When Jetson nano performs facial recognition and finds a learner, it signals Arduino Uno via serial communication and Arduino Uno receives it to generate the music that was originally written.
Using Jetson Nono and Arduino, we made a simple face recognition type sound reproduction machine. It can be used for something interesting by playing music associated with a person's face. Currently, the machine learns one person's face and plays music accordingly. (The code is designed to be able to learn multiple people.)
- Demonstration Video
- Jetson Nano Developer Kit
- web camera
- Arduino IDE for Linux
- Python3.11.4
pip install opencv-python pip install insightface pip install numpy pip install facenet-pytorch pip install pickle-mixin pip install scikit-learn pip install facenet-pytorch
※ recommend that you define a command to invoke Python 3.11
and use python3.11 -m pip install ~
cd /usr/bin
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.x python3.x
python3.11 -m pip install numpy
If you get an error in imshow...
Stores face images for training.
The train_dir directory structure is shown below, where several face images are stored. (Recognition of as few as 1 photos is possible.)
<train_dir>/ <person_1>/ <person_1_face-1>.jpg <person_1_face-2>.jpg . . <person_1_face-n>.jpg <person_2>/ <person_2_face-1>.jpg <person_2_face-2>.jpg . . <person_2_face-n>.jpg . . <person_n>/ <person_n_face-1>.jpg <person_n_face-2>.jpg . . <person_n_face-n>.jpg
(The name of each directory will be the name returned as a result of the judgment.)
Then run faceTrainFaceNet.py to train faces. A file named
is generated.python3.11 faceTrainFaceNet.py
Write midi-player.ino to Arduino Uno (MAKER-UNO). (Select your serial port appropriately. In some cases, you may get an error saying you do not have permission.)
Show the connection where serial communication is possible ("/dev/ttyUSB0" in my case)
ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0
Output result
crw-rw---- 1 root uucp 188, 0 Aug 11 13:33 /dev/ttyUSB0
If the Arduino IDE says you don't have permissions to write to the device, you can use the following command
chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
Connect a USB webcam to the Jetson Nano and run faceRecognition.py.
sudo python3.11 Python/faceRecognition.py
The person to be judged can be changed by rewriting the label judgment part of this code.In faceRecognition.py, the label returned by the authentication result is the name of the directory where the person's face image is stored. In this case, it is something like
.if label[0] == 'person_1' and not sent_serial: #print("detect") ser.write(b'detected\n') sent_serial = True
When a face is detected, the Arduino makes a sound.