In this lab we will install Gitlab to the shared cluster via a Helm chart. The following modifications to the default chart values need to be made:
- Use Contour Ingress
- Generate certificate via Let's Encrypt
- Updated URLs
- Scaled down Gitlab resources
Gitlab will also be managed via Tanzu Mission Control in a dedicated workspace.
The following section should be added to or exist in your local params.yaml file:
namespace: gitlab
tmc-workspace: gitlab-workspace
Once these are in place and correct, run the following to export the following into your shell:
export TMC_CLUSTER_GROUP=$(yq e .tmc.cluster-group $PARAMS_YAML)
export GITLAB_NAMESPACE=$(yq e .gitlab.namespace $PARAMS_YAML)
export GITLAB_TMC_WORKSPACE=$TMC_CLUSTER_GROUP-$(yq e .gitlab.tmc-workspace $PARAMS_YAML)
export IAAS=$(yq e .iaas $PARAMS_YAML)
export VMWARE_ID=$(yq e .vmware-id $PARAMS_YAML)
In order to deploy the Helm chart for Gitlab to a dedicated namespace, we need to create it first. To do this, we can use Tanzu Mission Control, as it is already running on our shared services cluster. This will create a "managed namespace", where we can assert additional control over what is deployed.
NOTE: if you want to avoid using TMC, simply create the namespace in the shared-services cluster manually using "kubectl create namespace ${GITLAB_NAMESPACE}"
tmc workspace create -n $GITLAB_TMC_WORKSPACE -d "Workspace for Gitlab"
tmc cluster namespace create -c $VMWARE_ID-$CLUSTER_NAME-$IAAS -n $GITLAB_NAMESPACE -d "Gitlab product installation" -k $GITLAB_TMC_WORKSPACE -m attached -p attached
Generate the deployment file. This file (generated/$CLUSTER_NAME/gitlab/values-gitlab.yaml) will contain oeverrides to the default chart values.
Add the repository to helm and use the generated deployment file to deploy the chart.
helm repo add gitlab
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab -f generated/$CLUSTER_NAME/gitlab/values-gitlab.yaml -n $GITLAB_NAMESPACE
Check to see if the pods, ingresses, and PVCs are up and running:
kubectl get pod,pvc,ing,cert -n $GITLAB_NAMESPACE
kubectl get -n $GITLAB_NAMESPACE secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode ; echo
Go to the browser and use the FQDN for Gitlab to test it out.