categories they can see:
- Category Name
- Category Description
- Category Date Created