Update programme for London- done- Finalise London programme and add links for all tutorials
Add paper link and citation to the website- doneAdd paper news item- Update contribute help (lower priority)
- Update frontpage with new splash figure and updated text
- Remove statistics from tutorial sidebar (is it necessary?)
Add RSS feed for tutorialsAdd RSS feed for workshop information- not necessaryAdd subscribe buttons for feeds- Add Twitter feed to homepage
- Header and footer do not rescale properly when the site is resized, and does not display properly on mobile devices (low priority)
- Floating header/footer (only appears on scrolling, disappears otherwise) (low priority)
- Sidebar in tutorials scrolls with tutorial (low priority)
- Better search functionality for tutorials (low priority)
- Check and add markdown to latex script
- Check and add latex to markdown script
- Check and add latex template
- Modify markdown to latex script to automatically add in page.beastversion etc.
- favicon does not exist
Check tutorial names are displayed correctly everywhere (also in recently updated tutorials). There were issues when the tutorial name and the github repository were not the same.- Updated the whole tutorial structure