In this exercise, we will be setting up the environment and all the tools required.
It assumes you are running Linux or MacOS, although it is possible to configure on Windows too.
If you are in a Pivotal workshop and don't want to install and configure these tools in your laptop, ask for the VM which has all required tools already installed. However, you'll still have to provide credentials/accounts for git and Pivotal Web Services.
You'll need Java 8.
You'll need the git CLI in order to clone and use the code in this repository.
Follow the instructions here to install and configure the git CLI on your host.
You'll need an account on a Cloud Foundry instance. If you are in a Pivotal workshop, you can skip this step, if not, Pivotal provides a public instance of Cloud Foundry with a 60 day free trial period here.
In order to deploy applications to Cloud Foundry, you'll need to setup an organisation and a space. If you created the account on Pivotal Web Services, these should have been setup automatically. If you are using another instance of CF, then check you have at least one organisation and one space - this is the minimum required for the labs.
You can learn more about orgs and spaces within Cloud Foundry at
The Cloud Foundry command line interface is an easy way to interact with instances of Cloud Foundry.
You can obtain the CLI for multiple OS here
Clone the GIT repository to your local machine. On the command line issue the following command:
git clone
This command will copy the code in the repository to your local machine, creating a directory named pivotal-bank
. All actions will now be done inside this directory.
Once you have cloned the repository, it is important to build it to create the application artifacts.
The projects use gradle as the build tool with gradle wrapper. Thus, all it is required to build all the microservices is:
./gradlew build
You can also build individual services by naming them, for example:
./gradlew :quotes-service:build
Login to your instance of Cloud Foundry. Instructions on how to do this can be found at
At the end of this lab, you should have an environment setup to enable you to deploy applications to Cloud Foundry. You will also have the code required for the rest of the labs.
In order to check that all is setup correctly, you should have something similar to the following:
Penguin:cf-SpringBootTrader dpinto$ cf target
API endpoint: https://CF-URI (API version: 2.23.0)
User: dpinto
Org: dpinto-org
Space: development
Now you can go to next lab